International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2020
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) an herbaceous perennial plant mainly used as spice and flavor... more Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) an herbaceous perennial plant mainly used as spice and flavor agent for food. Due to the presence of volatile oils consisting of Zingerone, shogaols and gingerols, ginger got its characteristic fragrance and flavor. Ginger rhizome which is the consumed portion is the horizontal stem of the plant that sends out the roots. Due to the attack of various pathogenic diseases of viral, bacterial, fungal and nematode origin, yield of the ginger reduced drastically. Among the various diseases, Soft rot, Bacterial wilt, Phyllosticta leaf spot, Mosaic and Chlorotic flecks are important. Bacterial wilt is one f the most destructive disease of ginger caused by Ralstonia solanacearum previously known as Pseudomonas solanacearum (16) is the causal agent of bacterial wilt which belongs to the Proteobacteria, βsubdivision, Ralstonia group and the genus Ralstonia reported from all the ginger growing countries. Bacterial wilt of ginger, also known as “ginger blast” ...
The investigation on “Micropropagation and biochemical analysis of Spear Mint (Mentha spicata) ” ... more The investigation on “Micropropagation and biochemical analysis of Spear Mint (Mentha spicata) ” was carried out during 2008-09 in the department of Agricultural Biotechnology, OUAT, and Bhubaneswar. The objectives were to standardize the protocols for the surface sterilization of explants and micro propagation and biochemical analysis in spear mint (M. spicata). The best surface sterilants for the mint leaf, nodes and inter nodal explants was the treatment, comprising of washing with double distilled water, deeping in the solution of 0.1 % bavistin and 0.1 % tetracycline for 20 minutes and then in 70 % alcohol (0.5 minutes) followed by 0.1 % Mercuric Chloride (5 minutes). In the concentration of 2.5 mg/l 2, 4-D, the weight of callus (0.199g) and callus induction per cent (92.0%) was high, whereas days to callus induction (12) was low in spear mint. The concentration of 2.5mg/l BAP produced maximum number of shoots from embryogenic callus (10), maximum numbers of leaves (38) and les...
International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, 2017
Modi's policy transition from Look East to Act East is a strategic driver for India and establish... more Modi's policy transition from Look East to Act East is a strategic driver for India and establishing as a powerful player in the East Asian region. India has great opportunities in forging new relations in trade and cultural cooperation with East Asian countries. East Asia and South East Asia are priority areas for economic and strategic reasons. Modi tries to integrate Indian economy with entire world focusing Yoga and Buddhism as a dynamic and action oriented cultural diplomacy. India has been paying keen attention on South China Sea and in the region without interfering. Though Modi's 'Act East' is based on economic and to follow more diplomatic, strategic and security interest in East and South East Asia. India is trying to be a major regional power through soft power strategy building cooperation in terms of energy and security.
Abstract Curcuma longa L. belonging to the family Zingiberaceae is an important spice and medicin... more Abstract Curcuma longa L. belonging to the family Zingiberaceae is an important spice and medicinal plant. Despite an ever growing interest and commercial importance of curcumin and Curcuma essential oil, it is still not clear as to the nature and mode of influence the different soil and environmental factors have on the production and quality of curcumin, leaf and rhizome essential oil of this species. The present report deals with ‘Surama’, a high yielding turmeric cultivar that was cultivated at nine agroclimatic zones with an objective to analyse the effects the different soil and environmental parameters have on product optimization as well the quality of curcumin and essential oil contents. Variation in curcumin (1.5–5%), leaf (0.37–0.8%) and rhizome oil (0.45–0.7%) were recorded across all the zones. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis of leaf and rhizome essential oil for different experimental zones showed wide variation in their quantity and quality. It was found that for curcumin content, most sensitive factors were; the altitude, soil pH, nitrogen and Potassium content. In contrast, the temperature and phosphorous content were found critical for leaf essential oil while, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium contents were the key quantitative and qualitative determinants for rhizome essential oil. This study provides essential experimental data that could find effective use in yield optimization and managing varying environmental parameters of this important species for high and quality yield of curcumin, rhizome and leaf essential oil. Identification and critical analysis of sensitive/determinant agro-climatic factors are significant for commercial exploitation as well value addition of turmeric products especially with high alpha phellandrene and tumerone content.
International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management
In this investigation, a three-dimensional model of a R-gene encoded product BjuWRR1 which is kno... more In this investigation, a three-dimensional model of a R-gene encoded product BjuWRR1 which is known to play a role in white rust resistance in Brassica juncea was developed to synthesize innovative ways for evolving white rust resistant cultivars. The model was built from the amino acid sequence of BjuWRR1 using structural template information of a disease resistance protein (RPP13-like protein 4 of Arabidopsis thaliana) with the help of homology-based modelling approach. Built models were validated for their stereochemical parameters and structural descriptors using Ramachandran plot analysis, protein structure analysis and ERRAT analysis. Structural analysis of BjuWRR1 model revealed that it is composed of three distinct domains namely a coiled-coil domain, a central NB-ARC nucleotide binding domain and a hypervariable leucine-rich repeat domain. Further, canonical conserved motifs such as P-loop, Kinase2-motif and HD-motif were found in the NB-ARC domain. The built model would he...
Ginger crop is affected by various diseases. Among them rhizome/soft rot is the most damaging one... more Ginger crop is affected by various diseases. Among them rhizome/soft rot is the most damaging one and main production constraint in ginger growing areas. This disease is mainly caused by the Pythium spp. along with association of some others micro-organisms. The severity of Pythium soft rot disease is influenced by different factors related to seed, environment and soil. This study was focused on Pythium soft rot of ginger with special reference to different management strategies. Different cultural measures viz. seed rhizome treatment before storage and sowing, selection of disease free seed rhizome, sowing time, application of soil amendments, good drainage of soil, soil solarization etc. are the important measures for management of ginger soft rot. Seed treatment and soil drenching are the two options of chemical control of soft rot. Seed rhizomes treated with fungicides azoxystrobin 25%, tebuconazole 25.9%, copper oxychloride 50%, carbendazim 50%, propiconazole 25%, metalaxyl-M ...
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2020
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) an herbaceous perennial plant mainly used as spice and flavor... more Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) an herbaceous perennial plant mainly used as spice and flavor agent for food. Due to the presence of volatile oils consisting of Zingerone, shogaols and gingerols, ginger got its characteristic fragrance and flavor. Ginger rhizome which is the consumed portion is the horizontal stem of the plant that sends out the roots. Due to the attack of various pathogenic diseases of viral, bacterial, fungal and nematode origin, yield of the ginger reduced drastically. Among the various diseases, Soft rot, Bacterial wilt, Phyllosticta leaf spot, Mosaic and Chlorotic flecks are important. Bacterial wilt is one f the most destructive disease of ginger caused by Ralstonia solanacearum previously known as Pseudomonas solanacearum (16) is the causal agent of bacterial wilt which belongs to the Proteobacteria, βsubdivision, Ralstonia group and the genus Ralstonia reported from all the ginger growing countries. Bacterial wilt of ginger, also known as “ginger blast” ...
The investigation on “Micropropagation and biochemical analysis of Spear Mint (Mentha spicata) ” ... more The investigation on “Micropropagation and biochemical analysis of Spear Mint (Mentha spicata) ” was carried out during 2008-09 in the department of Agricultural Biotechnology, OUAT, and Bhubaneswar. The objectives were to standardize the protocols for the surface sterilization of explants and micro propagation and biochemical analysis in spear mint (M. spicata). The best surface sterilants for the mint leaf, nodes and inter nodal explants was the treatment, comprising of washing with double distilled water, deeping in the solution of 0.1 % bavistin and 0.1 % tetracycline for 20 minutes and then in 70 % alcohol (0.5 minutes) followed by 0.1 % Mercuric Chloride (5 minutes). In the concentration of 2.5 mg/l 2, 4-D, the weight of callus (0.199g) and callus induction per cent (92.0%) was high, whereas days to callus induction (12) was low in spear mint. The concentration of 2.5mg/l BAP produced maximum number of shoots from embryogenic callus (10), maximum numbers of leaves (38) and les...
International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, 2017
Modi's policy transition from Look East to Act East is a strategic driver for India and establish... more Modi's policy transition from Look East to Act East is a strategic driver for India and establishing as a powerful player in the East Asian region. India has great opportunities in forging new relations in trade and cultural cooperation with East Asian countries. East Asia and South East Asia are priority areas for economic and strategic reasons. Modi tries to integrate Indian economy with entire world focusing Yoga and Buddhism as a dynamic and action oriented cultural diplomacy. India has been paying keen attention on South China Sea and in the region without interfering. Though Modi's 'Act East' is based on economic and to follow more diplomatic, strategic and security interest in East and South East Asia. India is trying to be a major regional power through soft power strategy building cooperation in terms of energy and security.
Abstract Curcuma longa L. belonging to the family Zingiberaceae is an important spice and medicin... more Abstract Curcuma longa L. belonging to the family Zingiberaceae is an important spice and medicinal plant. Despite an ever growing interest and commercial importance of curcumin and Curcuma essential oil, it is still not clear as to the nature and mode of influence the different soil and environmental factors have on the production and quality of curcumin, leaf and rhizome essential oil of this species. The present report deals with ‘Surama’, a high yielding turmeric cultivar that was cultivated at nine agroclimatic zones with an objective to analyse the effects the different soil and environmental parameters have on product optimization as well the quality of curcumin and essential oil contents. Variation in curcumin (1.5–5%), leaf (0.37–0.8%) and rhizome oil (0.45–0.7%) were recorded across all the zones. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis of leaf and rhizome essential oil for different experimental zones showed wide variation in their quantity and quality. It was found that for curcumin content, most sensitive factors were; the altitude, soil pH, nitrogen and Potassium content. In contrast, the temperature and phosphorous content were found critical for leaf essential oil while, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium contents were the key quantitative and qualitative determinants for rhizome essential oil. This study provides essential experimental data that could find effective use in yield optimization and managing varying environmental parameters of this important species for high and quality yield of curcumin, rhizome and leaf essential oil. Identification and critical analysis of sensitive/determinant agro-climatic factors are significant for commercial exploitation as well value addition of turmeric products especially with high alpha phellandrene and tumerone content.
International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management
In this investigation, a three-dimensional model of a R-gene encoded product BjuWRR1 which is kno... more In this investigation, a three-dimensional model of a R-gene encoded product BjuWRR1 which is known to play a role in white rust resistance in Brassica juncea was developed to synthesize innovative ways for evolving white rust resistant cultivars. The model was built from the amino acid sequence of BjuWRR1 using structural template information of a disease resistance protein (RPP13-like protein 4 of Arabidopsis thaliana) with the help of homology-based modelling approach. Built models were validated for their stereochemical parameters and structural descriptors using Ramachandran plot analysis, protein structure analysis and ERRAT analysis. Structural analysis of BjuWRR1 model revealed that it is composed of three distinct domains namely a coiled-coil domain, a central NB-ARC nucleotide binding domain and a hypervariable leucine-rich repeat domain. Further, canonical conserved motifs such as P-loop, Kinase2-motif and HD-motif were found in the NB-ARC domain. The built model would he...
Ginger crop is affected by various diseases. Among them rhizome/soft rot is the most damaging one... more Ginger crop is affected by various diseases. Among them rhizome/soft rot is the most damaging one and main production constraint in ginger growing areas. This disease is mainly caused by the Pythium spp. along with association of some others micro-organisms. The severity of Pythium soft rot disease is influenced by different factors related to seed, environment and soil. This study was focused on Pythium soft rot of ginger with special reference to different management strategies. Different cultural measures viz. seed rhizome treatment before storage and sowing, selection of disease free seed rhizome, sowing time, application of soil amendments, good drainage of soil, soil solarization etc. are the important measures for management of ginger soft rot. Seed treatment and soil drenching are the two options of chemical control of soft rot. Seed rhizomes treated with fungicides azoxystrobin 25%, tebuconazole 25.9%, copper oxychloride 50%, carbendazim 50%, propiconazole 25%, metalaxyl-M ...
Papers by Parshuram Sial