Papers by Patrik Zanolari

The infection dynamics of Coxiella (C.) burnetii were investigated in three dairy goat herds (A, ... more The infection dynamics of Coxiella (C.) burnetii were investigated in three dairy goat herds (A, B, and C) 2 years after the first pathogen detection. A total of 28 and 29 goats from herds A and B, and 35 goats from herd C, were examined. Sera were analyzed on three sampling dates using phase-specific serology. Pathogen shedding was assessed using post-partum vaginal swabs and monthly bulk tank milk (BTM) samples. Dust samples from a barn and milking parlor were also collected monthly. These samples were analyzed with PCR (target IS1111). In herd A, individual animals tested seropositive, while vaginal swabs, BTM, and most dust samples tested negative. Herds B and C exhibited high IgG phase I activity, indicating a past infection. In herd B, approximately two-thirds of the goats shed C. burnetii with vaginal mucus, and irregular positive results were obtained from BTM. Herd C had two positive goats based on vaginal swabs, and BTM tested positive once. Dust samples from herds B and C...
The red blood cell parasite 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemolamae', formerly Eperythrozoon, is known ... more The red blood cell parasite 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemolamae', formerly Eperythrozoon, is known to be widespread in South American camelids in the USA, causing anaemia in affected animals. Up to now, haemotrophic mycoplasmas were not observed in South American camelids in Europe; however, they were known in a herd of alpacas in Switzerland and to identify them as 'Candidatus M. haemolamae'. Possible ways of transmission are discussed.
Schweizer Archiv Fur Tierheilkunde, Oct 5, 2020
Tabelle 2: Nachweis der Ausscheidung von C. burnetii in Milch, Vaginalmukus und Kot bei Ziegen (n... more Tabelle 2: Nachweis der Ausscheidung von C. burnetii in Milch, Vaginalmukus und Kot bei Ziegen (n = 10) nach nachgewiesen C. burnetii Abort bzw. Totgeburt.
CABI eBooks, 2015
This book chapter describes the epidemiological, clinical and pathological features of TB in Sout... more This book chapter describes the epidemiological, clinical and pathological features of TB in South American camelids (llamas and alpacas) in Great Britain, as well as the available diagnostic tests and disease control strategies. The extent of mycobacterial diseases in South American camelids caused by M. bovis and other mycobacteria in other countries and reports from Africa and the Middle East on the problem of TB in old world camels are highlighted
Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe Grosstiere, Nutztiere, 2008
ZusammenfassungHauterkrankungen machen einen großen Teil der Krankheiten bei Neuweltkameliden aus... more ZusammenfassungHauterkrankungen machen einen großen Teil der Krankheiten bei Neuweltkameliden aus. Der vorliegende zweite Teil der Arbeit gibt eine Übersicht über die häufigsten dermatologischen Erkrankungen und präsentiert die aktuellen Behandlungsschemata in praxisgerechter Form. Die Diagnosestellung, Prognose und Therapie werden bei den häufig vorkommenden Fällen von Alopezie, Schuppen- und Krustenbildung im Detail vorgestellt. Differenzialdiagnostisch kommen ein Milbenbefall, eine zinkabhängige Dermatose und idiopathische Hyperkeratose infrage.
Animals, Nov 2, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Nov 10, 2021
In 2012, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) emerged in Saudi Arabia and was ... more In 2012, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) emerged in Saudi Arabia and was mostly associated with severe respiratory illness in humans. Dromedary camels are the zoonotic reservoir for MERS-CoV. To investigate the biology of MERS-CoV in camelids, we developed a welldifferentiated airway epithelial cell (AEC) culture model for Llama glama and Camelus bactrianus. Histological characterization revealed progressive epithelial cellular differentiation with wellresemblance to autologous ex vivo tissues. We demonstrate that MERS-CoV displays a divergent cell tropism and replication kinetics profile in both AEC models. Furthermore, we observed that in the camelid AEC models MERS-CoV replication can be inhibited by both type I and III interferons (IFNs). In conclusion, we successfully established camelid AEC cultures that recapitulate the in vivo airway epithelium and reflect MERS-CoV infection in vivo. In combination with human AEC cultures, this system allows detailed characterization of the molecular basis of MERS-CoV cross-species transmission in respiratory epithelium. .
Food and Waterborne Parasitology, Sep 1, 2022
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Nov 17, 2022
Die zunehmende Beliebtheit von Lamas und Alpakas ausserhalb Südamerikas ist unbestritten. Die dam... more Die zunehmende Beliebtheit von Lamas und Alpakas ausserhalb Südamerikas ist unbestritten. Die damit verbundene begrenzte genetische Vielfalt wirft jedoch Fragen zur Gesundheit und zu anderen genetisch bedingten Merkmalen wie zum Beispiel der Fellfarbe auf. Aus diesem Grund wurde 2019 in der Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich eine Umfrage zum Vorkommen von angeborenen Anomalien und züchterisch relevanten Merkmalen wie Farbe und Muster des Fells bei Neuweltkameliden durchgeführt. Darüber hinaus wurde der Verwendungszweck dieser Tiere, die Herdengrösse und die Rassen erfragt
Tuberculosis, leprosy and mycobacterial diseases of man and animals: the many hosts of mycobacteria
This book chapter describes the epidemiological, clinical and pathological features of TB in Sout... more This book chapter describes the epidemiological, clinical and pathological features of TB in South American camelids (llamas and alpacas) in Great Britain, as well as the available diagnostic tests and disease control strategies. The extent of mycobacterial diseases in South American camelids caused by M. bovis and other mycobacteria in other countries and reports from Africa and the Middle East on the problem of TB in old world camels are highlighted
Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, Nov 1, 2010

In 2012, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) emerged in Saudi Arabia and was ... more In 2012, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) emerged in Saudi Arabia and was mostly associated with severe respiratory illness in humans. Dromedary camels are the zoonotic reservoir for MERS-CoV. To investigate the biology of MERS-CoV in camelids, we developed a well-differentiated airway epithelial cell (AEC) culture model for Llama glama and Camelus bactrianus. Histological characterization revealed progressive epithelial cellular differentiation with well-resemblance to autologous ex vivo tissues. We demonstrate that MERS-CoV displays a divergent cell tropism and replication kinetics profile in both AEC models. Furthermore, we observed that in the camelid AEC models MERS-CoV replication can be inhibited by both type I and III interferons (IFNs). In conclusion, we successfully established camelid AEC cultures that recapitulate the in vivo airway epithelium and reflect MERS-CoV infection in vivo. In combination with human AEC cultures, this system allows detaile...
Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 2011
Tierärztliche Praxis Ausgabe G: Großtiere / Nutztiere, 2008
ZusammenfassungHauterkrankungen machen einen großen Teil der Krankheiten bei Neuweltkameliden aus... more ZusammenfassungHauterkrankungen machen einen großen Teil der Krankheiten bei Neuweltkameliden aus. Der vorliegende zweite Teil der Arbeit gibt eine Übersicht über die häufigsten dermatologischen Erkrankungen und präsentiert die aktuellen Behandlungsschemata in praxisgerechter Form. Die Diagnosestellung, Prognose und Therapie werden bei den häufig vorkommenden Fällen von Alopezie, Schuppen- und Krustenbildung im Detail vorgestellt. Differenzialdiagnostisch kommen ein Milbenbefall, eine zinkabhängige Dermatose und idiopathische Hyperkeratose infrage.
Animals, Jun 30, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Animal Genetics, Jun 24, 2022

Der Wiederkauerklinik oder dem Institut fur Genetik der Universitat Bern wurden zwi-schen 2012 un... more Der Wiederkauerklinik oder dem Institut fur Genetik der Universitat Bern wurden zwi-schen 2012 und 2014 insgesamt 5 Rinder der Rasse Simmental vorgestellt, die je-weils nicht sistierende Blutungen nach Trauma zeigten. Alle betroffenen Tiere waren homozygote Trager fur die seit 2007 bekannte RASGRP2 Mutation. Die verfugbaren Eltern wurden als heterozygote Anlagetrager genotypisiert, was somit einen rezessi-ven Erbgang bestatigt. Drei erkrankte Tiere sind an den Folgen der unstillbaren Blu-tungen verstorben. Ein Tier konnte stabilisiert werden und wurde einen Monat nach der Entlassung aus der Klinik geschlachtet. Bei einem weiteren Fall wurden wieder-holt andauernde Blutungen sowie mehrmals Hamatome festgestellt und nach der genetischen Analyse wurde das Rind euthanasiert. Die Genotypisierung einer Stich-probe von 145 Stieren, die im Jahr 2013 in der Schweiz in der kunstlichen Besamung zum Einsatz kamen, zeigte, dass 10% der getesteten Stiere in der Schweiz Anlage-trager fur die assoziierte Mutation sind. Diese Stiere werden mit TP carrier gekenn-zeichnet und sollten zukunftig nicht mehr unkontrolliert eingesetzt werden. Die Zuchtverantwortlichen in der Schweiz nutzen heute den Gentest systematisch zur Selektion von anlagefreien Stieren.

BMC Veterinary Research, Mar 29, 2019
Background: Polymelia is a congenital defect characterized by one or more supernumerary legs. The... more Background: Polymelia is a congenital defect characterized by one or more supernumerary legs. The genetics and aetiology of this condition in cattle have not yet been thoroughly investigated even though several case reports do exist. The model of the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) has been characterized in several species to study spinal nociceptive processing. It is a polysynaptic spinal reflex that can be elicited by noxious electrical stimulation and recorded by electromyography. Thorough nociceptive examination and preventive analgesic management has not yet been an aspect in the perioperative management of polymelia cases. Case presentation: A 4-month-old female Simmental calf was presented with notomelia. The animal was in good health and showed no neurologic deficiencies. Preoperatively, computed tomography was performed to gain more detailed anatomical information. To evaluate the sensitivity of the accessory limb, NWR testing was performed and revealed a connection of the afferent reflex pathway of the accessory limb to the efferent of the normal limb. The accessory limb was surgically removed under general anaesthesia. Intensive care included multimodal pain therapy adapted to the pain intensity scored during regular pain assessment. A gross anatomical dissection as well as a genetic analysis of the accessory limb were performed postoperatively. The calf was identified as a chimera. Conclusion: This calf was successfully relieved of its accessory limb. Chimerism has not been described in the congenital defect polymelia. As the accessory limb was pain sensitive and a common nociceptive reflex pathway was identified, thorough perioperative pain management was performed with the intention to prevent chronic neuropathic pain development.
Papers by Patrik Zanolari