Ria de Aveiro costal lagoon is a socio-ecological system framed between the land and the sea. The... more Ria de Aveiro costal lagoon is a socio-ecological system framed between the land and the sea. The lagoon is embedded in a biodiversity rich landscape mosaic comprising beaches, dunes, sandflats, mudflats, seagrasses, and small water channels, and is one of the largest saltmarsh areas in Portugal and in Europe, supporting coastal food webs and providing nursery areas for several species. Despite being a Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) site and integrating the Natura 2000 network, few systematic studies have been carried on its entomofauna. In this work, field collections were carried in seven locations along Ria de Aveiro saltmarsh areas by sweep-netting the dominating halophyte vegetation in September 2020. From these collections, Teratocoris antennatus (Boheman, 1852), a rare marsh bug, is reported for the first time for Portugal.
Erthesina fullo (Thunberg, 1783) is recorded for the first time in Europe. Collected specimens in... more Erthesina fullo (Thunberg, 1783) is recorded for the first time in Europe. Collected specimens in 2020 from Albania were identified by comparing the length of their rostrum. This species can acclimatize on two local trees, namely Tilia cordata Miller, 1768 and Ziziphus jujuba Miller, 1768.
ABSTRACT: In this paper, 11 species of the family Lygaeidae and Miridae belonging to the subordo ... more ABSTRACT: In this paper, 11 species of the family Lygaeidae and Miridae belonging to the subordo Heteroptera (Hemiptera) recorded from Elazığ, Tunceli and Malatya provinces of Eastern Anatolia,<br> Turkey, are discussed. Among them, belonging to Lygaeidae family Peritrechus meridionalis Puton, 1877, Pezocoris apicimacula (A. Costa, 1853), Tropistethus fasciatus Ferrari, 1874, Horvathiolus superbus (Pollich, 1781)and belonging to Miridae family Globiceps (Globiceps) sphaegiformis (Rossi, 1790), Psallus quercus (Kirschbaum, 1856), Grypocoris melanopygus Horváth, 1906, Acetropis carinata (Herrich-Schäffer, 1842) are reported for the first time from Eastern Anatolia of Turkey.<br> In addition, many species are newly reported to studied provinces.
ABSTRACT: Leptopus hispanus Rambur, 1840 is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia (Tu... more ABSTRACT: Leptopus hispanus Rambur, 1840 is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia (Turkey). This species is widespread from Mediterranean to Central Asia, but in Turkey it was known until now only from the southern of Anatolia. This record is the eastern- and northernmost one for Turkey
ABSTRACT:Patapius spinosus (Rossi, 1790) is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia (Tu... more ABSTRACT:Patapius spinosus (Rossi, 1790) is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia (Turkey). This species is widespread from Mediterranean to Central Asia, but in Turkey it was known until now only from the southern of Anatolia. This record is the eastern- and northern most one for Turkey.
ABSTRACT: The present study was carried out in Diyarbakır (Kayapınar district) province in Southe... more ABSTRACT: The present study was carried out in Diyarbakır (Kayapınar district) province in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey in 2020. Reduviidae adults and larvae Tenthredinidae family was collected on Rose spp in Diyarbakır province of Turkey in November and brought to the laboratory for rearing. The larvae were reared at the temperature of 26±1°C, relative humidity of 65±5, and illumination of 3500 lux for 16 hours per day. As a result of this study, Allantus (s.str.) viennensis belonging to Tenthredinidae family and Zelus (Diplodacus) renardii belonging to Reduviidae family were obtained. It was determined for the first time that Z. renardii, a polyphagous predator, fed on A. viennensis. In addition, Z. renardii is the first record for Diyarbakır insect fauna.
Riassunto. Viene confermata la presenza in Italia di Pinalitus conspurcatus (Reuter, 1875), che r... more Riassunto. Viene confermata la presenza in Italia di Pinalitus conspurcatus (Reuter, 1875), che risulta nuovo per la Sardegna. Precedentemente era noto solo di Sicilia. Il suo rinvenimento nel mese di novembre coincide probabilmente con la fioritura tardiva del carrubo (Ceratonia siliqua L.).
The american oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata (Say) new to southern Switzerland.-In April and July... more The american oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata (Say) new to southern Switzerland.-In April and July 2002 two specimens of the American oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata (Say) were caught in a flight interception trap near Pura (Malcantone), Southern Switzerland. This is the first record in Switzerland. In 2003 another 22 specimens were found in those traps.-In February 2004 two egg clusters of C. arcuata from summer 2003 were found on fallen oak leaves in a mixed stand near Chiasso, Southern Switzerland. The oak lace bug probably reached the Swiss Canton of Ticino in 2001 or 2002, immigrating from Lombardy (Italy). In Italy the oak lace bug was introduced at least several years ago. The first record from Italy dates from spring 2000.-Morphology, behaviour and damage of C. arcuata are similar to those of the well known sycamore lace bug C. ciliata (Say), another American lace bug that was introduced to Europe, and that feeds on leaves of Platanus. A key to the most common species of Corythucha from North America is provided.
The genus Camponotidea Reuter, 1879 with C. fieberi, Reuter, 1879 (Hemiptera: Miridae) is recorde... more The genus Camponotidea Reuter, 1879 with C. fieberi, Reuter, 1879 (Hemiptera: Miridae) is recorded for the first time from the Island of Crete. Differences between C. fieberi and C. saundersi (Puton, 1874) are discussed. A new host plant is presented for this Ponto-Mediterranean zoophytophagous species.
Insetto chiave negli USA dal 2010 H. halys è nota per l'elevatissima polifagia, che ne rende part... more Insetto chiave negli USA dal 2010 H. halys è nota per l'elevatissima polifagia, che ne rende particolarmente diffi cile la gestione: tra le oltre 300 piante ospiti segnalate vi sono colture frutticole, ortive e di pieno campo (soprattutto soia, girasole, mais), piante ornamentali e numerose piante spontanee. Si nutre, in particolare, su frutti e semi e le punture di alimentazione provocano danni (deformità, discromie, cicatrici, macchie, suberifi cazioni della polpa) che rendono i prodotti non commerciabili, ma possono causare anche infezioni secondarie, oltre a danni post-raccolta. Negli USA è diventata un fitofago chiave per i frutteti a partire dal 2010, quando si sono registrati danni per oltre 37 milioni di dollari (Leskey et al., 2012).
The bugs Heteroptera collected in seven provinces of the East Anatolia (Bingol, Bitlis, Elazig, E... more The bugs Heteroptera collected in seven provinces of the East Anatolia (Bingol, Bitlis, Elazig, Erzincan, Malatya, Mus and Tunceli) were listed in the present study. It was based on a short but intensive collecting trip made in April-September 2014-2016. Eighty species were reported, many firstly recorded for collecting sites. From these species, 1 species belonging to each of the Ochteridae, Nabidae, Tingidae, Artheneidae, Blissidae, Heterogastridae families, 10 species belonging to Miridae family, 7 species belonging to Reduviidae family, 6 species belonging to Coreidae family, 10 species belonging to Rhopalidae family, 2 species belonging to each of the Alydidae, Berytidae, Geocoridae, Cydinidae and Scutelleridae families, 17 species belonging to Lygaeidae family, 11 species belonging to Pentatomidae family and 3 species belonging to Pyrrhocoridae family were obtained. The most of these species are new record for these locations.
First occurrence records for Lygaeus creticus Lucas, 1854 in Trentino- Alto Adige, Apulia, Pantel... more First occurrence records for Lygaeus creticus Lucas, 1854 in Trentino- Alto Adige, Apulia, Pantelleria Island, and Corsica are given. First records with precise locality for Tuscany are also provided.
We provide the first annotated checklist of the Heteroptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) of the Site of C... more We provide the first annotated checklist of the Heteroptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) of the Site of Community Importance and Special Area of Conservation "Alpi Marittime" (IT1160056), based on literature records and unpublished material collected between 2012-2015 within two European projects in which the Alpi Marittime Nature Park was involved. The literature review provided a list of 62 species, recorded for the study area between 1884 and 1990, scattered in 14 papers. The new data here provided raise the total number of species occurring in this region to 208, grouped in 25 families and 135 genera. For each species reported in the catalogue, previous literature records, new data and the known distribution are provided. Among the most interesting findings, Salda henschii (Reuter, 1891) which was recently recorded for the first time in Italy, and Sternodontus obtusus Mulsant & Rey, 1856 which is rediscovered in the Piedmont region after more than a half century. rÉsUMÉ Liste commentée des Hemiptera Heteroptera du Site d'importance communautaire et Zone spéciale de conservation « Alpi Maittime » (Nord Ouest de l'Italie). La première liste raisonnée des Hétéroptères du Site d'Importance Communautaire et Zone spéciale de Conservation « Alpi Marittime » (IT1160056) est fournie, basée à la fois sur les données de la littérature et sur du matériel inédit récolté pendant la période 2012-2015 dans le cadre de deux projets européens dans lesquels le Parc naturel des « Alpi Marittime » était impliqué. La recherche
The first records of Lygaeus simulans Deckert, 1985 in Albania are reported. Additional informati... more The first records of Lygaeus simulans Deckert, 1985 in Albania are reported. Additional information on the ecology (habitat preferences, host plants) and the distribution of this species are given.
Ria de Aveiro costal lagoon is a socio-ecological system framed between the land and the sea. The... more Ria de Aveiro costal lagoon is a socio-ecological system framed between the land and the sea. The lagoon is embedded in a biodiversity rich landscape mosaic comprising beaches, dunes, sandflats, mudflats, seagrasses, and small water channels, and is one of the largest saltmarsh areas in Portugal and in Europe, supporting coastal food webs and providing nursery areas for several species. Despite being a Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) site and integrating the Natura 2000 network, few systematic studies have been carried on its entomofauna. In this work, field collections were carried in seven locations along Ria de Aveiro saltmarsh areas by sweep-netting the dominating halophyte vegetation in September 2020. From these collections, Teratocoris antennatus (Boheman, 1852), a rare marsh bug, is reported for the first time for Portugal.
Erthesina fullo (Thunberg, 1783) is recorded for the first time in Europe. Collected specimens in... more Erthesina fullo (Thunberg, 1783) is recorded for the first time in Europe. Collected specimens in 2020 from Albania were identified by comparing the length of their rostrum. This species can acclimatize on two local trees, namely Tilia cordata Miller, 1768 and Ziziphus jujuba Miller, 1768.
ABSTRACT: In this paper, 11 species of the family Lygaeidae and Miridae belonging to the subordo ... more ABSTRACT: In this paper, 11 species of the family Lygaeidae and Miridae belonging to the subordo Heteroptera (Hemiptera) recorded from Elazığ, Tunceli and Malatya provinces of Eastern Anatolia,<br> Turkey, are discussed. Among them, belonging to Lygaeidae family Peritrechus meridionalis Puton, 1877, Pezocoris apicimacula (A. Costa, 1853), Tropistethus fasciatus Ferrari, 1874, Horvathiolus superbus (Pollich, 1781)and belonging to Miridae family Globiceps (Globiceps) sphaegiformis (Rossi, 1790), Psallus quercus (Kirschbaum, 1856), Grypocoris melanopygus Horváth, 1906, Acetropis carinata (Herrich-Schäffer, 1842) are reported for the first time from Eastern Anatolia of Turkey.<br> In addition, many species are newly reported to studied provinces.
ABSTRACT: Leptopus hispanus Rambur, 1840 is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia (Tu... more ABSTRACT: Leptopus hispanus Rambur, 1840 is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia (Turkey). This species is widespread from Mediterranean to Central Asia, but in Turkey it was known until now only from the southern of Anatolia. This record is the eastern- and northernmost one for Turkey
ABSTRACT:Patapius spinosus (Rossi, 1790) is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia (Tu... more ABSTRACT:Patapius spinosus (Rossi, 1790) is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia (Turkey). This species is widespread from Mediterranean to Central Asia, but in Turkey it was known until now only from the southern of Anatolia. This record is the eastern- and northern most one for Turkey.
ABSTRACT: The present study was carried out in Diyarbakır (Kayapınar district) province in Southe... more ABSTRACT: The present study was carried out in Diyarbakır (Kayapınar district) province in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey in 2020. Reduviidae adults and larvae Tenthredinidae family was collected on Rose spp in Diyarbakır province of Turkey in November and brought to the laboratory for rearing. The larvae were reared at the temperature of 26±1°C, relative humidity of 65±5, and illumination of 3500 lux for 16 hours per day. As a result of this study, Allantus (s.str.) viennensis belonging to Tenthredinidae family and Zelus (Diplodacus) renardii belonging to Reduviidae family were obtained. It was determined for the first time that Z. renardii, a polyphagous predator, fed on A. viennensis. In addition, Z. renardii is the first record for Diyarbakır insect fauna.
Riassunto. Viene confermata la presenza in Italia di Pinalitus conspurcatus (Reuter, 1875), che r... more Riassunto. Viene confermata la presenza in Italia di Pinalitus conspurcatus (Reuter, 1875), che risulta nuovo per la Sardegna. Precedentemente era noto solo di Sicilia. Il suo rinvenimento nel mese di novembre coincide probabilmente con la fioritura tardiva del carrubo (Ceratonia siliqua L.).
The american oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata (Say) new to southern Switzerland.-In April and July... more The american oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata (Say) new to southern Switzerland.-In April and July 2002 two specimens of the American oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata (Say) were caught in a flight interception trap near Pura (Malcantone), Southern Switzerland. This is the first record in Switzerland. In 2003 another 22 specimens were found in those traps.-In February 2004 two egg clusters of C. arcuata from summer 2003 were found on fallen oak leaves in a mixed stand near Chiasso, Southern Switzerland. The oak lace bug probably reached the Swiss Canton of Ticino in 2001 or 2002, immigrating from Lombardy (Italy). In Italy the oak lace bug was introduced at least several years ago. The first record from Italy dates from spring 2000.-Morphology, behaviour and damage of C. arcuata are similar to those of the well known sycamore lace bug C. ciliata (Say), another American lace bug that was introduced to Europe, and that feeds on leaves of Platanus. A key to the most common species of Corythucha from North America is provided.
The genus Camponotidea Reuter, 1879 with C. fieberi, Reuter, 1879 (Hemiptera: Miridae) is recorde... more The genus Camponotidea Reuter, 1879 with C. fieberi, Reuter, 1879 (Hemiptera: Miridae) is recorded for the first time from the Island of Crete. Differences between C. fieberi and C. saundersi (Puton, 1874) are discussed. A new host plant is presented for this Ponto-Mediterranean zoophytophagous species.
Insetto chiave negli USA dal 2010 H. halys è nota per l'elevatissima polifagia, che ne rende part... more Insetto chiave negli USA dal 2010 H. halys è nota per l'elevatissima polifagia, che ne rende particolarmente diffi cile la gestione: tra le oltre 300 piante ospiti segnalate vi sono colture frutticole, ortive e di pieno campo (soprattutto soia, girasole, mais), piante ornamentali e numerose piante spontanee. Si nutre, in particolare, su frutti e semi e le punture di alimentazione provocano danni (deformità, discromie, cicatrici, macchie, suberifi cazioni della polpa) che rendono i prodotti non commerciabili, ma possono causare anche infezioni secondarie, oltre a danni post-raccolta. Negli USA è diventata un fitofago chiave per i frutteti a partire dal 2010, quando si sono registrati danni per oltre 37 milioni di dollari (Leskey et al., 2012).
The bugs Heteroptera collected in seven provinces of the East Anatolia (Bingol, Bitlis, Elazig, E... more The bugs Heteroptera collected in seven provinces of the East Anatolia (Bingol, Bitlis, Elazig, Erzincan, Malatya, Mus and Tunceli) were listed in the present study. It was based on a short but intensive collecting trip made in April-September 2014-2016. Eighty species were reported, many firstly recorded for collecting sites. From these species, 1 species belonging to each of the Ochteridae, Nabidae, Tingidae, Artheneidae, Blissidae, Heterogastridae families, 10 species belonging to Miridae family, 7 species belonging to Reduviidae family, 6 species belonging to Coreidae family, 10 species belonging to Rhopalidae family, 2 species belonging to each of the Alydidae, Berytidae, Geocoridae, Cydinidae and Scutelleridae families, 17 species belonging to Lygaeidae family, 11 species belonging to Pentatomidae family and 3 species belonging to Pyrrhocoridae family were obtained. The most of these species are new record for these locations.
First occurrence records for Lygaeus creticus Lucas, 1854 in Trentino- Alto Adige, Apulia, Pantel... more First occurrence records for Lygaeus creticus Lucas, 1854 in Trentino- Alto Adige, Apulia, Pantelleria Island, and Corsica are given. First records with precise locality for Tuscany are also provided.
We provide the first annotated checklist of the Heteroptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) of the Site of C... more We provide the first annotated checklist of the Heteroptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) of the Site of Community Importance and Special Area of Conservation "Alpi Marittime" (IT1160056), based on literature records and unpublished material collected between 2012-2015 within two European projects in which the Alpi Marittime Nature Park was involved. The literature review provided a list of 62 species, recorded for the study area between 1884 and 1990, scattered in 14 papers. The new data here provided raise the total number of species occurring in this region to 208, grouped in 25 families and 135 genera. For each species reported in the catalogue, previous literature records, new data and the known distribution are provided. Among the most interesting findings, Salda henschii (Reuter, 1891) which was recently recorded for the first time in Italy, and Sternodontus obtusus Mulsant & Rey, 1856 which is rediscovered in the Piedmont region after more than a half century. rÉsUMÉ Liste commentée des Hemiptera Heteroptera du Site d'importance communautaire et Zone spéciale de conservation « Alpi Maittime » (Nord Ouest de l'Italie). La première liste raisonnée des Hétéroptères du Site d'Importance Communautaire et Zone spéciale de Conservation « Alpi Marittime » (IT1160056) est fournie, basée à la fois sur les données de la littérature et sur du matériel inédit récolté pendant la période 2012-2015 dans le cadre de deux projets européens dans lesquels le Parc naturel des « Alpi Marittime » était impliqué. La recherche
The first records of Lygaeus simulans Deckert, 1985 in Albania are reported. Additional informati... more The first records of Lygaeus simulans Deckert, 1985 in Albania are reported. Additional information on the ecology (habitat preferences, host plants) and the distribution of this species are given.
Papers by Paride Dioli