Bağlayıcılık özelliğine sahip olan bazı uçucu küller ilgili standartları sağlamadığından beton se... more Bağlayıcılık özelliğine sahip olan bazı uçucu küller ilgili standartları sağlamadığından beton sektöründe kullanılmamaktadır. Atık depolama alanlarına gönderilen bu tür uçucu küller toprağa ve yeraltı sularına zarar vermektedir. Kangal Termik Güç Tesisi uçucu külü de beton sektöründe kullanılmamakta ve atık depolama alanına gönderilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Kangal Termik Güç Tesisi uçucu külü, atık cam tozu ve kireç kullanılarak, kendiliğinden yerleşen yüksek dayanımlı briket üretilmiştir. Ağırlıkça %66 uçucu kül, %7 kireç ve %27 atık cam tozuyla üretilen briketin 56 günlük basınç dayanımı 67,5 MPa olmuştur. Üretilen briketlerin birim ağırlık, su emme, kılcal su emme ve ısıl iletkenlik değerlerinin yanında mikro yapıları da incelenmiştir. Üretilen briketler ulusal ve uluslararası standartlarda verilen sınır değerlerini sağlamıştır. Üretilen bu briketler kırsal kesimde yaşayan düşük gelirli insanların konut sorunun çözümüne yardımcı olabilir.
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2018
A large amount of fly ash is accumulating in Kangal Thermal Power Plant in our country. Fly ash p... more A large amount of fly ash is accumulating in Kangal Thermal Power Plant in our country. Fly ash produced in this plant is abandoned to the landfills and causes certain serious environmental problems and health hazards. Waste glass also constitutes some problems. The most of non-recyclable glass is sent to landfill that is not an environmentfriendly solution. Therefore, there is a strong need to be utilized it in building sector because it is not biodegradable. In this study, masonry blocks were produced by using fly ash, lime and waste glass powder. Blocks were cured for periods of 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours at 70 °C. The compressive and flexural strengths, water absorption, sorptivity and density values of blocks were determined. It was found that curing time and amounts of additional materials that were lime and waste glass powder in the block were directly effective on the results. The results obtained showed that block could be produced by using these waste materials.
In this paper, a parametric experimental study for producing paving blocks using fine and coarse ... more In this paper, a parametric experimental study for producing paving blocks using fine and coarse waste glass is presented. Some of the physical and mechanical properties of paving blocks having various levels of fine glass (FG) and coarse glass (CG) replacements with fine aggregate (FA) are investigated. The test results show that the replacement of FG by FA at level of 20% by weight has a significant effect on the compressive strength, flexural strength, splitting tensile strength and abrasion resistance of the paving blocks as compared with the control sample because of puzzolanic nature of FG. The compressive strength, flexural strength, splitting tensile strength and abrasion resistance of the paving block samples in the FG replacement level of 20% are 69%, 90%, 47% and 15 % higher as compared with the control sample respectively. It is reported in the earlier works the replacement of FG by FA at level of 20% by weight suppress the alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in the concrete. T...
In this study, artificial limestone brick samples are produced by using wood sawdust wastes (WSW)... more In this study, artificial limestone brick samples are produced by using wood sawdust wastes (WSW) having different grades of sizes and limestone powder waste (LPW). The thermo-elastic properties of produced brick samples in various WSW amounts are investigated. At 30% WSW replacement with LPW in the brick sample the thermal conductivity value is effectively reduced and the reduction in the thermal conductivity value of brick sample at 30% WSW replacement with LPW is about 38.9% as compared with control sample. The energy conservation in buildings by using LPW and WSW in masonry brick material production having low thermal conductivity reduces energy requirements. A strong relationship is also found among the thermal conductivity, unit weight and ultrasonic pulse velocity values of brick samples produced. It shows a potential to be used for walls, wooden board substitute, alternative to the concrete blocks, ceiling panels, sound barrier panels, absorption materials etc.
In this study, the variation of pulse velocity around a cylindrical concrete section at various p... more In this study, the variation of pulse velocity around a cylindrical concrete section at various path lengths were measured and compared. The most convenient path length for measuring pulse velocity was found in circular concrete section with a diameter of 400 mm.
A large amount of fly ash is accumulating in Kangal Thermal Power Plant in our country. Fly ash p... more A large amount of fly ash is accumulating in Kangal Thermal Power Plant in our country. Fly ash produced in this plant is abandoned to the landfills and causes certain serious environmental problems and health hazards. Waste glass also constitutes some problems. The most of non-recyclable glass is sent to landfill that is not an environmentfriendly solution. Therefore, there is a strong need to be utilized it in building sector because it is not biodegradable. In this study, masonry blocks were produced by using fly ash, lime and waste glass powder. Blocks were cured for periods of 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours at 70 °C. The compressive and flexural strengths, water absorption, sorptivity and density values of blocks were determined. It was found that curing time and amounts of additional materials that were lime and waste glass powder in the block were directly effective on the results. The results obtained showed that block could be produced by using these waste materials.
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2008
Bu calismada, tekil temellerin optimum geometrik boyutlarinin bulunmasi icin, bir Genetik Algorit... more Bu calismada, tekil temellerin optimum geometrik boyutlarinin bulunmasi icin, bir Genetik Algoritma (GA) programi gelistirilmistir. Tekil temellerin boyutlarinin el veya bilgisayarli cozumlerinde, tecrubeli bir tasarimci tarafindan baslangicta yaklasik temel boyutlarinin tahmin edilmesi zorunlulugu bulunmaktadir. Baslangic temel boyutlarinin tahmininden sonra, uzun zaman alan deneme-yanilma proseduru takip edilerek boyutlar bulunmaktadir. Gelistirilen GA programinda baslangic temel boyutlarinin tahmin edilmesine gerek kalmadan, tekil temel hacmi minimize edilerek, en uygun temel boyutlari cok kisa surede bulunmaktadir. Klasik metotlarin aksine, GA temel taban boyutlari ile yuksekligini eszamanli olarak hesaplamaktadir.
Huge amounts of fly ash - a substance that does not conform to the ASTM C618 classification due t... more Huge amounts of fly ash - a substance that does not conform to the ASTM C618 classification due to its chemical properties - have been abandoned in landfills around the world, despite their self-cementing property. It has not been used in concrete making applications due to its large amounts of free lime and sulfate contents. The fly ash in these plants is dumped in landfills, causing serious environmental hazards. Fly ash is disposed to the landfills by belt conveyors after being humidified with water. Therefore, the fly ashes humidified in the landfill areas are hydrated in nature. This hydration is further intensified in landfills by rain and snow. Thus, the free lime content of fly ash decreases due to its long hydration process. In this work, the lightweight masonry blocks were produced by mixing normal and hydrated fly ashes or normal, hydrated fly ash and lime without Portland cement. The compressive strength, water absorption, sorptivity, density, porosity, and thermal condu...
Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019
Su depolarında, baraj yapılarında, bazı endüstriyel binaların yapımında ve onarımında kullanılan ... more Su depolarında, baraj yapılarında, bazı endüstriyel binaların yapımında ve onarımında kullanılan beton ve harçların, basınçlı su geçirgenliği değeri dayanıklılık bakımından büyük öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, Portland çimentosu, silis dumanı ve uçucu kül içeren ikili ve üçlü kendiliğinden yerleşen harçlarda ve bunların kombinezonlarından oluşan numunelerde basınçlı su geçirgenliği araştırılmıştır. Bu örneklerde basınçlı su işleme derinliği belirlenmiştir. Portland çimentosu ve %10 silis dumanı içeren ikili numunede, Portland çimentosu, %10 silis dumanı ve %35 uçucu kül içeren üçlü numunede basınçlı su geçirgenliği değerleri azaltılmıştır.
Fly ash of some thermal power plants is rejected when their chemical compositions do not satisfy ... more Fly ash of some thermal power plants is rejected when their chemical compositions do not satisfy the limit values in related standards and consequentially conveyed to landfills. In this study, a rejected fly ash, which has high sulphite, free lime, and magnesium oxide contents and does not comply with the classification standards of fly ashes, having cementing properties, has been examined. This rejected fly ash is moistened with water in the thermal power plant and then transported to landfills. This humidified fly ash that has been in contact with snow and rain for a long time turns to hydrated fly ash. The analysis of this hydrated fly ash showed that the sulphite, free lime, and magnesium oxide content levels of the hydrated fly ash had decreased compared to the original rejected fly ash. After the hydrated fly ash in the landfill was ground and sieved, self-compacting mortars (SCMs) were produced by replacing PC with 10, 20, and 30% hydrated fly ash. At various pH levels, leaching of Ca 2þ in SCMs was investigated. Hydrated fly ash is found to be excellent powder material to increase the leaching resistance of Ca 2þ in an SCM when used to replace PC with 20% hydrated fly ash.
Testing of ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) is one of the most popular and actual non-destructive ... more Testing of ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) is one of the most popular and actual non-destructive techniques used in the estimation of the concrete properties in structures. In this paper, artificial neural network (ANN) approach has been proposed for the evaluation of relationship between concrete compressive strength, UPV, and density values by using the experimental data obtained from many cores taken from different reinforced concrete structures with different ages and unknown ratios of concrete mixtures. The presented approach enables to find practically concrete strengths in the reinforced concrete structures, whose records of concrete mixture ratios are not yet available. Thus, researchers can easily evaluate the compressive strength of concrete specimens by using UPV values. The method can be used in conditions including too many numbers of the structures and examinations to be done in restricted time duration. This method also contributes to a remarkable reduction of the computational time without any significant loss of accuracy. Statistic measures are used to evaluate the performance of the models. The comparison of the results clearly shows that the ANN approach can be used effectively to predict the compressive strength of concrete by using UPV and density data. In addition, the model architecture can be used as a non-destructive procedure for health monitoring of structural elements.
Plenty of efforts to use ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) as a measure of concrete compressive str... more Plenty of efforts to use ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) as a measure of concrete compressive strength have been implemented in the recent years due to obvious advantages of nondestructive testing methods. In this article, an artificial neural network (ANN) approach has been proposed for the evaluation of relationship between concrete compressive strength and UPV values by using the data obtained
An experimental study is conducted to compare direct, indirect and semi-direct ultrasonic pulse v... more An experimental study is conducted to compare direct, indirect and semi-direct ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) measurements on a total of 30 concrete blocks 30 × 30 × 25 cm 3 in size that came from different mix batches and have cube compressive strength grades varying between 18.8 and 79.9 MPa. The correlations are established between the direct UPV and indirect UPV in the concrete casting direction as well as in the horizontal direction and semi-direct UPV measurements via statistical analysis. The statistical analysis reveals that the average value of direct UPV is 9%, 4%, and 4% higher than the average of indirect UPV in the casting direction, indirect UPV in the horizontal direction, and semi-direct UPV, respectively. The average value of indirect UPV in the horizontal direction is 5% higher than that in the casting direction.
The increased environmental awareness and increased cost for depositing waste have caused many co... more The increased environmental awareness and increased cost for depositing waste have caused many construction companies to re-evaluate disposal wastes. A large amount of limestone powder wastes (LPW) are obtained in the quarrying operations of limestone and they are not used in the industries because of their fine nature. This paper presents a parametric experimental study which investigates the potential use of LPW and waste glass powder (WGP) for producing new low cost brick sample for the masonry units. The minimum cement amount for brick samples with LPW and LPW-WGP combinations, satisfying minimum compressive and flexural strength required in relevant international standards are found by making mix trials. The compressive strength and flexural strength, unit weight and water absorption values are obtained from the brick samples prepared and tested with the relevant international standards. The compressive strength and flexural strength and modulus of elasticity of brick samples with LPW-WGP combinations effectively are increased. Test results show that LPW and LPW-WGP combination provides results which are of potential to be used in producing economical new brick material for load-bearing masonry units.
In this study, artificial limestone composites are produced by using cotton and limestone powder ... more In this study, artificial limestone composites are produced by using cotton and limestone powder wastes. The thermo-elastic properties of produced composite specimens in various cotton waste amounts are investigated. At 40% cotton waste replacement with limestone powder waste in the composite specimen, the thermal conductivity and unit weight values are effectively reduced. The reduction in the thermal conductivity and unit weight values of the composite specimen at 40% cotton waste replacement with limestone powder waste is about 51% and 29% as compared with the control specimen. The energy conservation in buildings by using limestone powder waste and cotton waste composites having low thermal conductivity can reduce energy requirements. A strong relationship is also found among the thermal conductivity, unit weight and ultrasonic pulse velocity values of composite specimens produced.
In this study, the variation of pulse velocity around a cy lindrical concrete section at various ... more In this study, the variation of pulse velocity around a cy lindrical concrete section at various path lengths were measured and compared. The most convenient path length for measuring pulse velocity was found in circular concrete section with a diameter of 400 mm.
In this study, we review common transient measurement techniques and introduce a new one, called ... more In this study, we review common transient measurement techniques and introduce a new one, called as dynamic adiabatic-box technique, for thermal performance estimation of anisotropic building materials. The technique can be used for pre-estimation purpose for materials developed in a laboratory. Simple analysis of time-temperature curves for the specimens allows fair comparison of their effective thermal transmittances (or R-values) under specified conditions. The specimens used for sample calculation procedure are the ordinary concrete and the concrete with stripped scrap-rubber. The results show that R-value of ordinary concrete is enhanced nearly by 25% with addition of scrap-rubber.
Bağlayıcılık özelliğine sahip olan bazı uçucu küller ilgili standartları sağlamadığından beton se... more Bağlayıcılık özelliğine sahip olan bazı uçucu küller ilgili standartları sağlamadığından beton sektöründe kullanılmamaktadır. Atık depolama alanlarına gönderilen bu tür uçucu küller toprağa ve yeraltı sularına zarar vermektedir. Kangal Termik Güç Tesisi uçucu külü de beton sektöründe kullanılmamakta ve atık depolama alanına gönderilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Kangal Termik Güç Tesisi uçucu külü, atık cam tozu ve kireç kullanılarak, kendiliğinden yerleşen yüksek dayanımlı briket üretilmiştir. Ağırlıkça %66 uçucu kül, %7 kireç ve %27 atık cam tozuyla üretilen briketin 56 günlük basınç dayanımı 67,5 MPa olmuştur. Üretilen briketlerin birim ağırlık, su emme, kılcal su emme ve ısıl iletkenlik değerlerinin yanında mikro yapıları da incelenmiştir. Üretilen briketler ulusal ve uluslararası standartlarda verilen sınır değerlerini sağlamıştır. Üretilen bu briketler kırsal kesimde yaşayan düşük gelirli insanların konut sorunun çözümüne yardımcı olabilir.
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2018
A large amount of fly ash is accumulating in Kangal Thermal Power Plant in our country. Fly ash p... more A large amount of fly ash is accumulating in Kangal Thermal Power Plant in our country. Fly ash produced in this plant is abandoned to the landfills and causes certain serious environmental problems and health hazards. Waste glass also constitutes some problems. The most of non-recyclable glass is sent to landfill that is not an environmentfriendly solution. Therefore, there is a strong need to be utilized it in building sector because it is not biodegradable. In this study, masonry blocks were produced by using fly ash, lime and waste glass powder. Blocks were cured for periods of 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours at 70 °C. The compressive and flexural strengths, water absorption, sorptivity and density values of blocks were determined. It was found that curing time and amounts of additional materials that were lime and waste glass powder in the block were directly effective on the results. The results obtained showed that block could be produced by using these waste materials.
In this paper, a parametric experimental study for producing paving blocks using fine and coarse ... more In this paper, a parametric experimental study for producing paving blocks using fine and coarse waste glass is presented. Some of the physical and mechanical properties of paving blocks having various levels of fine glass (FG) and coarse glass (CG) replacements with fine aggregate (FA) are investigated. The test results show that the replacement of FG by FA at level of 20% by weight has a significant effect on the compressive strength, flexural strength, splitting tensile strength and abrasion resistance of the paving blocks as compared with the control sample because of puzzolanic nature of FG. The compressive strength, flexural strength, splitting tensile strength and abrasion resistance of the paving block samples in the FG replacement level of 20% are 69%, 90%, 47% and 15 % higher as compared with the control sample respectively. It is reported in the earlier works the replacement of FG by FA at level of 20% by weight suppress the alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in the concrete. T...
In this study, artificial limestone brick samples are produced by using wood sawdust wastes (WSW)... more In this study, artificial limestone brick samples are produced by using wood sawdust wastes (WSW) having different grades of sizes and limestone powder waste (LPW). The thermo-elastic properties of produced brick samples in various WSW amounts are investigated. At 30% WSW replacement with LPW in the brick sample the thermal conductivity value is effectively reduced and the reduction in the thermal conductivity value of brick sample at 30% WSW replacement with LPW is about 38.9% as compared with control sample. The energy conservation in buildings by using LPW and WSW in masonry brick material production having low thermal conductivity reduces energy requirements. A strong relationship is also found among the thermal conductivity, unit weight and ultrasonic pulse velocity values of brick samples produced. It shows a potential to be used for walls, wooden board substitute, alternative to the concrete blocks, ceiling panels, sound barrier panels, absorption materials etc.
In this study, the variation of pulse velocity around a cylindrical concrete section at various p... more In this study, the variation of pulse velocity around a cylindrical concrete section at various path lengths were measured and compared. The most convenient path length for measuring pulse velocity was found in circular concrete section with a diameter of 400 mm.
A large amount of fly ash is accumulating in Kangal Thermal Power Plant in our country. Fly ash p... more A large amount of fly ash is accumulating in Kangal Thermal Power Plant in our country. Fly ash produced in this plant is abandoned to the landfills and causes certain serious environmental problems and health hazards. Waste glass also constitutes some problems. The most of non-recyclable glass is sent to landfill that is not an environmentfriendly solution. Therefore, there is a strong need to be utilized it in building sector because it is not biodegradable. In this study, masonry blocks were produced by using fly ash, lime and waste glass powder. Blocks were cured for periods of 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours at 70 °C. The compressive and flexural strengths, water absorption, sorptivity and density values of blocks were determined. It was found that curing time and amounts of additional materials that were lime and waste glass powder in the block were directly effective on the results. The results obtained showed that block could be produced by using these waste materials.
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2008
Bu calismada, tekil temellerin optimum geometrik boyutlarinin bulunmasi icin, bir Genetik Algorit... more Bu calismada, tekil temellerin optimum geometrik boyutlarinin bulunmasi icin, bir Genetik Algoritma (GA) programi gelistirilmistir. Tekil temellerin boyutlarinin el veya bilgisayarli cozumlerinde, tecrubeli bir tasarimci tarafindan baslangicta yaklasik temel boyutlarinin tahmin edilmesi zorunlulugu bulunmaktadir. Baslangic temel boyutlarinin tahmininden sonra, uzun zaman alan deneme-yanilma proseduru takip edilerek boyutlar bulunmaktadir. Gelistirilen GA programinda baslangic temel boyutlarinin tahmin edilmesine gerek kalmadan, tekil temel hacmi minimize edilerek, en uygun temel boyutlari cok kisa surede bulunmaktadir. Klasik metotlarin aksine, GA temel taban boyutlari ile yuksekligini eszamanli olarak hesaplamaktadir.
Huge amounts of fly ash - a substance that does not conform to the ASTM C618 classification due t... more Huge amounts of fly ash - a substance that does not conform to the ASTM C618 classification due to its chemical properties - have been abandoned in landfills around the world, despite their self-cementing property. It has not been used in concrete making applications due to its large amounts of free lime and sulfate contents. The fly ash in these plants is dumped in landfills, causing serious environmental hazards. Fly ash is disposed to the landfills by belt conveyors after being humidified with water. Therefore, the fly ashes humidified in the landfill areas are hydrated in nature. This hydration is further intensified in landfills by rain and snow. Thus, the free lime content of fly ash decreases due to its long hydration process. In this work, the lightweight masonry blocks were produced by mixing normal and hydrated fly ashes or normal, hydrated fly ash and lime without Portland cement. The compressive strength, water absorption, sorptivity, density, porosity, and thermal condu...
Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019
Su depolarında, baraj yapılarında, bazı endüstriyel binaların yapımında ve onarımında kullanılan ... more Su depolarında, baraj yapılarında, bazı endüstriyel binaların yapımında ve onarımında kullanılan beton ve harçların, basınçlı su geçirgenliği değeri dayanıklılık bakımından büyük öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, Portland çimentosu, silis dumanı ve uçucu kül içeren ikili ve üçlü kendiliğinden yerleşen harçlarda ve bunların kombinezonlarından oluşan numunelerde basınçlı su geçirgenliği araştırılmıştır. Bu örneklerde basınçlı su işleme derinliği belirlenmiştir. Portland çimentosu ve %10 silis dumanı içeren ikili numunede, Portland çimentosu, %10 silis dumanı ve %35 uçucu kül içeren üçlü numunede basınçlı su geçirgenliği değerleri azaltılmıştır.
Fly ash of some thermal power plants is rejected when their chemical compositions do not satisfy ... more Fly ash of some thermal power plants is rejected when their chemical compositions do not satisfy the limit values in related standards and consequentially conveyed to landfills. In this study, a rejected fly ash, which has high sulphite, free lime, and magnesium oxide contents and does not comply with the classification standards of fly ashes, having cementing properties, has been examined. This rejected fly ash is moistened with water in the thermal power plant and then transported to landfills. This humidified fly ash that has been in contact with snow and rain for a long time turns to hydrated fly ash. The analysis of this hydrated fly ash showed that the sulphite, free lime, and magnesium oxide content levels of the hydrated fly ash had decreased compared to the original rejected fly ash. After the hydrated fly ash in the landfill was ground and sieved, self-compacting mortars (SCMs) were produced by replacing PC with 10, 20, and 30% hydrated fly ash. At various pH levels, leaching of Ca 2þ in SCMs was investigated. Hydrated fly ash is found to be excellent powder material to increase the leaching resistance of Ca 2þ in an SCM when used to replace PC with 20% hydrated fly ash.
Testing of ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) is one of the most popular and actual non-destructive ... more Testing of ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) is one of the most popular and actual non-destructive techniques used in the estimation of the concrete properties in structures. In this paper, artificial neural network (ANN) approach has been proposed for the evaluation of relationship between concrete compressive strength, UPV, and density values by using the experimental data obtained from many cores taken from different reinforced concrete structures with different ages and unknown ratios of concrete mixtures. The presented approach enables to find practically concrete strengths in the reinforced concrete structures, whose records of concrete mixture ratios are not yet available. Thus, researchers can easily evaluate the compressive strength of concrete specimens by using UPV values. The method can be used in conditions including too many numbers of the structures and examinations to be done in restricted time duration. This method also contributes to a remarkable reduction of the computational time without any significant loss of accuracy. Statistic measures are used to evaluate the performance of the models. The comparison of the results clearly shows that the ANN approach can be used effectively to predict the compressive strength of concrete by using UPV and density data. In addition, the model architecture can be used as a non-destructive procedure for health monitoring of structural elements.
Plenty of efforts to use ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) as a measure of concrete compressive str... more Plenty of efforts to use ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) as a measure of concrete compressive strength have been implemented in the recent years due to obvious advantages of nondestructive testing methods. In this article, an artificial neural network (ANN) approach has been proposed for the evaluation of relationship between concrete compressive strength and UPV values by using the data obtained
An experimental study is conducted to compare direct, indirect and semi-direct ultrasonic pulse v... more An experimental study is conducted to compare direct, indirect and semi-direct ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) measurements on a total of 30 concrete blocks 30 × 30 × 25 cm 3 in size that came from different mix batches and have cube compressive strength grades varying between 18.8 and 79.9 MPa. The correlations are established between the direct UPV and indirect UPV in the concrete casting direction as well as in the horizontal direction and semi-direct UPV measurements via statistical analysis. The statistical analysis reveals that the average value of direct UPV is 9%, 4%, and 4% higher than the average of indirect UPV in the casting direction, indirect UPV in the horizontal direction, and semi-direct UPV, respectively. The average value of indirect UPV in the horizontal direction is 5% higher than that in the casting direction.
The increased environmental awareness and increased cost for depositing waste have caused many co... more The increased environmental awareness and increased cost for depositing waste have caused many construction companies to re-evaluate disposal wastes. A large amount of limestone powder wastes (LPW) are obtained in the quarrying operations of limestone and they are not used in the industries because of their fine nature. This paper presents a parametric experimental study which investigates the potential use of LPW and waste glass powder (WGP) for producing new low cost brick sample for the masonry units. The minimum cement amount for brick samples with LPW and LPW-WGP combinations, satisfying minimum compressive and flexural strength required in relevant international standards are found by making mix trials. The compressive strength and flexural strength, unit weight and water absorption values are obtained from the brick samples prepared and tested with the relevant international standards. The compressive strength and flexural strength and modulus of elasticity of brick samples with LPW-WGP combinations effectively are increased. Test results show that LPW and LPW-WGP combination provides results which are of potential to be used in producing economical new brick material for load-bearing masonry units.
In this study, artificial limestone composites are produced by using cotton and limestone powder ... more In this study, artificial limestone composites are produced by using cotton and limestone powder wastes. The thermo-elastic properties of produced composite specimens in various cotton waste amounts are investigated. At 40% cotton waste replacement with limestone powder waste in the composite specimen, the thermal conductivity and unit weight values are effectively reduced. The reduction in the thermal conductivity and unit weight values of the composite specimen at 40% cotton waste replacement with limestone powder waste is about 51% and 29% as compared with the control specimen. The energy conservation in buildings by using limestone powder waste and cotton waste composites having low thermal conductivity can reduce energy requirements. A strong relationship is also found among the thermal conductivity, unit weight and ultrasonic pulse velocity values of composite specimens produced.
In this study, the variation of pulse velocity around a cy lindrical concrete section at various ... more In this study, the variation of pulse velocity around a cy lindrical concrete section at various path lengths were measured and compared. The most convenient path length for measuring pulse velocity was found in circular concrete section with a diameter of 400 mm.
In this study, we review common transient measurement techniques and introduce a new one, called ... more In this study, we review common transient measurement techniques and introduce a new one, called as dynamic adiabatic-box technique, for thermal performance estimation of anisotropic building materials. The technique can be used for pre-estimation purpose for materials developed in a laboratory. Simple analysis of time-temperature curves for the specimens allows fair comparison of their effective thermal transmittances (or R-values) under specified conditions. The specimens used for sample calculation procedure are the ordinary concrete and the concrete with stripped scrap-rubber. The results show that R-value of ordinary concrete is enhanced nearly by 25% with addition of scrap-rubber.
Papers by Paki Turgut