Papers by Wilhelmina Patty

Penggunaan Lampu LED RGB dalam air berbasis Internet of things sebagai alat bantu pen... more Penggunaan Lampu LED RGB dalam air berbasis Internet of things sebagai alat bantu penangkapan ikan, baru digunakan di Perairan Teluk Manado, dengan beberapa keunggulan yakni dapat dioperasikan secara insitu dari jarak jauh dan menggunakan beberapa warna cahaya secara otomatis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketertarikan ikan terhadap cahaya lampu LED dalam air dan komposisi hasil tangkapan ikan dengan pukat cincin selama 3 hari pengamatan di rakit. Hasil pengamatan yang diperoleh adalah ikan lebih cepat tertarik pada cahaya warna biru, kemudian cahaya warna hijau. Ikan yang mendekati sumber cahaya memerlukan waktu penyesuaian 10 – 30 menit untuk tetap berada disekitar lampu. Setelah pencahayaan warna merah, ikan terlihat semakin banyak dan tenang berada di sekitar lampu. Ada 6 jenis ikan yang tertangkap yakni ikan selar, kuwe, tongkol, layang, tuna, moonfish, dan cumi-cumi. Dengan jenis ikan yang dominan tertangkap adalah ikan selar , layang, dan ikan kuwe.

Cumi-cumi merupakan salah satu inovasi pemanfaatan tanpa merusak lingkungan. Secara umum atraktor... more Cumi-cumi merupakan salah satu inovasi pemanfaatan tanpa merusak lingkungan. Secara umum atraktor terdiri dari dua bentuk yaitu bentuk silinder dan bentuk kotak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis cumi-cumi yang menempel pada atraktor silinder dan atraktor persegi serta untuk Mengetahui apakah bentuk atraktor berpengaruh terhadap jumlah penempelan telur cumi-cumi. Adapun analisis data menggunakan metode Uji Beda Dua Mean Independent dengan rumus The separate model t-test.Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi morfologis diperoleh informasi bahwa jenis telur cumi-cumi yang menempel adalah famili Loliginidae, yaitu genus Sepioteuthis lessoniana. Adapun hasil analisis menggunakan rumus The seprate model t-test menunjukan bahwa = 2,77 > = 2,13 hasil ini menjelaskan bahwa perlakuan bentuk atraktor menyebabkan perbedaan jumlah penempelan telur cumi-cumi, dimana atraktor bentuk silinder lebih baik dibandingkan dengan bentuk kotak

Kondisi terumbu karang diperairan Sulawesi Utara, khusus di perairan Desa Kalasey Dua sudah dirus... more Kondisi terumbu karang diperairan Sulawesi Utara, khusus di perairan Desa Kalasey Dua sudah dirusakan oleh kegiatan reklamasi yang dimulai sejak Tahun 2011. Dampak ekologi yang sudah dirasakan oleh masyarakat nelayan akibat proyek reklamasi pantai di Kalasey antara lain: rusaknya lahan mangrove dan terumbu karang akibat penimbunan material tanah dan batu secara langsung ke dalam perairan. Akibat rusaknya ekosistim pesisir di wilayah pesisir seperti terumbu karang, algae dll, membuat berkurangnya telur dan individu dewasa cumi-cumi di wilayah pesisir. Salah satu proses yang dilakukan untuk dapat mempertahankan kelangsungan generasi atau memcegah kepunahan suatu sumberdaya adalah reproduksi atau perkembangbiakan. Dalam konteks penyediaan sumber hidup alternatif, maka Teknologi squid attractor (atraktor cumi). merupakan salah satu sarana buatan yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan daya dukung dan kelestarian sumberdaya cumi-cumi. Squid attractor mempunyai fungsi utama sebagai tempa...

ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, Feb 28, 2012
Distribusi suhu dapat dipelajari dalam dua aspek yakni distribusi suhu permukaan dan struktur pen... more Distribusi suhu dapat dipelajari dalam dua aspek yakni distribusi suhu permukaan dan struktur penyebaran dari lapisan permukaan sampai ke dasar perairan. Suhu dapat digunakan sebagai indikator perubahan kondisi perairan. Faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi distribusi suhu adalah pertukaran panas, mekanisma pengadukan dll. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mempelajari variasi temporal penyebaran suhu di muara sungai. Data diambil pada 2 periode umur bulan (Purnama dan Perbani Akhir). Pengambilan dilakukan pada 5 stasiun, masing-masing sebanyak 4 kali pengambilan (pukul 05.00, 09.00, 13.00 dan 17.00 Wita). Variasi suhu terlihat berbeda menurut kedalaman air dari 0.5 sampai 15 m. Hal ini berhubungan dengan radiasi sinar matahari, sirkulasi permukaan laut dan variasi pasang surut (kecepatan dan arah pasang surut). Kata kunci : Variasi suhu temporel, pasut, periode umur bulan, muara sungai.
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2010
In order to have better understanding of the relation between fish behaviour and environmental fa... more In order to have better understanding of the relation between fish behaviour and environmental factors, acoustics surveys in costal zone around mangrove forest in Bahoi vilage-Minahasa Utara regency were carried out. Three transects were done with different time period in order to assess spatial and temporal variability distribution offish schools. In the same time, environmental factors and fishing using Gill Net were also done. Data of depth school from each fish school detected by fish finder was computed and analysed for frequency distributions on each depth. The data revealed that vertical distribution of fish schools is different among observation periods. Which is related to surface water temperature and tides.

Le determinisme du comportement des bancs de poissons pelagiques est etudie a partir de donnees d... more Le determinisme du comportement des bancs de poissons pelagiques est etudie a partir de donnees de prospection acoustique et en utilisant des facteurs environnementaux, geographiques et biologiques. On etait en droit de penser que ces facteurs jouaient un role important sur les fluctuations de disponibilite du poisson et sur la variabilite spatio-temporelle de son organisation dans l'espace en bancs. Les observations faites au coup de quatre annees dans le golfe de gascogne montrent que les descripteurs pertinents de bancs tels que: nombre de bancs, surface, energie, forme et position dans la tranche d'eau varient de facon significative selon l'annee et la saison. On note egalement que les bancs de poissons sont distribues geographiquement de facon anisotrope. La taille moyenne des structures homogenes differe selon les descripteurs et l'annee. Nous tentons dans cette etude d'identifier une relation eventuelle entre la variation des formes, de la densite, de la t...
Tarumingkeng, A. and W. Patty. 2010. Analysis of Total solid suspended at river downstream Manado... more Tarumingkeng, A. and W. Patty. 2010. Analysis of Total solid suspended at river downstream Manado bay. A research was done to analyze total solid suspended at downstream river, Manado bay. Total solid suspended content was analyzed in nine stations at Malalayang river stream. Total solid suspensions and turbidity of water were analyzed using Horiba U-10. The result shows that the highest total solid suspensions were in station 1, 4 and 7. High total solid suspensions caused by its position near to the land. Total solid suspensions Malalayang river have uncertain trend. Turbidity influence to total solid suspended of Malalayang river. Kata kunci : total solid suspended, turbidity, river, Malalayang

Kondisi terumbu karang hidup dan jumlah jenis ikan Target di Taman Nasional Bunaken semakin menur... more Kondisi terumbu karang hidup dan jumlah jenis ikan Target di Taman Nasional Bunaken semakin menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan teknologi biorock dan studi tentang kondisi ekologi komunitas ikan karang di sana. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Agustus-Oktober 2014 di Pulau Siladen bagian Barat Daya, Kecamatan Bunaken, Kota Manado Sulut. Pengukuran faktor lingkungan dengan Horiba U-50 Struktur biorock dibuat dari kerangka besi (diameter 1.2 cm) berukuran 2x2x1.5m. Bibit karang (Acropora sp.) ditransplantasi di terumbu buatan. Data ikan karang diamati selama 5-10 menit menurut metode stationery visual sensus. Pengambilan data dilakukan sebanyak dua kali dalam sehari yaitu pagi hari (pukul 09.00 Wita) dan siang hari (pukul 14.00 Wita). Jenis ikan di Biorock dapat dikelompokan dalam 11 Famili, 35 Genus dan 277 ind. Jumlah jenis ikan pada pengamatan Sore lebih tinggi dari pada pagi hari. Tingginya jenis ikan di perairan ini karena kualitas air laut yang belum tercemar.F...

ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2005
Umur dan pertumbuhan dua jenis ikan : Lutjanus gibbus dan Lethrinus miniatus dianalisa dengan met... more Umur dan pertumbuhan dua jenis ikan : Lutjanus gibbus dan Lethrinus miniatus dianalisa dengan metoda analisa frekwensi panjan g. Hasil analisa menunjukan bahwa ada 2 kelompok umur yang ditemukan dengan metoda Maximum-Successifs. Kelompok umur-panjang ini akan digunakan untuk menghitung parameter pertumbuhan Von Bertalanffy. Nilai parameter yang saling berhubungan dan baik dipakai untuk penentuan pertumbuhan, tergantung dari distribusi frekwensi ukuran panjang ikan, variabilitas dan konsistensi distribusi ukuran panjang tersebut. Hasil yang ditemukan oleh metoda Maximum-Successif tidak banyak berbeda dengan metoda lain seperti Normsep dan Otolith. Kata kunci : Pertumbuhan, analisa frekwensi ukuran panjang, Von Bertalaffy, Ikan tropis Age and growth of two tropical marine fish species : Lutjanus gibbus and Lethrinus miniatus, were determined by length frequency analysis. The results showed the presence some age classes of fish determined by Maximum-Successifs methods. The incorporatio...

Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management, 2016
ABSTRACTThis study was aimed at observing the influence of blinking light attractor of trap on th... more ABSTRACTThis study was aimed at observing the influence of blinking light attractor of trap on the coral fish catch and identifying the catch species. It was carried out in the coastal waters of Kampung Ambon, East Likupang district, North Minahasa Regency using an experimental method. Data were collected using 6 iron-framed fish traps of net wall and operated for 6 days. Three units had Mackerel and blinking light, and the other three used only Mackerels as bait. Results showed that there were total 71 individuals of fish caught, 49 fish were caught in the blinking light traps and 22 individuals in the trap without blinking light. T-test indicated highly significant different effect on the catch gain between trap with blinking light and that without blinking light.Keywords: attractor, blinking light, coral fish, trap-------ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh penggunaan atraktor cahaya berkedip pada bubu terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan karang dan mengidentifikasi...

High concentrations of chlorophyll-a can be used to predict where fish gather. On the other hand,... more High concentrations of chlorophyll-a can be used to predict where fish gather. On the other hand, tropical cyclones are one of the triggering factors for vertical stirring and upwelling that cause fertility of waters. The Sangihe Island area is not an effective area for the formation of tropical cyclones. However, due to its geographical location with a tropical cyclone area and trajectory, the potential for disturbances caused by cyclones is impactful on Sangihe Island. The distribution of wind speed, salinity, sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration can be detected by satellite remote sensing imagery. This study aims to analyze the impact of Tropical Cyclone Amang on the variability of wind speed, salinity, sea surface temperature and on the concentration of chlorophyll-a in Sangihe Island. This study useswind speed, salinity, sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a data during the Amang Tropical Cyclone (January 6-27, 2019) from the AQUA-MODIS satellite imagery....

Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Kajian penggunaan intensitas cahaya lampu yang berbeda terhadap hasil t... more Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Kajian penggunaan intensitas cahaya lampu yang berbeda terhadap hasil tangkapan bagan perahu di perairan Teluk Dodinga, Kabupaten Halmahera Barat Raft lift net fishermen in Dufa-Dufa, Ternate City, are using the gasoline lamp “petromax”, as accessory equipment in fishing operation. In relation to its development, global energy saving and gasoline conversion to liquid petroleum gas (LPG), it is necessary to design an easier fishing technology either for energy saving, gear use efficiency or economic efficiency in association with utilization time and fish catch increment. The study was aimed at 1) determining the different effect of Tornado Cool light on number of fish and fish species; 2) studying the optimal light intensity for raft lift net fishing operation. Results showed that total fish catches of each light intensity treatment were 867.3 kg for TC10 (240 watts), 1,500 kg for TC8 (192 watts), and 804 kg for TC6 (144 watts), respectively. Five fish spec...

Since the fishing ground is getting farther from the coastal waters, Fish Aggregating Device is n... more Since the fishing ground is getting farther from the coastal waters, Fish Aggregating Device is needed as auxiliary fishing gear. Light is one of the auxiliary gear to attract fish gathering in the fishing ground. The use of underwater light has the potential to make the fish be in the target locality. Fish distribution underwater can be detected using a fish finder. Both technologies was applied to the partnership fishermen in Malalayang Satu Timur, Manado Bay, who have got impact of the coast reclamation. The technological implementation of yellow and red LED-sourced light underwater can be automatically turned on through automatically charged solar. In fishing operations, together with the partnership fishermen, the underwater light and the fish finder were put on the 3x4 m raft. Results revealed that the use of these technologies gave the economic advantage obtained that the catch has increased from the average before using the underwater light of 150 kg / trip to 400 kg / trip...

One of potential fishing grounds for small pelagic fish in Southeast Mallucas Regency is Rosenber... more One of potential fishing grounds for small pelagic fish in Southeast Mallucas Regency is Rosenberg Strait waters. In this region, a study on the effect of different light intensities of floating lift net on fish catches was carried out. The analyses were done on light distribution of 4 light intensities different: Petromaks Lamp and Underwater Lamps of each 18 watt, 36 watt and 54 watt. This study showed that catches of floating lift net using different light intensities were statistically significantly different. The use of 36 watt and 54 watt underwater lamp yielded the same amount of catches but higher than that of 18 watt-underwater lamp and petromaks, both in number and species. Catches consisted of 17 species, 16 fishs and 1 mollusca. Number of species and size also varied with light intensity used. There were 13 fishs species dominated by Stolephorus indicus as much as 46.9 kg or 22% for petromaks catches, 14 fishs species dominated by Rastrelliger kanagurata as much as 64 kg...
Coastal resources and space in the coastal around Gangga island, has been used for fishing activi... more Coastal resources and space in the coastal around Gangga island, has been used for fishing activities and marine tourism. The purpose of this study to map the profile of bottom waters and to identify patterns sublitoral basic surface waters. The survey was conducted by using the acoustic method of sounding, followed by sediment sampling as well as shooting on the surface of the bottom waters. The result of observation indicates that the basic conditions of slope waters around the island of Ganga slope varies from flat to very steep slopes. Waters of the western Gangga island smaller flat slope found in coastal landform ranging from mangroves, coral reefs and seagrass. Bottom waters to the east of Gangga island to steep slope, with the basic pattern dominated by coral reefs and sand.

Coral reefs in Malalayang coastal waters has degraded due to impact of restoration and pollution,... more Coral reefs in Malalayang coastal waters has degraded due to impact of restoration and pollution, especially domestic disposals. It makes the fishermen communities who depend upon the coral reef fisheries difficult to fish in the coastal waters. One of the solutions for coral restoration is to develop artificial reefs. The objective of the study is to know the ecological condition of the fish communities in two types of artificial reefs, biorock and paralon pipe. Data sampling was done every week for one month in the morning at 09.00 O’clock am and afternoon at 14.00 pm, using stationary visual census method. The data covered species and number of coral fishes around the artificial reefs. Data analyses focused on the diversity and the richness individu. Results showed that the fish communities in both artificial reefs that the fish occurrence in the biorock were relatively higher than those in the paralon pipe, this is related to habitat conditions in biorock providing a greater opp...

Fishery potential in Manado Bay, especially capture fisheries is quite large; but fishing activit... more Fishery potential in Manado Bay, especially capture fisheries is quite large; but fishing activities that carried out by fishermen are still relatively in small scale; which is dominated by various types of hook and line, and small purse seine. Trolling is a traditional fishing gear that commonly used by fishermen in Manado Bay to catch pelagic fish species with artificial bait. This research aimed to study the effect of artificial bait color on the catch of trolling; and to identify the fish species. This research was conducted in January 2015 based on the experimental method. Two types of artificial bait colors were used, i.e. blue and pink; artificial bait was made of silk fibers. Catch data collected using small boats Pelang types, with 2 units of trolling line; operated during daylight from the morning (06:00 Wita) until the afternoon (18:00 Wita), data recorded every 2 hours for two days; and the data were analyzed using t-test. The catch of trolling line consists of Auxis tha...
Arus berperan penting dalam memberikan informasi hidrografi, sehingga pengukurannya sudah dilakuk... more Arus berperan penting dalam memberikan informasi hidrografi, sehingga pengukurannya sudah dilakukan dan dikaji baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Metoda Lagrangian telah digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi arus permukaan di perairan pantai Desa Tateli Weru. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kondisi perairan pantai di sana lebih didominasi oleh arus pasang surut dengan kecepatan bervariasi antara 62.7 cm/det dan 141cm/det dan mengarah ke timur dan tenggara.

Pancing noru (handline) pada umumnya terdiri dari penggulung, tali utama, tali pengantar, tali... more Pancing noru (handline) pada umumnya terdiri dari penggulung, tali utama, tali pengantar, tali cabang, kili-kili, mata pancing, umpan buatan, dan pemberat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk (1) Membandingkan bentuk umpan buatan pancing noru terhadap jumlah hasil tangkapan ikan selar (Caranx melamphygus) dan menentukan bentuk umpan buatan pancing noru yang terbaik terhadap jumlah hasil tangkapan ikan selar di Perairan sekitar Teluk Manado. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental yaitu melakukan percobaan penangkapan ikan selar dengan menggunakan bentuk umpan buatan yang berbeda. Data hasil tangkapan dianalisa dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) untuk melihat apakah Ho(diterima) : Bentuk umpan buatan tidak berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan selar atau H1(ditolak) : Bentuk umpan buatan berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan selar. Hasil tangkapan diperoleh ikan selar sebanyak 2456 ekor yaitu hasil tebanyak dalam penangkapan dan setelah dianalisa u...
Papers by Wilhelmina Patty