Introduction Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a dangerous infectious disease caused by a ne... more Introduction Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a dangerous infectious disease caused by a newly discovered severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that has various clinical presentations. Numerable cases with non-specific olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions in COVID-19 have been reported from all over the globe. This is important as awareness will let people to self-isolate and help in limiting disease spread. Objective To objectively evaluate the frequency of olfactory and gustatory dysfunction, which may occur independently or with other symptoms, in laboratory confirmed COVID-19 patients at an early stage of the disease. Methods Objective evaluation of olfactory and gustatory function of 322 COVID-19 patients treated at our hospital, (SMGS, Government Medical College, Jammu), from August 2020 until November 2020. Results Our study population included 127 (39.4%) males and 195 (60.6%) females. Two hundred and twenty-six (70.2%) COVID-19 patients experien...
The Erlang distribution is the distribution of sum of exponential variates. The Erlang variate be... more The Erlang distribution is the distribution of sum of exponential variates. The Erlang variate becomes Gamma variate when its shape parameter is an integer (Evans et al., 2000). In the literature, various authors discussed the properties and estimation of Erlong distribution e. INTRODUCTION The origin of queuing theory was in 1909, when A.K. Erlang (1878-1929) published his fundamental paper relating to the study of congestion in telephone traffic (Brockmeyer et al., 1948). The literature on the theory of queues and on the diverse field of its applications has grown tremendously over the years. The analysis for such an Erlangian queue is now folklore in the queuing literature. The Erlang distribution is the distribution of sum of exponential variates. This distribution can be expressed as waiting time and message length in telephone traffic. If the duration of individual calls are exponentially distributed then the duration of succession of calls is the Erlang distribution. The Erla...
Weather is of major significance for the population dynamics of birds, but the implications of cl... more Weather is of major significance for the population dynamics of birds, but the implications of climate change have only recently begun to be addressed. There is already compelling support that birds have been affected by recent climate changes. The metabolic rate of birds is not only affected by weather (e.g. cold weather requiring increased energy expenditure for body maintenance) but also exerts other direct and indirect effects on bird behaviour. The extreme weather events, like prolonged frozen spells and droughts, can have catastrophic effects on bird populations, including long-term effects on whole cohorts. Birds are generally admired for their beauty, songs, and the beauty of their near miraculous ability to fly without recognizing their role direct or indirect to the Ecosystem Services. Birds are marvellous indicators of environmental health which offer humans pleasure, joy and spiritual motivation. The main reason to study climate change, COVID-19 and their impact on birds...
Introduction: Various indices are in use to define and estimate weather conditions of a region. E... more Introduction: Various indices are in use to define and estimate weather conditions of a region. Each of the indices pros and cons. Among all indices Standardized Precipitation Index is most commonly used.SPI, being the most appropriate of the existing indices f 33month, 123month, 483 month scale. Keywords: Drought, Flood, SPI, Wet day, Dry Day.
Bayesian Estimation of Weibull Rayleigh Distribution Under Balanced Loss Functions
International journal of applied mathematics and statistics, 2020
In this paper, we have derived the expressions for bayesian estimate of unknown parameter of the ... more In this paper, we have derived the expressions for bayesian estimate of unknown parameter of the Weibull Rayleigh distribution. The results of the bayes estimates are utilized to obtained the estimates under different loss functions. MCMC techniques with in-built Gibbs sampling are used to obtain samples from the unknown parameter. 95% confidence intervals have also been derived for precisional purposes. Finally, a real life data has been used for simulation purposes. Monte Carlo Simulation has also been performed to find efficient estimation method and better estimates among the Loss function.
Recent Trends in the Preparation and Presentation of Annual Reports-A key of marketing the company to stakeholders
An essential element in the implicit agreement between a company and an investor is that the inve... more An essential element in the implicit agreement between a company and an investor is that the investor will receive meaningful information on how the company in which they have invested in is progressing. This obligation is expected to be substantially discharged through Annual Reports. The Annual Reports are the mirror the financial position and operating strength or weakness of the concern. These Reports are useful to investors (present and prospective), creditors, bankers, workers, government and public at large. The varied and diverse groups such as investors, government, industry, community, employees, customers, vendors, analysts, and media are all interested in very different aspects of a company. Each group will want to see its own interests are reflected in the Annual Report. An Annual Report is a comprehensive report on a company’s activities throughout the preceding year. Annual reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about the com...
International Journal of Mathematical Archive, 2013
W ith the rapid spread of the Internet and the increase in on-line information, the technology fo... more W ith the rapid spread of the Internet and the increase in on-line information, the technology for automatically classifying huge amounts of diverse text information has come to play a very important role in today’s world. In the 1990s, the performance of computers improved sharply and it became possible to handle large quantities of text data. This led to the use of the machine learning approach, which is a method of creating classifiers automatically from the text data given in a category label. This approach provides excellent accuracy, reduces labor, and ensures conservative use of resources. In this communication, we discussed that Feature selection plays an important role in Text Categorization (Yiming Yang, Jan O. Pedersen, 1997).We have also deliberated on Automatic feature selection methods such as document frequency thresholding (DF), Information Gain (IG), Mutual Information (MI) and Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) which are commonly applied in text categorization.
In the present communication entropy optimization principles namely maximum entropy principle and... more In the present communication entropy optimization principles namely maximum entropy principle and minimum cross entropy principle are defined and a critical approach of parameter estimation methods using entropy optimization methods is described in brief. Maximum entropy principle and its applications in deriving other known methods in parameter estimation are discussed. The relation between maximum likelihood estimation and maximum entropy principle has been derived. The relation between minimum divergence information principle and other classical method minimum Chi-square is studied. A comparative study of Fisher’s measure of information and minimum divergence measure is made. Equivalence of classical parameter estimation methods and information theoretic methods is studied. An application for estimation of parameter estimation when interval proportions are given is discussed with a numerical example. Key words: Parameter estimation, maximum entropy principle, minimum divergence...
Maximum Product Spacing Method for Estimation of Entropy of Log-Logistic Probability Distribution and their Order Statistics
Shannon (1948) introduced the term “Entropy” as a measure of information or uncertainty associate... more Shannon (1948) introduced the term “Entropy” as a measure of information or uncertainty associated with a probabilistic scheme. As entropy is used to make certain inferences about the associated probability distribution so it has gained importance among researchers to study the various properties of the distributions and the associated random variable. Order statistics being the ordered random variables represents many real-world problems. Order statistics for continuous parent population have found important applications in many fields specially life time distributions. Nagaraja et al. (1996), and Balakrishan and Rao (1998) have discussed applications of order statistics in survival analysis, life testing, reliability, robustness studies, statistical quality control etc. Log-logistic distribution is one of the commonly used distribution in the study of reliability theory and survival analysis. In this paper, we have derived the expressions for entropy of Log-logistic distribution a...
Jammu and Kashmir: A Paradise on Earth and the other side of the Story!
International journal of research in social sciences, 2016
Housing is one of the basic needs of every human being. It not only provides a shelter to a perso... more Housing is one of the basic needs of every human being. It not only provides a shelter to a person and family but also acts as social and psychological force for their well beingness. To measure how good a society is and how developed a nation is many indices are in practise. Almost all of these indices have the component of livable home as one of the parameter. So, to know how well is the condition of citizens of a state or nation is, one can draw an inference from no. of homeless people and types of shelters in that state/nation. In the present paper, we have studied the problem of homelessness and its extent during the census years 2001 and 2011 with special reference to J and K state.
International Journal of Statistics and Systems, 2021
for period 1987-2013 was used for estimating the transition probabilities of first and second ord... more for period 1987-2013 was used for estimating the transition probabilities of first and second order Table 1: DISTRIBUTION OF RAINFALL AT JAMMU YEAR RAINFALL ANNUAL (mm) JUNE-OCT (mm) AS % OF ANNUAL RAINFALL
Sequential Analysis of Zero Truncated Geometric Distribution
Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability, 2017
The Geometric distribution is one of the important distributions in the real life situation speci... more The Geometric distribution is one of the important distributions in the real life situation specifically in reliability/survival analysis and queuing theory. One of the important property of this distribution is the lack of memory property and in case of its truncation, situations arise practically in cases where the ability to record, or even to know about, occurrences is limited to values which lie above or below a given threshold or within a specified range. For example, if the date of occurrence of an infectious disease in a patient is examined, this would typically be subject to truncation relative to those of all patients suffering from that infectious disease in the area given that the doctor starts the treatment only in a given age range on a specific time. This paper aims at studying the truncated geometric distribution from sequential point of view and proposes sequential testing procedure for its parameter of interest and also study its OC and ASN functions, both theoretically and graphically.
International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, 2016
Dr. Han Ming (2005) is the first person who define E-Bayesian estimation of the estate probabilit... more Dr. Han Ming (2005) is the first person who define E-Bayesian estimation of the estate probability. He also gave formulas of E-Bayesian estimation, forecast model and its applications in security investment. This paper aims at providing the E-Bayesian estimation procedure for the probability parameter of the truncated Geometric distribution. Simulation study has been done at the end of the paper to study the performance of the estimators.
Information Theoretic Approach for Analysing Independence of Attributes in Contingency Tables
Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 2014
ABSTRACT In the present communication an information theoretic dependence measure has been define... more ABSTRACT In the present communication an information theoretic dependence measure has been defined using maximum entropy principle, which measures amount of dependence among the attributes in a contingency table. A relation between information theoretic measure of dependence and Chi-square statistic has been discussed. A generalization of this information theoretic dependence measure has been also studied.
The present communication describes a new generalised measure of useful directed divergence based... more The present communication describes a new generalised measure of useful directed divergence based on m-l probability distributions, and a probability distribution closest to these probability distributions has been proposed. The technique has been applied in solving problems related to crops production, export, and industries. Further, a generalised measure of useful information improvement has been developed and its applications in the assessment of balanced military requirements for a country, in ranking and pattern recognition, have been discussed.
American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 2013
In the present communication information theoretic dependence measure has been defined using maxi... more In the present communication information theoretic dependence measure has been defined using maximum entropy principle, which measures amount of dependence among the attributes in a contingency table. A relation between information theoretic measure of dependence and Chi-square statistic has been discussed. A generalization of this information theoretic dependence measure has been also studied. In the end Yate's method and maximum entropy estimation of missing data in design of experiment have been described and illustrated by considering practical problems with empirical data.
Introduction Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a dangerous infectious disease caused by a ne... more Introduction Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a dangerous infectious disease caused by a newly discovered severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that has various clinical presentations. Numerable cases with non-specific olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions in COVID-19 have been reported from all over the globe. This is important as awareness will let people to self-isolate and help in limiting disease spread. Objective To objectively evaluate the frequency of olfactory and gustatory dysfunction, which may occur independently or with other symptoms, in laboratory confirmed COVID-19 patients at an early stage of the disease. Methods Objective evaluation of olfactory and gustatory function of 322 COVID-19 patients treated at our hospital, (SMGS, Government Medical College, Jammu), from August 2020 until November 2020. Results Our study population included 127 (39.4%) males and 195 (60.6%) females. Two hundred and twenty-six (70.2%) COVID-19 patients experien...
The Erlang distribution is the distribution of sum of exponential variates. The Erlang variate be... more The Erlang distribution is the distribution of sum of exponential variates. The Erlang variate becomes Gamma variate when its shape parameter is an integer (Evans et al., 2000). In the literature, various authors discussed the properties and estimation of Erlong distribution e. INTRODUCTION The origin of queuing theory was in 1909, when A.K. Erlang (1878-1929) published his fundamental paper relating to the study of congestion in telephone traffic (Brockmeyer et al., 1948). The literature on the theory of queues and on the diverse field of its applications has grown tremendously over the years. The analysis for such an Erlangian queue is now folklore in the queuing literature. The Erlang distribution is the distribution of sum of exponential variates. This distribution can be expressed as waiting time and message length in telephone traffic. If the duration of individual calls are exponentially distributed then the duration of succession of calls is the Erlang distribution. The Erla...
Weather is of major significance for the population dynamics of birds, but the implications of cl... more Weather is of major significance for the population dynamics of birds, but the implications of climate change have only recently begun to be addressed. There is already compelling support that birds have been affected by recent climate changes. The metabolic rate of birds is not only affected by weather (e.g. cold weather requiring increased energy expenditure for body maintenance) but also exerts other direct and indirect effects on bird behaviour. The extreme weather events, like prolonged frozen spells and droughts, can have catastrophic effects on bird populations, including long-term effects on whole cohorts. Birds are generally admired for their beauty, songs, and the beauty of their near miraculous ability to fly without recognizing their role direct or indirect to the Ecosystem Services. Birds are marvellous indicators of environmental health which offer humans pleasure, joy and spiritual motivation. The main reason to study climate change, COVID-19 and their impact on birds...
Introduction: Various indices are in use to define and estimate weather conditions of a region. E... more Introduction: Various indices are in use to define and estimate weather conditions of a region. Each of the indices pros and cons. Among all indices Standardized Precipitation Index is most commonly used.SPI, being the most appropriate of the existing indices f 33month, 123month, 483 month scale. Keywords: Drought, Flood, SPI, Wet day, Dry Day.
Bayesian Estimation of Weibull Rayleigh Distribution Under Balanced Loss Functions
International journal of applied mathematics and statistics, 2020
In this paper, we have derived the expressions for bayesian estimate of unknown parameter of the ... more In this paper, we have derived the expressions for bayesian estimate of unknown parameter of the Weibull Rayleigh distribution. The results of the bayes estimates are utilized to obtained the estimates under different loss functions. MCMC techniques with in-built Gibbs sampling are used to obtain samples from the unknown parameter. 95% confidence intervals have also been derived for precisional purposes. Finally, a real life data has been used for simulation purposes. Monte Carlo Simulation has also been performed to find efficient estimation method and better estimates among the Loss function.
Recent Trends in the Preparation and Presentation of Annual Reports-A key of marketing the company to stakeholders
An essential element in the implicit agreement between a company and an investor is that the inve... more An essential element in the implicit agreement between a company and an investor is that the investor will receive meaningful information on how the company in which they have invested in is progressing. This obligation is expected to be substantially discharged through Annual Reports. The Annual Reports are the mirror the financial position and operating strength or weakness of the concern. These Reports are useful to investors (present and prospective), creditors, bankers, workers, government and public at large. The varied and diverse groups such as investors, government, industry, community, employees, customers, vendors, analysts, and media are all interested in very different aspects of a company. Each group will want to see its own interests are reflected in the Annual Report. An Annual Report is a comprehensive report on a company’s activities throughout the preceding year. Annual reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about the com...
International Journal of Mathematical Archive, 2013
W ith the rapid spread of the Internet and the increase in on-line information, the technology fo... more W ith the rapid spread of the Internet and the increase in on-line information, the technology for automatically classifying huge amounts of diverse text information has come to play a very important role in today’s world. In the 1990s, the performance of computers improved sharply and it became possible to handle large quantities of text data. This led to the use of the machine learning approach, which is a method of creating classifiers automatically from the text data given in a category label. This approach provides excellent accuracy, reduces labor, and ensures conservative use of resources. In this communication, we discussed that Feature selection plays an important role in Text Categorization (Yiming Yang, Jan O. Pedersen, 1997).We have also deliberated on Automatic feature selection methods such as document frequency thresholding (DF), Information Gain (IG), Mutual Information (MI) and Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) which are commonly applied in text categorization.
In the present communication entropy optimization principles namely maximum entropy principle and... more In the present communication entropy optimization principles namely maximum entropy principle and minimum cross entropy principle are defined and a critical approach of parameter estimation methods using entropy optimization methods is described in brief. Maximum entropy principle and its applications in deriving other known methods in parameter estimation are discussed. The relation between maximum likelihood estimation and maximum entropy principle has been derived. The relation between minimum divergence information principle and other classical method minimum Chi-square is studied. A comparative study of Fisher’s measure of information and minimum divergence measure is made. Equivalence of classical parameter estimation methods and information theoretic methods is studied. An application for estimation of parameter estimation when interval proportions are given is discussed with a numerical example. Key words: Parameter estimation, maximum entropy principle, minimum divergence...
Maximum Product Spacing Method for Estimation of Entropy of Log-Logistic Probability Distribution and their Order Statistics
Shannon (1948) introduced the term “Entropy” as a measure of information or uncertainty associate... more Shannon (1948) introduced the term “Entropy” as a measure of information or uncertainty associated with a probabilistic scheme. As entropy is used to make certain inferences about the associated probability distribution so it has gained importance among researchers to study the various properties of the distributions and the associated random variable. Order statistics being the ordered random variables represents many real-world problems. Order statistics for continuous parent population have found important applications in many fields specially life time distributions. Nagaraja et al. (1996), and Balakrishan and Rao (1998) have discussed applications of order statistics in survival analysis, life testing, reliability, robustness studies, statistical quality control etc. Log-logistic distribution is one of the commonly used distribution in the study of reliability theory and survival analysis. In this paper, we have derived the expressions for entropy of Log-logistic distribution a...
Jammu and Kashmir: A Paradise on Earth and the other side of the Story!
International journal of research in social sciences, 2016
Housing is one of the basic needs of every human being. It not only provides a shelter to a perso... more Housing is one of the basic needs of every human being. It not only provides a shelter to a person and family but also acts as social and psychological force for their well beingness. To measure how good a society is and how developed a nation is many indices are in practise. Almost all of these indices have the component of livable home as one of the parameter. So, to know how well is the condition of citizens of a state or nation is, one can draw an inference from no. of homeless people and types of shelters in that state/nation. In the present paper, we have studied the problem of homelessness and its extent during the census years 2001 and 2011 with special reference to J and K state.
International Journal of Statistics and Systems, 2021
for period 1987-2013 was used for estimating the transition probabilities of first and second ord... more for period 1987-2013 was used for estimating the transition probabilities of first and second order Table 1: DISTRIBUTION OF RAINFALL AT JAMMU YEAR RAINFALL ANNUAL (mm) JUNE-OCT (mm) AS % OF ANNUAL RAINFALL
Sequential Analysis of Zero Truncated Geometric Distribution
Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability, 2017
The Geometric distribution is one of the important distributions in the real life situation speci... more The Geometric distribution is one of the important distributions in the real life situation specifically in reliability/survival analysis and queuing theory. One of the important property of this distribution is the lack of memory property and in case of its truncation, situations arise practically in cases where the ability to record, or even to know about, occurrences is limited to values which lie above or below a given threshold or within a specified range. For example, if the date of occurrence of an infectious disease in a patient is examined, this would typically be subject to truncation relative to those of all patients suffering from that infectious disease in the area given that the doctor starts the treatment only in a given age range on a specific time. This paper aims at studying the truncated geometric distribution from sequential point of view and proposes sequential testing procedure for its parameter of interest and also study its OC and ASN functions, both theoretically and graphically.
International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, 2016
Dr. Han Ming (2005) is the first person who define E-Bayesian estimation of the estate probabilit... more Dr. Han Ming (2005) is the first person who define E-Bayesian estimation of the estate probability. He also gave formulas of E-Bayesian estimation, forecast model and its applications in security investment. This paper aims at providing the E-Bayesian estimation procedure for the probability parameter of the truncated Geometric distribution. Simulation study has been done at the end of the paper to study the performance of the estimators.
Information Theoretic Approach for Analysing Independence of Attributes in Contingency Tables
Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 2014
ABSTRACT In the present communication an information theoretic dependence measure has been define... more ABSTRACT In the present communication an information theoretic dependence measure has been defined using maximum entropy principle, which measures amount of dependence among the attributes in a contingency table. A relation between information theoretic measure of dependence and Chi-square statistic has been discussed. A generalization of this information theoretic dependence measure has been also studied.
The present communication describes a new generalised measure of useful directed divergence based... more The present communication describes a new generalised measure of useful directed divergence based on m-l probability distributions, and a probability distribution closest to these probability distributions has been proposed. The technique has been applied in solving problems related to crops production, export, and industries. Further, a generalised measure of useful information improvement has been developed and its applications in the assessment of balanced military requirements for a country, in ranking and pattern recognition, have been discussed.
American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 2013
In the present communication information theoretic dependence measure has been defined using maxi... more In the present communication information theoretic dependence measure has been defined using maximum entropy principle, which measures amount of dependence among the attributes in a contingency table. A relation between information theoretic measure of dependence and Chi-square statistic has been discussed. A generalization of this information theoretic dependence measure has been also studied. In the end Yate's method and maximum entropy estimation of missing data in design of experiment have been described and illustrated by considering practical problems with empirical data.
Papers by Parmil Kumar