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completed in Barcelona in the years prior to the
Spanish Civil War were signed by the initials
D.A.A.P. The full name of the company was
Decoració Arts Aplicades Publicitat, and it was set
up by Josep Mir, Evarist Mora and Enric F. Gual,
three of the most active personalities during the
vibrant period of modern decoration carried out by
Fostering Arts and Design (FAD). The paper aims to
present and examine the projects that it completed
during the 1930s.
During the first decade of the 17th century, the merchant Pedro Terrer de Valenzuela and his brother Martín, Bishop of Teruel, sponsored the building of the Capilla de la Anunciación in the Colegial Church of Daroca, one of the most brilliant examples of Aragonese Romanista art. Juan Miguel Orliens, Pedro Martínez de Calatayud and Juan Blanco were in charge of its construction. This article presents some new findings in the documentation concerning the Chapel and the grille.
In 1908, the filmmaker Segundo de Chomón, released La maison ensorcelée and Electric Hôtel both of which belong to an extremely popular and successful genre of the times, that which showed mysterious tricks at the scene of a haunted house, and whose origin lies in the tradition of the magical comedies. Coinciding with this taste for haunted houses, Cotarelo y Mori published the novel Casos prodigiosos y cueva encantada written by Juan de Piña, a seventeenth century writer. This novel contains a passage that is set in a mysterious house and which is not difficult to link to Chomón’s films. Its inhabitant reminds us of a bizarre character of the seventeenth century named Juan de Espina, famous in his time for his magic tricks and his extravagant collections and whose fame would continue into the nineteenth century. The first decade of the twentieth century saw the climax of magic and electricity, at a time of sublime exaltation of technological progress combined with the most raging occultism. It was an era full of contradictions, like the first third of the seventeenth century, in which a technological revolution and a new method for the study of nature unfolded simultaneously alongside the most lunatic superstitions.
Las fuentes documentales y literarias describen a Juan de Espina como un hombre polifacético en sus aficiones, extravagante por haber reunido los fatales instrumentos del ajusticiamiento de Rodrigo Calderón y loco por querer desprenderse de los tesoros que había acumulado. Una lectura a la luz de la doctrina neoestoica aporta una cierta coherencia a este tipo de personaje aparentemente contradictorio que representa Espina, la del curioso o virtuoso que buscaba la sabiduría en el conocimiento de la verdad y la virtud en el desengaño de las apariencias terrenales.
articles by PEDRO REULA
La coincidencia en pocos meses de las conferencias de Filippo Tommaso Marinetti y de Le Corbusier en la Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid en 1928 ayuda a trazar el tránsito de las diferentes corrientes de vanguardia y a profundizar en el pensamiento del arquitecto sobre el mobiliario, uno de los temas incluidos en sus charlas pronunciadas en Madrid y Barcelona.
completed in Barcelona in the years prior to the
Spanish Civil War were signed by the initials
D.A.A.P. The full name of the company was
Decoració Arts Aplicades Publicitat, and it was set
up by Josep Mir, Evarist Mora and Enric F. Gual,
three of the most active personalities during the
vibrant period of modern decoration carried out by
Fostering Arts and Design (FAD). The paper aims to
present and examine the projects that it completed
during the 1930s.
During the first decade of the 17th century, the merchant Pedro Terrer de Valenzuela and his brother Martín, Bishop of Teruel, sponsored the building of the Capilla de la Anunciación in the Colegial Church of Daroca, one of the most brilliant examples of Aragonese Romanista art. Juan Miguel Orliens, Pedro Martínez de Calatayud and Juan Blanco were in charge of its construction. This article presents some new findings in the documentation concerning the Chapel and the grille.
In 1908, the filmmaker Segundo de Chomón, released La maison ensorcelée and Electric Hôtel both of which belong to an extremely popular and successful genre of the times, that which showed mysterious tricks at the scene of a haunted house, and whose origin lies in the tradition of the magical comedies. Coinciding with this taste for haunted houses, Cotarelo y Mori published the novel Casos prodigiosos y cueva encantada written by Juan de Piña, a seventeenth century writer. This novel contains a passage that is set in a mysterious house and which is not difficult to link to Chomón’s films. Its inhabitant reminds us of a bizarre character of the seventeenth century named Juan de Espina, famous in his time for his magic tricks and his extravagant collections and whose fame would continue into the nineteenth century. The first decade of the twentieth century saw the climax of magic and electricity, at a time of sublime exaltation of technological progress combined with the most raging occultism. It was an era full of contradictions, like the first third of the seventeenth century, in which a technological revolution and a new method for the study of nature unfolded simultaneously alongside the most lunatic superstitions.
Las fuentes documentales y literarias describen a Juan de Espina como un hombre polifacético en sus aficiones, extravagante por haber reunido los fatales instrumentos del ajusticiamiento de Rodrigo Calderón y loco por querer desprenderse de los tesoros que había acumulado. Una lectura a la luz de la doctrina neoestoica aporta una cierta coherencia a este tipo de personaje aparentemente contradictorio que representa Espina, la del curioso o virtuoso que buscaba la sabiduría en el conocimiento de la verdad y la virtud en el desengaño de las apariencias terrenales.
La coincidencia en pocos meses de las conferencias de Filippo Tommaso Marinetti y de Le Corbusier en la Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid en 1928 ayuda a trazar el tránsito de las diferentes corrientes de vanguardia y a profundizar en el pensamiento del arquitecto sobre el mobiliario, uno de los temas incluidos en sus charlas pronunciadas en Madrid y Barcelona.