Conference Presentations by Paolo Maria Guarino

Cavità di origine antropica, modalità d'indagine, aspetti di catalogazione, analisi delle pericolosità, monitoraggio e valorizzazione., 2017
Geologia dell'Ambiente • Supplemento al n. 4/2018 155 RIASSUNTO Nel settore occidentale dei Campi... more Geologia dell'Ambiente • Supplemento al n. 4/2018 155 RIASSUNTO Nel settore occidentale dei Campi Flegrei (Campania, Italia), lungo il versante occidentale dell'edificio vulcanico di Baia, sono stati realizzati, nell'intervallo compreso tra l'inizio del I secolo a.C. e il IV secolo d.C., estesi complessi residenziali e termali che costituiscono l'odierno Parco Archeologico delle Terme di Baia (Bacoli, NA). Gli interventi edilizi che si sono susseguiti in cinque secoli, su di un'area di circa 40.000 mq, costituiscono un complesso monumentale unico nel suo genere. Oggetto di ammirazione già nell'antichità, le Terme di Baia sono sfruttate almeno fino al pieno Medioevo, per poi cadere nell'oblio fino al XVII secolo quando, grazie ai colti viaggiatori europei del Grand Tour, il complesso diventa, in un crescendo di popolarità, punto di riferimento fondamentale per lo studio dell'ingegneria edile romana. Il fiorire e la decadenza dell'area appaiono strettamente connessi alle peculiarità e all'evoluzione geologica dell'area, che ricade all'interno del campo vulcanico dei Campi Flegrei, il cui ultimo evento eruttivo è avvenuto nel 1538. La presenza di fonti naturali di vapore e di sorgenti di acque mineralizzate è stata decisiva per la progettazione degli impianti residenziali e termali, la cui decadenza è stata determinata, oltre che dalle note vicende storiche, anche dagli eventi bradisismici che a partire dalla tarda antichità han-no interessato la fascia costiera attualmente sommersa, localizzata tra il Lago Lucrino e il Castello di Baia. Nell'ambito delle attività di aggiorna-mento del catasto delle Cavità Artificiali della Federazione Speleologica Campana è stato realizzato il rilievo di alcune cavità sotterranee ricadenti all'interno dell'area del Parco Archeologico. Tra esse, la Cavità del Quadriportico CA34CpNA (settore della Sosandra) si presenta quale scavo d'indagine per lo sfruttamento di fonti termali e che ha intercettato in sotterraneo le fondazioni degli edifici antichi presenti. La cavità Cisterne sotto gli Hospitalia CA106CpNA, nel settore della Villa dell'Ambulatio, è l'insieme delle cubature di due ci-sterne d'età romana, oggi comunicanti, per le quali si avanza una prima lettura cronologica; esse si caratterizzano, infatti, per interventi edilizi succedutesi in fasi archeologiche distinte che evidenziano come le due cavità siano state in un primo momento messe in comunicazione tra loro, per poi essere di nuovo chiuse in una fase d'uso successiva. Nella prima cisterna d'accesso si evidenziano interessanti concrezioni carbonatiche presenti per lo più nell'ambiente della canaletta di alimentazione, per le quali si formula una prima ipotesi interpretativa.
Parole chiave (key words): cavità artificiali (artificial cavities), cisterne romane (roman cisterns), concre-zioni carbonatiche (carbonate concretion), bradisismo (bradyseism), termalismo (hot springs)
Papers by Paolo Maria Guarino

<p>EO4GEO is an Erasmus+ Project aiming at defining a long-term and sustainable strategy to... more <p>EO4GEO is an Erasmus+ Project aiming at defining a long-term and sustainable strategy to fill the gap between supply of and demand for space/geospatial education and training in the Copernicus domain. To test and validate the approach a series of training actions are ongoing for selected scenarios in three sub-sectors: 1) Integrated Applications, 2) Smart Cities, 3) Climate Change. ISPRA, which includes the Geological Survey of Italy, is contributing to the development of Integrated Applications, coordinating different scenarios fostering the uptake of EO data, services and standardized methodologies of analysis. Available EO data were tested to evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency in different fields (e.g. ground motion monitoring on Cultural Heritage, agro monitoring to support regional decision-making; land change detection, geohazard zoning, risk assessment, etc.). Here we present the preliminary results concerning the InSAR analysis and the development of different training actions on ground motion monitoring on potential slope instabilities affecting Cultural Heritage sites. The selected site is the Roman Thermae at Baia (Naples), being part of the &#8220;Parco Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei&#8221;, located close to active calderas. The area is characterized by a sequence (from the bottom to the top) of volcanic breccia, pyroclastic deposits and surge deposits; Phlegrean Fields represent an exceptional example of volcanic-related subsidence with unrest cycles characterized by intense ground uplift and lowering. The instability phenomena depend mainly on the acclivity of the top sector of the slope, with the activation of small collapse events, and on the lack of ordinary management and maintenance of the area (e.g. invasive vegetation, absence of drainage system). A preliminary InSAR analysis was performed exploiting ERS datasets (1993&#8211;2003), showing regional ground lowering, with deformation rates (5-10 mm/yr) that are consistent with the general down lift cycle affecting the whole area in that that period. Ongoing InSAR data processing are focused on SENTINEL-1 data (April 2016 - August 2020) allowing us to explore most recent evolution of instability phenomena. Data processing has been performed using the SeNtinel&#8217;s Application Platform (SNAP-ESA) and the Stanford Method of Persistent Scatterers (StaMPS). The dataset is composed by 79 descending and 81 ascending scenes, and the single master stack contains 76 interferograms from the descending and 80 from the ascending geometry. Additionally, SRTM DEM was used in the interferometric processing. Obtained results clearly show a ground uplifting in the investigated period, with displacement rates ranging between 5 and 10 mm/yr (5.2 mm/yr average value of the study area). Any differential displacement has been observed on the exposed elements of the site. A training module focused on this use case is under development, thus contributing to fill the gap between supply and demand in the Copernicus domain, main goal of the EO4GEO project. The definition of step-by-step methodology from EO data to final processing will be defined and connected to learning outcomes, sectorial and transversal skills contributing to finalize the main goal of the EO4GEO project.</p>
The forecast of safety threshold of underground cavity roof and of correspondent sinkhole area at... more The forecast of safety threshold of underground cavity roof and of correspondent sinkhole area at ground surface level is a problem presenting complicated solution and toward which many researcher’s efforts have been devoted[1,2,3]. Main difficulty consists of proper definition of mechanical properties of the system mass involved in the collapse and of the kinematical assumption on the collapse mechanism. To investigate cavity stability, limit analysis is considered by several authors assuming both Greemberg and Radenkovic formulations for standard, i.e. presenting associated flow rule, or non standard materials respectively [4,5]. Present study is aimed to compare theory based forecast and to analyse some cavities present in the Neapolitan area.

Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater
The Pilato Lake has glacial origin, is located in the Sibillini Mountains, Central Italy, and is ... more The Pilato Lake has glacial origin, is located in the Sibillini Mountains, Central Italy, and is characterized by the endemism of the small crustaceous Chirocephalus marchesonii. In the context of a research agreement with the Monti Sibillini National Park, the ISPRA Geological Survey of Italy is carrying on some studies aimed to evaluate the supposed effects of the 2016–2017 Central Italy earthquakes on the hydrogeological conditions controlling the lake’s evolution. The study, started in July 2018, aims primarily at the reconstruction of the geological and hydrogeological subsoil setting, beneath the valley hosting the lake. In order to define the conceptual model of groundwater circulation and, thus, to evaluate the emptying and recharge seasonal cycle of the lake, hydrogeological surveys and geophysical investigations were performed. The research program is still in progress and only preliminary results may be proposed. The hydrogeological surveys demonstrate the absence of geom...

Natural Hazards
Anthropogenic sinkholes are generally due to the collapse of man-made underground caves and repre... more Anthropogenic sinkholes are generally due to the collapse of man-made underground caves and represent a major threat, especially in urban contexts, where they could cause damage to people, buildings and lifelines. The hinterland of Naples (Campania, Southern Italy) is one of the most urbanized areas of Italy and is historically affected by frequent sinkhole phenomena. This study analyzes a database of both man-made caves and sinkholes collected by the authors over several years. The aim is to comprehend the predisposing and triggering factors of sinkholes in order to attempt a zonation of occurrence. The predisposing factor resulted to be the presence of a preexisting network of caves within the Campanian Ignimbrite tuff and their geometric features. Generally, the shallower the depth of the chamber roof and the lower the thickness of the vault, the higher is the frequency of sinkholes. Furthermore, an intrinsic fragility is represented by the access shafts of vertical wells, usually filled in and abandoned. Meanwhile, the main triggering mechanism identified consists in saturation of the subsoil, due to water leaks coming from buried sewage and water pipelines. The macrozonation of sinkhole occurrence shows that the highest class is achieved where the tuff is shallow and both man-made caves and historical sinkholes are present.

This work focuses on preliminary results achieved by means of a research project carried out by I... more This work focuses on preliminary results achieved by means of a research project carried out by ISPRA in collaboration with Soprintendenza Capitolina (the Cultural Heritage Capitoline Superintendence), aimed at defining an interpretative model of natural and anthropic evolution of the Pincio Hill (Rome, Italy) during the last 2,500 years. The study area is located in the NE sector of the city of Rome and includes the Pincio hill Cultural Heritage site and the surrounding area of the Tiber River flood plain. The Pincio Hill is a very interesting case of interplay among: i) natural landscape setting; ii) historical urban transformations; iii) human activity and recurrence of natural hazard events impacting heavily on the territory since ancient times. During the last decades, designs of new areas to be allocated for underground parking jointly with new archaeological excavations surveys have allowed the acquisition of a large amount of new data. The study has been carried out through ...
In the frame of geothematic integration to geological survey of the Sheet 348, carried out by Geo... more In the frame of geothematic integration to geological survey of the Sheet 348, carried out by Geological Survey of Italy (ISPRA), a slope instability hazard study is in progress. First of all, identification, recognition and mapping of landslides have been carried out. Landslides data have been stored in a Geographical Information System (GIS) and database associate. At all, have been mapped and stored about 400 individual landslides, affecting an area corresponding to 2% of the entire sheet area. The constructed Landslide Inventory Map becomes part of a analytical approach to slope stability controlling factors comprehension, aimed to mapping slope instability hazard.

In some Italian plain areas sinkholes, that seem not related to karst dissolution, have been iden... more In some Italian plain areas sinkholes, that seem not related to karst dissolution, have been identified with a thick sedimentary cover on a buried bedrock. The obtained scenario suggests that this type of collapse could be related to an upward erosion through vertical conduits (i.e. deep faults) caused by deep piping processes whose erosive strength is increased by the presence of acidic fluids. In order to distinguish these collapses from tipical karst dissolution phenomena, they are defined as "deep piping sinkholes". About 1050 cases have been individuated by research in historical archives, specific geological literature, and information from local administrations (Sinkhole Project of ISPRA-Geological Survey of Italy). Geological, geomorphological and hydro-geochemical surveys have been conducted over 450 cases, as well as literature borehole and seismic data have also been considered. Field activities regarding the other 500 cases are in progress.They are mainly conce...
The natural slope morphodynamic in Astroni volcano area (Phlegraean Fields, southern Italy) is ch... more The natural slope morphodynamic in Astroni volcano area (Phlegraean Fields, southern Italy) is characterized by very frequent erosion events. Landslides occur along very steep and short slopes, in pyroclastic deposits, and include mainly soil slides, translational slides and rockfalls. The carried out investigation allowed to achieve a deeper comprehension of triggering mechanism of mass movements, recognize the “expected event” and project low-impacting restoring works.
Conference Presentations by Paolo Maria Guarino
Parole chiave (key words): cavità artificiali (artificial cavities), cisterne romane (roman cisterns), concre-zioni carbonatiche (carbonate concretion), bradisismo (bradyseism), termalismo (hot springs)
Papers by Paolo Maria Guarino
Parole chiave (key words): cavità artificiali (artificial cavities), cisterne romane (roman cisterns), concre-zioni carbonatiche (carbonate concretion), bradisismo (bradyseism), termalismo (hot springs)