Papers by Punya Charusiri

Ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems have been used worldwide in buildings because of their adv... more Ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems have been used worldwide in buildings because of their advantages of highly efficient performance in terms of energy and environment for space cooling and heating; however, cooling demand is predominant in tropical climates. This paper reviews of the GSHP systems applications in Southeast Asia; several applications of GSHP in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam have been addressed. Experiments were initiated in 2006 in Kamphaengphet; the latest experiment found in the Scopus searching tool is the GSHP simulation in Kuantan in 2019 using EnergyPlus using the ground loop design software. GSHP systems have the potential to be used in Southeast Asia despite the dominance of cooling demand, leading to a thermal imbalance within the subsurface. This imbalance can reduce the performance of the system; however, groundwater flow is considered as a key factor in preventing the effect of thermal distribution owing to GSHP operation. Thes...

Energies, 2020
The deployment of highly efficient cooling equipment is expected to promote energy savings and gr... more The deployment of highly efficient cooling equipment is expected to promote energy savings and greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the tropics. A ground source heat pump (GSHP) has high energy-savings potential for use in Bangkok, Thailand. This study aimed to elucidate the operational conditions of a GSHP when used in Bangkok which was expected to achieve a higher efficiency than an air source heat pump (ASHP) over the long term. An operational experiment on a pilot facility in Bangkok and a simulation over a three-year GSHP operation were conducted. As a result of the operational experiment and simulation, the proposed operational condition was that the 90th percentile value of the hourly heat pump (HP) inlet temperature did not exceed 5 °C above that of the hourly annual ambient temperature during the third year of operation. When a GSHP designed based on this condition was utilized for a small government building, the required number of boreholes were 24, 4, and 3 for air-con...

Energies, 2018
In order to reduce electricity consumption, the vertical loop geothermal heat pump (GHP) system c... more In order to reduce electricity consumption, the vertical loop geothermal heat pump (GHP) system coupled with a normal air conditioner was installed in an experimental room in the Parot Racha Building, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand for a comparative, long-term measurement program. The decrease in electricity consumption was approximately 30%. On the basis of the data derived from our measurements, the underground temperature seemed to be consistent and lower than the average outside air temperature, over two years. The underground system consisted mainly of two 50-m-long drilling wells and pipes with a total length of 170 m. The well performance was not examined, but both soil and groundwater aquifer (Bangkok aquifer) at 25 to 50 m. could be utilized for the cooling operation. Moreover, the major controlling factors of electricity consumption were found to be the outside air temperatures and the underground water circulation temperatures. In addition, we considered the ...

Energies, 2019
The cooling of spaces in tropical regions, such as Southeast Asia, consumes a lot of energy. Addi... more The cooling of spaces in tropical regions, such as Southeast Asia, consumes a lot of energy. Additionally, rapid population and economic growth are resulting in an increasing demand for space cooling. The ground-source heat pump has been proven a reliable, cost-effective, safe, and environmentally-friendly alternative for cooling and heating spaces in various countries. In tropical countries, the presumption that the ground-source heat pump may not provide better thermal performance than the normal air-source heat pump arises because the difference between ground and atmospheric temperatures is essentially low. This paper reports the potential use of a ground-source heat pump with horizontal heat exchangers in a tropical country—Thailand. Daily operational data of two ground-source heat pumps and an air-source heat pump during a two-month operation are analyzed and compared. Life cycle cost analysis and CO2 emission estimation are adopted to evaluate the economic value of ground-sou...

In this study, the feasibility of thermoluminescence dating for ancient burnt bricks related to a... more In this study, the feasibility of thermoluminescence dating for ancient burnt bricks related to archaeometry are investigated at the Thung Tuk archaeological site. All samples were prepared by the quartz inclusion treating technique and evaluate equivalent dose by using the regeneration technique. The natural radionuclide concentration of uranium (U), thorium (Th) and potassium (K) were determined by using gamma ray spectrometry for natural dose rate assessment. The TLdating results of brick pieces indicated two different age ranges-one around 840-1,500 years BP and another at about 2,800 years BP. The younger date range corresponded quite well to the previous chronological results of the site (1,000-1,300 year BP from antique typology and 1,070-1,310 years BP from conventional radiocarbon dating) whereas the contrasting old date of brick sample had been subjected to incomplete burning of brick during the production process. In final, we concluded that the age of the Thung Tuk archaeological site is about 840-1,500 years BP based on TL dating results of bricks.

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 2017
The seismic activities and hazards in People's Democratic Republic Laos were analyzed using the m... more The seismic activities and hazards in People's Democratic Republic Laos were analyzed using the most up-to-date seismicity data. Both the a-and b-values of the frequency-magnitude distribution model, including the return period of earthquake magnitude in the range of 5.0-6.0 M w , were evaluated spatially in a region that extends 300 km from Laos. Six seismic source zones with different seismic activities were found. Based on these seismic source zones and a suitable attenuation model, seismic hazards were then analyzed in both deterministic and probabilistic scenarios. The deterministic map showed a possible maximum ground shaking up to 0.4 g in Northern Laos, whereas the ground shaking calculated from the probabilistic approach was < 0.32 g for 2% probability of exceedance in the next 50 yr. The probability of exceedance of an earthquake with a Modified Mercalli intensity scale of level IV-V, VI and VII in Laos in the next 50 yr was > 90, 70-90, and 20-40%, respectively, and was higher in the northern part. From these seismic activities and hazard analyses, Laos can be clearly separated into the three hazard zones of northwestern, northeastern and southern Laos with a high, medium and low earthquake hazard, respectively. Therefore, effective mitigation plans to reduce the impact of seismic hazards should be formulated and in particular for a number of major provinces located in the northern part of Laos.

Earth, Planets and Space, 2016
A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) for Thailand was performed and compared to those o... more A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) for Thailand was performed and compared to those of previous works. This PSHA was based upon (1) the most up-to-date paleoseismological data (slip rates), (2) the seismic source zones, (3) the seismicity parameters (a and b values), and (4) the strong ground-motion attenuation models suggested as being suitable models for Thailand. For the PSHA mapping, both the ground shaking and probability of exceedance (POE) were analyzed and mapped using various methods of presentation. In addition, site-specific PSHAs were demonstrated for ten major provinces within Thailand. For instance, a 2 and 10 % POE in the next 50 years of a 0.1-0.4 g and 0.1-0.2 g ground shaking, respectively, was found for western Thailand, defining this area as the most earthquake-prone region evaluated in Thailand. In a comparison between the ten selected specific provinces within Thailand, the Kanchanaburi and Tak provinces had comparatively high seismic hazards, and therefore, effective mitigation plans for these areas should be made. Although Bangkok was defined as being within a low seismic hazard in this PSHA, a further study of seismic wave amplification due to the soft soil beneath Bangkok is required.

The study area (approximately 5,000 m 2 ) in Sri Sawat, Kanchanaburi province, is occupied by the... more The study area (approximately 5,000 m 2 ) in Sri Sawat, Kanchanaburi province, is occupied by the Quaternary deposits and Triassic sedimentary rocks. This area is about 3 km to the south of the Srinakarin Dam located in the southern part of the Sri sawat fault. Main structural features in the area are northwest- trending normal faults as clearly recognized from aerial photographs and satellite imageries. The fault segments, common at the foothill, are dominated by Triassic sedimentary strata. The prime objective of this study is to recognize Quaternary fault zones using ground geophysical methods including magnetic, very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) and resistivity. Five survey lines of ground geophysical survey (100 m long) with traverse line of 10 m and 5 m of sample spacing interval are assigned in the northeast trending perpendicular to the inferred main geological structure. About 100 stations were selected for measurement, and all data were enhanced using the GEOSOFT...
Data in Brief, 2018
This data article provides zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic information along with whole-rock Sm-Nd... more This data article provides zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic information along with whole-rock Sm-Nd, Sr and Pb isotopic geochemistry from granitoids in Thailand. The U-Pb ages are described and the classification of crystallisation and inherited ages are explained. The petrography of the granitoid samples is detailed. The data presented in this article are interpreted and discussed in the research article entitled "Probing into Thailand's basement: New insights from U-Pb geochronology, Sr, Sm-Nd, Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic systems from granitoids" (Dew et al., 2018).

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2013
The Mae Ping fault (MPF), western Thailand, exhibits dominantly left-lateral strike-slip motion a... more The Mae Ping fault (MPF), western Thailand, exhibits dominantly left-lateral strike-slip motion and stretches for >600 km, reportedly branching off the right-lateral Sagaing fault in Myanmar and extending southeast towards Cambodia. Previous studies have suggested that the fault assisted the large-scale extrusion of Sundaland that occurred during the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene, with a geological offset of 120-150 km estimated from displaced high-grade gneisses and granites of the Chiang Mai-Lincang belt. Exposures of high-grade orthogneiss in the Lansang National Park, part of this belt, locally contain strong mylonitic textures and are bounded by strike-slip ductile shear zones and brittle faults. Geochronological analysis of monazite from a sample of sheared biotite-K-feldspar orthogneiss suggests two episodes of crystallization, with core regions documenting Th-Pb ages between c. 123 and c. 114 Ma and rim regions documenting a significantly younger age range between c. 45-37 Ma. These data are interpreted to represent possible magmatic protolith emplacement for the Lansang orthogneiss during the Early Cretaceous, with a later episode of metamorphism occurring during the Eocene. Textural relationships provided by in situ analysis suggest that ductile shearing along the MPF occurred during the latter stages of, or after, this metamorphic event. In addition, monazite analyzed from an undeformed garnet-two-mica granite dyke intruding metamorphic units at Bhumipol Lake outside of the Mae Ping shear zone produced a Th-Pb age of 66.2 ± 1.6 Ma. This age is interpreted to date the timing of dyke emplacement, implying that the MPF cuts through earlier formed magmatic and high-grade metamorphic rocks. These new data, when combined with regional mapping and earlier geochronological work, show that neither metamorphism, nor regional cooling, was directly related to strike-slip motion.

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2012
The provenance, source rock compositions, and sediment supply system for a convergence zone of th... more The provenance, source rock compositions, and sediment supply system for a convergence zone of the Paleo-Tethys were reconstructed based on the petrography and geochemistry of clastic rocks of the Inthanon Zone, northern Thailand. The clastic rocks are classified into two types based on field and microscopic observations, the modal composition of sandstone, and mineral compositions: (1) lithic sandstone and shale within mélange in a Permo-Triassic accretionary complex; and (2) Carboniferous quartzose sandstone and mudstone within the Sibumasu Block. Geochemical data indicate that the clastic rocks of the mélange were derived from continental island arc and continental margin settings, which correspond to felsic volcanic rocks within the Sukhothai Zone and quartz-rich fragments within the Indochina Block, respectively. The results of a mixing model indicate the source rocks were approximately 35% volcanic rocks of the Sukhothai Zone and 65% craton sandstone and upper continental crust of the Indochina Block. In contrast, Carboniferous quartzose sedimentary rocks within the Sibumasu Block originated from a continental margin, without a contribution from volcanic rocks. In terms of Paleo-Tethys subduction, a continental island arc in the Sukhothai Zone evolved in tandem with Late Permian-Triassic forearc basins and volcanic activity during the Middle-early Late Triassic. The accretionary complex formed contemporaneously with the evolution of continental island arc during the Permo-Triassic, supplied with sediment from the Sukhothai Zone and the Indochina Block.

Geologic mapping and subsurface lithostratigraphic investigations were carried out in the Khao Pu... more Geologic mapping and subsurface lithostratigraphic investigations were carried out in the Khao Pun area (4 km 2), central Thailand. More than 250 hand specimens, 70 rock slabs, and 70 thin sections were studied in conjunction with geochemical data in order to elucidate paleoenvironments and tectonic setting of the Permian marine sedimentary sequences. This sedimentary succession (2485 m thick) was re-accessed and regrouped into three lithostratigraphic units, namely, in ascending order, the Phu Phe, Khao Sung and Khao Pun Formations. The Lower to lower Upper Permian sedimentary facies indicated the transgressive/regressive succession of shelf sea/platform environment to pelagic or abyssal environment below the carbonate compensation depth. The sedimentological and paleontological aspects, together with petrochemical and lithological points of view, reveal that the oldest unit might indicate an Early Permian sheltered shallow or lagoonal environment. Then the depositional basin became deeper, as suggested by the prolonged occurrence of bedded chert-limestone intercalation with the local exposure of shallower carbonate build-up. Following this, the depositional environment changed to pelagic depo-sition, as indicated by laminated radiolarian (e.g. Follicucullus sp.) cherts. This cryptic evidence might indicate the abyssal environment during middle Middle to early Late Permian; whereas, previous studies advocated shelf-facies environments. Following this, the depositional condition might be a major regression on the microcontinent close to Indochina, from the minor transgressive/regressive cycles that developed within a skeletal barrier, and through the lagoon with limited circulational and anaerobic conditions, on to the tidal flat to the sheltered lagoon without effective land-derived sediments.
Fine clastic and siliceous sedimentary rocks distributed in the Hat Yai area, southern peninsular... more Fine clastic and siliceous sedimentary rocks distributed in the Hat Yai area, southern peninsular Thailand, have been examined by radiolarian biostratigraphy, petrography, and stratigraphy. Of field occurrence, the fine clastic and sili - ceous sediments indicates nearly conformable and intimate stratigraphy. Late Permian and Early? to Middle Trias- sic radiolarians with calcareous tests such as foraminifers, ostracods, and thin-shelled bivalves
We applied two morphotectonic parameters, namely mountain front sinousity index (S) and stream le... more We applied two morphotectonic parameters, namely mountain front sinousity index (S) and stream length gradient index (SL) to indicate the fault activeness of the Klong
We conducted probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for Thailand and adjacent areas by using a met... more We conducted probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for Thailand and adjacent areas by using a method proposed by . We produced seismic hazard maps showing peak ground acceleration (PGA) and Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI). Twenty-one seismic source zones , which cover all of Thailand and extend into adjacent areas, were employed. The seismicity data used in this study was a merged data set covering 1963-2007 from several international earthquake catalogues and a single Thai catalogue.
Materials Science Forum, 1991
Papers by Punya Charusiri