Rationale: Exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease commonly causes hospitalization.... more Rationale: Exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease commonly causes hospitalization. The change in lung mechanics during exacerbation and its relationship to symptoms in spontaneously breathing individuals has not been described. Objective: We hypothesized that changes in both airflow and lung volumes would occur during an exacerbation, but that only volume change would relate to symptomatic improvement. Methods: Lung mechanics and resting dyspnea were recorded in 22 hospitalized patients during recovery from exacerbation. Measurements: Spirometry, inspiratory capacity, respiratory system resistance and reactance, tidal breathing patterns, and expiratory flow limitation were recorded after nebulized bronchodilator therapy on the first 3 d after admission, at discharge, and 6 wk postadmission (Day 42). Prebronchodilator measurements were taken on Day 2, at discharge, and on Day 42. Main Results: Postbronchodilator inspiratory capacity increased 0.23 Ϯ 0.07 L by discharge and 0.42 Ϯ 0.1 L by Day 42, FEV 1 rose 0.09 Ϯ 0.04 and 0.2 Ϯ 0.05 L at discharge and Day 42, respectively, and FVC increased 0.21 Ϯ 0.08 and 0.47 Ϯ 0.09 L at discharge and Day 42 (all p Ͻ 0.05). Consistent reduction in dyspnea was seen as the exacerbation resolved. Respiratory system resistance, FEV 1 /FVC, and expiratory flow limitation were unchanged throughout, indicating that changes in lung volume rather than airflow resistance predominated. Conclusions: Improvement in operating lung volumes is the principal change seen as a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation resolves and increase in inspiratory capacity is a useful guide to a reduction in dyspnea.
ABSTRACT There is a small but growing literature on the theory of the firm based around the &... more ABSTRACT There is a small but growing literature on the theory of the firm based around the "reference point" theory of (incomplete) contracts formulated in Hart and Moore (2008). The reference point approach has been applied to the theory of the firm in Hart (2008, 2009), Hart and Moore (2007) and Hart and Holmstrom (2010). This survey reviews the theoretical aspects of each of these papers in turn. It then discusses the relationship between the reference point approach to the firm, the transaction cost approach and the property rights approach. Here it is argued that the reference point approach is a step back towards ex post inefficiencies, away from reliance on ex ante inefficiencies.
One important feature of the knowledge economy is the increased importance placed on human-capita... more One important feature of the knowledge economy is the increased importance placed on human-capital, especially when dealing with the firm. We apply the reference point approach to contracts to the modelling of a human-capital based firm. First a model of firm scope is offered which argues that the organisation of a human-capital based firm depends on the "types" of human capital involved. Having a firm based on a homogeneous group of human capital leads to a different organisational form than that of a firm which involves a heterogeneous group of human capital. Second a simple model of a human-capital based firm is discussed. Three organisational forms are considered: an investor-owned firm, a labour-owned firm and a market transaction involving the use of an independent contractor. Results are given that show when each of these forms are optimal. The effects of a firm's size and scope on organisation are considered as is the question of Why are there conversions from worker to investor ownership? JEL Classification: D23, D86, L22.
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences, 1993
Transmission of human mmunodeficency virus (EHIV) in North America and Europe occurs most commonl... more Transmission of human mmunodeficency virus (EHIV) in North America and Europe occurs most commonly through the rectal mucosa during homosexual intercourse. The snian immunodeey rus (SIV) macaque
Recent research into teaching in higher education has established what appears to be a nested hie... more Recent research into teaching in higher education has established what appears to be a nested hierarchy of conceptions of teaching moving from teacher-focused to student-focussed categories. We draw here parallels with the intellectual development of students to suggest a process of expanding awareness in academic staff of the relation between learning and teaching, which leads to strategic alertness to `teachable moments' as they occur in the classroom. A case study of the one lecturer's changing conceptions of learning and teaching is presented in detail and related to the literature both of the nature of conceptions and of schoolteachers' knowledge and beliefs about teaching. This analysis provides a fuller description of what may underlie sophisticated conceptions of teaching and leads to a discussion about how conceptual change may be encouraged in academic staff.
Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 1999
The Cactus parallel simulation framework provides a modular and extensible set of components for ... more The Cactus parallel simulation framework provides a modular and extensible set of components for solving relativity problems on parallel computers. In recent w ork, we have i n vestigated techniques that would enable the execution of Cactus applications in wide area computational grid" environments. In a rst study, w e i n vestigated the feasibility of distributing a single simulation across multiple supercomputers, while in a second we studied techniques for reducing communication costs associated with remote visualization and steering. Distributed simulation was achieved by using MPICH-G, an implementation of the Message Passing Interface standard that uses mechanisms provided by the Globus grid toolkit to enable wide area execution. Experiments were performed across SGI Origins and Cray T3Es with geographical separations ranging from hundreds to thousands of kilometers. Total execution time when distributed increased by b e t ween 48 and 133, depending on con guration. We view these results as encouraging as they were obtained with essentially no specialized algorithmic structures in the Cactus application. Work on remote visualization focused on the development of a Cactus module that computes isosurfaces inline with numerical relativity calculations. Experiments demonstrated that this technique can reduce network bandwidth requirements by a factor ranging from 2.5 to 114, depending on the nature of the problem.
disease is now focussed on both evidencebased therapies and a patient-centred approach. Our Drug ... more disease is now focussed on both evidencebased therapies and a patient-centred approach. Our Drug review considers the current approach to recommended management, followed by sources of further information and the Datafile.
This paper argues that the mainstream approaches to the theory of the firm do not provide a theor... more This paper argues that the mainstream approaches to the theory of the firm do not provide a theory of the human capital-based or knowledge firm. We examine the neoclassical theory of the firm, the transaction cost model, the incentive-system approach and the Grossman Hart Moore approach and argue that none of them is able to fully capture the changes to the firm that the movement towards a knowledge economy entails. We also consider the effects of knowledge on the organisation of production. Will production take place within a single large factory, or several smaller factories or even within households?
Rationale: Exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease commonly causes hospitalization.... more Rationale: Exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease commonly causes hospitalization. The change in lung mechanics during exacerbation and its relationship to symptoms in spontaneously breathing individuals has not been described. Objective: We hypothesized that changes in both airflow and lung volumes would occur during an exacerbation, but that only volume change would relate to symptomatic improvement. Methods: Lung mechanics and resting dyspnea were recorded in 22 hospitalized patients during recovery from exacerbation. Measurements: Spirometry, inspiratory capacity, respiratory system resistance and reactance, tidal breathing patterns, and expiratory flow limitation were recorded after nebulized bronchodilator therapy on the first 3 d after admission, at discharge, and 6 wk postadmission (Day 42). Prebronchodilator measurements were taken on Day 2, at discharge, and on Day 42. Main Results: Postbronchodilator inspiratory capacity increased 0.23 Ϯ 0.07 L by discharge and 0.42 Ϯ 0.1 L by Day 42, FEV 1 rose 0.09 Ϯ 0.04 and 0.2 Ϯ 0.05 L at discharge and Day 42, respectively, and FVC increased 0.21 Ϯ 0.08 and 0.47 Ϯ 0.09 L at discharge and Day 42 (all p Ͻ 0.05). Consistent reduction in dyspnea was seen as the exacerbation resolved. Respiratory system resistance, FEV 1 /FVC, and expiratory flow limitation were unchanged throughout, indicating that changes in lung volume rather than airflow resistance predominated. Conclusions: Improvement in operating lung volumes is the principal change seen as a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation resolves and increase in inspiratory capacity is a useful guide to a reduction in dyspnea.
ABSTRACT There is a small but growing literature on the theory of the firm based around the &... more ABSTRACT There is a small but growing literature on the theory of the firm based around the "reference point" theory of (incomplete) contracts formulated in Hart and Moore (2008). The reference point approach has been applied to the theory of the firm in Hart (2008, 2009), Hart and Moore (2007) and Hart and Holmstrom (2010). This survey reviews the theoretical aspects of each of these papers in turn. It then discusses the relationship between the reference point approach to the firm, the transaction cost approach and the property rights approach. Here it is argued that the reference point approach is a step back towards ex post inefficiencies, away from reliance on ex ante inefficiencies.
One important feature of the knowledge economy is the increased importance placed on human-capita... more One important feature of the knowledge economy is the increased importance placed on human-capital, especially when dealing with the firm. We apply the reference point approach to contracts to the modelling of a human-capital based firm. First a model of firm scope is offered which argues that the organisation of a human-capital based firm depends on the "types" of human capital involved. Having a firm based on a homogeneous group of human capital leads to a different organisational form than that of a firm which involves a heterogeneous group of human capital. Second a simple model of a human-capital based firm is discussed. Three organisational forms are considered: an investor-owned firm, a labour-owned firm and a market transaction involving the use of an independent contractor. Results are given that show when each of these forms are optimal. The effects of a firm's size and scope on organisation are considered as is the question of Why are there conversions from worker to investor ownership? JEL Classification: D23, D86, L22.
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences, 1993
Transmission of human mmunodeficency virus (EHIV) in North America and Europe occurs most commonl... more Transmission of human mmunodeficency virus (EHIV) in North America and Europe occurs most commonly through the rectal mucosa during homosexual intercourse. The snian immunodeey rus (SIV) macaque
Recent research into teaching in higher education has established what appears to be a nested hie... more Recent research into teaching in higher education has established what appears to be a nested hierarchy of conceptions of teaching moving from teacher-focused to student-focussed categories. We draw here parallels with the intellectual development of students to suggest a process of expanding awareness in academic staff of the relation between learning and teaching, which leads to strategic alertness to `teachable moments' as they occur in the classroom. A case study of the one lecturer's changing conceptions of learning and teaching is presented in detail and related to the literature both of the nature of conceptions and of schoolteachers' knowledge and beliefs about teaching. This analysis provides a fuller description of what may underlie sophisticated conceptions of teaching and leads to a discussion about how conceptual change may be encouraged in academic staff.
Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 1999
The Cactus parallel simulation framework provides a modular and extensible set of components for ... more The Cactus parallel simulation framework provides a modular and extensible set of components for solving relativity problems on parallel computers. In recent w ork, we have i n vestigated techniques that would enable the execution of Cactus applications in wide area computational grid" environments. In a rst study, w e i n vestigated the feasibility of distributing a single simulation across multiple supercomputers, while in a second we studied techniques for reducing communication costs associated with remote visualization and steering. Distributed simulation was achieved by using MPICH-G, an implementation of the Message Passing Interface standard that uses mechanisms provided by the Globus grid toolkit to enable wide area execution. Experiments were performed across SGI Origins and Cray T3Es with geographical separations ranging from hundreds to thousands of kilometers. Total execution time when distributed increased by b e t ween 48 and 133, depending on con guration. We view these results as encouraging as they were obtained with essentially no specialized algorithmic structures in the Cactus application. Work on remote visualization focused on the development of a Cactus module that computes isosurfaces inline with numerical relativity calculations. Experiments demonstrated that this technique can reduce network bandwidth requirements by a factor ranging from 2.5 to 114, depending on the nature of the problem.
disease is now focussed on both evidencebased therapies and a patient-centred approach. Our Drug ... more disease is now focussed on both evidencebased therapies and a patient-centred approach. Our Drug review considers the current approach to recommended management, followed by sources of further information and the Datafile.
This paper argues that the mainstream approaches to the theory of the firm do not provide a theor... more This paper argues that the mainstream approaches to the theory of the firm do not provide a theory of the human capital-based or knowledge firm. We examine the neoclassical theory of the firm, the transaction cost model, the incentive-system approach and the Grossman Hart Moore approach and argue that none of them is able to fully capture the changes to the firm that the movement towards a knowledge economy entails. We also consider the effects of knowledge on the organisation of production. Will production take place within a single large factory, or several smaller factories or even within households?
Papers by PauL WalkeR