Papers by Pallavi Bhatnagar
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2021
Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) are more likely to experience psychological and physical he... more Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) are more likely to experience psychological and physical health problems. The psyche in pain is somewhere at war with the people in her world. The issues of trust are lost conflicts resulting into interpersonal problems in intimate, more significantly marital relationships. The paper unfolds the exploitation at various levels (breaking the resistance during counselling) and helps in understanding the challenges in disclosure of a 22-year-old female survivor of Child Sexual Abuse with mental health problems. The paper also offers a multilevel partnership for dealing with the problem of dissemination, implementation and facilitating the survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2020
COVID-19 has emerged as the biggest global health crisis of the decade. What is essential to unde... more COVID-19 has emerged as the biggest global health crisis of the decade. What is essential to understand, that it is the concepts of community spread, Corona warrior, survival of the fittest immunity circle, immunity passport, hygiene, infection and safety etc. How people were perceiving corona? How were the coping with the fear and anxieties of corona? How realistic was their information bank? Purpose was the study to explore the experiences of people regarding corona according to locale (Rural and Urban Population). The data was thereafter content analysed for an in-depth understanding for their lived experiences. Both the groups have shown the resilience to give very realistic strategies for dealing with corona if we can tolerate the uncertainty of the situation instead of avoiding or running away from them that shows an opportunity for reoriented from towards life channelizing new direction and new energy.

Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020
Background: Both theoretical and empirical evidences on chronic illness suggest negative conseque... more Background: Both theoretical and empirical evidences on chronic illness suggest negative consequences of caregiving on the psychological wellbeing and Quality of Life (QOL) of the caregivers. However, the fact remain that there is a paucity of empirical researches on the quality of life of caregivers of people with chronic mental illness. Purpose: The purpose of the present research is to assess the Emotional Quality of Life among caregivers of person with chronic mental illness across gender. Setting: Psychiatric Hospitals and clinics Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. Participants: The sample comprised of 100 primary caregivers of person (50 were male caregivers and 50 were Female caregivers) with diagnosed chronic mental illness of Schizophrenia, Anxiety Disorder, Personality disorder, Depression and Bipolar affective disorder (BPAD). Those willing to participate in the study were interviewed to assess their Emotional quality of life. Results: The female caregivers painfully construe caregiving as sadness and also attribute caregiving to be the source of their sadness in life. Somewhere there is a fatalist attitude adding greater pain in their life and they cope with pain and sadness largely by crying. On the other hand, male caregivers have reported painful and conflictual relationship with the patient as the perceived meaning of sadness and pain both. However, they cope up with the same by moving away and sharing with people. Globally the self-image of the caregivers is negative more specifically after the caregiving. The narratives of the caregiver are subsumed in a model. Conclusions: The findings of the study serve as the roadmap for furthering researches into emotional wellbeing of the caregivers of the person with chronic mental illness. Largely the attention is more towards creating intervention for the patients suffering from mental illness. Such studies would serve as the base for creating and improved emotional Quality of life for the caregivers.
Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, Sep 1, 2020

Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 2016
Earthquake is most unpredictable and destructive natural disaster. It causes damage to infrastruc... more Earthquake is most unpredictable and destructive natural disaster. It causes damage to infrastructure, settlements, transport and communication networks as well as loss of life and leaves people shattered and distressed. On 25 April 2015 earthquake tremors jolted the city of Lucknow at the intensity of 7.1 Richter scale, leaving the people shocked and compel to stand in open places for hours. The present study attempts to explore the understanding of earthquake and the amount of psychological distress it causes. A random sample of 90 residents in three age groups from the multistory buildings, and crowded areas of Lucknow served as the sample. They were assessed on Kessler Psychological Distress Scale and an interview schedule. The results found gender difference on psychological distress but no significant difference was found across the different age groups.

Indian journal of positive psychology, 2017
Well-being is a Dynamic concept that comprises Personal, Emotional, Social, Psychological, and Sp... more Well-being is a Dynamic concept that comprises Personal, Emotional, Social, Psychological, and Spiritual dimensions along with health related behaviors. The present research was conducted to find out whether Psychological well-being in Caregivers of Person with chronic mental Illness can be predicted by Personality Dispositions and Creativity. We assume that Psychological well-being is likely to be predicted by personality Dispositions. Low level of neuroticism, high levels of extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness and creativity. 100 caregivers of Person with chronic mental Illness were selected through Purposive Sampling technique from the Private clinics and Private Psychiatric Hospitals. NEO Five Factor Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1992), Creative Behavior Inventory (Hocevar, 1979) and Psychological Well-being Scale (Ryff, 1995) were administered to the caregivers of Person with chronic mental Illness. The findings of our study revealed that Psychological Wel...

IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review, 2017
Stress is an appraisal of one's resources to cope up with the challenging situations and plac... more Stress is an appraisal of one's resources to cope up with the challenging situations and places a limit on one's capacity to face the situation efficiently. The stressful condition occurs when demands exceed the available resources. The same happens during the phase of adolescence. The adolescents face the turbulence of growing up stresses along with pressures of performance, cut throat competition, experiencing frustrations and conflicts of everyday life in relational world. For adolescents who are living in difficult circumstances, the level of stress only escalates to harmful extent having an adverse effect on their physical as well as mental health. The present study is an attempt to explore the stress level among adolescents of rural and urban area of Bakshi-ka-talab, Nishatganj, and Chowk area of Lucknow. The total sample was of 400 adolescents of government schools in age range 14 to 18 years, equally divided into rural and urban school's students. Anxiety Depress...
The Asian Man - An International Journal, 2008
The paper addresses one of the most salient and ironically least attended to issue of mental heal... more The paper addresses one of the most salient and ironically least attended to issue of mental health of the youth today. In the light of empirical work done in Counselling, the state of art is discussed. The encouraging therapeutic results in counselling present the positive picture of the youth, reiterating the need for improving the mental health of the youth at large. Intervention strategies are suggested.

INTRODUCTIONIn Indian culture and philosophical scriptures 'Self' has been described in r... more INTRODUCTIONIn Indian culture and philosophical scriptures 'Self' has been described in relation to 'Braham' as said "Aham Brahammasmi", the whole world exists in me. The self has been considered as a core of personality in eastern, as well as, western perspective. The relational nature of self has been a topic of interest for self theorist. The role played by significant others in the formation of self which is fundamentally relational i.e. relational self, also has been recognized by many contemporary theorist (Aron & Aron, 1996; Baldwin,1992; Baumeister & Leary, 1995; Gergen & Gergen, 1988; Greenwald & Pratkanis, 1984; Higgins, 1989; Markus & Cross, 1990; Mc Adams, 1980; Ogilvie & Ashmore, 1991), as well as, early self theorist (e.g., Cooley, 1902; James, 1890; Mead, 1934; Rogers 1951; Sullivan, 1940; 1953).James's (1890) view point of self as fundamentally interpersonal has not only withstood the test of the time but has also served as the basis of ...
Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) are more likely to experience psychological and physical he... more Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) are more likely to experience psychological and physical health problems. The psyche in pain is somewhere at war with the people in her world. The issues of trust are lost conflicts resulting into interpersonal problems in intimate, more significantly marital relationships. The paper unfolds the exploitation at various levels (breaking the resistance during counselling) and helps in understanding the challenges in disclosure of a 22-year-old female survivor of Child Sexual Abuse with mental health problems. The paper also offers a multilevel partnership for dealing with the problem of dissemination, implementation and facilitating the survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 2018
To study the relationship between Psychological Well-Being and Quality of Life among Clients and ... more To study the relationship between Psychological Well-Being and Quality of Life among Clients and to see group differences on study variables between Person with intellectual disability and physical disability. Corelational study. Total sample size was 150 male Clients in which 75 were physically disabled (PD) (polio affected, deaf & dumb & visually impaired) and 75 were intellectually Disabled (ID). Affectometer-2 and WHOQOL-BREF were used to study Psychological Well-Being and Quality of Life. Results showed significant positive correlation between Psychological Well-Being (combination of feeling good & functioning effectively) and Quality of Life and negative relationship with disability of Clients. Group differences were seen that Person with Physically Disabled have high Psychological Well-Being (t=5.91, p<0.01) and Quality of Life (t=8.40, p<0.01) as compared to Person with Intellectually Disabled. On the basis of our results it is concluded that Person with Intellectually...
The "object" of an instinct is the agent through which the instinctual aim is achieved and the ag... more The "object" of an instinct is the agent through which the instinctual aim is achieved and the agent is usually conceived as being another person. The present study is an attempt to explore the personality profile of V (having mental health problems) within the framework of object relations theory. V is a 26-year-old Indian female. She was going through marital separation at the time of testing. V gave a total of 26 responses on the Rorschach cards. The core character of Obsessive-Compulsive personality is clearly visible in her responses with sub-features of depressive and schizoid personality. Her thought organization features fragmented approach. V relates better with non-humans than humans. Her view of the world is reality tuned but she oscillates between withdrawal into fantasy and reality. Her internal self-object relations tend to be fluid and fused.

International Journal of Indian Psychology
It is clearly understood that people address, understand and cope with their health problems with... more It is clearly understood that people address, understand and cope with their health problems with reference to their perception about health and illness. It is in this light that the present study has been taken up to explore the health perception of patients with HIV. The sample consisted of 60 HIV patients- 30 males and 30 females. A major variable was gender. Self designed open-ended questionnaire consisting of 24 items was used. The responses obtained were content analyzed and percentage analysis was done. The results showed that both males and females had poor health awareness. The coping strategies employed by them showed that both males and females feel anxious when they are sick (55%). Sex stereotype seems to be all pervasive, having effect in the present results as well, with more males reporting rest when sick (26.67%) as compared to their female counterparts (6.67%). Poor base of health awareness serves as a stepping stone for creating a preventive intervention package fo...

International Journal of Indian Psychology
Everyone experiences anxiety, depression and stress at one time or another. Be it educated, profe... more Everyone experiences anxiety, depression and stress at one time or another. Be it educated, professional, students or those living in marginalized existence, for almost all, it is an overwhelming experience predisposing them at times for emotional and psychiatric breakdowns and physical ailment at other point of time. Objective: To explore the factors underlying a scale to assess anxiety, depression and stress (Bhatnagar, 2011). Sample: The factors underlying ADSS were assessed on both psychiatric and non psychiatric patients (972 non-psychiatric and 205 psychiatric individuals). Main Outcomes and Results: The scale developed and used in the present study had 48 items. The principal factoring with VARIMAX rotation yielded 3 factors in anxiety scale viz. physical symptoms, apprehension and dryness of mouth, 2 factors in depression scale viz. inertia-loss of interest and worth and poor emotional control and 2 factors in stress scale i.e. emotional arousal and negative life event...

COVID-19 has emerged as the biggest global health crisis of the decade. What is essential to unde... more COVID-19 has emerged as the biggest global health crisis of the decade. What is essential to understand, that it is the concepts of community spread, Corona warrior, survival of the fittest immunity circle, immunity passport, hygiene, infection and safety etc. How people were perceiving corona? How were the coping with the fear and anxieties of corona? How realistic was their information bank? Purpose was the study to explore the experiences of people regarding corona according to locale (Rural and Urban Population). The data was thereafter content analysed for an in-depth understanding for their lived experiences. Both the groups have shown the resilience to give very realistic strategies for dealing with corona if we can tolerate the uncertainty of the situation instead of avoiding or running away from them that shows an opportunity for reoriented from towards life channelizing new direction and new energy.

International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Aug 26, 2019
Background: In recent years, the construct of maternal foetal attachment (MFA) has gained a lot o... more Background: In recent years, the construct of maternal foetal attachment (MFA) has gained a lot of attention. The significance of the bond between the mother and her child she is carrying has led researchers to study how the expecting woman's feelings towards the unborn child, have long lasting effects on the child. Although several psychological factors, such as maternal anxiety, attitude towards the baby and access to foetal imaging procedures, have been established to significantly influence a mother's attachment to her foetus, there seems to be a paucity of empirical work on the relationship between maternal stress during pregnancy and maternal foetal attachment. The present research is a step in this direction and purports to explore this relationship. Methods: The study explored the relationship between MFA and stress using the maternal foetal attachment scale by Cranley and the stress scale of the ADSS by Bhatnagar et al. The sample consisted of 53 pregnant women with a mean age of 26.4. Results: The results suggest a significant negative relationship between stress and MFA, r=-0.55 (p<0.01). Stress also showed a negative correlation with the subscales of MFAS, with highly stressed women reporting lower levels of selfgiving behavior, fewer thoughts of role taking and lesser interactive behavior with the foetus. Conclusions: High stress during pregnancy could impede the formation of a strong bond between the expecting woman and her foetus. Thus the best practices during pregnancy should aim to reduce stress and encourage maternal foetal interaction.
Papers by Pallavi Bhatnagar