Books by Pablo Ibarraran

Los programas de transferencias monetarias condicionadas cumplen veinte años de implementación en... more Los programas de transferencias monetarias condicionadas cumplen veinte años de implementación en América Latina y el Caribe. Este libro aprovecha dicha ocasión para revisar críticamente las opciones de diseño y las soluciones operativas que han utilizado los países de la región con el objetivo de sistematizar el conocimiento operativo acumulado e identificar buenas prácticas y retos pendientes. Aborda los principales procesos del ciclo operativo: analiza la identificación de los beneficiarios y el manejo del padrón, la verificación de condicionalidades y el pago de las transferencias. Además, discute temas transversales como la organización de los programas en el territorio, los sistemas de gestión de la información y la vinculación de los beneficiarios a otros programas sociales. Este libro es una herramienta útil y práctica para las personas que buscan entender cómo funcionan los programas de transferencias y cómo pueden ser mejorados aprovechando las experiencias de otros países.
Papers by Pablo Ibarraran

Randomized Social Experiments eJournal, 2011
The guide outlines the main evaluation challenges associated with ALMP’s, and shows how to obtain... more The guide outlines the main evaluation challenges associated with ALMP’s, and shows how to obtain rigorous impact estimates using two leading evaluation approaches. The most credible and straightforward evaluation method is a randomized design, in which a group of potential participants is randomly divided into a treatment and a control group. Random assignment ensures that the two groups would have had similar experiences in the post-program period in the absence of the program intervention. The observed post-program difference therefore yields a reliable estimate of the program impact. The second approach is a difference in differences design that compares the change in outcomes between the participant group and a selected comparison group from before to after the completion of the program. In general the outcomes of the comparison group may differ from the outcomes of the participant group, even in the absence of the program intervention. If the difference observed prior to the p...
ERN: Productivity (Topic), 2009
Very little is known about the effectiveness of SME policies, and a careful look at the structure... more Very little is known about the effectiveness of SME policies, and a careful look at the structure, mechanisms and incentives provided by these policies suggest caution in their implementation and, most importantly, the need to carefully and closely monitor their results. This paper relies on the microeconometric analysis of a homogeneous dataset of sixteen Latin American and Caribbean countries to analyze the magnitude and determinants of the productivity gap between large and SME firms and to simulate of the impact on productivity of various policy scenarios.

SSRN Electronic Journal
Building in an Evaluation Component for Active Labor Market Programs: A Practitioner's Guide * Th... more Building in an Evaluation Component for Active Labor Market Programs: A Practitioner's Guide * The guide outlines the main evaluation challenges associated with ALMP's, and shows how to obtain rigorous impact estimates using two leading evaluation approaches. The most credible and straightforward evaluation method is a randomized design, in which a group of potential participants is randomly divided into a treatment and a control group. Random assignment ensures that the two groups would have had similar experiences in the postprogram period in the absence of the program intervention. The observed post-program difference therefore yields a reliable estimate of the program impact. The second approach is a difference in differences design that compares the change in outcomes between the participant group and a selected comparison group from before to after the completion of the program. In general the outcomes of the comparison group may differ from the outcomes of the participant group, even in the absence of the program intervention. If the difference observed prior to the program would have persisted in the absence of the program, however, then the change in the outcome gap between the two groups yields a reliable estimate of the program impact. This guideline reviews the various steps in the design and implementation of ALMP's, and in subsequent analysis of the program data, that will ensure a rigorous and informative impact evaluation using either of these two techniques.
SSRN Electronic Journal
SME Policy and Firms' Productivity in Latin America * Very little is known about the effectivenes... more SME Policy and Firms' Productivity in Latin America * Very little is known about the effectiveness of SME policies, and a careful look at the structure, mechanisms and incentives provided by these policies suggest caution in their implementation and, most importantly, the need to carefully and closely monitor their results. This paper relies on the microeconometric analysis of a homogeneous dataset of sixteen Latin American and Caribbean countries to analyze the magnitude and determinants of the productivity gap between large and SME firms and to simulate of the impact on productivity of various policy scenarios.

SSRN Electronic Journal
Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research pu... more Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published in this series may include views on policy, but IZA takes no institutional policy positions. The IZA research network is committed to the IZA Guiding Principles of Research Integrity. The IZA Institute of Labor Economics is an independent economic research institute that conducts research in labor economics and offers evidence-based policy advice on labor market issues. Supported by the Deutsche Post Foundation, IZA runs the world's largest network of economists, whose research aims to provide answers to the global labor market challenges of our time. Our key objective is to build bridges between academic research, policymakers and society. IZA Discussion Papers often represent preliminary work and are circulated to encourage discussion. Citation of such a paper should account for its provisional character. A revised version may be available directly from the author.

Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research pu... more Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published in this series may include views on policy, but IZA takes no institutional policy positions. The IZA research network is committed to the IZA Guiding Principles of Research Integrity. The IZA Institute of Labor Economics is an independent economic research institute that conducts research in labor economics and offers evidence-based policy advice on labor market issues. Supported by the Deutsche Post Foundation, IZA runs the world's largest network of economists, whose research aims to provide answers to the global labor market challenges of our time. Our key objective is to build bridges between academic research, policymakers and society. IZA Discussion Papers often represent preliminary work and are circulated to encourage discussion. Citation of such a paper should account for its provisional character. A revised version may be available directly from the author.
En América Latina y el Caribe más de ocho millones de adultos mayores no pueden llevar a cabo de ... more En América Latina y el Caribe más de ocho millones de adultos mayores no pueden llevar a cabo de manera independiente al menos una actividad básica de la vida diaria, como bañarse, comer, o acostarse y levantarse de la cama. En los próximos 30 años, la demanda de servicios de atención a la dependencia superará al triple de la actual, debido principalmente al envejecimiento poblacional y a la transición epidemiológica. Es necesario empezar a construir sistemas de atención a la dependencia y hay que hacerlo ahora. Envejecer con cuidado: Atención a la dependencia en América Latina y el Caribe.
legalcode) y puede ser reproducida para cualquier uso no-comercial otorgando el reconocimiento re... more legalcode) y puede ser reproducida para cualquier uso no-comercial otorgando el reconocimiento respectivo al BID. No se permiten obras derivadas. Cualquier disputa relacionada con el uso de las obras del BID que no pueda resolverse amistosamente se someterá a arbitraje de conformidad con las reglas de la CNUDMI (UNCITRAL). El uso del nombre del BID para cualquier fin distinto al reconocimiento respectivo y el uso del logotipo del BID, no están autorizados por esta licencia CC-IGO y requieren de un acuerdo de licencia adicional. Note que el enlace URL incluye términos y condiciones adicionales de esta licencia. Las opiniones expresadas en esta publicación son de los autores y no necesariamente reflejan el punto de vista del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, de su Directorio Ejecutivo ni de los países que representa.
ILR Review
Identifying the right human capital investments for disadvantaged youths is a key policy concern ... more Identifying the right human capital investments for disadvantaged youths is a key policy concern worldwide, yet almost no rigorous evidence on the long-run effects of these investments exists outside the United States. The authors present a large-scale randomized controlled trial of a youth training program, estimating effects six years after random assignment from a representative sample of more than 3,200 youths. The intervention is prototypical of training programs worldwide and is implemented at scale in the Dominican Republic. Empirical findings indicate, on the one hand, significant effects on formal employment, particularly for men, and on earnings for both men and women in Santo Domingo. On the other hand, no significant effects on overall average employment are evident.
The Age of Productivity, 2010
Latin America has many small firms, and many of these suffer from low productivity. Governments i... more Latin America has many small firms, and many of these suffer from low productivity. Governments in the region have increasingly invested in policies to support micro-, small, and medium enterprises (SMEs). The justification for these policies has been that SMEs face extraordinary challenges that hinder their productivity and growth, and thus their potential to provide jobs and incomes for vast segments of the population. However, despite the enthusiasm with which SME policies are often promoted, little is known about their effectiveness or impact. This chapter provides a framework for analyzing the rationale and potential impact of SME policies on both firm performance and aggregate productivity.
Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2016
Any dispute related to the use of the works of the IDB that cannot be settled amicably shall be s... more Any dispute related to the use of the works of the IDB that cannot be settled amicably shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to the UNCITRAL rules. The use of the IDB's name for any purpose other than for attribution, and the use of IDB's logo shall be subject to a separate written license agreement between the IDB and the user and is not authorized as part of this CC-IGO license.

Entre 2000 y 2013, la pobreza disminuyo considerablemente en America Latina ? del 46,3% al 29,7% ... more Entre 2000 y 2013, la pobreza disminuyo considerablemente en America Latina ? del 46,3% al 29,7% de la poblacion. En este documento, utilizamos paneles sinteticos para demostrar que, a pesar de los avances, la region sigue caracterizandose por una vulnerabilidad sustancial que tambien afecta a la creciente clase media. Mas especificamente, observamos que el 65% de las personas que reciben un ingreso diario de entre US$4 y US$10 y el 14% de la clase media sufren de pobreza al menos una vez en un periodo de diez anos. Ademas, la pobreza cronica extendida, representando el 91% y el 50% de la pobreza extrema y moderada, respectivamente. Las diferencias entre las areas urbanas y rurales son sustanciales: las primeras, que en la actualidad concentran la mayoria de las personas vulnerables y en situacion de pobreza moderada, se caracterizan por una mayor movilidad del ingreso, sobre todo ascendente. Estos resultados tienen importantes repercusiones en el diseno de redes de proteccion social eficaces, las cuales deben combinar intervenciones de largo plazo dirigidas a los pobres cronicos, especialmente en areas rurales, con apoyo flexible de corto plazo para un gran numero de personas en situacion de pobreza transitoria y vulnerabilidad, particularmente en areas urbanas.

OALib, 2016
The paper investigates the effects of modern farm technology adoption such as improved seed, fert... more The paper investigates the effects of modern farm technology adoption such as improved seed, fertilizer, pesticide and herbicide on both crop yield and downside risk exposure in Ethiopia. This study employed a two-stage approach to estimate a production function, and computed the mean and the production risk factors (both variance and skewness) from a production function using Antle's moment-based approach. The empirical results indicated that adoption of improved seed, family labor, agriculture capital and manure had a positive and significant effect on crop yield. On another hand, parcel size and chemical inputs (pesticide and herbicide) have negative and significant effect on crop yield. All these factors of production affect the crop yield variation and downside risk exposures (skewness of output) in differently ways: for instance, improved seed and chemical inputs positively and significantly affect the downside risk exposure (risk increasing), and fertilizer and parcel size significantly affect downside risk exposure but negatively (risk decreasing).
Esta publicacion discute como utilizar los principios de la economia del comportamiento para mejo... more Esta publicacion discute como utilizar los principios de la economia del comportamiento para mejorar el diseno de las intervenciones de salud ?especialmente las relacionadas con enfermedades no transmisibles?, estimulando a los individuos a realizar cambios de costosas, y son idoneas cuando los individuos parecen no estar tomando decisiones racionales sobre su salud. La principal contribucion de esta nota es orientar en el analisis del problema y el diseno de la intervencion a profesionales que se desempenan en el campo de la salud y no son expertos en economia del comportamiento. Para barreras y sesgos conductuales comunes que han limitado el exito de las intervenciones tradicionales de salud (racionalidad limitada, fuerza de voluntad limitada y egoismo limitado, por ejemplo) y de las soluciones existente (encuadre, contratos de compromiso e incentivos sociales, entre otros).

Reimers, and an anonymous referee. We are naturally responsible for any remaining errors. 160 Pab... more Reimers, and an anonymous referee. We are naturally responsible for any remaining errors. 160 Pablo Ibarraran and Darren Lubotsky 1. McKenzie and Rapoport (2004) find that migration tends to reduce inequality within rural Mexican communities. 2. For example, Trejo (1997) studies the earnings of Mexicans in the U.S. labor market. 162 Pablo Ibarraran and Darren Lubotsky 4. Both estimates use samples of men aged eighteen to fifty-four in the respective censuses. The U.S. data include migrants who arrived in the United States between 1995 and 2000 or who lived in Mexico in April 1995 and do not have allocated data for their place of birth, migration date, schooling, or wage and salary income. A continuous measure of years of schooling is created from the education categories in the census according to the scheme described in Jaeger (1997). Conditioning on a quartic in potential experience instead of age delivers estimates that are slightly larger than those reported in the text.
Books by Pablo Ibarraran
Papers by Pablo Ibarraran