Papers by Pamela Jennings
Proceedings of the 5th conference on Creativity & cognition - C&C '05, 2005
It begins by describing the processes used to create the artworks, then the scientific paradigm s... more It begins by describing the processes used to create the artworks, then the scientific paradigm shift from which these processes are derived. This new kind of science begins with or leads to the question, 'What if space and time are digital?' My research prompted a reassessment ...
Investigates the current state of funding for new media artists, with an emphasis on the support ... more Investigates the current state of funding for new media artists, with an emphasis on the support structures for innovative creative work that utilizes advanced technologies as the main vehicle for artistic practice
Creativity support tools is a research topic with high risk but potentially very high payoff. The... more Creativity support tools is a research topic with high risk but potentially very high payoff. The goal is to develop improved software and user interfaces that empower users to be not only more productive but also more innovative. Potential users include software and other engineers, diverse scientists, product and graphic designers, architects, educators, students, and many others. Enhanced interfaces could enable more effective searching of intellectual resources, improved collaboration among teams, and more rapid discovery processes. These advanced interfaces should also provide potent support in hypothesis formation, speedier evaluation of alternatives, improved understanding through visualization, and better dissemination of results. For creative endeavors that require composition of novel artifacts (e.g., computer programs,
By promoting divergent thinki ng and creative visions, new media art practices pres ent HCI resea... more By promoting divergent thinki ng and creative visions, new media art practices pres ent HCI research with a platform that emphasizes creative engagement as a locus for innovative design and evaluation methods. The workshop goal is to identify attributes of a conceptual framework that positions creative engagement as a hub for future transdisciplinary research and incorporates pr actices and theories from the new media arts, HCI, and computer science research.
Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCHI conference on Creativity & cognition - C&C '07, 2007
The exhibition Speculative Data and the Creative Imaginary: shared innovative visions between art... more The exhibition Speculative Data and the Creative Imaginary: shared innovative visions between art and technology will bring together examples of best practices in creative digital media art and design that foster strong ties to current research trends in computer science and engineering. Exhibited works align with the 2007 ACM Creativity and Cognition conference themes: cultivating creative minds, sustaining creative communities
Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI 09, 2009
Proceedings of the 5th conference on Creativity & cognition - C&C '05, 2005
Constructed Narratives is a tangible social interface designed for use in public spaces where peo... more Constructed Narratives is a tangible social interface designed for use in public spaces where people have the opportunity to encounter the game and subsequently learn about each other. The hardware and software system architecture developed for this project could be applied for experimental computer-based interfaces for several human computer interaction domains including collaborative learning (CSCL), and collaborative design activities in the tradition of computer supported collaborative work (CSCW). The current domain explored for Constructed Narratives is that of computer systems designed to enable shared experience through play, or computer supported collaborative play (CSCP).
Proceeding of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM '08, 2008
... narrative, assign it meaning(s) of significance and through our memory attach labels that pro... more ... narrative, assign it meaning(s) of significance and through our memory attach labels that provide ... Construction Kit builds from Schank's (and other's) concepts of narrative as a fluid ... of integratedsoftware and hardware technology platform for intelligent physical networks that can ...
CHI '06 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2006
This two-day workshop will bring together a vibrant community of individuals interested in the ne... more This two-day workshop will bring together a vibrant community of individuals interested in the new models for communication and interaction demonstrated by new media art and their potential contribution to HCI. The divergent thinking and creative visions supported by new media art practices offer a platform that emphasizes creative engagement as a locus for innovative design and evaluation methods for HCI research.
CHI '06 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2006
In our increasingly decentralized world, demands to maintain relationships over long distances co... more In our increasingly decentralized world, demands to maintain relationships over long distances continue to increase. It is more and more difficult to maintain a sense of connection with others, to communicate with others in an emotionally rich way, and to know whether one is available for initiating a conversation in an appropriate context.This paper describes the design process and our
CHI '09 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2009
There is a convergence in recent theories of creativity that go beyond characteristics and cognit... more There is a convergence in recent theories of creativity that go beyond characteristics and cognitive processes of individuals to recognize the importance of the social construction of creativity. In parallel, there has been a rise in social computing supporting the collaborative construction of knowledge. The panel will discuss the challenges and opportunities from the confluence of these two developments by bringing together the contrasting and controversial perspective of the individual panel members. It will synthesize from different perspectives an analytic framework to understand these new developments, and how to promote rigorous research methods and how to identify the unique challenges in developing evaluation and assessment methods for creativity research
Proceeding of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM '08, 2008
Connecting Artists and Scientists in Multimedia Research Andruid Kerne Interface Ecology Lab Dept... more Connecting Artists and Scientists in Multimedia Research Andruid Kerne Interface Ecology Lab Dept of Computer Science Texas A&M University USA Ron Wakkary School of Interactive Arts & Technology Simon Fraser University Canada Amanda Steggell Free Artist Norway ...
Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia - MULTIMEDIA '05, 2005
The second ACM Multimedia Art program followed the successful formula used in ACM MM 2005, consis... more The second ACM Multimedia Art program followed the successful formula used in ACM MM 2005, consisting of a session of long papers, a selection of posters and an art exhibition of multimedia works displayed at a gallery for a period encompassing the conference duration. "Presence/Absence" was selected as the central theme for the exhibition. In this paper, we discuss our motivations in organizing an art program at ACM MM, the exhibition theme, the works selected, and their potential impact in the technical community.

CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems on - CHI EA '13, 2013
ABSTRACT Worldwide there is a gender gap in technology with only a small part of all computer sci... more ABSTRACT Worldwide there is a gender gap in technology with only a small part of all computer science related positions being held by women. Among different initiatives to encourage women to join STEM fields, we started a video interview initiative last year at CHI to encourage more women to enter and remain in the field of HCI as well as strengthening existing women's voices. In addition to strengthening women's progress, many interviewees also identified a diversity chasm within the HCI field that needs to be addressed. This panel aims at continuing and deepening the conversation that was started at CHI 2011 addressing the experience of women in the HCI field in both industry and academia and extending the conversation to include diversity. It will serve as a platform to discuss important issues such as mentoring, leadership, and career development and for creating networks for including and encouraging diversity in HCI.
CHI '08 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2008
Constructed Narratives is a digital media research project and game that explores the design of t... more Constructed Narratives is a digital media research project and game that explores the design of tangible social interfaces that facilitate discourse and information sharing in public spaces. Designed for experiments in social networking and learning in physical environments, the tangible social interface (TSI) is based on the premises of the tangible user interface (TUI) -- physical objects embedded with hardware sensors for responsive output when manipulated. The tangible social interface gives unique output based on manipulation technique as well as profile information about the person who is doing the manipulation.
Leonardo, 1996
... 346 Pamela Jennings, Narrative Structures for New Media Page 3. ... Serialism Pamela Jennings... more ... 346 Pamela Jennings, Narrative Structures for New Media Page 3. ... Serialism Pamela Jennings, Narrative Structures for New Media 347 Page 4. Fig. ...

Leonardo, 2013
Innov ations emerging from the intersection of the sciences, engineering, arts and design are tra... more Innov ations emerging from the intersection of the sciences, engineering, arts and design are transforming our economy, culture and learning contexts. This transformation is emerging through development of products, methods and questions that are fundamentally hybrid, such as software developed for human play, hardware designed for aesthetic elegance, or the plethora of scientific and cultural information requiring new means of interpretation and expression in order to enable greater understanding of complex dynamics. As our world undergoes rapid change, we need to generate new ways to create and engage knowledge, drawing from multiple disciplines as we seek to understand the ever-increasing complexity. Collaborators can provide insights into dilemmas that elude understanding through singular inquiry. Global economic interests are at stake: We anticipate that the industries that will come to dominate our economies in 20 years are only now undergoing invention. New forms of partnership among political, academic and civil sectors of society are required if we are to bring about needed changes intelligently and humanely. Innovation stemming from interdisciplinary creativity is a major contributor to the development of new, sustainable economies and harmonious, cooperating societies. The (U.S.) National Science Foundation (NSF) Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Information & Intelligent Systems (IIS) program sponsored five workshops in 2010-2011, bringing together artists and scientists from across the United States to address the needs of the burgeoning community of groups and individuals engaged in transdisciplinary practice. This effort resulted in the genesis of Sciences, Engineering, Arts and Design (SEAD), a new network focusing on advocacy and dissemination of innovative methods for connecting and supporting a distributed community across academia, nonprofit organizations, civil society, industry and funding entities. The network facilitates research community development; collaboration and project matchmaking; expertise referrals; largescale collaborative teaching; forums to share best practices in lifelong learning; and philanthropic opportunities for funding organizations. The growing interdisciplinary community continues to face challenges in its efforts to self-organize in the face of constraints imposed by academic systems and historical biases; we continue to seek a dynamic and synergizing research and outreach exchange. We recognize an urgent need for a paradigm shift that can overcome such biases and fully address, in an integrated manner, the documentation needs of the science-art community. To this end, a partner group, XSEAD, is developing a 21st-century portal to provide a community platform offering a centralized view of this emergent field; rapid dissemination of multimodal research outcomes; extensive databases of prior and current research; an informed record of science-art curricula; support for structures for scienceart careers; and evidence of societal impact of interdisciplinary integration. The network addresses fundamental challenges, including the need to align academic pedagogies with 21st-century thinking skills; to promote diversity of perspectives, approaches and people in the creative economy; and to identify best practices that create critical thinkers and leaders for the ever-changing job market. We are providing a platform to generate and disseminate public dialogue about the intellectual, cultural and economic potential of creative intersections of art, science and technology.

International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2006
Creativity support tools is a research topic with high risk but potentially very high payoff. The... more Creativity support tools is a research topic with high risk but potentially very high payoff. The goal is to develop improved software and user interfaces that empower users to be not only more productive but also more innovative. Potential users include software and other engineers, diverse scientists, product and graphic designers, architects, educators, students, and many others. Enhanced interfaces could enable more effective searching of intellectual resources, improved collaboration among teams, and more rapid discovery processes. These advanced interfaces should also provide potent support in hypothesis formation, speedier evaluation of alternatives, improved understanding through visualization, and better dissemination of results. For creative endeavors that require composition of novel artifacts (e.g., computer programs, scientific papers, engineering diagrams, symphonies, artwork), enhanced interfaces could facilitate exploration of alternatives, prevent unproductive choices, and enable easy backtracking. This U.S. National Science Foundation sponsored workshop brought together 25 research leaders and graduate students to share experiences, identify opportunities, and formulate research challenges. Two key outcomes emerged: (a) encouragement to evaluate creativity support tools through multidimensional in-depth longitudinal case studies and (b) formulation of 12 principles for design of creativity support tools. As Galileo struggled to view Jupiter through his newly built telescope, he adjusted the lenses and saw four twinkling points of light nearby. After recording their positions carefully, Galileo compared them to his drawings from previous nights. His conclusion that Jupiter had four moons circling it was a profound insight with far reaching implications.
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 2001
1. Towards a In my 1996 article, 'Narrative Structures for New Media,' a method for cog... more 1. Towards a In my 1996 article, 'Narrative Structures for New Media,' a method for cognitive art: integrating the art of narrative into computer mediated interactive art data, navigation was introduced. This method emphasised looking beyond our western and narrahve ...
Papers by Pamela Jennings