Asas Wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan, Dec 30, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji dengan menggunakan pendekatan struktural tentang cakupan kelemb... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji dengan menggunakan pendekatan struktural tentang cakupan kelembagaan badan dunia dalam me-manifestasikan Aktor Acturian dalam konteks hak anak sedunia sebagai penguat regulasi tentang hak asuh berkelanjutan yang harus diterapkan oleh setiap negara anggota Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa dalam menyikapi kehidupan para anak yatim piatu korban pandemic covid-19. Dengan pendekatan struktural dan kualitatif bisa disimpulkan bahwa pola penanganannya cenderung menggunakan pola penanggulangan bencana yang dkhawatirkan dapat memperpanjang ketidakpastian terhadap substansi tanggung jawab berkelanjutan terhadap anak yatim piatu korban Covid 19.
ASEAN has been confronted with this reality and this reality rests with its members, that the cha... more ASEAN has been confronted with this reality and this reality rests with its members, that the change of power in Myanmar is carried out deviating from universal norms or in other languages in ways that are not adab. How inconsistent ASEAN leaders are concerned, but what emerges is a contradictory polemic between the purpose of the meeting agenda and the press statement. If we want to avoid political lip service, the best thing is that at least ASEAN leaders should not forget the meaning of a word spoken ” Coup “. A coup is one of the ways of succession that is not adab ( deviating from universal norms ) According to Edward Luttwat the author of the book “COIR”, the essence of a coup is to seize power at the main decision-making center of the state and, through this, seize control of the entire nation. The concept of succession that is shown to the public and accepted by ASEAN pervasively has replaced the meaning of democracy controlled by legality, transformed into community-control...
History notes that America has gotten two giant economic crises both the Great Depression of 1930... more History notes that America has gotten two giant economic crises both the Great Depression of 1930s and the Financial Crisis of 2008’s. On August 15, 1971 the United States Dollar went down drastically. Without Congressional approval, President Nixon ended the coinage between the United States Dollar and the gold. Consequently the dollar becomes Monopoly Money. After that, the biggest economic boom in history has begun. In 2009, when the economy ran aground, Central Bankers in the world created trillion dollars, yen, pesos, euros and pounds by following a monopoly for bankers.1 The concept has changed to the present time. The distribution of money has become a concept of debt in various forms, including the use of money as a capital instrument. The main contributors to capital in Islamic trade traffic (muamalah) are economic real, not loans (non-loans), actors who direct money used for business capital are concentrated in the form of financing, but after the end of the Gold standard ...
Aim: We aimed to clarify the association between deterioration of periodontal status and masticat... more Aim: We aimed to clarify the association between deterioration of periodontal status and masticatory performance in a longitudinal follow-up study of a general urban population. Materials and methods: This study investigated 663 participants in the Suita study with no changes in the number of functional teeth or occlusal support areas during a 5-year follow-up period. Participants were classified into three groups according to changes in periodontal status during the survey period: a recovered group; a stable group; and a deteriorated group. Rate of masticatory performance change was calculated by subtracting the value at baseline from the value at follow-up and dividing the resulting value by the baseline value. Results: Median rates of masticatory performance change were -11.7% in the recovered group, -19.2% in the stable group, and -30.8% in the deteriorated group, and these values were significantly different (p < .001). Multiple regression analysis revealed periodontal status group (recovered group: reference; stable group: p = .029; deteriorated group: p = .006) as an independent variable was significantly associated with the rate of masticatory performance change. Conclusion: The present results suggest that deterioration of periodontal status increases the risk of age-related declines in masticatory performance.
Nuansa Akademik: Jurnal Pembangunan Masyarakat, 2019
This study identifies the religious awareness of informal sector tourism actors participating in ... more This study identifies the religious awareness of informal sector tourism actors participating in the Malioboro Mengaji program in Yogyakarta. Qualitative descriptive research with a phenomenological approach is useful for getting a natural overview and views of informants. The data were collected by participatory observation and in-depth interviews. Most of the informants were middle-aged who had tasted the acid of life including all forms of deviations from religious teachings. The passage of age encourages the search for inner and outer happiness. One of them is by learning the Koran. The initial motivation behind the various participants experienced changes along with participation in the Al Quran reading training. The desire to realize a lighter life burden and peace of mind with a sense of pride in being able to directly read the Islamic holy book that is the guide of his life.
This paper discusses environmental governance as a right-Owned general, is a right which is equiv... more This paper discusses environmental governance as a right-Owned general, is a right which is equivalent to the form of the protection of individual liberty and the pressures of commercialization. The problems that arise during this time that what was once public space is the common property rights problem turns into the problem of power and the interests of owners, became a moral issue between the individual and society. And of course the community as the owners of the public space will show the resistance, the more so when the room was turned into the commercialization of the land, even more seasoned and warped by the dominance of brokers who pursue rents / profits. Thus the original land function for carrying wet agrarian turned into the arena of struggle rents
The concept of land tenure in Indonesia is basically controlled by the state and then granted to ... more The concept of land tenure in Indonesia is basically controlled by the state and then granted to its citizens as stipulated in the Main Agrarian Law (UUPA), but in Yogyakarta, there is a land which is specifically controlled by the sultan, thus there are two different concepts that conflict with one another which often creates legal problems related to the status of the land, these problems are then studied further by the author into research with the following problems and that is what are the weaknesses of the implementation of the current Sultanate land rights registration regulations in Yogyakarta and how is the reconstruction of the Sultanate land registration regulations based on justice values. This study uses a sociolegal research approach with data sources, namely primary data obtained in the field and relevant literature as secondary data. The data analysis used was a descriptive-analytical method. The result of the author's research shows that the weakness of land reg...
Scholars International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 2021
Teachers are the educators of the nation's next generation, therefore their welfare must be consi... more Teachers are the educators of the nation's next generation, therefore their welfare must be considered by the state and one form of welfare given by the government is teacher's certification. With this certification, teacher salaries can be increased because they are recognized as professionals, but in practice, this teacher certification is still far from perfect because it has not been able to touch all teachers in Indonesia. This encourages the author to conduct research on the subject matter, namely what are the obstacles that arise in the teacher certification process and how the law reconstruction should be based on the value of Pancasila justice where the author uses empirical juridical research methods with primary data obtained from supported fields, Secondary data from literature and statutes analyzed using data triangulation to formulate a conclusion. The results show that the obstacles that arise in implementing teacher certification policies are the weak government support seen by the lack of readiness of the government in implementing policies (availability of human resources and financial resources) which causes the implementation of policies that should be smooth and effective to the contrary, the ambiguity of the Policy, stagnation, and frequent changes in the rules and the length of the policy implementation process as there is a difference in understanding in the implementation of policies as in Article 82 paragraph (2) UUGD where the teacher certification policy should be understood as pre-service training policy, not in-service training. This difference in understanding causes the teacher certification policy to be a policy that has unclear or vague understanding. To overcome this, it is necessary to have a legal reconstruction related to the minimum academic qualifications of teachers to a minimum of S2 (Postgraduate).
This study examines what the Indonesian government has done after the declaration of the COVID-19... more This study examines what the Indonesian government has done after the declaration of the COVID-19 outbreak as PHEIC by WHO in terms of regulations and regulations. This research legal philosophical in the analysis of quietus politic theory concludes that the element of urgency in the determination of health emergencies is non-negotiable in its handling.
Bank Indonesia has been established as a central bank that develops dual monetary policy. This pa... more Bank Indonesia has been established as a central bank that develops dual monetary policy. This paper identifies the challenges faced in Islamic financial policy that are different from other monetary policies. With a historical approach to law it can be concluded that there is still an opportunity for BI to develop Islamic finance in Indonesia by reinforcing its basic philosophy of returning to the real economy in the gold standard. Some suggestions for the implementation of the technical treatment of finance have been raised, but there is a need to accompany the implementation by stabilizing all Islamic-oriented central bank laws.
One example of the problems in the state's claim is BLBI extended by Bank Indonesia to the na... more One example of the problems in the state's claim is BLBI extended by Bank Indonesia to the national banking system, which has become the state's claim, but not resolved through PUPN, but further right to claim the government handed over to IBRA established by Presidential Decree No. 27 of 1998 . Since handed over to the government the right to collect BI, BI ended authority to withdraw BLBI of the receiving bank, resolved through non-litigation and mechanisms and the solution was not to use repressive laws. Receivables BLBI state is a case of default the unusually large number (extraordinary default), but penyelesaianya by IBRA implemented with the exclusion of the legal principles of the settlement of accounts receivable against the debtor country BLBI receiver, so in this case the journey is also a cost for settling disputes outstanding a big. This paper would like to see how the practice of politicizing the constitution that happens particularly with respect to issues of ...
Contents: A. Rappel historique. B. Le retour vers la Lune! Appendix: Récapitulatif des missions A... more Contents: A. Rappel historique. B. Le retour vers la Lune! Appendix: Récapitulatif des missions Apollo.
This article explains what exactly is the definition of legal science research structure, but it ... more This article explains what exactly is the definition of legal science research structure, but it also describes the systematic method of law, legal analysis and other matters relating to research the structure of jurisprudence
The pattern of subsidy policy of fuel oil (BBM) one way, which has been implemented by the govern... more The pattern of subsidy policy of fuel oil (BBM) one way, which has been implemented by the government, have an impact on the precipice of fiscal, between spending on goods (BBM) as compared to income taxes on motor vehicles, tend to more subsidies and even more swollen where the calculation of the subsidy as a contraction burden countries that rains greater fiscal targets Configuration between the interests of the people (consumers BBM) and the good government (subsidies) impressed nuanced on imaging, politicians look at the rise in prices was calculated populist who actually ended up being a trap nation towards non puasaan against the government, the formulation of the proliferation of the above confirm that the calculation of fuel subsidies should be proportional to the level consumer demand is equivalent to the amount of vehicle tax received in each area Proliferation policy by Pertamina fuel prices through a fuel quality rumasan (KW), to be supported by two packages, namely the ...
Asas Wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan, Dec 30, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji dengan menggunakan pendekatan struktural tentang cakupan kelemb... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji dengan menggunakan pendekatan struktural tentang cakupan kelembagaan badan dunia dalam me-manifestasikan Aktor Acturian dalam konteks hak anak sedunia sebagai penguat regulasi tentang hak asuh berkelanjutan yang harus diterapkan oleh setiap negara anggota Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa dalam menyikapi kehidupan para anak yatim piatu korban pandemic covid-19. Dengan pendekatan struktural dan kualitatif bisa disimpulkan bahwa pola penanganannya cenderung menggunakan pola penanggulangan bencana yang dkhawatirkan dapat memperpanjang ketidakpastian terhadap substansi tanggung jawab berkelanjutan terhadap anak yatim piatu korban Covid 19.
ASEAN has been confronted with this reality and this reality rests with its members, that the cha... more ASEAN has been confronted with this reality and this reality rests with its members, that the change of power in Myanmar is carried out deviating from universal norms or in other languages in ways that are not adab. How inconsistent ASEAN leaders are concerned, but what emerges is a contradictory polemic between the purpose of the meeting agenda and the press statement. If we want to avoid political lip service, the best thing is that at least ASEAN leaders should not forget the meaning of a word spoken ” Coup “. A coup is one of the ways of succession that is not adab ( deviating from universal norms ) According to Edward Luttwat the author of the book “COIR”, the essence of a coup is to seize power at the main decision-making center of the state and, through this, seize control of the entire nation. The concept of succession that is shown to the public and accepted by ASEAN pervasively has replaced the meaning of democracy controlled by legality, transformed into community-control...
History notes that America has gotten two giant economic crises both the Great Depression of 1930... more History notes that America has gotten two giant economic crises both the Great Depression of 1930s and the Financial Crisis of 2008’s. On August 15, 1971 the United States Dollar went down drastically. Without Congressional approval, President Nixon ended the coinage between the United States Dollar and the gold. Consequently the dollar becomes Monopoly Money. After that, the biggest economic boom in history has begun. In 2009, when the economy ran aground, Central Bankers in the world created trillion dollars, yen, pesos, euros and pounds by following a monopoly for bankers.1 The concept has changed to the present time. The distribution of money has become a concept of debt in various forms, including the use of money as a capital instrument. The main contributors to capital in Islamic trade traffic (muamalah) are economic real, not loans (non-loans), actors who direct money used for business capital are concentrated in the form of financing, but after the end of the Gold standard ...
Aim: We aimed to clarify the association between deterioration of periodontal status and masticat... more Aim: We aimed to clarify the association between deterioration of periodontal status and masticatory performance in a longitudinal follow-up study of a general urban population. Materials and methods: This study investigated 663 participants in the Suita study with no changes in the number of functional teeth or occlusal support areas during a 5-year follow-up period. Participants were classified into three groups according to changes in periodontal status during the survey period: a recovered group; a stable group; and a deteriorated group. Rate of masticatory performance change was calculated by subtracting the value at baseline from the value at follow-up and dividing the resulting value by the baseline value. Results: Median rates of masticatory performance change were -11.7% in the recovered group, -19.2% in the stable group, and -30.8% in the deteriorated group, and these values were significantly different (p < .001). Multiple regression analysis revealed periodontal status group (recovered group: reference; stable group: p = .029; deteriorated group: p = .006) as an independent variable was significantly associated with the rate of masticatory performance change. Conclusion: The present results suggest that deterioration of periodontal status increases the risk of age-related declines in masticatory performance.
Nuansa Akademik: Jurnal Pembangunan Masyarakat, 2019
This study identifies the religious awareness of informal sector tourism actors participating in ... more This study identifies the religious awareness of informal sector tourism actors participating in the Malioboro Mengaji program in Yogyakarta. Qualitative descriptive research with a phenomenological approach is useful for getting a natural overview and views of informants. The data were collected by participatory observation and in-depth interviews. Most of the informants were middle-aged who had tasted the acid of life including all forms of deviations from religious teachings. The passage of age encourages the search for inner and outer happiness. One of them is by learning the Koran. The initial motivation behind the various participants experienced changes along with participation in the Al Quran reading training. The desire to realize a lighter life burden and peace of mind with a sense of pride in being able to directly read the Islamic holy book that is the guide of his life.
This paper discusses environmental governance as a right-Owned general, is a right which is equiv... more This paper discusses environmental governance as a right-Owned general, is a right which is equivalent to the form of the protection of individual liberty and the pressures of commercialization. The problems that arise during this time that what was once public space is the common property rights problem turns into the problem of power and the interests of owners, became a moral issue between the individual and society. And of course the community as the owners of the public space will show the resistance, the more so when the room was turned into the commercialization of the land, even more seasoned and warped by the dominance of brokers who pursue rents / profits. Thus the original land function for carrying wet agrarian turned into the arena of struggle rents
The concept of land tenure in Indonesia is basically controlled by the state and then granted to ... more The concept of land tenure in Indonesia is basically controlled by the state and then granted to its citizens as stipulated in the Main Agrarian Law (UUPA), but in Yogyakarta, there is a land which is specifically controlled by the sultan, thus there are two different concepts that conflict with one another which often creates legal problems related to the status of the land, these problems are then studied further by the author into research with the following problems and that is what are the weaknesses of the implementation of the current Sultanate land rights registration regulations in Yogyakarta and how is the reconstruction of the Sultanate land registration regulations based on justice values. This study uses a sociolegal research approach with data sources, namely primary data obtained in the field and relevant literature as secondary data. The data analysis used was a descriptive-analytical method. The result of the author's research shows that the weakness of land reg...
Scholars International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 2021
Teachers are the educators of the nation's next generation, therefore their welfare must be consi... more Teachers are the educators of the nation's next generation, therefore their welfare must be considered by the state and one form of welfare given by the government is teacher's certification. With this certification, teacher salaries can be increased because they are recognized as professionals, but in practice, this teacher certification is still far from perfect because it has not been able to touch all teachers in Indonesia. This encourages the author to conduct research on the subject matter, namely what are the obstacles that arise in the teacher certification process and how the law reconstruction should be based on the value of Pancasila justice where the author uses empirical juridical research methods with primary data obtained from supported fields, Secondary data from literature and statutes analyzed using data triangulation to formulate a conclusion. The results show that the obstacles that arise in implementing teacher certification policies are the weak government support seen by the lack of readiness of the government in implementing policies (availability of human resources and financial resources) which causes the implementation of policies that should be smooth and effective to the contrary, the ambiguity of the Policy, stagnation, and frequent changes in the rules and the length of the policy implementation process as there is a difference in understanding in the implementation of policies as in Article 82 paragraph (2) UUGD where the teacher certification policy should be understood as pre-service training policy, not in-service training. This difference in understanding causes the teacher certification policy to be a policy that has unclear or vague understanding. To overcome this, it is necessary to have a legal reconstruction related to the minimum academic qualifications of teachers to a minimum of S2 (Postgraduate).
This study examines what the Indonesian government has done after the declaration of the COVID-19... more This study examines what the Indonesian government has done after the declaration of the COVID-19 outbreak as PHEIC by WHO in terms of regulations and regulations. This research legal philosophical in the analysis of quietus politic theory concludes that the element of urgency in the determination of health emergencies is non-negotiable in its handling.
Bank Indonesia has been established as a central bank that develops dual monetary policy. This pa... more Bank Indonesia has been established as a central bank that develops dual monetary policy. This paper identifies the challenges faced in Islamic financial policy that are different from other monetary policies. With a historical approach to law it can be concluded that there is still an opportunity for BI to develop Islamic finance in Indonesia by reinforcing its basic philosophy of returning to the real economy in the gold standard. Some suggestions for the implementation of the technical treatment of finance have been raised, but there is a need to accompany the implementation by stabilizing all Islamic-oriented central bank laws.
One example of the problems in the state's claim is BLBI extended by Bank Indonesia to the na... more One example of the problems in the state's claim is BLBI extended by Bank Indonesia to the national banking system, which has become the state's claim, but not resolved through PUPN, but further right to claim the government handed over to IBRA established by Presidential Decree No. 27 of 1998 . Since handed over to the government the right to collect BI, BI ended authority to withdraw BLBI of the receiving bank, resolved through non-litigation and mechanisms and the solution was not to use repressive laws. Receivables BLBI state is a case of default the unusually large number (extraordinary default), but penyelesaianya by IBRA implemented with the exclusion of the legal principles of the settlement of accounts receivable against the debtor country BLBI receiver, so in this case the journey is also a cost for settling disputes outstanding a big. This paper would like to see how the practice of politicizing the constitution that happens particularly with respect to issues of ...
Contents: A. Rappel historique. B. Le retour vers la Lune! Appendix: Récapitulatif des missions A... more Contents: A. Rappel historique. B. Le retour vers la Lune! Appendix: Récapitulatif des missions Apollo.
This article explains what exactly is the definition of legal science research structure, but it ... more This article explains what exactly is the definition of legal science research structure, but it also describes the systematic method of law, legal analysis and other matters relating to research the structure of jurisprudence
The pattern of subsidy policy of fuel oil (BBM) one way, which has been implemented by the govern... more The pattern of subsidy policy of fuel oil (BBM) one way, which has been implemented by the government, have an impact on the precipice of fiscal, between spending on goods (BBM) as compared to income taxes on motor vehicles, tend to more subsidies and even more swollen where the calculation of the subsidy as a contraction burden countries that rains greater fiscal targets Configuration between the interests of the people (consumers BBM) and the good government (subsidies) impressed nuanced on imaging, politicians look at the rise in prices was calculated populist who actually ended up being a trap nation towards non puasaan against the government, the formulation of the proliferation of the above confirm that the calculation of fuel subsidies should be proportional to the level consumer demand is equivalent to the amount of vehicle tax received in each area Proliferation policy by Pertamina fuel prices through a fuel quality rumasan (KW), to be supported by two packages, namely the ...
Papers by Agus Pandoman