Papers by Paul Oude Luttighuis
International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering, 2016
Software as a Service (SaaS) has become an important pragmatic in the world of enterprise softwar... more Software as a Service (SaaS) has become an important pragmatic in the world of enterprise software and business services markets. SaaS supports the concept of outsourcing where business processes are offered under a service level agreement for a given price. However, sourcing SaaS may not always involve outsourcing with respect to the transfer of internal activities and resources to external service providers. Users of SaaS need to know what strategies to use when determining sourcing requirements. In this paper, the authors develop a classification for sourcing SaaS based on Kraljic's matrix and a mapping of SaaS services to the sourcing structures. Further, they evaluate the proposed sourcing models against two real world case studies.
16Th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2010 Amcis 2010 12 15 August 2010 Lima Peru 1473 1474, 2010
ABSTRACT In order to achieve eGovernment interoperability we need high quality standards. A quali... more ABSTRACT In order to achieve eGovernment interoperability we need high quality standards. A quality model for standards is presented based on knowledge from the software engineering domain. This model is tested on the SETU standard, a standard that is mandatory in the public sector of the Netherlands in order to achieve eGovernment interoperability. This results in improvement suggestions for the SETU standards, just as improvement suggestions for the quality model have been identified. Most importantly it shows that a quality model can be used for several purposes, including selecting standards for eGovernment interoperability.
16Th Euras Annual Standardization Conference Standards and Development Euras 2011 8 10 June 2011 Kaunas Lithuania, Jun 8, 2011
We argue that, in order to suggest improvements of any kind to semantic information system (IS) s... more We argue that, in order to suggest improvements of any kind to semantic information system (IS) standards, better understanding of the conceptual structure of semantic IS standard is required. This study develops a model for semantic IS standard, based on literature and expert knowledge. The model is validated by case descriptions of two particular semantic IS standards. The model shows characteristics of semantic IS standards. Some of these characteristics might become steering factors for improving the development, adoption and quality of standards, among others.
This paper contains the results of a systematic literature review executed to determine the cover... more This paper contains the results of a systematic literature review executed to determine the coverage of transaction standards in top information systems (IS) and management journals. Specifically, it aims to identify a research gap with respect to this topic. The top 25 journals are thoroughly searched and the selected publications are classified in order to make grounded statements. A moderate amount of literature found specifically aims at transaction standards. Hardly any research is found on quality aspects of transaction standards, which therefore counts as the research gap.
Se, 2009
This paper describes a catalogue of patterns for multichannel manage- ment: functional structures... more This paper describes a catalogue of patterns for multichannel manage- ment: functional structures for designing organizational and technical solutions that help organizations to manage and align the various information channels they use in communicating with their customers. The paper outlines the general struc- ture of the catalogue, describes a small number of these patterns in more detail and shows how
E-commerce developments and requirements will force ERP vendors to continuously innovate their pr... more E-commerce developments and requirements will force ERP vendors to continuously innovate their products. Classical ERP system characteristics are inappropriate for a future in which e-commerce is common practice. This paper reviews five of these characteristics, explains why they hamper ecommerce, and discusses solutions. Some of these are indeed already recognised and dealt with by ERP vendors; others aren't. Finally, the paper introduces the research efforts of the Telematics Institute that should help effective and rapid application of ERP in e-commerce contexts.
Developing e-business solutions is a complicated task. It involves many different disciplines and... more Developing e-business solutions is a complicated task. It involves many different disciplines and requires knowledge of e-business technologies as well as business processes. In this paper we describe our models and concepts for e-business engineering. We illustrate this with a fictitious case.

In Dutch: In een wereld waar meer en meer processen worden ondersteund of uitgevoerd door geautom... more In Dutch: In een wereld waar meer en meer processen worden ondersteund of uitgevoerd door geautomatiseerde systemen en deze systemen bovendien meer en meer met elkaar worden gekoppeld, is het van groot belang grip te houden op de betekenis en bedoeling van de informatie die omgaat in deze systemen. Het bewustzijn van dit zogenaamde semantiekprobleem groeit de laatste tijd binnen de Nederlandse (elektronische) overheid, niet in het minst door de inspanningen van het Forum Standaardisatie. Het semantiekprobleem ligt op het grensvlak van wetgeving, beleid en uitvoering enerzijds en de inrichting en ontwerp van informatiesystemen en informatie-uitwisseling anderzijds. Het is immers wetgeving, beleid en uitvoering die betekenis en bedoe-ling geven aan al die informatie en het zijn de informatiesystemen die dienovereenkomstig moeten worden ingericht en ontworpen. Deze ligging op het grensvlak maakt van het semantiekprobleem een sleutelprobleem, maar zorgt er ook voor dat zij vaak tussen w...

In Dutch: Dit rapport schetst op hoofdlijnen, en met kleine voorbeelden, de relatie van Essence m... more In Dutch: Dit rapport schetst op hoofdlijnen, en met kleine voorbeelden, de relatie van Essence met twee andere conceptuele modelleerparadigma’s, namelijk object‐oriëntatie en regel‐oriëntatie. Met beide bestaan duidelijke overeenkomsten, maar contextualiteit à la Essence ontbreekt in beide. Dat leidt echter niet tot strijdigheid. Eerder kan Essence gezien worden als een verrijking van beide (met contextualiteit), een verrijking die nodig is om grootschalige en wendbare interoperabiliteit mogelijk te maken. Die verrijking biedt bovendien de mogelijkheid om Essence‐modellen als semantische referentiemodellen te positioneren ten opzichte van meer op implementatie gerichte, object‐ of regelmodellen. Objectmodellen en regelmodellen kunnen materie aandragen die (op een bepaalde manier) kan worden hergebruikt voor Essence‐modellen, maar contextualiteit moet er altijd aan worden toegevoegd. Andersom, bij het overbrengen van (delen van) Essence‐modellen naar andere modelleerparadigma’s, is ...
Papers by Paul Oude Luttighuis