Papers by Pascal Bourdeaux

Environment and History, 2016
Poole resists a broad-brush approach. Her sheer erudition, which essentially sums up three decade... more Poole resists a broad-brush approach. Her sheer erudition, which essentially sums up three decades of study, is at times daunting to a lesser mortal like this reviewer. Put a different way, the book's brilliance will without a doubt make it core reading for Koreanists, but others may find themselves unsatisfied: those concerned with geopolitics will expect more detail about political groups and alignments, those who explore colonialism will wonder about the lack of discussion on censorship and enforcement of policies designed to serve Tokyo, and the focus on the abstractions of literature will challenge historians who expect historical events to be foregrounded. After an introduction, Ch'oe Myŏngik is the first writer on whom Poole focuses, chosen to illustrate the narrative fragmentation characteristic of the late 1930s. In his stories, Ch'oe describes objects in intricate detail, shifting understandings of utility to the urban everyday in ways that challenge the received wisdom from previous generations. That Japan had colonized Korea to many implied a failure of tradition, and the second writer Poole features is Sŏ Insik, who uses philosophy-Japanese philosophyto imagine a future. Retrospectively, we see hints of the illusive utopia that justifies the continued existence of North Korea today. Nostalgia features in the writings of Yi T'aejun, revealing the attraction of antiquarian objects collected, exhibited and enjoyed in the silence after his wife retires to bed. Nostalgia, though, has less place in the stories of Pak T'aewŏn, in which the new urban suburbs of Seoul demand a modernist narrative. Then comes Ch'oe Chaesŏ, responding to the colonial government's closure of the journal that he edited, a journal that published commentaries on local and European literature, by championing the imperial campaign itself in a collection of essays. Each writer provides the focus for one chapter, with Ch'oe bridging from the fifth to the sixth, where he is responsible for publishing a narration, in Japanese, by the former communist leader Kim Namch'ŏn, on the birth of his son. The child becomes a metaphor for the future of Koreans and the Korean nation. And so we move onwards, for "when the future disappears time does not come to an end", but enters "the entangled realm of an everyday life lived under colonial fascism" (p. 16). What Poole's book avoids doing, then, is to reduce these entanglements to a single timeline, or to fuse the constructions of colonialism into a shared memory that can account for the emergence of one or the other of the rival states that have, for the last seventy years, divided the Korean peninsula.
Social Sciences and Missions, 2018
1 e.g. the referenced special issue of the Journal of Southeast Asian Studies edited by Charles K... more 1 e.g. the referenced special issue of the Journal of Southeast Asian Studies edited by Charles Keyes (1996). It is regrettable that besides Keyes, Tapp, and Salemink, other key research on conversion to Evangelical Christianity among Southeast Asian highland inhabitants such as Aragon, Kammerer and Hayami are not referenced in the volume's extensive bibliography.
Moussons, 2021
Une decennie apres la chute de Saigon qui scella, le 30 avril 1975, le sort d’un Viet Nam indepen... more Une decennie apres la chute de Saigon qui scella, le 30 avril 1975, le sort d’un Viet Nam independant et desormais confronte aux defis de la reunification, peu de temps apres que Michael Cimino et Francis Ford Coppola ne realisent deux monuments du cinema hollywoodien mettant les Etats-Unis face a ses propres demons, The Deer Hunter (Voyage au bout de l’enfer) pour l’un en 1978, Apocalypse Now pour l’autre en 1979, c’est un realisateur francais, et non des moindres, Louis Malle, qui traita un...
Moussons consacre un numéro double au Việt Nam : depuis les deux dernières décennies, ce champ pa... more Moussons consacre un numéro double au Việt Nam : depuis les deux dernières décennies, ce champ particulier des sciences sociales que sont les études vietnamiennes a connu à travers le monde et en France en particulier un renouvellement considérable. Il était donc largement temps non pas d’en dresser un bilan, la vague n’ayant pas encore fini de déferler, mais, simplement, de tenter de présenter un panorama de ce renouveau en construction
Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 2022
Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, 2017

Le Bouddhisme Hoa Hao apparait dans l'Ouest du delta du Mekong en 1939. Huynh Phu So, fondate... more Le Bouddhisme Hoa Hao apparait dans l'Ouest du delta du Mekong en 1939. Huynh Phu So, fondateur charismatique, reactive une forme de messianisme et unifie un faisceau de croyances en pleine periode de renovation du bouddhisme. La ferveur religieuse exprime rapidement la volonte d'integration sociale et culturelle de la population locale a l'espace vietnamien. Mais la decolonisation conflictuelle oriente cette communaute en devenir dans ses activites spirituelles et dans des formes d'organisation militaire, politique, socio-economique. Se placant avant tout dans le champ d'une histoire sociale, l'etude analyse la constitution d'un groupe humain identifiable dans un cadre geo-historique delimite. Elle s'interesse aux fondements culturels du culte, aux modalites de son developpement, aux aspirations et conditions de vie des fideles puis opere une distinction entre communautarisme et communaute Hoa Hao qui exprime intrinsequement l'adhesion volontaire...
Handbook of East Asian New Religious Movements, 2018
Moussons, 2009
Les vendredis 5 et samedi 6 octobre 2007 s’est tenu a Ha Nội un colloque ayant pour objet l’etude... more Les vendredis 5 et samedi 6 octobre 2007 s’est tenu a Ha Nội un colloque ayant pour objet l’etude comparee du pluralisme religieux en France et au Việt Nam. Co-organise par l’Institut de Recherches sur les Religions (IRR-Viện nghien cứu ton giao) et la section des sciences religieuses de l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, ce dernier a beneficie des soutiens logistiques, financiers et humains de l’Academie des Sciences Sociales du Việt Nam (mise a disposition d’une salle de conferences de niv...
École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses, 2020
Les trois versions principales ont été établies par Phan Văn Hùm, Quách Đăng Vân, Lê Minh Chí, le... more Les trois versions principales ont été établies par Phan Văn Hùm, Quách Đăng Vân, Lê Minh Chí, lesquelles ont été commentées et rectifiées dans les publications postérieures, telles celles de Nguyễn Tạch Giang (1980) ou Trần Nghĩa (1989). Pour plus de précisions, voir l'inventaire des
École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses, 2010

Social Sciences and Missions, 2019
of nine chapters on G aru : dam from the Kriy ak alagu _ nottara (a text "Full of Virtues for the... more of nine chapters on G aru : dam from the Kriy ak alagu _ nottara (a text "Full of Virtues for the Time of Treatment"), originating in Kerala not later than the eleventh century. The text is presented as a dialogue between K arttikeya and Śiva, who lectures him on divine n agas and terrestrial snakes, their habits and breeding, the reasons they bite, types and shapes of bites, signs of impending death, likely results or survival depending on where the snake bites, omens of death or survival, sages of envenomation, and the relationship between n agas and planets. Also included is an interesting section on mantras and visualizations, another on snake identification, and also one on plant poisons. The text is not easy, and many debatable points naturally arise. Slouber includes descriptions of the manuscripts as well as a critical edition that is up to the standards established over the last few decades by Alexis Sanderson and Harunaga Isaacson. We are grateful to Slouber for introducing us to this sorely neglected branch of tantric and medical lore.
Papers by Pascal Bourdeaux