Papers by Pavel Nehoroshev

Resume Cet article presente les resultats preliminaires des etudes pluridisciplinaires reprises d... more Resume Cet article presente les resultats preliminaires des etudes pluridisciplinaires reprises des sites de plein air les plus importants du Paleolithique moyen, localises dans les differentes regions de la Plaine d’Europe orientale : la zone entre la region de la Haute Desna (sites de Khotylevo I, de Betovo) et la region de la Basse Volga (site de Sukhaya Metchetka), la Priazovie septentrionale (sites de Rozhok I, de Nosovo I), la region du Don Moyen (site de Shlyak) et du Bas Don (site de Biryutchiya Balka 2). Les etudes menees par notre equipe a un tout autre niveau methodologique depuis les cinq dernieres annees, ont permis d’obtenir de nouveaux resultats qui apportent des precisions sur la chronologie et la lithostratigraphie des gisements, sur l’etat de conservation des couches archeologiques et sur les caracteres particuliers des industries lithiques. Le tableau qui presente les series de datations non calibrees obtenues par le 14C pour les differentes periodes, demontre la possibilite d’effectuer une correlation entre des complexes archeologiques inscrits entre la deuxieme moitie de la periode du Valdai moyen (MIS 3) et le debut du Valdai superieur (MIS 2).

Transactions of the Institute for the History of Material Culture Russian Academy of Science
В № 19 «Записок ИИМК РАН» представлены научные работы, отражающие новейшие открытия и исследовани... more В № 19 «Записок ИИМК РАН» представлены научные работы, отражающие новейшие открытия и исследования в области археологии и древней истории. Раздел «Статьи» открывает серия работ С. Н. Астахова, П. Е. Нехорошева и А. К. Каспарова по проблемам палеолита Сибири. Л. Б. Вишняцкий на материалах неолита западной части Евразии приводит аргументы в пользу гипотезы об учащении и ужесточении вооруженных конфликтов по мере становления и развития производящего хозяйства. В статье Л. Б. Кирчо прослежены истоки контактов Южного Туркменистана и Южного Таджикистана в эпоху бронзы. Д. Г. Савинов и В. В. Бобров публикуют эталонный памятник андроновской культуры. В еще одной статье Д. Г. Савинов сформулировал гипотезу образования скифо-сибирского культурного пространства. М. Т. Кашуба обосновывает конвергентное появление ранних фибул Кавказа. В обширной работе А. Лухтанаса и О. В. Полякова развенчивается гипотеза о миграциях западнобалтского племени галиндов в Западную Европу. В статье Е. Н. Носова и Н. В. Хвощинской на широком историческом фоне прослежена судьба княжеского храма начала XI в. на Рюриковом городище под Новгородом. Изучению Старой Ладоги посвящены работы А. Н. Кирпичникова, В. А. Лапшина, Н. В. Григорьевой и П. А. Миляева. А. И. Сакса реконструирует историю застройки одного из участков Выборга на протяжении XVначала XVIII вв. В разделе «Рецензии» проведен подробный разбор двухтомной публикации материалов уникального древнерусского некрополя X-начала XI в. на территории Пскова. Издание адресовано археологам, культурологам, историкам, музееведам, студентам исторических факультетов вузов. he papers included in the 19th issue of the "Transactions of IHMC RAS" relect recent discoveries and advances in archaeology and ancient history. he section of Research Papers opens with a series of works by S. N. Astakhov, P. E. Nehoroshev and A. K. Kasparov devoted to the problems of the Paleolithic of Siberia. L. B. Vishnyatsky uses the materials from the Neolithic of Western Eurasia to argue in favor of the hypothesis which links the increase in frequency and scale of armed conlicts with the formation and development of producing economy. he paper by L. B. Kircho traces the beginnings of contacts between South Turkmenistan and South Tajikistan in the Bronze Age. D. G. Savinov and V. V. Bobrov describe an important site of the Andronovo culture. In another paper, D. G. Savinov presents his hypothesis of the formation of the Scythian-Siberian cultural space. M. T. Kashuba makes the case for convergent appearance of the earliest ibulae in the Caucasus. he extensive paper by A. Luchtanas and O. V. Poljakov debunks the hypothesis that the West Baltic tribe of Galindans migrated to the west of Europe. E. N. Nosov and N. V. Khvoshchinskaya elucidate the history of the princely Church of Annunciation built in the early XI c. at Ryurik Gorodishche near Novgorod. he works by A. N. Kirpichnikov, V. A. Lapshin, N. V. Grigorieva and P. A. Milyaev deal with the study of Staraya Ladoga. A. I. Saksa reconstructs the building history of a homesite in Vyborg during the XV-early XVIII c. he section of Reviews contains a detailed analysis of the two-volume publication of materials from the unique Old Russian necropolis of the X-early XI c. in the city of Pskov. he volume is intended for archaeologists, culturologists, historians, museum workers, and students of historical faculties.
Transactions of the Institute for the History of Material Culture Russian Academy of Science
The Early Upper Paleolithic …, 2004
... 15, Mira; 16, Osokorovka; 17, Vorona3; 18, Nenasytets; 19, Belokuzminovka; 20, Biryuchia Balk... more ... 15, Mira; 16, Osokorovka; 17, Vorona3; 18, Nenasytets; 19, Belokuzminovka; 20, Biryuchia Balka; 21, Kalitvenka; 22, Shlyakh; 23, Nepryankhino; 24, Kostenki; 25, Khotylevo 2; 26, Betovo; 27, Sungir; 28, Rusanikha; 29, Zaozerie; 30, Garchi 1; 31, Byzovaya; 32, Mamontovaya ...

Nizhnevolzhskiy Arheologicheskiy Vestnik
The Sukhaya Mechёtka site, located on the northern outskirts of Volgograd, has attracted the atte... more The Sukhaya Mechёtka site, located on the northern outskirts of Volgograd, has attracted the attention of Paleolithic researchers since its discovery in 1951 by geologists A.I.Koptev and M.N. Grishchenko. The materials of the site - a collection of stone products currently kept at the MAE RAS, and chronostratigraphic information – can be considered as perfect by standards of open Paleolithic complexes. To a large extent, the site acquired such a significance due to the presence of the only one perfectly preserved cultural layer, which lies in clear stratigraphic conditions. Being densely overlapped with thick deposits, the site was preserved so well that it remained unaffected by the turbulent natural processes of the last glacial-interglacial macrocycle. Single-layer sites usually have a disadvantage comparing to multi-layer complexes in terms of the importance level of the tasks solved with their help. But the Sukhaya Mechёtka favorably differs from other sites by the measure of c...

The article gives a brief description of the primary flaking technology reconstructed after the m... more The article gives a brief description of the primary flaking technology reconstructed after the material from layer 8 of the site of Shlyakh, the Middle Don, Russia. The retouched tools consist of points, "Proto-Kostenki" knives, backed knives, Mousterian end-scrapers, objects with burin facets, and pieces truncated by retouch. Worthy of note is the presence on many of the tools of truncating-faceting (the Nahr-Ibrahim technique). The technology of primary flaking is focused on the production of Levallois blades which were struck from wedge-shaped cores. This technology resembles the Upper Paleolithic one except the fact the technique used to detach blanks was still Middle Paleolithic. Such a technology of primary flaking is usually characteristic of the transitional Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic industries. The transitional nature of the assemblage has recently been confirmed by two AMS radiocarbon dates point to an age of ca. 46 kyr bp, but paleomagnetic studies suggest th...
Transactions of the Institute for the History of Material Culture Russian Academy of Science

Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology
The open-air site of Shlyakh, located near Volgograd in southern Russia, contains two assemblages... more The open-air site of Shlyakh, located near Volgograd in southern Russia, contains two assemblages of stone artifacts assigned to the Middle Paleolithic. Most of the artifacts are buried in low-energy stream deposits and appear to be in primary context (i.e., they do not exhibit signs of stream transport). The lithic technology reflects an emphasis on blade production and Levallois products are present. The artifacts lie in sediments formed during and immediately following the Laschamp Paleomagnetic excursion (41.2 ± 1.6 ka); they underlie the Mono Lake excursion (34.2 ± 1.2 ka). Although the radiocarbon dating is broadly consistent with the paleomagnetic stratigraphy, the wide range of ages obtained on bone from the upper assemblage suggests that older materials may have been introduced to one or both cultural layers. The dating and contents of Shlyakh are discussed in the wider context of events in Europe during~50-40 ka. At this time, an Initial Upper Paleolithic (IUP) industry (Bohunician), characterized by Levallois blade technology and a high proportion of Upper Paleolithic tool types, is established in central Europe and on the southwest plain of eastern Europe. A different pattern is evident on the south-central plain, however, where the IUP is absent and a local "transitional unit" in the form of a Middle Paleolithic blade industry is represented at Shlyakh and other sites during 50-40 ka.
Papers by Pavel Nehoroshev