Papers by Constantinos Papaconstantinou
... By END I SETIADI KARTAMIHARDJA ... I am greatly indebted to my parents for their sacrifice an... more ... By END I SETIADI KARTAMIHARDJA ... I am greatly indebted to my parents for their sacrifice and continuous support; to my wife, Tuti Sarimanah and my children, Edita Eka Prasetia, Melania Sari and Dany Aprizal Syaban for their suffering and understanding in my absence. ...

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2003
Predicting the occurrence of economically important demersal fish in a multispecies marine enviro... more Predicting the occurrence of economically important demersal fish in a multispecies marine environment can be of considerable value to fisheries management and protection of biodiversity. Here, 2 predictive modelling principles were utilised, artificial neural network (ANN) and discriminant function analysis (DFA), to develop presence/absence models for 3 species (anglerfish Lophius budegassa; hake Merluccius merluccius; red mullet Mullus barbatus) in the Mediterranean Sea. ANN-based models of demersal fish distribution outperformed conventional models and attained better recognition and prediction performance. Results indicated the ability of ANN's to predict presence more accurately than DFA when tested against independent field data. More precisely, sensitivity values obtained using DFA were 62.1% for anglerfish, 5.8% for hake and 59.8% for red mullet whereas using ANN were 75, 71 and 72.9% respectively. The accuracy of test data was 79.6% for anglerfish, 49.5% for hake and 83.3% for red mullet using DFA and 83.7, 83.3 and 85.6% respectively using a back-propagation ANN. After learning from a set of selected patterns, the neural network (NN) models displayed a relatively high demersal fish classification accuracy, which was consistent with present understanding of the aggregating effects of the examined variables on these species' distribution. Predicting presence or absence was found to be easier for red mullet and anglerfish than for hake. The present results also suggested that the main processes modulating the occurrence of anglerfish, hake and red mullet in the NE Mediterranean Sea can be approximated by linear functions only to a limited extent. Due to their ability to mimic non-linear systems, ANNs proved far more effective in modelling the distribution of these species in the marine ecosystem. The main results and the ANN potential to predict suitable habitat profiles and structural characteristics of species assemblages are discussed.

Israel Journal of Zoology, 2001
This study analyzes the feeding habits of Mullus barbatus and M. surmuletus, which were found to ... more This study analyzes the feeding habits of Mullus barbatus and M. surmuletus, which were found to co-exist in areas of different bathymetry in the central Aegean Sea. Smaller specimens, whose stomachs contained relatively more food in comparison to larger specimens, were found in shallower waters. Stomach content analysis of M. barbatus revealed that crustaceans, polychaetes, and bivalves were the most important prey categories, while M. surmuletus appeared to depend almost exclusively on crustaceans. The latter fact, as well as the fact that bottom sediment was not found in the stomachs of M. surmuletus, while such material appeared quite often in M. barbatus stomachs, suggests that the two species possibly adopt different foraging practices. A discrepancy in certain morphological characteristics associated with prey selection was found between the two species. Ontogenetic shifts appeared in the diet of both goatfishes; interspecific dietary segregation was more pronounced, however, in relation to ontogenetic changes in diet at the intraspecific level. Diet breadth of M. barbatus and M. surmuletus differed in relation to sampling site, as well as size of specimens. Segregation of the feeding niche between the two species possibly contributes to the reduction of interspecific competition, facilitating the coexistence of the two goatfishes in the oligotrophic Aegean Sea.

An operational population model for hake developed in FLR framework of the R language under the E... more An operational population model for hake developed in FLR framework of the R language under the EFIMAS project is presented. Two effort restriction scenarios were tested (10% and 20% reduction of fishing mortality F). The response of the hake fishery in these two management measures was evaluated for a 10-year projection period. Hake is one of the main target species of several multi-species Mediter-ranean fisheries and especially of the bottom trawlers exploiting the conti-nental slope. On the basis of the available data most of the hake stocks in the Mediterranean are either fully exploited or overexploited. In most of the cases a decreasing trend in individual lengths of the hake caught and in the catches per unit of effort of the trawlers can be observed. Fisheries management in the Mediterranean is based mainly on technical measures and control effort regimes i.e. a minimum landing size of 20 cm, a prohi-bition of bottom trawling within three miles of the coast or in depths les...

Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria
A total of 399 arrot fishes (Sparisoma cretense) were collected by trammel bottom nets between Ap... more A total of 399 arrot fishes (Sparisoma cretense) were collected by trammel bottom nets between April 1985 and Octoger 1986 off Kastellorizo Island (Dodecanese, Greece). The fishes were measured, sexed and aged, to determine some population parameters, such as growth, mortality and exploitation rate. One check mark er year occurring during spring was found on the scales. The relationship between scale radius and gsh total len h was lotted and the linear description was chosen for the backcalculation of length. No signigant difPerence in length was found between sexes. Most growth takes place in the first three years of life, after which it proceeds slowly. Weight is pro ortional to the cubic power of length. Females mature in the first year, males in the third; the breed!ng season covers the summer months @ly to September). The male to female ratio was almost 1: 1. Risume Bwlogie de Sparisom cretense duns le Dodicanise (Grice) U n total de 399 perroquets de mer (Sparisom cretense) a it6 p k h i par des tramails de fond entre avril85 et octobre 86 au large de lye Kastellorizo (Dodicanbe, Grke). La taille, le sexe et 1'2 e des poissons ont it6 notis afin de diterminer quelques parametres de populations comme p u exemJe le taux de croissance, de m o d t i et d'exploitation. U n anneau de croissance par an apparaissant au printemps a C t i constati sur les kailles. La relation entre le rayon des kailles et la longueur totale do Poisson a it6 relevie et la fonction liniaire a id choisie pour calculer la longueur par dhduction. Aucune diffirence significative en Ion ueur n'a it6 constathe entre les sexes. La croissance a lieu avant tout au cours des trois premisres annies 8e vie, apres quoi elle ne progresse que lentement. Le poids est proportionnel i la puissance cubique de la longueur. Les femelles atteignent la maturiti au cours de la premihre annie, les miiles au cours de la troisihe. La &ode de reproduction a lieu pendant les mois d'iti (de juillet i septembre). La proportion entre m i e s et femelles itait presque de 1 : 1. Zusammenfassung Die Biologie von Sparisom metense im Dodekanes (Griechenland) Zwischen April 1985 und Oktober 1986 wurden 399 Papageienfische (Sparisoma cretense) mit Grundschleppnetzen vor der Insel Kastellorizo (Dodekanes, Griechenland) gefangen. Die Fische wurden vermessen sowie Geschlecht und Alter 'bestimmt, u m eini e Populationsparameter wie Wachstum, Mortdidt und Exploitationsrate zu bestimmen. Auf den &%uppen wurde ein Ring ro Jahr, der im Friihjahr entsteht, gefunden. Die Beziehung zwischen Schu penradius und Gesamgnge der Fische wurde graphisch dargestellt. Eine lineare Funktion wurde L r die Lingenriickberechnung gewhlt. Zwischen den Geschlechtern bestand kein si ikanter LGgenunterschied. Das Wachstum ist in den ersten drei Lebensjahren am stirksten. DanacE2olgt es nur noch sehr langsam. Das Gewicht entwikkelt sich proportiond zw dritten Potenz der Lange. Weibchen werden im ersten Jahr, MGnchen im dritten Jahr geschlechtsreif. Die Fortpflanzungszeit liegt im Sommer ouli bis September). Das Geschlechtsverhdtnis war 1 : 1.

American Research Journal of Agriculture, 2016
Aspects concerning age, growth, reproduction and recruitment were analysed in the thin-lipped mul... more Aspects concerning age, growth, reproduction and recruitment were analysed in the thin-lipped mullet, Liza ramada, collected in Neretva River delta estuary (East A d r i a t i c , Croatian coastline). The study was based on the collection of a total of 362 individuals on a monthly basis. The von Bertalanffy growth curve parameters were estimated: T L = 59.96 cm, K = 0.269 year-1 , t 0 =-0.455. Natural mortality was estimated at 0.32 year-1. Total mortality (Z) was estimated at 0.70 year-1 (range 0.55-0.85 year-1). Fishing mortality was estimated at 0.38 year-1 and the exploitation ratio at E = 0.54. The gonado-somatic index profile shows a single peak during the year in October. The sex ratio profile shows skewed sex ratios throughout the year except the period prior to reproduction peak. This L. ramada population is suggested to be in good status.

ABSTRACT The present checklist of Hellenic marine fishes includes 510 species (441 Osteichthyes, ... more ABSTRACT The present checklist of Hellenic marine fishes includes 510 species (441 Osteichthyes, 68 Chodrichthyes and 1 Agnatha), belonging to 319 genera (278 Osteichthyes, 40 Chodrichthyes, 1 Agnatha) and 142 families (117 Osteichthyes, 24 Chodrichthyes, 1 Agnatha). The previous, 1988 edition, reported 447 marine fishes, representing 129 families, including both species in doubt and those occasionally recorded. This edition, for the first time, includes an analysis of the distribution of eggs and larvae of various fish species in the Hellenic Seas, based on the results of the ichthyoplankton research that started in Greece after 1990. The inclusion of an additional 63 species in the Hellenic icthyofauna since 1988 is attributed to the increase in the number of recently introduced species and to the finding of a significant number of bathyal species fished mainly from the Ionian Sea. The increase of alien species can be attributed to the rise of sea temperature in the Mediterranean, which has led to the introduction and spreading of Lessepsian immigrants to the Hellenic Seas. In addition, the development of marine research and its expansion to cover deeper ecosystems might have also contributed to this increase in the number of species reported from Hellenic marine waters. The number of species reported from the Hellenic Seas (510 species) is substantially lower than the 684 (including sub-species) fish species (602 bony fish, 79 cartilaginous and 3 cyclostomes) reported for the Mediterranean Sea (Psomadakis et al., 2012). All 510 species are sublittoral, bathypelagic, or bathydemersal species, whereas abyssal species are not known in the area. The Hellenic Seas are mainly characterized by a subtropical fish fauna and less by a tropical and a pontic one. Hellenic marine fauna comes from different origins: (a) Atlantic, (b) Worldwide, (c) Mediterranean Endemic, (d) Indian or Pacific and Atlantic immigrants during the last century through the Suez Canal and the Strait of Gibraltar, respectively, (e) Black Sea immigrants through the Dardanelle Straits and (f) some relics of the Tethys Sea. Most of the listed species, i.e. 310 (60.8%) are of AtlanticMediterranean origin. Furthermore, 105 (20.6%) species have a Worldwide distribution, 50 species (9.8%) are Endemic to theMediterranean Sea, 34 (6.6%) species are of Pacific/Indo-Pacific origin of which 32 species (6.3%) are Lessepsian immigrants, and, finally, 12 species (2.3%) have a Mediterranean and Black Sea distribution. The following information is provided for each of the 510 species: the scientific name and the authors; the zoogeographical distribution of each species [coded as: Atlanto-Mediterranean (A-M), Atlantic (A), Endemic in the Mediterranean (E), Worldwide (W), Lessepsian immigrant (L), Black Sea (BIS), Indian Ocean (I) and Pacific Ocean (P)]. Species of doubtful presence are indicated with a question mark; the exact geographical distribution in the Hellenic Seas (exact place, references, date, page in the cited reference); information on doubtful species, and/-or species whose presence was reported by mistake in the region or suspected to have arrived through mariculture appears as a footnote at the end of each page. When one studies the ichthyofauna of a region presenting view of compiling a checklist, three difficulties arise: (a) the verification of the presence or absence of species, (b) old literature is usually filled with vague or wrong statements that need to be identified and validated, and (c) the existence of various synonyms of species and valid species names. The present checklist of Hellenic marine fish species follows the nomenclature of Eschmayer [The Catalogue of Fishes: Genera, Species Reference (ed., 2013)] and the last edition of FishBase (Froese & Pauly, 2012), for valid names and synonyms of the species

To YEVO~ L epidotrigla m; plAu/J.~UVCl rroAAu ctbT] nOD l<ataVE/J.OVtat a ' 6AE~ tt~ 8UAUOO E~. L... more To YEVO~ L epidotrigla m; plAu/J.~UVCl rroAAu ctbT] nOD l<ataVE/J.OVtat a ' 6AE~ tt~ 8UAUOO E~. LtT] MEOOYE LO 0UAUOOU avwploKOVtUl ta dbT] L. ca villone KUt L.dieuzeideL To L. cavillone E(VUl 6 KOLvOtEPO~ rlVtlrrpoO-CDrroc; tli~ olKoYEVEtUC; Trig/idae ott~ t UllVIKEC; 8UAUOOEC; (OI KONOMIL'lHI:, 197 3) KUt OEV rr upot)mul;EI KU/J./J.1U £/J. rro plKT] orrouOUlOtTlta, E(VUl ~Ev81KO \jIUPl, arruv1iitUl jJEXPI ~a80uC; 250 REplnou !-tEtPWV KUt rr p0tl/J.ii AaonWbEIC; ~U80D~ il Ot PW!-t/J.EVOUC; !-tE uno AEl /J.Uta ano EXlVOOEP/J.UtU il OqllOUpOElbli. Nwpu ato/J.u ~pE8TlKUV of; !lIKpon: pu ~u811 (15-30 /J..), OE ~u800~ /J.E nooElocDVlEC;. ' H rrapouotu tOU EnEKtE1VE1Ul 0' OAOKA.TlPTl tT] MEOOYELO (KARTAS, 1970 TORTONESE, 1975), EVW OtOV ' AtAUVtlKO cllKEUVO avu<pEpE1Ul 01T]V nEpLOXT] n00 opll;EtUl d no ttC; N.~. aK1EC; tilc; ' Ionuvtac;, to Ilp~Aa1ap , to dKp. Bojadar ('I(JnaVlKT] ~. ' A<PPlKT]) KUt tU KuvaplCl vT]ma (STEINDACHNER , 1867 VAILLANT, 1888• MURRAY Kat HJORT, 1912).
Mediterranean Marine Science, 2008
The distribution of eggs and larvae of scombroid fish in northeastern Greek waters were studied d... more The distribution of eggs and larvae of scombroid fish in northeastern Greek waters were studied during the summer of three consecutive years(1992-1994) to determine spawning, time of spawning peaks, and the possible preferred spawning grounds. Among eggs only those of Xiphias gladius were successfully identified. Larvae of Thunnus alalunga, Euthynnus alleteratus, X. gladius and Auxis rochei were recorded, the latter species being encountered more frequently than the rest. Most scombroid larvae were collected in the Sporades Islands' basin and their abundance, particularly that of A. rochei, was relatively increased at the end of the summer, possibly suggesting increased spawning activities during that period.

To YEVO~ L epidotrigla m; plAu/J.~UVCl rroAAu ctbT] nOD l<ataVE/J.OVtat a ' 6AE~ tt~ 8UAUOO E~. L... more To YEVO~ L epidotrigla m; plAu/J.~UVCl rroAAu ctbT] nOD l<ataVE/J.OVtat a ' 6AE~ tt~ 8UAUOO E~. LtT] MEOOYE LO 0UAUOOU avwploKOVtUl ta dbT] L. ca villone KUt L.dieuzeideL To L. cavillone E(VUl 6 KOLvOtEPO~ rlVtlrrpoO-CDrroc; tli~ olKoYEVEtUC; Trig/idae ott~ t UllVIKEC; 8UAUOOEC; (OI KONOMIL'lHI:, 197 3) KUt OEV rr upot)mul;EI KU/J./J.1U £/J. rro plKT] orrouOUlOtTlta, E(VUl ~Ev81KO \jIUPl, arruv1iitUl jJEXPI ~a80uC; 250 REplnou !-tEtPWV KUt rr p0tl/J.ii AaonWbEIC; ~U80D~ il Ot PW!-t/J.EVOUC; !-tE uno AEl /J.Uta ano EXlVOOEP/J.UtU il OqllOUpOElbli. Nwpu ato/J.u ~pE8TlKUV of; !lIKpon: pu ~u811 (15-30 /J..), OE ~u800~ /J.E nooElocDVlEC;. ' H rrapouotu tOU EnEKtE1VE1Ul 0' OAOKA.TlPTl tT] MEOOYELO (KARTAS, 1970 TORTONESE, 1975), EVW OtOV ' AtAUVtlKO cllKEUVO avu<pEpE1Ul 01T]V nEpLOXT] n00 opll;EtUl d no ttC; N.~. aK1EC; tilc; ' Ionuvtac;, to Ilp~Aa1ap , to dKp. Bojadar ('I(JnaVlKT] ~. ' A<PPlKT]) KUt tU KuvaplCl vT]ma (STEINDACHNER , 1867 VAILLANT, 1888• MURRAY Kat HJORT, 1912).

Resume.-33 esp eces de poissons o nt e te id en tifiees au co urs des peches effect uees pres des... more Resume.-33 esp eces de poissons o nt e te id en tifiees au co urs des peches effect uees pres des co tes no rd et ouest de la mer Egce (Grec e). Parmi elles nous avons trouye, en gran des q uant ites, des especes co nsiderees j u squ ' 3. present comme tres rares. Plus preci sem ent , Bellottia apoda est signale pou r la 3em e fo is en Medit erra nee. Glossanodon leioglossus, Lepidotrigla dieuzeidei. Lepidorho mbus whifjwgonis et Phrynorhombus regius ont ete trouvees pour la prem iere fo is d ans la partie o rie nt ale d e la Mect itcrra nee , et Chauliodus sloan.i, Macroramphosu s gracilis, Ophichthus rufus et £pigonus den ticulatus ont ete rencontrees pour la premiere fois dans la mer Ege e. Abstract.-A total o f 33 species of fishes have been id ent ified from the N. and W. coasts o f r the Aegea n Se a (Greece). Ma ny of them whic h have bee n so far co nsidered as rare, h ave bee n found in large qu an tities. Bellottia apoda is fo u nd for the t hird t ime in the Mediterranean Sea. Glossanodo n leioglossus, Lepidotrigla dieuzeidei, Lepidorhombus WhlJjwgonis and Phrynor hombus regius are recorded for th e firs t t im e in the E. Mediterran ean. Chauliodus sloani, Macro ramphosus gracilis, Ophichthus rufus , £ pigonus d enticulatus, are reco rded for the fir st time in th e Aeg ean Sea.
Papers by Constantinos Papaconstantinou