Papers by Pavlos Chrysostomou
Τιμητικός τόμος για τον καθηγητή Ιωάννη Ακαμάτη 5 Η Πέλλα είναι σήμερα ένας από τους σημαντικότερ... more Τιμητικός τόμος για τον καθηγητή Ιωάννη Ακαμάτη 5 Η Πέλλα είναι σήμερα ένας από τους σημαντικότερους επισκέψιμους αρχαιολογικούς χώρους της Ελλάδας που συνδυαστικά με το νεόδμητο μουσείο διαμορφώνουν ένα μοναδικό αρχαιολογικό σύνολο. Σε αυτό το έργο, που παρήχθη, η συμβολή του καθηγητή κ. Ιωάννη Ακαμάτη υπήρξε καθοριστική. Αφοσιωμένος επιστήμονας με ακούραστη διάθεση επικέντρωσε την επιστημονική του έρευνα στην ανασκαφή και τη μελέτη της Αγοράς της Πέλλας και έφερε στο φως το μεγάλο αυτό συγκρότημα που μας επέτρεψε να κατανοήσουμε το μέγεθος της αρχαίας πρωτεύουσας και το ρόλο της στον ελληνιστικό κόσμο.
Το παρόν έργο πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας προστατεύεται κατά τις διατάξεις του ελληνικού νόμου (Ν. 21... more Το παρόν έργο πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας προστατεύεται κατά τις διατάξεις του ελληνικού νόμου (Ν. 2121/1993 όπως έχει τροποποιηθεί και ισχύει σήμερα) και τις διεθνείς συμβάσεις περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας. Απαγορεύεται απολύτως η άνευ γραπτής άδειας του εκδότη και του συγγραφέα κατά οποιοδήποτε τρόπο ή μέσο αντιγραφή, φωτοανατύπωση και εν γένει αναπαραγωγή, εκμίσθωση ή δανεισμός, μετάφραση, διασκευή, αναμετάδοση στο κοινό σε οποιαδήποτε μορφή (ηλεκτρονική, μηχανική ή άλλη) και η εν γένει εκμετάλλευση του συνόλου ή μέρους του έργου.
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639 VIII ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ / FOREWORD | ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ Η επιστημονική έρευνα της αρχαίας Μακεδονίας τις τελευταί... more 639 VIII ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ / FOREWORD | ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ Η επιστημονική έρευνα της αρχαίας Μακεδονίας τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες δημιούργησε νέα δεδομένα και έδωσε νέες προοπτικές στη μελέτη του ιστορικού αυτού χώρου. Οι συστηματικές ανασκαφές έφεραν στο φως έναν τεράστιο πλούτο πληροφοριών και πυροδότησαν το ενδιαφέρον όχι μόνον της ελληνικής αλλά και της διεθνούς επιστημονικής κοινότητας και κατ᾽ επέκταση του ευρύτερου παγκόσμιου κοινού.
Les tirés à part fournis aux auteurs sous format électronique sont uniquement destinés à une util... more Les tirés à part fournis aux auteurs sous format électronique sont uniquement destinés à une utilisation privée. Les Éditions de Boccard conservent le copyright sur les articles, qui ne peuvent donc être mis en accès libre sur quelque base de données ou par quelque portail que ce soit.
Iron Age of Almopia by Pavlos Chrysostomou

The first part of the book (Section I), written by Pavlos Chryssostomou, deals with the site of t... more The first part of the book (Section I), written by Pavlos Chryssostomou, deals with the site of the settlement and the topography and morphology of the area, parameters that influenced the selection of the particular site. The history of the archaeological investigation is also presented. The settlement “Peliti” or “Castri” Agrosykias impresses with its through the ages habitation, the strong and strategic position it holds and the magnificent landscape surroundings. This settlement, being next to ‘commercial’ routes and surrounded by sources of water and rivers, with a fertile soil and a rich flora and fauna, fulfilled all the requirements in order to become one of the important sites of the North Eastern Bottiaia in prehistoric and historic times.
The second part (Section II), written by Ioannis Aslanis, presents the earliest settlement, which was founded at the site “Peliti” during the Dimini period (5th millennium B.C). The study of the stratigraphy of this settlement, in spite of the small range of the excavation, is important, since we do not possess sufficient archaeological information from the area of Bottiaia or from the broader area of Western Macedonia. For this reason, a hard effort was made to evaluate all stratified finds, regardless of their quantity. This part starts with a detailed presentation of all the excavation data and the stratigraphy. There follows a detailed analysis of the pottery, which is the most common material evidence, and a presentation of the results of its study in regard to the site of Agrosykia. Then, an attempt is made to connect all the other known but not yet excavated sites, initially from Bottiaia and then from the whole West and West- Central Macedonia, to the stratigraphy of Agrosykia. The already excavated sites are mentioned without any special reference to their material evidence, since they are still under study by the excavators. Finally, it is attempted to insert the cultural frame of West-Central Macedonia, as resulted from the above study, into the more general one of Northern Greece and the Central Balkan area.
The third part (Section III), written by the archaeologist Anastasia Chryssostomou, refers to excavation data and material evidence from the Iron age settlement of “Peliti”, and extends also to the cemeteries and finds, deriving from the excavation of the tumulus or handed by some inhabitants of the modem settlements of Agrosykia and Leptokarya. There follows a brief presentation of the evidence from the near by Iron age settlement of Leptokarya and of the artifacts that have been handed as coming from its cemeteries.
In the fourth part (Section IV), the excavator Pavlos Chryssostomou describes the fortification and a part of the investigated settlement of historic times in Agrosykia, the rural installations around the site, the temple of Zeus Hypsistus, the cemeteries of the settlement including the Hellenistic tombs from Agrosykia and Rachona, the Roman tumulus to the north of the Zeus temple and the burial monuments from the settlement’s cemeteries as well. There follows a brief description of the archaeological material which had been handed to the Greek
Archaeological Service by the local inhabitants; most of the artifacts come from “Peliti” site, the rest from the area of the modem settlement of Agrosykia.
Archontiko by Pavlos Chrysostomou
Φωτογραφία εξωφύλλου: Γυναικείο ειδώλιο με ερωτιδέα από λαξευτό υπόγειο τάφο του ανατολικού νεκρο... more Φωτογραφία εξωφύλλου: Γυναικείο ειδώλιο με ερωτιδέα από λαξευτό υπόγειο τάφο του ανατολικού νεκροταφείου της Πέλλας. Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Πέλλας ΒΕ 1978/178 (φωτ.: Σ. Μαυρομμάτης). Ο παρών τόμος πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας προστατεύεται από τις διατάξεις της Ελληνικής Νομοθεσίας (Ν. 2121/1993), όπως έχει τροποποιηθεί και ισχύει σήμερα, και από τις διεθνείς συμβάσεις περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας. Απαγορεύεται απολύτως, χωρίς γραπτή άδεια του εκδότη, η καθ' οιονδήποτε τρόπο (φωτομηχανικό, ηλεκτρονικό κ.λπ.) αντιγραφή, φωτοανατύπωση και εν γένει αναπαραγωγή, εκμίσθωση ή δανεισμός, μετάφραση, διασκευή και αναμετάδοση στο κοινό, σε οιαδήποτε μορφή και η εν γένει εκμετάλλευση του συνόλου ή μέρους του τόμου.
639 VIII ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ / FOREWORD | ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ Η επιστημονική έρευνα της αρχαίας Μακεδονίας τις τελευταί... more 639 VIII ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ / FOREWORD | ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ Η επιστημονική έρευνα της αρχαίας Μακεδονίας τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες δημιούργησε νέα δεδομένα και έδωσε νέες προοπτικές στη μελέτη του ιστορικού αυτού χώρου. Οι συστηματικές ανασκαφές έφεραν στο φως έναν τεράστιο πλούτο πληροφοριών και πυροδότησαν το ενδιαφέρον όχι μόνον της ελληνικής αλλά και της διεθνούς επιστημονικής κοινότητας και κατ᾽ επέκταση του ευρύτερου παγκόσμιου κοινού.
Papers by Pavlos Chrysostomou
Iron Age of Almopia by Pavlos Chrysostomou
The second part (Section II), written by Ioannis Aslanis, presents the earliest settlement, which was founded at the site “Peliti” during the Dimini period (5th millennium B.C). The study of the stratigraphy of this settlement, in spite of the small range of the excavation, is important, since we do not possess sufficient archaeological information from the area of Bottiaia or from the broader area of Western Macedonia. For this reason, a hard effort was made to evaluate all stratified finds, regardless of their quantity. This part starts with a detailed presentation of all the excavation data and the stratigraphy. There follows a detailed analysis of the pottery, which is the most common material evidence, and a presentation of the results of its study in regard to the site of Agrosykia. Then, an attempt is made to connect all the other known but not yet excavated sites, initially from Bottiaia and then from the whole West and West- Central Macedonia, to the stratigraphy of Agrosykia. The already excavated sites are mentioned without any special reference to their material evidence, since they are still under study by the excavators. Finally, it is attempted to insert the cultural frame of West-Central Macedonia, as resulted from the above study, into the more general one of Northern Greece and the Central Balkan area.
The third part (Section III), written by the archaeologist Anastasia Chryssostomou, refers to excavation data and material evidence from the Iron age settlement of “Peliti”, and extends also to the cemeteries and finds, deriving from the excavation of the tumulus or handed by some inhabitants of the modem settlements of Agrosykia and Leptokarya. There follows a brief presentation of the evidence from the near by Iron age settlement of Leptokarya and of the artifacts that have been handed as coming from its cemeteries.
In the fourth part (Section IV), the excavator Pavlos Chryssostomou describes the fortification and a part of the investigated settlement of historic times in Agrosykia, the rural installations around the site, the temple of Zeus Hypsistus, the cemeteries of the settlement including the Hellenistic tombs from Agrosykia and Rachona, the Roman tumulus to the north of the Zeus temple and the burial monuments from the settlement’s cemeteries as well. There follows a brief description of the archaeological material which had been handed to the Greek
Archaeological Service by the local inhabitants; most of the artifacts come from “Peliti” site, the rest from the area of the modem settlement of Agrosykia.
Archontiko by Pavlos Chrysostomou
The second part (Section II), written by Ioannis Aslanis, presents the earliest settlement, which was founded at the site “Peliti” during the Dimini period (5th millennium B.C). The study of the stratigraphy of this settlement, in spite of the small range of the excavation, is important, since we do not possess sufficient archaeological information from the area of Bottiaia or from the broader area of Western Macedonia. For this reason, a hard effort was made to evaluate all stratified finds, regardless of their quantity. This part starts with a detailed presentation of all the excavation data and the stratigraphy. There follows a detailed analysis of the pottery, which is the most common material evidence, and a presentation of the results of its study in regard to the site of Agrosykia. Then, an attempt is made to connect all the other known but not yet excavated sites, initially from Bottiaia and then from the whole West and West- Central Macedonia, to the stratigraphy of Agrosykia. The already excavated sites are mentioned without any special reference to their material evidence, since they are still under study by the excavators. Finally, it is attempted to insert the cultural frame of West-Central Macedonia, as resulted from the above study, into the more general one of Northern Greece and the Central Balkan area.
The third part (Section III), written by the archaeologist Anastasia Chryssostomou, refers to excavation data and material evidence from the Iron age settlement of “Peliti”, and extends also to the cemeteries and finds, deriving from the excavation of the tumulus or handed by some inhabitants of the modem settlements of Agrosykia and Leptokarya. There follows a brief presentation of the evidence from the near by Iron age settlement of Leptokarya and of the artifacts that have been handed as coming from its cemeteries.
In the fourth part (Section IV), the excavator Pavlos Chryssostomou describes the fortification and a part of the investigated settlement of historic times in Agrosykia, the rural installations around the site, the temple of Zeus Hypsistus, the cemeteries of the settlement including the Hellenistic tombs from Agrosykia and Rachona, the Roman tumulus to the north of the Zeus temple and the burial monuments from the settlement’s cemeteries as well. There follows a brief description of the archaeological material which had been handed to the Greek
Archaeological Service by the local inhabitants; most of the artifacts come from “Peliti” site, the rest from the area of the modem settlement of Agrosykia.