Vol. 1 Issue 1 by Paul Rastall
Language Under Discussion, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (2013), pp. 34–41, 2013
In response to comments on pedagogical, epistemological, and semiotic issues in the original pape... more In response to comments on pedagogical, epistemological, and semiotic issues in the original paper, there is further discussion, some clarification, and further suggestions on refutationism, linguistic data, and “bottom-up” perspectives, especially in relation to micro-level anomalies and the integration of perspectives. Critical reflection and openness to alternative views are emphasised.
The paper presents a way of investigating verbal communication and examining assumptions about it... more The paper presents a way of investigating verbal communication and examining assumptions about it independently of particular approaches to linguistic analysis through the development of imaginary language systems using very limited models (small model languages), identifying limitations, and finding ways to extend them. The imaginary systems are compared to real verbal phenomena to highlight communicational principles and show where questions arise. They can be pedagogical tools. A simple model is introduced as an example and ways of extending it are considered along with the questions that are raised in the process.
Papers by Paul Rastall
Is an Explanation a Reason?
IAFOR journal of arts & humanities, Dec 31, 2022
Are reasons and explanations the same things? The paper considers explanations and reasons in a r... more Are reasons and explanations the same things? The paper considers explanations and reasons in a range of contexts and identifies similarities and differences in them. It is suggested that, while the two notions are linked in reasoning, there is a difference of focus, with reasons being concerned with more general principles and explanations being concerned with the application of principles to specific instances. However, in a “model-dependent reality”, there can be explanations, but not ultimate reasons.

IAFOR journal of arts & humanities, Jun 26, 2019
This article identifies, and explores the nature of, a number of "explanatory gaps" between our c... more This article identifies, and explores the nature of, a number of "explanatory gaps" between our conception of physical reality and our cultural understanding, in particular our understanding of language and experience of reality. Some suggestions are made to address those gaps. On the one hand, certain positions in physical science are widely accepted; physical monism, the commonality of behaviour, reality at a quantum level, biological entities as temporary clusters of atoms held together by energy fields, and "facts" as constructs. On the other hand, reality as we experience it is "of many sorts" (Popper, 1972); neither physical nor perceptual, but verbally constructed, "unreal" in any physical or historical sense. Language is rooted in sociality and qualitatively different from other forms of communication. The article identifies and considers some major disparities and some tentative ways of reconciling them. In particular, it addresses the disparity between physical reality and fiction or purely imaginary reality (the "Cinderella Problem") through the notions "what if...?" and "as if".
Empirical Phonology and Cartesian Tables
This work describes the establishment of empirically-testable models in functionalist phonologica... more This work describes the establishment of empirically-testable models in functionalist phonological description and the use of Cartesian tables in phonological mode. A clear distinction is drawn between theoretical (meta-) statements and descriptive statements (that is, those which may be confronted with phonetic phenomena subjected to appropriate testing). A new type of Cartesian table is introduced, first in the description of combinations of distinctive features, and then of combinations of phonemes. Further models of well-formed complexes of distinctive features and phonemes are established on the basis of the tables. Examples of the application of the method are drawn from a number of languages, particularly English, French, and Russian.
Intuitions, associations and indeterminacy
Linguistique: revue de la Société Internationale de Linguistique Fonctionelle, 1997
Les linguistes utilisent naturellement des modeles empiriquement et theoriquement justifiables po... more Les linguistes utilisent naturellement des modeles empiriquement et theoriquement justifiables pour expliquer le comportement verbal. Pourtant, tout comportement verbal demande des intuitions. Toutes connections entre unites grammaticales, associations de forme et de sens, et relations entre discours et experience demandent des intuitions (particulierement dans l'indetermination). C'est un facteur important dans la comprehension du role du mental dans une communication linguistique, qui suggere un haut niveau de flexibilite dans les processus cognitifs et souleve le probleme de la comprehension de la relation entre forme linguistique et sens non-materiel
A Functional View of English Grammar
This work presents views on English grammar using the functionalist approach of Martinet. It incl... more This work presents views on English grammar using the functionalist approach of Martinet. It includes observations that can be treated as a helpful reference book for teachers of English.
Axiomatic Functionalism – History, philosophy and contributionsto the approach
The chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the approach known as Axiomatic Functionalism or... more The chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the approach known as Axiomatic Functionalism originally developed by Jan Mulder in cooperation with Sandor Hervey. It explains its fundamental assumptions and its historical and philosophical background. It also outlines the axiomatic-functionalist view of language and evaluates works of numerous linguists who has contributed to the approach.
6 Realisational sequences in grammar PAUL RASTALL 165
Peter Lang eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Axiomatic Functionalism: Theory and Application
Peter Lang CH eBooks, 2012
A Linguistic Philosophy of Language
This work draws out the philosophical implications of European functionalist linguistics. It cont... more This work draws out the philosophical implications of European functionalist linguistics. It contains an account of human linguistic capacities through considering the role of languages in overall semiotic behaviour and the nature of our models of language and languages. It is particularly concerned with the nature of linguistically conveyed messages and their role in consciousness and with the methods for their understanding. The implications are related to an emergent anthropocentric philosophy and to metaphysics, epistemology in the wider sense, the philosophy of science and ethics. There is a special consideration of the limitations on human understanding which are due to the nature of our linguistic communication and our methods of analysis.
The Synchronic Dynamics of Contemporary English
NUCB journal of language culture and communication, 1998

The paper begins with a consideration of theoretical and methodological issues relating to the id... more The paper begins with a consideration of theoretical and methodological issues relating to the identification of linguistic units and, in particular, to the morphology/syntax distinction using a functionalist approach. It further considers the class of -en verbs in English from the points of view of their history, grammar and semantics. There is a consideration of their register differences from verbs of similar meaning. It reviews their treatment in earlier grammars, considers some deficiencies of those treatments and suggests some alternative analyses. The paper suggests that the verbs are unusual for English because of their morphological structure and present some linguistically interesting properties, such as the sporadic nature of word formation in English and the contrast with synthetic or syntactic alternative expressions. Theoretical Preamble In order to make descriptive statements about any language, we must be clear about the units and relations we are operating with. The...

LiBRI Journal - Questioning Communication Models and Constructs: Qualitative Distinctions
Abstract: <br>Central issues in linguistics and semiotics can be addressed through reflecti... more Abstract: <br>Central issues in linguistics and semiotics can be addressed through reflection on the underlying concepts in models and constructs. General models or constructs do not always fit particular instances of their application. General models are useful, but qualitative and ontological differences are given insufficient attention. Some key models and constructs are considered. Qualitative differences in several dimensions are introduced and linked to ontological differences between entities and to the roles, implied capacities of communicators, and to intelligence type. Such qualitative differences must be used to supplement existing classificatory methods and to differentiate the features of communication constructs. They are non-gradient.<br><br><b>For more, see the following webpage:</b><b>https://www.edusoft.ro/brain/index.php/libri/article/view/553</b><br>

Communication, Non-communication, and their Integration Paul Rastall [email protected] ... more Communication, Non-communication, and their Integration Paul Rastall [email protected] Abstract The term ‘communication’ becomes meaningless if we cannot distinguish communication from what is not communication or if the notion of ‘information transfer’ is undifferentiated. The situation is complicated by the fact that some phenomena can be viewed as ‘communicational’ in some respects but not in others. A further complication is the range of phenomena which are similar to communication. Some suggestions are made for the distinction and for the range of intermediate cases. Apart from real-world events, our reasoning processes and mental models of reality, while communicable and exploiting information transfer are not communication. However, there is a danger that a dichotomy between communication and non-communication will divert attention from the integration of communication and non-communication in our understanding of reality. Keywords: communication, non-communication,...
Pattern and Information
L'article considere la polysemie bien connue du mot "langage" dans la lumiere de di... more L'article considere la polysemie bien connue du mot "langage" dans la lumiere de distinctions entre langage ou comme communication, comme modele et comme information (contenu) et discute, en particulier, les idees sur le langage du philosophe Karl Popper dans ce contexte. (L'article rapproche aussi ces idees avec des conceptions plus recentes en neurolinguistique.) On note l'importance de certaines des idees de Popper tout en rejetant d'autres. Les distinctions etablies sont utiles pour expliquer (au moins en partie) les differentes conceptions du langage et les differentes emphases des linguistes.
What is language for?
La linguistique, 2018

La linguistique, 2017
In this paper, a class of (2+1)-dimensional linear ultra-parabolic equations of the second order ... more In this paper, a class of (2+1)-dimensional linear ultra-parabolic equations of the second order is investigated by using the methods of group analysis of differential equations. The class under study generalizes a number of the classical equations of mathematical physics such as the free Kramers equation, the linear Kolmogorov equation etc. The classification of the symmetry properties of equations from the class is carried out by using the well-known Lie-Ovsiannikov algorithm. At the first step, a kernel of the maximal algebras of invariance (MAIs) of the differential equations under study is found. It is proved that the one is a three-dimensional. A theorem about a "minimal" MAI of differential equations from the class is also formulated. At the second step, a group of equivalence transformations of the class under study is found. First, by using the infinitesimal method, the group of continuous equivalence transformations is calculated, which is then added to the complete equivalence group by two discrete transformations. At the third step, as a result of analysis of the system of determining equations, a theorem giving necessary conditions of the extension of the "minimal" MAI is formulated, namely, it is proved that a functional parameter involved in the class under study must satisfy one of the two Rikkati equations. Three examples of differential equations satisfying the necessary conditions of extension of the "minimal" MAI are considered. The MAIs of all equations are found. It is shown that among the examples considered the linear Kolmogorov equation admits the maximal symmetry properties.
Vol. 1 Issue 1 by Paul Rastall
Papers by Paul Rastall