Papers by Ousseynou Ndoye
CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia eBooks, Feb 27, 2004
Achieving a fair and sustainable trade in devils claw (Harpagophytum spp.) 53 Rachel Wynberg Chap... more Achieving a fair and sustainable trade in devils claw (Harpagophytum spp.) 53 Rachel Wynberg Chapter 5 The informal trade of Cassipourea flanaganii as a cosmetic in South Africa 73 Michelle Cocks and Tony Dold iv FRUITS AND OILS Chapter 6 The contribution of shea butter (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertner) to local livelihoods in Benin Kathrin Schreckenberg Chapter 7 A case study of Garcinia kola nut production-to-consumption system in J4 area of Omo forest reserve, Southwest Nigeria Atilade Akanmu Adebisi Chapter 8 Potential for development and conservation of Dacryodes edulis
Achieving a fair and sustainable trade in devils claw (Harpagophytum spp.) 53 Rachel Wynberg Chap... more Achieving a fair and sustainable trade in devils claw (Harpagophytum spp.) 53 Rachel Wynberg Chapter 5 The informal trade of Cassipourea flanaganii as a cosmetic in South Africa 73 Michelle Cocks and Tony Dold iv FRUITS AND OILS Chapter 6 The contribution of shea butter (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertner) to local livelihoods in Benin Kathrin Schreckenberg Chapter 7 A case study of Garcinia kola nut production-to-consumption system in J4 area of Omo forest reserve, Southwest Nigeria Atilade Akanmu Adebisi Chapter 8 Potential for development and conservation of Dacryodes edulis
Earthscan, London, UK eBooks, Aug 12, 2010

La venta de los productos forestales no maderables puede revestir gran importancia para el susten... more La venta de los productos forestales no maderables puede revestir gran importancia para el sustento de las comunidades rurales y algunos de estos productos cuentan con una gran demanda en estos momentos. Este articulo presento un estudio sobre la venta de cuatro importantes productos forestales no maderables en mercados de Camerun meridional. El volumen de ventas fue importante: por lo menos, USD$1,75 millones en el primer semestre de 1995. Los mas de mil comerciantes - la mayoria mujeres - tuvieron margenes de ganancias semanales de hasta el 48%. Sin embargo, en lugar de pertenecer a las elites acaudaladas explotadoras, lo que la mayor parte de ellos percibia de sus ventas estaba por debajo del salario minimo y, ademas, poco antes se habian visto afectados negativamente por un nuevo impuesto para el sector informal. Los autores senalaron que, ya que los productos forestales no maderables son tan importantes para los comerciantes como para los recolectores, las investigaciones y pol...

"This paper makes a commodity-chain analysis on the capture and trade of the African grey pa... more "This paper makes a commodity-chain analysis on the capture and trade of the African grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus) from Lobeke National Park area in the East Province of Cameroon. The African grey parrot has been noted as one of man's friendliest pets with popularity attributed to its intelligence, cognitive, communicative and extraordinary mimetic abilities. Worldwide, the African Grey Parrot is the third most commonly traded wild bird species. Being a CITES' Appendix II species, Cameroon's export quota of 12000 African grey parrots is worth some US$ 12 million in European markets. The Lobeke National Park area supplies 80% of the birds with seven stakeholders involved in the commodity-chain. These stakeholders earn differential amounts with total annual gross revenue. The trappers, government and licensees get just 0.1-0.18%, 1.6% and 0.6- 0.8% respectively of what the importers get. These statistics are indicative that very small proportion of the money gener...

At the World Forestry Congresses (WFC) in 2003 and 2009, good governance and efficient institutio... more At the World Forestry Congresses (WFC) in 2003 and 2009, good governance and efficient institutions were reiterated as necessary indicators to consider when measuring positive outcomes resulting from long-term thinking in the forest discourse at all levels. It was further stressed that without good governance and effective institutions, the scope of sustainable forest management will remain limited. This discourse dwells on concepts such as democratisation, accountability, empowerment, equity, corruption, illegality, governance and transparency. Examined in this paper are the practical applications of four of the latter interrelated concepts as they relate to the production, transportation and trade of non-wood forest products, and looking specifically at a case study on Gnetum spp, a leafy vegetable in Cameroon. Data was collected from traders on all of the financial transactions involved in accessing, transporting and selling Gnetum spp from the zone of production to the point of ...

roduits forestiers non ligneux se referent au quotidien dans les maisons et sur les marches a tra... more roduits forestiers non ligneux se referent au quotidien dans les maisons et sur les marches a travers le bassin du congo. Comme c'est le cas dans d'autres forests tropicales de par le monde, il existe un paradoxe a propos de ces produits: malgre leur importance et leur utilisation quotidienne, on dispose de tres peu d'informations sur leur valeur ecologique et socio-economique, ce qui en gene le suivi, la reglementation et la gestion. L'expresion chains de valeur aide a comprendre la succession des activites depuis l'extraction d'un produit de la foret, sa transformation et sa production, jusqu a sa livraison aux consommateurs finaux et finalement sa mise au rebut. L'analyse d'une chaine de valeur est un cadre economique, social et environmental. Elle a pour but d'aider a comprendre comment et ou les entreprises et les institutions sont positionnes sur les chaines de valeur et, d'identifier les opportunites et les eventuels moyens de pression ...

International Forestry Review, 2012
ABSTRACT Using the Market Analysis and Development approach to generate the results presented in ... more ABSTRACT Using the Market Analysis and Development approach to generate the results presented in this paper, it was found that rural communities prefer certain NWFP for increasing their incomes in central Africa. Four enterprise development factors including market/economic, social, environmental and technological considerations were useful criteria for the NWFP selection process. 14 local non-governmental organisations were trained on enterprise development modules that further trained 233 groups with a total membership of 3515 people in 87 villages. Significant variation was observed between countries in terms of total membership and the number of women engaged per group. It was suggested that the promotion of NWFPs through small-scale enterprise development could form an important entry point for poverty alleviation and food security in Central African villages.
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 2004

Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 2014
ABSTRACT Activities and roles in value chains of forest products in the Congo Basin are highly ge... more ABSTRACT Activities and roles in value chains of forest products in the Congo Basin are highly gendered, varying with the product's characteristics, the segment of the chain and customary regulations and norms. High-value products are primarily male-harvested when customary rules govern tenure and access, enabling men to exert control. Whilst non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are important cash sources for both sexes, women tend to use more of their harvest for domestic consumption, while men sell a greater proportion. Interventions by research and development organisations, NGOs and projects have positively influenced women's incomes in some NTFP chains. Suggestions include supporting women's domesticating and cultivating NTFPs currently pressured by over-harvesting; recognising the informal, often invisible nature of value chains; addressing unfavourable customary norms restricting the possession of valuable species by women; revising bureaucratic trade regulations; improving value-adding opportunities and supporting collective action to access credit and increasing bargaining power.
Forest Policy and Economics, 2012
Small and medium scale enterprise Non-wood forest products Financial status Market analysis devel... more Small and medium scale enterprise Non-wood forest products Financial status Market analysis development Enterprise development plan This paper analyses the financing gaps of small and medium forest enterprises (SMFEs) in two countries located in central Africa. Total capital required for the development of 151 pilot enterprises in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo was evaluated at US$ 1335025 out of which enterprises own contribution was 63% and the remainder was subject to external assistance. There was consistent variation in capital requirements, own contribution and level of assistance sought among the enterprises. The paper recommends the provision of both technical and targeted financial assistance to SMFEs in central Africa.
Africa Today, 2002
Gender roles and the potential to tap women's experiences are keys for African economic developme... more Gender roles and the potential to tap women's experiences are keys for African economic development. The paper illustrates this potential with a gender analysis of forest product markets in the Humid Forest Zone of Cameroon by describing the functioning of the market and analyzing male-female differences. The results confi rm that gender is the main basis for differentiating size of business, product specialization, and market strategies among traders. Priorities to improve trade also show some male-female differences. At the same time, there are no consistent differences in profi t margins between genders, indicating that trading effi ciency is similar, and that, given the right conditions, women entrepreneurs can be as successful as men. The results also indicate that the gender gap could be closing among the younger generation entering the market.
ITTO Tropical Forest Update, 2004
Go to AGRIS search. Try it! ITTO Tropical Forest Update (2004). Who is logging the Congo. ...
Le centre de recherche forestière internationale (CIFOR) remercie le département pour le développ... more Le centre de recherche forestière internationale (CIFOR) remercie le département pour le développement international (DFID) de la Grande Bretagne pour son soutien financier pendant la période allant d'avril 1997 à mars 1999. Le CIFOR a également bénéficié du support financier du programme régional de l'Afrique Centrale pour l'environnement (CARPE), projet administré par le programme d'appui à la biodiversité (BSP) de janvier 1998 à mars 1999. Le BSP est un consortium financé par l'agence des Etats-Unis pour le développement international (USAID). Les auteurs remercient
Papers by Ousseynou Ndoye