Papers by Pascale Quester
The University of Adelaide Student Learning Hub: a case study of education co-creation
Universities in Transition: Foregrounding Social Contexts of Knowledge in the First Year Experience, 2014
This paper aims to assess the information loss and its effect on r when making a continuous numer... more This paper aims to assess the information loss and its effect on r when making a continuous numerical variable discrete by categorising the data. A simulation is used in order to determine the true extent of decrease in r while at the same time correcting for the assumption Morrison made regarding the uniformity of the error distribution. The results are then compared with those obtained using the approach suggested by Morrison.
A Review of the Cognitive and Affective Country-of-Origin’s Effects and Their Influence on an Organisational Attribution of Blame Post a Crisis Event: An Abstract
Perceived informative intention in advertising and its attenuating effect on persuasion attribution among children
Psychology & Marketing, 2018
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2017
Sport Sponsorship
Routledge Handbook of Sport Management, 2012
3rd International …, 2006
Consumers use both intrinsic and extrinsic cues when forming opinions regarding product quality. ... more Consumers use both intrinsic and extrinsic cues when forming opinions regarding product quality. Research has shown that consumers are often unable to assess these cues accurately and may ignore product attributes that significantly influence product quality in favor of others that contribute little. Country-of-origin and price have been found to be examples of extrinsic cues repeatedly used by consumer to form product quality opinions, both before and after purchase.
Towards more reliable network scales
ANZMAC 2007: Reputation, Responsibility, Relevance Invalid ISBN 9781877156299 as shown on the pub... more ANZMAC 2007: Reputation, Responsibility, Relevance Invalid ISBN 9781877156299 as shown on the publication
Network Management of Multi-Sectoral Innovation

Does corporate social responsibility improve brands’ responsible and active personality dimensions? An experimental investigation
Journal of Product & Brand Management, 2020
Purpose While past studies have shown that corporate social responsibility (CSR) influences brand... more Purpose While past studies have shown that corporate social responsibility (CSR) influences brand equity, loyalty and brand attitudes, research about CSR effects on the responsible and active dimensions of brand personality remains limited. This study aims to address this gap and examine how brands with different personality strength benefit from CSR communication, providing novel insights about CSR’s branding payoffs to firms. Design/methodology/approach Three experiments were conducted. Study 1 tested if CSR communication influenced responsible and active brand personality dimensions compared to non-CSR communication. Study 2 examined how varying CSR spending allocations affect personality perceptions of weak and strong brands. Studies 1 and 2 measured responsible and active brand personalities before and after exposure to experimental manipulations, assessing immediate changes in brand personality. Study 3 replicated the results of Study 2 using fictitious brands whose initial br...

Australian New Zealand Wine Industry Journal, 2000
AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF (Signature) Dr. Charles F. Sutherland Much fOrest land in Western Or... more AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF (Signature) Dr. Charles F. Sutherland Much fOrest land in Western Oregon has been lost to production due to brush competition. As the demand for forest products in- creases, more attention should be paid to the reclamation of these unproductive lands. Chemical herbicides have been proven an efficient tool for brush control from the physiological viewpoint. This study uses the internal rate of return and benefit-cost ratio analyses for the economic evaluation of herbicidal brush control for decision-making under certainty. A general sensitivity analysis is conducted and discussed in terms of the changes in stumpage price and interest rate. The internal rates of return and benefit-cost ratjos are given as guidelines to forest managers in decision-making. The possibility of using decision-making under uncertainty has been explored and explained. The maximum expected value was used as a criterion in decision-making process.
Measuring Retailer Equity: An Empirical Study
Existing retailer equity measurement methods suffer from limitations such as the lack of discrimi... more Existing retailer equity measurement methods suffer from limitations such as the lack of discriminant indicators. In this paper, retailer equity is conceptualised as a four dimensional construct consistent with the literature. Retailer awareness, retailer associations, perceived retailer quality, and retailer loyalty are the four dimensions proposed. The study relies on data collected from a convenience sample of 600 shopping mall consumers at an Australian state capital city. Following a confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation modelling to examine the dimensionality of the retailer equity construct, the proposed model is tested for two retailer categories: department stores and speciality stores (e.g. clothing). Results have implications for retailers in Australia and New Zealand.
Modeling the Social Structure of Online Discussion Groups: Implications for Controlling Viral Marketing
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 2007
This research examines the process by which information diffuses within newsgroups on the Interne... more This research examines the process by which information diffuses within newsgroups on the Internet. Our results empirically demonstrate that these newsgroups are scale-free networks where the potential for information dissemination is important, albeit somewhat unpredictable. This leads us to reconsider the econometric foundations of forecasting methods typically used by marketers.

Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 2011
In 2006 Australia introduced graphic health warnings (GHW) on cigarette packets, depicting a rang... more In 2006 Australia introduced graphic health warnings (GHW) on cigarette packets, depicting a range of tobacco-related pathology. This intervention, controlling the appearance of a consumer product, was designed to raise consumers’ awareness of the harms of tobacco use, motivate quitting, and discourage uptake of smoking. This study applies the reasoned action approach to assess the relevance of GHW-related beliefs and attitudes to smokers’ behavioural intentions and smoking behaviour. A sample of 587 smokers was recruited through a random representative population survey in 2005, prior to the introduction of new warnings. A subset of 158 was followed up a year later. The results show that GHW-related beliefs and attitudes were predictive of intention to quit smoking. Intentions to quit were, in turn, predictive of quitting behaviour as measured in the follow up stage. New GHW warnings, smokers are presumed to have been exposed to, were also associated with changes in beliefs over time.

Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 2013
Issues addressed: The aim of the present study was to describe food advertising and expenditure o... more Issues addressed: The aim of the present study was to describe food advertising and expenditure on Australian television, and to conduct an audit to assess what proportion of food and beverage television advertisements was consistent with dietary recommendations. Methods: Data were acquired from a national media monitoring company for advertisements broadcast in five major Australian cities from 1 September 2010 to 31 October 2010. Content analysis was undertaken on these advertisements and the advertised foods were assessed against the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. The data also included advertising expenditures. Results: Most advertised foods were non-core foods (63%), with few advertisements for fruits and vegetables (6%). Advertisements for non-core foods were significantly more frequent during prime time viewing periods (71% vs 60%; P < 0.01). High levels of advertising for fast food (28%) and non-core beverages (24%) were recorded. Conclusions: The present study found that the foods advertised during the data-collection period were inconsistent with the recommended diet. There are clear areas for policy concern given that the majority of recorded advertisements were for foods classified as 'occasional foods', there were low levels of advertising for fruit and vegetables, and there were no social marketing messages to support healthy eating. So what? The findings of the study suggest that there is an urgent need for more comprehensive regulation of food advertising in Australia.
Un cadre d'analyse de l'efficacité persuasive du pseudo-parrainage
Revue française du marketing, 2008
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
… Marketing …, 2010
With rising pressure on firms to demonstrate social responsibility, and an increasing need to jus... more With rising pressure on firms to demonstrate social responsibility, and an increasing need to justify corporate expenditure, social marketing is one way firms can achieve more with less. Corporate volunteering programs (CVPs) are prime examples of social marketing initiatives that can be leveraged in such a way that firms can acquire a market advantage with minimal expenditure. CVPs develop the human capital of the organisation, whilst also communicating a proactive CSR image to stakeholders, providing plenty of bang for the firms' buck. A conceptual framework is presented illustrating these benefits and demonstrating the influence of backstage CSR efforts, such as CVPs on consumer perceptions of front-stage performance.
New insights for managing sport sponsorship: Applying the resource based view of the firm
ANZMAC 2004 conference …, 2004
Adoption of the Resource Based View (RBV) of the firm assists our understanding of critical aspec... more Adoption of the Resource Based View (RBV) of the firm assists our understanding of critical aspects of sport sponsorship management. Qualitative research consisting of interviews among 15 major international sport sponsors highlighted the relevance of applying this approach to the ...

Marketing Transformation: Marketing Practice in an Ever Changing World, 2017
This research examines the moderating role of problem gambling status (low-risk gamblers, moderat... more This research examines the moderating role of problem gambling status (low-risk gamblers, moderate-risk gamblers and problem gamblers) on the processing of fear appeals in a sample of Australian gamblers. This study uses multigroup comparisons in structural equation modelling (SEM) to test the robustness of the revised protection motivation model (RPMM) in predicting the effectiveness of fear appeals to induce help-seeking intentions in at-risk gamblers. The results provide evidence that fear does not mediate the impact of perceived susceptibility on help-seeking intentions in at-risk gamblers. Cognitive appraisals of perceived susceptibility directly and positively impact help-seeking intentions in low, moderate and problem gamblers. Overall, this research demonstrates that negative emotion such as fear does not prompt at-risk gamblers to seek help. However, when gambling threat is perceived as relevant, the cognitive appraisals of gambling risks predict significant helpseeking intentions in low, moderate and problem gamblers. Direct impact of perceived susceptibility on help-seeking intentions does not significantly differ among low, moderate and problem gamblers. This research demonstrates the unique role of individual gambling status on fear appeal effectiveness in at-risk gamblers.

Trust is an essential construct of actor bonds in the IMP framework (Håkansson and Snehota 1995),... more Trust is an essential construct of actor bonds in the IMP framework (Håkansson and Snehota 1995), and is also known to be important for inter-firm relationships (Håkansson and Snehota 1995; Morgan and Hunt 1994). Trust has been conceptualised as a multi-dimensional construct in previous business-tobusiness research, with the two dominant theoretical dimensions of benevolence or goodwill on the one hand (Ring and Van de Ven 1992) and confidence, credibility or predictability that a partner may be relied upon, on the other (Anderson and Weitz 1989). These theoretical dimensions are recognised in early inter-firm research by Schurr and Ozanne (1985) who used the inter-personal definition of trust developed by Blau (1964) and Rotter (1967). However, some doubt has arisen as to whether these theoretical dimensions exist, with Doney and Canon (1997) finding that they could not discriminate empirically between the dimensions of benevolence and credibility. In addition, most papers have res...
Papers by Pascale Quester