Papers by Panagiotis Georgakis

Sustainable futures necessitate a concomitant requirement for both sustainable buildings and sust... more Sustainable futures necessitate a concomitant requirement for both sustainable buildings and sustainable behaviours under one roof. The defining principles behind Earthship buildings are to promote the use of local, recycled, waste, natural and renewable materials in their construction, for the adoption of a passive solar design for internal heating/cooling, collection of rainwater as a potable water supply, and encourage the onsite recycling of used water for plants to aid food production. However, despite growth in Earthship buildings constructed across many countries of the world, their appeal has not yet made a noticeable contribution to mainstream housing. Therefore, this study is the first to attempt to explore public perceptions towards the benefits and barriers of Earthship buildings as a means of understanding their demand by potential home builders/owners. Opinions were sought through questionnaire surveys completed by visitors to the Brighton Earthship building. Results r...

The importance of integrated spatial and transport planning in regional and urban policy making s... more The importance of integrated spatial and transport planning in regional and urban policy making stems from the fundamentally interdependent relationship of land-use, transport demand and transport supply. The adoption of integrated approaches would offer local authorities the possibility to steer urban development towards simultaneously pursuing economic competitiveness, social cohesion, mobility and environmental sustainability. This is even more important in the current situation where the latest developments in innovative mobility services and technology would significantly influence the passenger and freight transport systems. Against this background, the HARMONY research project envisages developing a new generation of harmonised spatial and multimodal transport planning tools which comprehensively model the dynamics of spatial organisation and changing transport sector, taking into consideration the dynamics that new services and technologies introduce. The ambition is to repr...

2020 10th International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST), 2020
Twitter data can be collected and analysed to be used for predicting the status of a transport ne... more Twitter data can be collected and analysed to be used for predicting the status of a transport network at a given time and geographic location (e.g. forecasting disruptions, congestions, or road closures). However, this requires geolocating the tweets to define the parts of the transport network which may be related to these tweets. This paper investigates the relationship between the actual transport network status, with that being synthesised using public Twitter data in the Greater Manchester conurbation. Therefore, it answers the following question: are the sentiments of tweets around the incidents and accidents areas (or bounding boxes) different from the sentiments of tweets in the seamless traffic areas?. According to the used research methodology, analysis techniques, and sentiment detection APIs, it has been concluded that there is no significant difference between the sentiments in the tweets regardless the prevailing traffic conditions of the locations the tweets refer to.

ArXiv, 2017
This workshop invites researchers and practitioners to participate in exploring behavioral change... more This workshop invites researchers and practitioners to participate in exploring behavioral change support intelligent transportation applications. We welcome submissions that explore intelligent transportation systems (ITS), which interact with travelers in order to persuade them or nudge them towards sustainable transportation behaviors and decisions. Emerging opportunities including the use of data and information generated by ITS and users' mobile devices in order to render personalized, contextualized and timely transport behavioral change interventions are in our focus. We invite submissions and ideas from domains of ITS including, but not limited to, multi-modal journey planners, advanced traveler information systems and in-vehicle systems. The expected outcome will be a deeper understanding of the challenges and future research directions with respect to behavioral change support through ITS.

Journal of economics and sustainable development, 2016
Public transport refers to the means by which larger proportions of urban dwellers gain physical ... more Public transport refers to the means by which larger proportions of urban dwellers gain physical access to the goods, services, and activities they need for their livelihoods and well-being. Public transportation therefore plays a very important role in both the developed and developing world cities. Therefore, it is important to understand the needs/perceptions of the transport users in order for policy makers to make better decisions and provide better transport services. A users’ perception survey was carried in order to find out how satisfied public transport users are with the public transport services provided in Nigeria. The survey was carried in Warri, Lagos, Ughelli and Benin. Relative Importance Index (RII) was applied in the analysis to evaluate the performance of the public transport system and benchmarked between the four cities. It was found out that Lagos has the lowest level of RII values when compared to the others; the values fell below the 0.60 cut off which indic...

2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2017
Due to the rapid growth of population in the last 20 years, an increased number of instances of h... more Due to the rapid growth of population in the last 20 years, an increased number of instances of heavy recurrent traffic congestion has been observed in cities around the world. This rise in traffic has led to greater numbers of traffic incidents and subsequent growth of non-recurrent congestion. Existing incident detection techniques are limited to the use of sensors in the transportation network. In this paper, we analyze the potential of Twitter for supporting real-time incident detection in the United Kingdom (UK). We present a methodology for retrieving, processing, and classifying public tweets by combining Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques with a Support Vector Machine algorithm (SVM) for text classification. Our approach can detect traffic related tweets with an accuracy of 88.27%.

IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence - Companion Volume, 2019
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a new approach for multimodal transportation in smart cities whic... more Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a new approach for multimodal transportation in smart cities which refers to the seamless integration of various forms of transport services accessible through one single digital platform. In a MaaS environment there can be a multitude of multi modal options to reach a destination which are derived from combinations of available transport services. Therefore, route planning functionalities in the MaaS era need to be able to generate multimodal routes using constraints related to a user's modal allowances, service provision and limited user preferences (e.g. mode exclusions) and suggest to the traveler the routes that are relevant for specific trips as well as aligned to her/his preferences. In this paper, we describe an architecture for a MaaS multi-modal route planner which integrates i) a dynamic journey planner that aggregates unimodal routes from existing route planners (e.g. Google directions or Here routing), enriches them with innovative mobility services typically found in MaaS schemes, and converts them to multimodal options, while considering aspects of transport network supply and ii) a route recommender that filters and ranks the available routes in an optimal manner, while trying to satisfy travelers' preferences as well as requirements set by the MaaS operator (e.g. environmental friendliness of the routes or promotion of specific modes of transport).

Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2021
Realisation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) will provide improvements to people's... more Realisation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) will provide improvements to people's lives and longevity of the planet. The architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) sectors have a potentially huge role in aiding the delivery of many SDGs; however, there appears to be a lack of research into the engagement within this sector. The leading environmental management system (EMS), ISO 14001, can enable organisations in the AEC sectors to improve their business operations, whilst minimising their impacts on the environment and improving society. Therefore, the study sets out to use institutional theory to determine the usefulness of ISO 14001 as a tool within the AEC sector and to demonstrate how the organisational benefits could facilitate the delivery of the SDGs. A stepwise PRISMA review process facilitated the compiling of academic articles and professional reports (n = 44), which enabled the creation of an inventory of the perceived benefits (n = 85) and the reco...

Sustainability, 2020
The continuing growth of urbanisation poses a real threat to the operation of transportation serv... more The continuing growth of urbanisation poses a real threat to the operation of transportation services in large metropolitan areas around the world. As a response, several initiatives that promote public transport and active travelling have emerged in the last few years. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is one such initiative with the main goal being the provision of a holistic urban mobility solution through a single interface, the MaaS operator. The successful implementation of MaaS requires the support of a technology platform for travellers to fully benefit from the offered transport services. A central component of such a platform is a journey planner with the ability to provide trip options that efficiently integrate the different modes included in a MaaS scheme. This paper presents a heuristic that implements a scenario-based journey planner for users of MaaS. The proposed heuristic provides routes composed of different modes including private cars, public transport, bike-sharing,...

Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering, 2017
This paper presents the findings of a study, implemented in Abu Dhabi, which aimed to examine the... more This paper presents the findings of a study, implemented in Abu Dhabi, which aimed to examine the direct effects of the use of traffic safety technologies on the mitigation of risks associated with traffic accidents. The study adopted the use of a questionnaire-based survey with traffic safety experts in Abu Dhabi Emirate. The views of more than a hundred respondents were collected on areas such as the status of existing traffic safety technologies in Abu Dhabi's highway network, the impact of traffic safety technologies on enforcement, existing highway design practices, effects of driver education on safety and the impact of safety technologies on the efficiency of emergency responses. Factor analysis and Freidman tests were employed for the interrogation of the data in order to extract findings from the views of different experts on the aforementioned areas. The analysis showed that the deployment of traffic safety technologies has a positive impact on the efficiency of enforcement practices and improvements on traffic safety, and on enhancing operators' efficiency and capability in taking appropriate and prompt action in situations calling for emergency responses. Moreover, speed cameras and VMS deployment are highly favoured in addressing engineering design shortfalls. Also, training and awareness enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of traffic safety technologies.

Infrastructure Asset Management, 2018
Incident detection is an important component of intelligent transport systems and plays a key rol... more Incident detection is an important component of intelligent transport systems and plays a key role in urban traffic management and provision of traveller information services. Due to its importance, a wide number of researchers have developed different algorithms for real-time incident detection. However, the main limitation of existing techniques is that they do not work well in conditions where random factors could influence traffic flows. Twitter is a valuable source of information as its users post events as they happen or shortly after. Therefore, Twitter data have been used to predict a wide variety of real-time outcomes. This paper aims to present a methodology for a real-time traffic event detection using Twitter. Tweets are obtained through the Twitter streaming application programming interface in real time with a geolocation filter. Then, the author used natural language processing techniques to process the tweets before they are fed into a text classification algorithm t...

Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2017
Wireless Sensor Nodes (motes) have witnessed rapid development in the last two decades. Though th... more Wireless Sensor Nodes (motes) have witnessed rapid development in the last two decades. Though the design considerations for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been widely discussed in the literature, limited investigation has been done for their application in pipeline surveillance. Given the increasing number of pipeline incidents across the globe, there is an urgent need for innovative and effective solutions for deterring the incessant pipeline incidents and attacks. WSN pose as a suitable candidate for such solutions, since they can be used to measure, detect and provide actionable information on pipeline physical characteristics such as temperature, pressure, video, oil and gas motion and environmental parameters. This paper presents specifications of motes for pipeline surveillance based on integrated systems architecture. The proposed architecture utilizes a Multi-Agent System (MAS) for the realization of an Integrated Oil Pipeline Monitoring and Incident Mitigation System (IOPMIMS) that can effectively monitor and provide actionable information for pipelines. The requirements and components of motes, different threats to pipelines and ways of detecting such threats presented in this paper will enable better deployment of pipeline surveillance systems for incident mitigation. It was identified that the shortcomings of the existing wireless sensor nodes as regards their application to pipeline surveillance are not effective for surveillance systems. The resulting specifications provide a framework for designing a cost-effective system, cognizant of the design considerations for wireless sensor motes used in pipeline surveillance.

Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing, 2017
An important strand of predictive analytics for transport related applications is tra c forecasti... more An important strand of predictive analytics for transport related applications is tra c forecasting. Accurate approximations of the state of transport networks in short, medium or long-term future horizons can be used for supporting traveller information, or tra c management systems. Tra c forecasting has been the focus of many researchers over the last two decades. Most of the existing works, focus on single point, corridor, or intersection based predictions with limited e↵orts to solutions that cover large metropolitan areas. In this work, an open big-data architecture for road tra c prediction in large metropolitan areas is proposed. The functional characteristics of the architecture, that allows processing of data from various sources, such as urban and inter-urban tra c data streams and social media, is investigated. Furthermore, its conceptual design using state-of-the-art computing technologies is realised.

Microscopic simulation of traffic on the road network within the CBD of Kaduna in Nigeria (10°31'... more Microscopic simulation of traffic on the road network within the CBD of Kaduna in Nigeria (10°31'23''N and 7°26'25''E) was carried out using AIMSUN tool to investigate the extent to which variable message signs (VMS) displaying rerouting can improve the perennial congestion without modifying the existing roadways of the city as obtained from the Google Map. Do Nothing Model representing the actual traffic condition on the arterial road networks within the CBD of the city and a VMS Rerouting model representing the behaviour of traffic when VMS displayed rerouting due to congestion were developed. Traffic state was used to develop the 2 models, using the input and turning flow vehicle demand information. Network and section statistics showing delay time and flow were generated from the models upon completion of animated and batch simulations. The results showed improvement in the network flow of the Do Nothing Model from 7732 veh/hr to 10699 veh/ hr due to rerouting message conveyed by the VMS representing 38.37% improvement of the capacity of the network, while the total travel time of the network increase from 208.648 secs/ km for the Do Nothing Model to 230.001 secs/km for the VMS Model representing 10.23%.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
J. Jacko (Ed.): Human-Computer Interaction, Part I, HCII 2007, LNCS 4550, pp. 350359, 2007. © Sp... more J. Jacko (Ed.): Human-Computer Interaction, Part I, HCII 2007, LNCS 4550, pp. 350359, 2007. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007 ... Enhancing User-Centered Design by Adopting the ... Wei Zhou1,2, David Heesom2, and Panagiotis Georgakis1

The use of 4D simulations within the construction field is growing, however, its application when... more The use of 4D simulations within the construction field is growing, however, its application when carrying out true collaborative planning has not yet been fully realised. It is postulated that 4D models are currently utilised as a planning review tool, rather than integral to the initial construction planning process and do not fully support multidisciplinary collaborative construction planning by the various teams involved. Targeting this problem, a novel approach of interactive definition through a distributed environment is proposed, thus allowing interactive collaboration to create the construction plan and the subsequent 4D simulation directly from the unique 3D model. Based on a review of current approaches, a detailed comparison of current 4D creation methods and recent research initiatives, the interactive definition method is proposed and developed. This approach supports the planning process by providing a unique 3D model input, which can be manipulated using effective user-system interaction leading to comprehensive simulation item definition. The provision of this capability through a local and wide area network provides a collaborative planning workflow thus supporting collaboration and social interaction. Incorporating this rationale, a prototype system named 4DX has been developed as a distributed collaborative 4D based planning environment and used for the verification testing of the method. The findings of the preliminary testing shows the proposed approach and prototype achieves distributed real-time collaborative 4D construction planning, and can subsequently achieve a robust plan and full 4D CAD simulation.

The potential use of information and communications technologies (ICT) and artificial intelligenc... more The potential use of information and communications technologies (ICT) and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms in decision support systems is well understood in urban planning and regeneration. However, concerns have been raised while initiating efforts regarding regeneration planning within densely populated built environments incurring high level of socio-economic and environmental deprivation impacts from existing neighbourhood districts. With the advent of high speed internet technologies, improved graphical automation and sophisticated AI techniques, the domain of spatial assessment and optimization is now considered a major area of research. The aim of this paper is to provide a critical review of the current state of research towards the integration of various ICT and AI domains to assess the socio-economic and environmental impact of urban sprawl to built environment regeneration schemes. In doing so the paper also analyzes the socio-economic and environmental attributes that have been found to influence the sustainability and smart growth of urban planning and regeneration initiatives. Ultimately, the research presents an architectural framework for the development of a virtual urban regeneration simulator using integrated AI technologies.

Decision support in urban regeneration planning involves fulfilment of complex design objectives ... more Decision support in urban regeneration planning involves fulfilment of complex design objectives that require a close collaboration between stakeholders, designers and planners. The objectives are to achieve computationally optimized design plans that are environmentally robust and sustainable. For the purpose of pre-planning analysis and optimization of such design models, the construction framework of the whole system development life cycle is simulated using specialist analysis tools. In the analysis and design phase of such a construction process, location allocation of built environment structures integrated with AI based urban assessment models remain a cumbersome task. With the advent of sophisticated computing hardware and 3D modelling techniques, it has become viable to visualize and develop simulation outcomes with ease over standard computers. However, creation of simulated outcomes with huge urban details still remains a daunting task. With the advent of knowledge-based data standards and mining techniques, possibilities have arisen to integrate procedural urban modelling frameworks with socioeconomic deprivation assessment systems to create massive city models in order to improve sustainability and smart growth. The implementation of a procedural modelling framework offers a promising area of research in location allocation optimization of residential and public service structures for urban regeneration planning and collaboration purposes but is still largely stochastic in nature until now.

Construction Innovation, 2014
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to clarify the CSCW in collaborative 4D modelling and its ... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to clarify the CSCW in collaborative 4D modelling and its user interface (UI)/interaction designs for prototyping. Four-dimensional (4D) modelling technology has potentials to integrate geographically dispersed planners to achieve collaborative construction planning. However, applying this technology in teamwork remains a challenge in computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW). Design/methodology/approach – The research adopted user-centred design (UCD) methodology to investigate a usable 4D collaboration prototype through analysis, design and usability testing. By applying CSCW theories, it first clarified the meaning of 4D CSCW to formulate design propositions as design target. By leveraging UCD theories, subsequently, the first-stage research sought an optimal standalone 4D modelling prototype following a parallel design approach. At the second stage, it further investigated into a collaborative 4D modelling prototype using an iterative de...

For many years universities have been aware of the increasing demands on student security and saf... more For many years universities have been aware of the increasing demands on student security and safety on their campuses. The risks that are now posed through low-level crime or antisocial behaviour on campuses are many. This can undoubtedly affect their overall student experience while studying. More thought provoking; however, is the risk of a serious criminal or terrorist related incident on a campus. How is risk apportioned and assessed in a changing and challenging environment? Can risk be managed out at planning stage of building projects? Decisive decision making incorporating a strong understanding of risk intervention is needed to reduce risks on university campuses. With evidence to remind us that serious criminal activity as well as terrorist related crime is becoming more wide spread. Is it just a matter of when and not if a serious incident will occur on a university campus in the UK? The aim of this paper is to identify if staff and students perceive crime and security risks to be a relevant issue on campuses. To identify the type of serious incidents of crime that would affect campuses and how risk identification would minimise the impact on campuses Staff and student survey indicates that that there is recognition of security related risks on campuses, however, clear distinctions can be drawn between student and staff groups. Evidence to suggest that security risks from external sources and students based activity is discussed and would form the basis for risk analysis progression. Only by understanding all security risk elements from building structure, policy and regulation and crime level indicators can a full risk assessment be authenticated. This paper reviews how crime orientated risks are assessed and fully incorporated into building design. It further argues that a coordinated approach between planners, architects and users of the estate should be instrumental in the health, safety and security of its users. This will also include how global events and political issues can manifest itself on our university campuses. It is thus proposed that evidential perception of risk be researched as a way of producing authentic risk assessment criteria, which fully identifies risks to users and to the educational establishment. With such research a concise index of risk can be applied at design stage. Hence, any risk identified could be aligned to post occupation thereby avoiding retrospective architectural realignment. This research adopts a web-based, crime and risk-based survey and analysis methodology. Identifying any resulting realignment of risk assessments and redesigning of estate will be an outcome which would have the potential to improve current practices which is solely based on construction project completion risk. It is intended that further work will include a risk matrix based on street level crime figures. From this format comparators can be extrapolated against actual campus crime and risk indices of wider scale security issues at the serious crime spectrum covering organised crime and terrorism.
Papers by Panagiotis Georgakis