Papers by Pamela Akin-Idowu

African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009
Over 100 years ago, Haberlandt envisioned the concept of plant tissue culture and provided the gr... more Over 100 years ago, Haberlandt envisioned the concept of plant tissue culture and provided the groundwork for the cultivation of plant cells, tissues and organs in culture. Initially plant tissue cultures arose as a research tool and focused on attempts to culture and study the development of small, isolated cells and segments of plant tissues. At the peak of the plant tissue culture era in the 1980s, in a relatively short time, many commercial laboratories were established around the world to capitalize on the potential of micropropagation for mass production of clonal plants for the horticulture industry. Today plant tissue culture applications encompass much more than clonal propagation. The range of routine technologies has expanded to include somatic embryogenesis, somatic hybridization, virus elimination as well as the application of bioreactors to mass propagation. Perhaps the greatest value of these tissue culture technologies lies not so much in their application to mass cl...
African Journal of Food Science Research, 2018

Journal of Experimental Agriculture International, 2021
Aims: Previously conventional substrates consisting of topsoil mixtures have produced low yield a... more Aims: Previously conventional substrates consisting of topsoil mixtures have produced low yield and low survival rate of the tissue culture plantlets. Semi-Autotrophic Hydroponics (SAH) technique is being compared with Sawdust (SD) and Topsoil (TS) as a suitable method of acclimatization and further rooting of the plantlets. This research is aimed at optimizing the protocol for acclimatization of tissue culture pineapple plantlets. Study Design: Experimental Research Design. Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was conducted at the Biotechnology Research Unit, Tissue Culture Laboratory, National Horticultural Research Institute, Jericho-Idi-Ishin, Ibadan. Feb 2021 – April 2021. Methodology: The technique employed was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 10 samples per treatment in 6 replicates. 5 treatments were investigated in this research. Data analysis was done with the use of SAS statistical analysis software (p<0.05). Fresh crowns of Ananas comosus (pineap...

African Journal of Food Science, 2009
Raw and processed tubers from eight genotypes of yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis) were evaluated... more Raw and processed tubers from eight genotypes of yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis) were evaluated for their contents of iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, total carotenoids, vitamin C, phytic acid and tannin. The mean values obtained (in mg/kg on dry weight basis) were 7.2 for iron, 9.2 for zinc, 169.3 for calcium, 1331.3 for phosphorus, 181.8 for phytate and 353.6 for tannin. Similarly, 6.31 µg/g of total carotenoids and 37.3 mg/kg of ascorbic acid were obtained on fresh weight basis. The genotypes differed significantly (P < 0.05) in tuber contents of zinc, calcium, phosphorus, total carotenoids and vitamin C but they were similar with respect to iron, phytate and tannin contents. Genotype TDc 95-65 had the highest levels of zinc, calcium, total carotenoids and phytate while TDc 95-294 had the highest levels of iron and phytate. Tubers of TDc 95-65, TDc, 95-294, TDc 04-168 and TDc 98-136 are good sources of iron, zinc and phosphorus. The two cooking methods had little effect on t...

Acta Horticulturae, 2018
The effect of longitudinal splitting of shoot tip explants (no-split, two-splits and four-splits)... more The effect of longitudinal splitting of shoot tip explants (no-split, two-splits and four-splits) cultured in MS basal medium containing different BA concentrations (0, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 mg L(-1)) for both regeneration and proliferation of 'Agbagba' were investigated. Data were collected on the shoot length, shoot number, root length and root number 21 DAC (days after culture). Increase in BA concentrations did not increase shoot length after 1.5 mg L(-1) irrespective of the splitting method at regeneration and proliferation stages. At proliferation, the highest average number of shoots per explant was 18 at four-splits in combination with 4.5 mg L(-1) BA and the lowest was 1.5 at no-split in combination with 1.5, 2.5 or 3.5 mg L(-1). The level of contamination of the culture medium and explants with pathogens reduced with increase in splitting. For commercial micropropagation of Musa sp. AAB ('Agbagba'), the best method and medium recommended for regeneration and proliferation is four-splits at 1.5 mg L(-1) BA and four-splits at 4.5 mg L(-1) BA, respectively. All the plantlets were rooted and acclimatized successfully; there were no morphological differences between no-split and split plantlets.

IntechOpen eBooks, Oct 17, 2022
This chapter describes the various facets, from agronomy to marketing, of Nigerian root vegetable... more This chapter describes the various facets, from agronomy to marketing, of Nigerian root vegetables including garlic, onion, turmeric, ginger and carrot being the world's most significant and vital root vegetables which have high culinary and medicinal value. The chapter commences with their origin and history, universal spread, production figures, areas under cultivation and goes on to explain the botany, diversity, conservation, production practices, pests and diseases management, utilization, post-harvest technology and their uses as nutraceuticals. This chapter also presents the socioeconomic , market analyses, export potential of these crops in Nigeria. It would be an important reference material for researchers, agricultural and food science students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and policy makers; and be of great interest to experts and industries involved in root vegetables and spices trade. The in-depth information and knowledge about the genetic conservation, socio-economics, production, pests and diseases management and post-harvest technology of root vegetables in Nigeria provided in this chapter would greatly help in efforts towards improving their production and utilization for enhanced nutrition and healthy living.
African Journal of …, 2010
Mapping and tagging of agriculturally important genes have been greatly facilitated by an array o... more Mapping and tagging of agriculturally important genes have been greatly facilitated by an array of molecular markers in crop plants. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) is gaining considerable importance as it would improve the efficiency of plant breeding through precise transfer of ...
… Congress on Science …, 2010
Abstract: Plantain and banana (Musa spp.) flour, known as 'elubo ogede'in Nigeria, is p... more Abstract: Plantain and banana (Musa spp.) flour, known as 'elubo ogede'in Nigeria, is produced by sun-drying and milling the fruit's pulp. Musa flour is an important food in the daily diet of diabetic people because of its low glycemic index. However, the extent to ...
International Journal of …, 2008
Eight genotypes of yellow yam(Dioscorea cayenensis) were planted at locations in two major yam-gr... more Eight genotypes of yellow yam(Dioscorea cayenensis) were planted at locations in two major yam-growing agroecologies of Nigeria(Onne in the humid forest zone and Ibadan in the forest/savannah transition zone) for assessment of the contents of minerals and ...

I All Africa Horticultural Congress, 2011
A pioneer breeding study was started at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Ibadan, Ni... more A pioneer breeding study was started at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Ibadan, Nigeria during 2007-2008 on papaya with the aim of addressing the age-long problem associated with seedling sex identification in papaya, which is a major limiting factor in Nigeria for large-scale production of papaya. Morphological and qualitative characters were recorded for the selected parental genotypes and the F 1 progenies. F 1 hermaphrodite plants had lower mean value for plant height than both parents but had higher mean value for stem girth and number of leaves at flowering than one parent. The study revealed that controlled pollination of the hermaphroditic papaya genotypes segregated for female and hermaphrodite progenies at the first filial generation (F 1) while the progenies resulting from malefemale crosses segregated for male, female and hermaphrodite genotypes. The highest percentage hybridization success (70.2%) was recorded from selfed hermaphrodites. This result implies that generating more hermaphrodite genotypes under controlled pollination will give desired sex types needed to increase production.
Agricultural Biotechnology, Biodiversity and Bioresources Conservation and Utilization, 2022

International Journal of Fruit Science, 2022
Imaju li privredna društva jasno određen cilj? Da li je taj cilj jedinstven za sva privredna druš... more Imaju li privredna društva jasno određen cilj? Da li je taj cilj jedinstven za sva privredna društva? Može li privredno društvo da formuliše svoj cilj i da postupa u skladu sa njim? Da li je ovo oblast u kojoj zakonodavac treba da interveniše, do koje mere i na koji način? Kakvu ulogu treba i može da ima samo privredno društvo prilikom određivanja sopstvenog cilja? Ovo su sámo neka od pitanja na koja autor u ovom radu pokušava da dâ odgovor, imajući u vidu brojne teorijske rasprave, kao i uporedna i domaća zakonodavna rešenja. Dilema između primene akcionarske teorije i multiinteresne (stejkholderske) teorije predstavlja jednu od najvećih kontroverzi savremenog kompanijskog prava. Aktuelna pandemija je samo dodatno apostrofirala osnovne probleme ovih teorija. Imajući u vidu da se konačni odgovori u ovoj oblasti ne mogu dati, autor sagledava domaća rešenja, kako bi dao preporuke za njihovo tumačenje.

Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2015
The hepatoprotective effect and antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of Amaranthus hypochondri... more The hepatoprotective effect and antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of Amaranthus hypochondriacus seed (ESAH) were evaluated in sodium arsenite (SA) treated rats. Animals were divided into eight groups. The first group was used as control, group II was administered SA (2.5 mg/kg body weight). Groups III, IV and V were administered different doses of ESAH (100, 200 or 300 mg/kg b.w., respectively); groups VI, VII and VIII were administered ESAH at 100, 200, 300 mg/kg b.w. plus 2.5 mg SA/kg; respectively. Rats were orally administered different doses of ESAH daily for fourteen days. The SA was administered on the 7th and 14th day. Results showed that sodium arsenite-induced elevation of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels were substantially reduced by pre-treatment with 200 and 300 mg/kg b.w. of ESAH. Histopathological observations also showed hepatic protective activity of ESAH. ...

African Journal of Plant Science, Sep 30, 2014
Aseptic cultures of pineapple 'smooth cayenne' were established from shoot tip explants. They wer... more Aseptic cultures of pineapple 'smooth cayenne' were established from shoot tip explants. They were initiated on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium with vitamins supplemented with various combinations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 mg L -1 ) and Gelrite [1.0 g L -1 (semiliquid), 1.5 g L -1 (semi-solid) and 2.0 g L -1 (solid)]. Explants were transferred five weeks after in vitro initiation to semi-liquid medium containing higher concentrations of BAP (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mg L -1 ) for proliferation. Four sub-cultures were made at five weeks interval for twenty weeks in the proliferation medium. Established shoots were introduced into rooting medium containing either full (4.4 g L -1 ) or half (2.2 g L -1 ) strength MS basal medium with vitamins supplemented with 0, 0.5 mg L -1 BAP alone or in combination with 0, 0.9 and 1.8 mg L -1 α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Semi-liquid MS basal medium supplemented with 0.1 and 0.3 mg L -1 BAP gave the best regeneration results, producing the highest average shoot length (34.6 mm) and average number of shoot buds (2.4) per explants. Significant difference (p≤0.05) in average shoot number per explant was observed with semi-liquid MS basal medium supplemented with 1.5 mg L -1 BAP, producing the highest average shoot number (6.1) per explant at 5 weeks and this increased to 167.7 after 20 weeks. The half-strength MS basal medium without growth regulators or with 0.9 mg L -1 NAA gave the highest average root length (29.3 mm) and root number per shoot (7.9). The semi-liquid MS basal medium supplemented with low BAP (1.5 mg L -1 ) is a cost-effective method for in vitro propagation of pineapple. Half strength MS basal medium without hormones or with low NAA are also cost-effective methods for inducing roots in pineapple.

Protein deficiency in diets adversely affects growth and development. Novel source of high qualit... more Protein deficiency in diets adversely affects growth and development. Novel source of high quality protein and its utilization is essential in improving the nutritive status of the vulnerable groups. Total protein content and protein fractions of 29 amaranth accessions and a soybean cultivar used as reference were determined. The amino acid composition of ten representative accessions of amaranth was also determined. Total protein content ranged from 11.77 to 19.01 g/100 g. One-dimensional gel electrophoretic separations revealed albumin, globulin and glutelin as the major protein fractions; prolamin was not detected. All accessions had similar seed protein electrophoretic profile, ranging from 6.5 to 66 kDa. The glutelin fraction of all amaranth accessions shared similar electrophoretic bands with the soybean cultivar at the 4 to 14, 24 to 36 and 65 to 66 kDa regions. All amaranth accessions contained a good balance of the nine essential amino acids. The sum of essential amino acid...

Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, 2011
Full terms and conditions of use: ... more Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.

International Journal of Vegetable Science, 2013
Phytochemicals, as sources of natural antioxidants, may be found in underutilized tropical vegeta... more Phytochemicals, as sources of natural antioxidants, may be found in underutilized tropical vegetables. Relative levels of free radical scavenging activity, total phenolics, total flavonoids, and flavonol contents were determined in methanolic extracts of 25 leafy vegetable species. Free radical scavenging activity and total phenolic content were determined. Total phenolic content ranged from 8.83 to 164.52 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)·g−1 dry weight. Free radical scavenging activity effective concentration (EC50) ranged from 5.38 to 22.38 mg·mL−1 inhibitions. Total flavonoid and flavonol contents ranged from 6.86 to 67.72 mg catechin equivalent (CE)·g−1 dry weight and 3.94 to 15.71 mg CE·g−1 dry weight, respectively. Sesamum radiatum Schumacher, Telfaria occidentalis Hook. F., Launea taraxacifolia (Wild.) Amin Ex., Crassocephalum rubens Juss. Ex Jacq, and Solanum macrocarpon L had the highest phenolic contents and free radical scavenging activity. Positive linear relationships existed between free radical scavenging activity and total phenolic content, indicating that phenolic compounds were the predominant antioxidant components. Some underutilized leafy vegetables have the potential to supply natural antioxidants to the human diet.

World Journal of …, 2009
Agronomic evaluation of crop genotypes is essential in identifying the genetic variability that e... more Agronomic evaluation of crop genotypes is essential in identifying the genetic variability that exists within crop germplasm and it is also the starting point for genetic improvement of any crop species. To this end, nine tomato genotypes were evaluated for the variability in their agronomic characteristics and lycopene content. The tomato lines differ widely in the agronomic characters evaluated. Fruit weight ranged between 0.256g and 0.003g with'NHBig local' having the highest while 'NHCherry' had the lowest respectively. Genotype 'NHLeader' flowered the earliest with a mean number of days of 40.28, while 'NHCherry' flowered latest with a mean number of days of 72.389. 'NHCherry' had the highest number of fruits per truss and fruits per plant with a mean of 5.111 and 6.056, respectively. The content of Lycopene an important phytonutrient was also evaluated among the genotypes and it ranged from 70.25 to 147.29 µg/g, with 'NHLindo' having the lowest and 'NHLeader' having the highest. This paper gives information on the agronomic variation in the nine tomato genotypes assessed which can invariably serve as an index to selecting putative parents in breeding for new tomato variety that will combine desirable agronomic characteristics with high lycopene content.

Eight genotypes of yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis) were planted at locations in two major yam-g... more Eight genotypes of yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis) were planted at locations in two major yam-growing agroecologies of Nigeria (Onne in the humid forest zone and Ibadan in the forest/savannah transition zone) for assessment of the contents of minerals and antinutrients. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed among the genotypes in tuber contents of Fe, Zn, Ca, Mn, P, Cu and tannin. The levels of Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg, K, P and phytate (Phy) were higher (P<0.05) in tubers grown at Ibadan than at Onne. Values for Cu and tannin were similar at the two locations for all genotypes. Significant (P<0.05) genotype x environment interactions were detected for tuber contents of only Zn, Mn and Phy. The ranges of molar ratios Phy:Zn (2.2 - 4.1), Ca:Phy (8.3 - 15.0), and (Ca)(Phy)/(Zn) (0.01 - 0.02) suggest that phytate could inhibit bioavailability of calcium but not zinc in foods prepared from yellow yam. The tannin content was not high enough to influence the bioavailability of i...
Papers by Pamela Akin-Idowu