Papers by Paul Tiyambe Zeleza

University of Pennsylvania Press eBooks, Dec 31, 2004
Th e Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a historic achievement on many leve... more Th e Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a historic achievement on many levels. Hard-fought and comprehensive, it promises to change the way the rights of persons with disabilities are understood and socially claimed by a broad range of stakeholders for generations to come. Th is is as true for the rights of persons with physical and sensory disabilities as it is for those with psychosocial, intellectual, and other developmental or learning disabilities. It may be noted in this latter respect that a fairly high degree of confidence existed from the beginning of the negotiations that the fi nal draft ed treaty would off er important and signifi cant protections for persons with physical and sensory disabilities. What was far less clear was the level of protection the new treaty would off er persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities. Such persons have long faced a particularly abusive and deeply embedded set of social ste reo types regarding competency that have functioned in practice to institutionalize and legitimize structures that often deny their very capacity to act and make free decisions as recognized human beings. Th ese widely held attitudes have served historically to justify, both legally and socially-and hence to render invisible from a mainstream human rights lens-such stark abuses against such persons as their forced segregation and warehousing in institutional facilities, relegation to separate educational, housing, and employment settings, subjection to long-term

African Studies Review, Aug 8, 2013
The election of Barack Obama as the first African-descended president of the United States in 200... more The election of Barack Obama as the first African-descended president of the United States in 2008 was greeted with euphoria in the U.S. and around the world, including Africa. Little, however, changed in the substance of U.S.-Africa relations. This underscores the limits of the symbolic politics of race and presidential personalities in the face of the structural imperatives of U.S. power and foreign policy in which African interests remain marginal and subordinate to U.S. interests. The article explores the structural contexts of foreign policymaking in the United States and what might be expected from the second Obama administration. Résumé: L'élection en 2008 de Barack Obama comme premier président américain de descendance africaine a été accueillie avec euphorie aux États-Unis et dans le monde entier, y compris en Afrique. Presque rien cependant n'a changé dans les relations USA Afrique. Cette situation souligne les limites de la politique symbolique contre le racisme et du pouvoir des personnalités présidentielles face aux impératifs structurels du pouvoir américain de sa politique étrangère dans le contexte de laquelle les intérêts africains restent marginaux et secondaires aux intérêts américains. Cet article explore les contextes structurels du façonnement de la politique

CODESRIA eBooks, Feb 19, 2021
The death of Nelson Mandela has provoked an outpouring of mourning, celebration, and commentary a... more The death of Nelson Mandela has provoked an outpouring of mourning, celebration, and commentary around the world that is unprecedented for an African leader. Glowing tributes have gushed from world leaders and major magazines and newspapers have carried special features on his extraordinary life and legacy. He has been showered with lavish praise as a great man, titan, colossus and conscience of his nation and the world for his magnanimity, moral courage, and dignity; for his resilience, patience, and passion; for his charisma, charm, regal countenance and common touch; for his humility, visionary and political brilliance; and above all, for his spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation, believed to be the driving force behind the South African 'miracle' that steered the beloved country from the abyss of a racial bloodbath. Several countries including Nigeria, Kenya, and Tanzania have declared three days of mourning, and in several European countries and the United States flags were flown at half-mast as part of national mourning for Mandela. * Please do not take Pambazuka for granted! Become a Friend of Pambazuka [2] and make a donation NOW to help keep Pambazuka FREE and INDEPENDENT! * Please send comments to editor[at]pambazuka[dot]org [3] or comment online at Pambazuka News
African Diaspora, Dec 9, 2019
In this paper I seek to share some of the insights I have gained from my studies on the African d... more In this paper I seek to share some of the insights I have gained from my studies on the African diaspora over the past two decades. It begins by mapping out some of the analytical framings of African Diaspora Studies, with particular reference to the spatial scope and temporal dimensions of the African diaspora. This is followed by an examination of the multiple and multi-layered contributions that African diasporas have made and continue to make to African societies and countries. The paper analyses some of the challenges that undermine more productive engagements between the diasporas and their countries or regions of origin. The paper concludes by focusing an academic initiatives that aim to strengthen the project of engaging African diasporas for Africa’s sustainable development, namely, the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program.
... Zeleza, Daniel. 2005. ... 2005. Changing Historiographical Perspectives on Colonialism. In K... more ... Zeleza, Daniel. 2005. ... 2005. Changing Historiographical Perspectives on Colonialism. In Katsuhiko Kitagawa, Retrospect and Prospect of African Historiography: Colonialism andNationalism. The Japan Center for Area Studies Occasional Paper No. 26: 5-21.
CHAPTER ONE WOMEN'S SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING IN AFRICAN STUDIES Cassandra Rachel Veney and P... more CHAPTER ONE WOMEN'S SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING IN AFRICAN STUDIES Cassandra Rachel Veney and Paul Tiyambe Zeleza INTRODUCTION Studies conducted in many parts of the world, including North America, indicate that there is widespread discrimination against ...
University of Pennsylvania Press eBooks, Dec 31, 2004
Africa Development: a Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA, 1994
... Fundamental to their capacity to meet and exploit the changing contexts of global ... bridges... more ... Fundamental to their capacity to meet and exploit the changing contexts of global ... bridges, as cultural mediators between Africa and Afro-America and Afro-Europe, whose communication ... based scholars and publishers is that they must export well-produced texts of impeccable ...
Papers by Paul Tiyambe Zeleza