Papers by Paulina D. Jenkins
The Bulletin of zoological nomenclature, 2007

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 1980
Zoologist of the Hungarian Natural History Museum at Budapest, collected a large series of owl pe... more Zoologist of the Hungarian Natural History Museum at Budapest, collected a large series of owl pellets in the Yankari Game Reserve in Northern Nigeria (see Demeter 1980 for details and a map of the reserve). The owl pellets contained skulls of about 120 Soricidae, which are now under study by the first author. Among them is a series of thirteen skulls of a remarkable new species of shrew, for which we propose the name Crocidura yankariensis n. sp. HOLOTYPE. Skull of a young adult specimen with occipital region missing, left and right mandibles present, removed from owl pellets collected by Andrew Demeter on 7 August 1978 at Futuk (950'N 1055'E), 16 km E. of the Yankari Game Reserve boundary, Bauchi State, Nigeria; collectors number 32, holotype deposited in the Natural History Museum Budapest, No. HNHM 80. 1. 1. PARATYPES. A further nine skulls from Futuk, all data as for the holotype, collectors numbers 30, 31, 33, 36, 44, 47, 51, 54, 55; three skulls from Wikki (945'N 1030'E), a village in the center of the Yankari Game Reserve (see map in Demeter 1980), collected on 25 July and 11 August 1978 by Andrew Demeter; collectors numbers 67, 99, 100. Part of this material will be deposited in the British Museum (Natural History), London, and the Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut and Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn.

<i>Crocidura zaitsevi</i> sp. nov. <b>Holotype</b>. ZIN 91224; collector&... more <i>Crocidura zaitsevi</i> sp. nov. <b>Holotype</b>. ZIN 91224; collector's number 31; female, body in ethanol, skull extracted, collected 11 April 2004 by A.V. Abramov. <b>Type locality</b>. Ngoc Linh Mountain, west slope, 1–2 km west of apex, Central Highlands, Kon Tum Province, Vietnam, 15 º05' N, 107 º 57 ' E, altitude 2300 m a.s.l. <b>Paratypes</b>. ZIN 91214, female, collector's number 6; ZIN 91215, male, collector's number 8; ZIN 91216, female, collector's number 9; ZIN 91217, female, collector's number 16; ZIN 91218, male, collector's number 17; ZIN 91219, male, collector's number 20; ZIN 91220, male, collector's number 21; ZIN 91221, female, collector's number 25; ZIN 91222, male, collector's number 26; ZIN 91223, female, collector's number 27; ZIN 91225, male, collector's number 33. All specimens are bodies in ethanol with skulls extracted, collected by A.V. Abramov from the same locality as the holotype, at altitudes from 1650 to 2300 m, between 2–13 April 2004. <b>Diagnosis.</b> Very small in size, comparable only to <i>C. kegoensis</i> and an unnamed species (Lunde, in preparation), and smaller on average in external and cranial measurements than <i>C. wuchihensis</i>. Distinguished from these species by the moderately long tail and the long narrow rostrum and broad interorbital region relative to maxillary breadth of the skull. First upper incisor pro-odont. Third lower molar with a well developed talonid. <b>Description.</b> Very small sized, head and body length 48–58 with a moderately long tail, ranging from 62– 81 % of head and body length. Dorsal pelage gray with a slightly brownish hue, grading into the slightly paler ventral pelage, with individual hairs uniformly coloured from the base to the tips. The tail is similarly coloured to the body, being slightly paler on the ventral surface. The dorsal surfaces of the fore and hind feet are markedly paler than the body, with the lateral surfaces slightly darker brown than the inner surfaces. The dorsal surface of the feet is covered with short hair [...]
Figure 3. Map showing region of Madagascar visited by Major.

Figure 2. Map of localities in north, central and south Borneo, with inset map locating Borneo in... more Figure 2. Map of localities in north, central and south Borneo, with inset map locating Borneo in Southeast Asia. 1: Mt Kinabalu; 2: Crocker Range National Park; 3: Padas River (Sungai Padas); 4: Brunei Town (= Bandar Seri Begawan); 5: Niah; 6: Sungai Silat; 7: Balui; 10: Darau, Narasit and Ilang; 12: Lanjak-Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary; 16: Batang Ai National Park. Kalimantan: 17: Danau Sentarum; 18: Batangtu, Ketungau River; 40: Kotaringin (= Kotawaringin); 41: Tanjung Puting National Park; 42: Sampit; 43: Sabangau National Park; 44: Kahajan (= Kahayan) River; 45: Sungai Lading; 46: Teweh River; 47: Tanjung-Jawa; 48: Doeson or Dusun (= Barito River); 49: Banjarmasin; 50: Klumpang Bay; 51: Pemukan Bay; 52: Passeer (= Tanahgrogot); 53: Balikpapan Bay; 54: Samarinda; 55: Mahakam River; 56: Kutai National Park; 57: Sangatta (= Sengata); 58: Sungai Menganne; 59: Sembakung River; 60: Danum Valley; 61: Abai, Kinabatangan River; 62: Elapura, Sandakan Bay; 63: Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary.

<i>Pongo pygmaeus</i> probably unnamed possible subspecies Known only from Kutai NP, ... more <i>Pongo pygmaeus</i> probably unnamed possible subspecies Known only from Kutai NP, Sangatta and Sungai Menganne (0°49 <i>ʹ</i> N117°57 <i>ʹ</i> E, USNM) in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Diagnosed only genetically; cranially resembles <i>Pongo p. pygmaeus</i>. <b><i>Pongo abelii</i> Lesson, 1827 </b><i>Pongo Abelii</i> Lesson, 1827 <i>Simia Gigantica</i> Pearson, 1841 <i>P</i> [<i>ithecus</i>] <i>bicolor</i> Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1842 <i>Pithecus</i><i>Brookei</i> Blyth, 1853 (in part) [<i>Satyrus</i>] <i>sundaicus sumatranus</i> Mayer, 1856 <i>P</i> [<i>ithecus</i>] <i>sumatranus abongensis</i> Selenka, 1896 <i>P</i> [<i>ithecus</i>] <i>sumatranus deliensis</i> Selenka, 1896 <i>P</i> [<i>ithecus</i>] <i>sumatranus langkatensis</i> Selenka, 1896 (published in synonymy, therefore unavailable) [?] <i>Pongo pygmaeus palaeosumatrensis</i> Hooijer, 1948North Sumatra, Indonesia
FIG. 1. Map of Madagascar showing locations referred to in the text.
FIGURE 4. Lower right third molar of Crocidura phanluongi (BM(NH) 2008.722) on the left and Croci... more FIGURE 4. Lower right third molar of Crocidura phanluongi (BM(NH) 2008.722) on the left and Crocidura indochinensis (ZIN 97671) on the right. Scale 1 mm.
FIGURE 3. Comparison of crania of Crocidura phanluongi (ZIN 97090) and Crocidura indochinensis (Z... more FIGURE 3. Comparison of crania of Crocidura phanluongi (ZIN 97090) and Crocidura indochinensis (ZIN 97671). Top row: dorsal and ventral views of the skulls of Crocidura indochinensis (left) and Crocidura phanluongi (right). Second row: left lateral view of skull and mandible of Crocidura indochinensis. Bottom row: left lateral view of skull and mandible of Crocidura phanluongi.
FIGURE 2. Photograph of adult female Crocidura phanluongi (ZIN 97090).
FIGURE 1. Map of collection localities of Crocidura phanluongi. Cambodia: 1. Virachey National Pa... more FIGURE 1. Map of collection localities of Crocidura phanluongi. Cambodia: 1. Virachey National Park. Vietnam: 2. Yok Don National Park; 3. Ma Da Forest; 4. Binh Chau – Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve.
FIGURE 2. Upper row: teeth of Crocidura zaitsevi ZIN 91224. Left: semi-oblique occlusal view of l... more FIGURE 2. Upper row: teeth of Crocidura zaitsevi ZIN 91224. Left: semi-oblique occlusal view of left upper premolar and first molar; right: lingual view of right lower third molar. Lower row: Comparison of left upper premolar and first molar of Crocidura sokolovi ZIN 91232 (left) and Crocidura attenuata ZIN 91229 (right). Scale 1 mm.

<i>Pongo borneo</i> Lacépède, 1799 <i>Pongo Wurmbii</i> Tiedemann, 1808 &... more <i>Pongo borneo</i> Lacépède, 1799 <i>Pongo Wurmbii</i> Tiedemann, 1808 <i>Simia Morio</i> Owen, 1837 [?] <i>S</i> [<i>imia</i>] <i>Wallichii</i> Gervais, 1838 [?] <i>Simia Crossii</i> Wagner, 1839 [?] <i>S</i> [<i>imia</i>] <i>Hendrikzii</i> Wagner, 1839 [?] <i>Simia Straussii</i> Wagner, 1839 [?] <i>Pithecus</i><i>Brookei</i> Blyth, 1853 (in part) <i>P</i> [<i>ithecus</i>] <i>Owenii</i> Blyth, 1853 <i>Pithecus</i><i>curtus</i> Blyth, 1856b <i>P</i> [<i>ithecus</i>] <i>satyrus batangtuensis</i> Selenka, 1896 <i>P</i> [<i>ithecus</i>] <i>satyrus dadappensis</i> Selenka, 1896 <i>P</i> [<i>ithecus</i>] <i>satyrus genepaiensis</i> Selenka, 1896 <i>Pithecus satyrus landakkensis</i> Selenka, 1896 <i>P</i> [<i>ithecus</i>] <i>satyrus rantaiensis</i> Selenka, 1896 <i>P</i> [<i>ithecus</i>] <i>satyrus skalauensis</i> Selenka, 1896 <i>P</i> [<i>ithecus</i>] <i>satyrus tuakensis</i> Selenka, 1896 <i>Simia satyrus Wallacei</i> Selenka, 1898 <i>Troglodytes Dawsoni</i> Boule, 1915 <i>Pan vetus</i> Miller, 1915 <i>Boreopithecus dawsoni</i> Friederichs, 1932 <i>Pongo satyrus borneensis</i> Röhrer-Ertl, 1984 Southern Sarawak, Malaysia, and adjacent Indonesia, formerly possibly farther west to the Kapuas River. If its distribution excludes the Pontianak vicinity (the type locality of <i>Pongo borneo</i>) it will require renaming. Cranially resembles <i>Pongo p. pygmaeus</i> but adult male skulls larger, especially in mandibular dimensions.
<i>Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus</i> (Linnaeus, 1760)
The purpose of this application, under Article 50.1 of the Code, is to validate the commonbut inc... more The purpose of this application, under Article 50.1 of the Code, is to validate the commonbut incorrect attribution of the name Ateles geoffroyi to Kuhl (1820). This is a longstanding error perpetuated in the primate literature and it is proposed that the attribution of the name to Kuhl (1820) be validated.
Bulletin of The Natural History Museum. Zoology Series, 1997
Additional Information on the recently described Crocidura yankariensis is presented. The externa... more Additional Information on the recently described Crocidura yankariensis is presented. The external characters are described for the first time, and distributional records are given for Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. The species is also compared with C. somalica, and the species-limits of both are defined.

Figure 2 from: Bannikova AA, Jenkins PD, Solovyeva EN, Pavlova SV, Demidova TB, Simanovsky SA, Sheftel BI, Lebedev VS, Fang Y, Dalen L, Abramov AV (2019) Who are you, Griselda? A replacement name for a new genus of the Asiatic short-tailed shrews (Mammalia, Eulipotyphla, Soricidae): molecular and... The first genetic study of the holotype of the Gansu short-tailed shrew, Blarinella griselda Thom... more The first genetic study of the holotype of the Gansu short-tailed shrew, Blarinella griselda Thomas, 1912, is presented. The mitochondrial analysis demonstrated that the type specimen of B. griselda is close to several recently collected specimens from southern Gansu, northern Sichuan and Shaanxi, which are highly distinct from the two species of Asiatic short-tailed shrews of southern Sichuan, Yunnan, and Vietnam, B. quadraticauda and B. wardi. Our analysis of four nuclear genes supported the placement of B. griselda as sister to B. quadraticauda / B. wardi, with the level of divergence between these two clades corresponding * These authors contributed equally to this work and should be considered as co-first authors.
Papers by Paulina D. Jenkins