Papers by Patrick de Haas
Les Cahiers du Musée national d'art moderne (Paris), 2021
Duchamp - image - magie -mirage - Laforgue - Eilshemius - couleurs natives - Clair de lune -
Pierre Lucerné - Collage - Bonbons -

Critique d’art, 2003
The history of the avant-garde, or "experimental" 1 , cinema is not well-known in France. So ther... more The history of the avant-garde, or "experimental" 1 , cinema is not well-known in France. So there is good reason to welcome the translation of the major reference work about its development in the United States, almost three decades after its original publication: Le Cinéma visionnaire : l'avant-garde américaine 1943-2000. 2 P. Adams Sitney was the first to attempt to put forward a typology-which has stayed the course-by formulating various aesthetic parameters shared by the works of different artists. His precise analyses of the films concerned are essential reading. The author basically singles out two major groups of films: on the one hand, lyrical or "mythopoetic" cinema, which developed from 1943 on with the films of, among others, Maya Deren, Kenneth Anger, and then Stan Brakhage and Gregory Markopoulos, and, on the other hand, the "structural cinema", which he saw taking shape from the mid-1960s onward
Critique D Art Actualite Internationale De La Litterature Critique Sur L Art Contemporain, Apr 1, 2003
Other by Patrick de Haas
Papers by Patrick de Haas
Other by Patrick de Haas