Papers by Oswaldo Hideo Ando Junior

Esta Tese apresenta o desenvolvimento de um protótipo de um microgerador termoelétrico para capta... more Esta Tese apresenta o desenvolvimento de um protótipo de um microgerador termoelétrico para captação de energias residuais baseado no Efeito Seebeck com sistema de transferência de calor intercambiável. Neste sentido, desenvolveu-se dois sistemas de transferência térmica, sendo um para captação do calor residual de processos industriais constituído por um módulo denominado captor de calor intercambiável e por outro módulo para resfriar o sistema. Destaca-se que o sistema térmico desenvolvido permite a sua adaptação ao processo industrial por meio da troca do captor de calor, otimizando a transferência térmica para o microgerador termoelétrico. Com base nos dados medidos fez se um tratamento dos dados obtendo-se uma tensão de circuito aberto de Vopen=0,4306xΔT [mV] e uma resistência interna de R0=9,41Ω, com uma tolerância de ΔRint=0,77Ω tal que Rint=R0±ΔRint=9,41±0,77Ω. As medições feitas com a condição de máxima potência de saída foi obtida em um gradiente de temperatura de ΔT=80°C resultando numa potência máxima Pout≈29W. Como resultado obteve-se o protótipo de um microgerador termoelétrico baseado no Efeito Seebeck para captação de energias residuais, customizado e adaptado às características do processo industrial e à respectiva carga (potência e tensão), permitindo a troca e alteração da configuração do sistema de transferência de calor bem como, a reconfiguração do arranjo dos módulos termoelétricos.This thesis presents the development of a prototype of a thermoelectric microgenerator to energy harvesting based on the Seebeck Effect with interchangeable heat transfer system. In this sense, it developed two heat transfer systems, one for capture of waste heat from industrial processes consisting of a sensor module called interchangeably heat and cool the module to another system. It is noteworthy that the thermal system developed allows its adaptation to industrial process by exchanging the sensor heat, optimizing heat transfer to the thermocouple microgenerator. Based on measured data has a data processing yielding a open circuit voltage of Vopen=0,4306xΔT and an internal resistance of R0=9,41Ω, with a tolerance of ΔRint=0,77Ω such that Rint=R0±ΔRint=9,41±0,77Ω. The measurements made on the condition of maximum output was obtained at a temperature gradient of ΔT=80°C resulting in a maximum power Pout≈29W. As a result we obtained a prototype thermoelectric microgenerator based on Seebeck effect to energy harvesting, energy customized and adapted to the characteristics of industrial process and its load (power and voltage), allowing the exchange and change the configuration of the transfer system heat as well as reconfiguring the arrangement of thermoelectric modules

This article presents the implementation of a hybrid lighting system aimed at residential environ... more This article presents the implementation of a hybrid lighting system aimed at residential environments through the redirection of the visible spectrum of natural sunlight trough reflective tubes associated with an automated electronic system in order to correct and stabilize the luminosity in the environment as defined by the user, regardless of weather conditions. The electronic control system implemented consists of a portable light control that allows to the user to control and set the desired illumination in the environment and also technical parameters about the status of the electronic devices applied and, consequently, facilitates the maintenance diagnosis. A power electronics is responsible for charging a set of NiMH batteries with power from a photovoltaic panel and trigger the set of LEDs attached to the diffuser frame. This way, a technical and sustainable alternative is proposed to reduce the residential consumption of electricity from an ergonomic solution using natural light and electronically controlled LED lighting, relieving the overhead in the electricity grid and, furthermore, postponing investments in the application of generating capacity and distribution of electricity.

Renewable energy & power quality journal, Apr 1, 2018
Energy storage systems (ESS) have been attracted significant attention for improving the reliabil... more Energy storage systems (ESS) have been attracted significant attention for improving the reliability of the entire power system (generation, transmission, and distribution), mainly when associated with electric generation from intermittent renewable energies (RE). In particular, ESS combined with RE can provided a set of grid services for future power grid operators, including tension and load level regulation, energy (from peak to off-peak) and contingency reserves management as well as providing power quality and reactive power support. In this work, some those storage technologies are considered for future Brazilian power system, such as (i) pumped hydro storage, (ii) compressed air energy storage, (iii) flywheel, (iv) battery, (v) regenerative fuel cell and (vi) supercapacitor. Hence, this paper presents a detailed conceptual map of EES technologies attractive for application in Brazil, supported by a range of ranking tools (Brazilian entire grid peculiarities, future grid design and ESS already demonstrated on site). The technologies are conceptualized in three large group: unsuitable, possible or suitable, considering its application. Before any deployment, however, there is need for further development and field tests to prove its feasibility and safety at power electrical system level.
Biosensors, Jan 14, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Mar 1, 2015
This paper presents an acquisition system for measuring and characterization of thermoelectric ge... more This paper presents an acquisition system for measuring and characterization of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) for energy harvesting purposes on wireless sensors networks (WSNs). This system can monitor and characterize up to three TEGs simultaneously and is comprised of two main electronic circuits: the first one is composed of 12 input channels being three for reading voltage, three for reading current by making use of instrumentation amplifiers (ACS712), and six thermocouples for signal reading (<400 ∘ C). The second electronic circuit consists of a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller with two pulse width modulation (PWM) input channels for controlling the heat (thermoresistance) and cooling (controlled cooler) sources, respectively, following a predefined temperature gradient. The TEG measured data for the voltage, current, and temperature can be acquired in real-time with an application written on Delphi language and displayed both through a numeric and graphical display. In order to validate the precision and accuracy two commercial TEG modules (inbC1-127.08HTS) compatible with temperatures up to 200 ∘ C without signal degradation were used in series. The functional prototype of the implemented system had a cost under ≈430 USD, making it suitable where a good knowledge of the electrical characteristics of TEGs is of major interest, especially on cogeneration systems.

Energies, Jun 14, 2018
This paper presents the development and characterization of a thermoelectric generator (TEG) syst... more This paper presents the development and characterization of a thermoelectric generator (TEG) system for waste heat recovery to low temperature in industrial processes. The relevance of this mode of electric energy harvest is that it is clean energy and it depends only on the capture of losses. These residual energies from industrial processes are, in principle, released into the environment without being exploited. With the proposed device, the waste energy will not be released into the environment and will be used for electrical generation, which is useful for heat production. The characterization of TEGs that are used a data-acquisition system have measured data for the voltage, current, and temperature, in real-time, for temperatures down to 200 • C without signal degradation. As a result, the measured data has revealed an open circuit voltage of V OC = 0.4306 × ∆T, internal resistance of R 0 = 9.41 Ω, with tolerance ∆R int = ±0.77 Ω, where R int = 9.41 ± 0.77 Ω. The measurements were made on the condition that the maximum output was obtained at a temperature gradient of ∆T = 80 • C, resulting in a maximum power gain of P out ≈ 29 W.

O primeiro volume da Coleção &quot;Ações e Experiências para o Enfrentamento da Pandemia de C... more O primeiro volume da Coleção &quot;Ações e Experiências para o Enfrentamento da Pandemia de COVID-19&quot; tem como objetivo central a disseminação cientifica de forma ampla e acessível à sociedade, visando contribuir para debate e proposição de alternativas para o enfrentamento da pandemia. Nesta coleção, apresenta-se uma série de capítulos que contextualizam várias ações, experiências e reflexões acerca do enfrentamento da pandemia de Sars-CoV-2 no Brasil e na América Latina, resultado de pesquisas no âmbito da ciência, tecnologia e inovação de vários desafios concernentes a diversos tipos de ações de investigações e/ou resultados de inovações. Os estudos, ações e experimentos apresentados pelos autores nos indicam diversos olhares, ações e ensinamentos, que nos remetem ao tema central do livro tendo vinte capítulos, que abordam os mais diversos assuntos. A temática, sem dúvida, trata-se de um tema atual e de grande relevância diante do desafio que tem sido o enfrentamento da Pandemia de Sars-CoV-2. Convido à leitura aqueles que se interessam pelo tema, para consolidar novas perspectivas e proposições criativas para o avanço do conhecimento científico e tecnológico no enfrentamento da pandemia na América Latina e no Brasil, somando-se as informações já existentes. Ciente da importância da disseminação da informação e da divulgação científica, em nome de dos autores, agradecemos a estrutura da Atena Editora que disponibiliza uma plataforma consolidada e confiável para cientistas e pesquisadores divulguem seus resultados.

o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição... more o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. Conselho Editorial Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas APRESENTAÇÃO Caros Leitores! O Livro Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação: Experiências, Desafios e Perspectivas, possibilita ampliação no conhecimento dos leitores, pois apresenta diversas áreas reunidas em dois volumes, sendo resultado de pesquisas desenvolvidas no âmbito nacional por diferentes Instituições de Ensino e colaborações de pesquisadores. Sua contribuição é substancial para o desenvolvimento da ciência e tecnologia do nosso país, configurando um avanço das nossas pesquisas. O volume 1, tem o foco em pesquisas na área do ensino, educação, biológica e saúde divididos em 14 capítulos. Já o volume 2, apresenta resultados de pesquisa na área ambiental, tecnologia e informação em 13 capítulos respectivamente. Os leitores poderão apreciar uma pluralidade de áreas nas ciências brasileira, percebendo os desafios e perspectivas que percorremos quando produzimos ciência. Desejo a todos uma ótima leitura e convidamos a embarcar nessa nova experiência.

Acta Iguazu, Dec 20, 2017
Resumo: Visando suprir parte da demanda elétrica de uma empresa de fertilizantes localizada em Fo... more Resumo: Visando suprir parte da demanda elétrica de uma empresa de fertilizantes localizada em Foz do Iguaçu-PR, dimensionou-se um sistema fotovoltaico conectado à rede. Analisou-se a viabilidade técnica e econômica da implementação de geração distribuída, cuja economia estaria vinculada ao sistema de compensação disposto pela Resolução Normativa da ANEEL n° 482/2012. Considerando o aproveitamento da área de telhados orientados ao norte, comparou-se dois arranjos fotovoltaicos, cada um empregando um dos módulos fotovoltaicos pré-selecionados da marca Canadian, policristalinos, CS6P-270P, e CS6X-320P. O inversor selecionado para ambos os arranjos foi da PHB Solar, PHB20K-DT, com potência nominal de 20kW. Para realizar a estimativa de geração de energia utilizou-se de uma ferramenta computacional. A análise de viabilidade econômica foi realizada para três cenários, obtidos pela relação entre a tarifa de energia elétrica e a inflação ao longo dos últimos 20 anos: (i) ajuste da tarifa elétrica superior a taxa de inflação (10,67% a.a), (ii) ajuste tarifário abaixo da inflação (4,50% a.a) e (iii) ajuste proporcional à inflação (6,71% a.a). Através da análise técnica e financeira selecionou-se o sistema composto por 816 módulos Canadian CS6X-320P, com geração de energia estimada para o primeiro ano de operação de 356,68MWh, suprindo cerca 71% da demanda de energia elétrica da empresa de fertilizantes, e proporcionando uma economia anual média de R$ 147.309,90. O custo total de implantação foi estimado em R$ 1.605.608,65 com tempo de retorno de 13,41 anos. O impacto do ICMS sobre o sistema ao longo da vida útil representa 28,7% da potência instalada. Palavras-chave: Compensação de energia, geração distribuída, energia renovável. Design and dimension of a grid connected photovoltaic system: Case study fertilizer company Abstract: In order to supply part of the electrical demand of a fertilizer company located in Foz do Iguaçu-PR, was designed a photovoltaic system connected to the grid. Was analyzed the technical and economic viability of the implementation of distributed generation, whose economy would be linked to the compensation system established by ANEEL Normative Resolution n° 482/2012. Considering the use of the north-facing roof area, two photovoltaic arrangements were compared, each using one of the pre-selected photovoltaic modules of the Canadian brand, polycrystalline, CS6P-270P, and CS6X-320P. The inverter selected for both arrangements was PHB Solar, PHB20K-DT, with nominal power of 20kW. In order to 95 SYLVESTRIN et al.

Revista de Ensino de Engenharia, Jan 18, 2018
O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o projeto de uma bancada didática para ensino na á... more O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o projeto de uma bancada didática para ensino na área de automação industrial, regulamentada nas normas de segurança vigentes, propondo um produto de boa qualidade com baixo custo, quando comparados custo/benefício, a outras bancadas já existentes no mercado. A implantação desse projeto proporciona um diferencial de ensino, pois permite aos estudantes colocar em prática o que lhes é ensinado em sala de aula, através do método "aprender fazendo". A metodologia empregada é qualitativa e projetual. Para fins de comparação, foram realizados orçamentos de bancadas didáticas já existentes no comércio. Foram descritos os itens de normas de segurança vigentes aplicáveis à bancária didática e também se produziu um modelo tridimensional computadorizado. Por fim, se pode concluir que a elaboração desse projeto consiste em um investimento atraente para a instituição de ensino, sendo eficaz por possuir baixo custo e flexibilidade em sua utilização, diminuindo a lacuna entre teoria e prática.

Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Oct 1, 2018
Abstract This paper presents a detailed review of the energy potential from residual biomass for ... more Abstract This paper presents a detailed review of the energy potential from residual biomass for distributed generation in Brazil, presenting the potential by macro-region of the different types of residues generated in the agricultural, forestry, livestock, industrial and urban sectors. The focus of this research is to map and point out, through bibliographic research, the great potential of biomass in the Brazilian market for the production of biogas and consequently the use for electric power generation in the country and especially in the state of Parana. Therefore, it should be emphasized that the methodology used is based on a bibliographic research from databases and recent research using a survey carried out by the ITAIPU Technological Park (PTI) in partnership with SENAI/PR, using the FIEP Observatories. As result, this research describes through data collection a favorable scenario for the technical feasibility of the use of biomass for the energetic use of biogas for power generation. The distributed generation of electricity from the use of biomass could help Brazil in the preservation of the environment as well as contribute to the diversification of the energy matrix, economic development and broadening access to energy in isolated communities.
IEEE Latin America Transactions, Sep 1, 2016
The article presents the results of research that aims at training and consolidation of knowledge... more The article presents the results of research that aims at training and consolidation of knowledge and their use for thermoelectric energy harvesting. Therefore, we present a modeling for design and dimensioning of micro electric power generating sources, from theoretical performance curves of thermoelectric modules and temperature gradients for future applications in industrial processes. The final result appears very attractive, since the developed experimental analysis shows promising results, given that many processes generate energy harvesting and, in addition, the cogeneration of power using thermoelectric modules is totally clean, which prevents the emission of gaseous pollute to the environment.
Energies, Mar 27, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Dyna-colombia, Sep 22, 2022
Repowering the Brazilian hydroelectric park is a way to expand the use of energy from hydro sourc... more Repowering the Brazilian hydroelectric park is a way to expand the use of energy from hydro sources, even in a scenario where the options to build new projects are increasingly restricted. Several technical and economic aspects must be considered when evaluating the feasibility to carry out a repowering process, where indicators are considered to choose the best option. The repowering suggests the addition of assured energy, however, electromechanical equipment improvement may occur simultaneously with automation systems. Sizing is generally precise for a hydropower plant and there is no need for repowering so that the project can increase its useful life, consequently, rehabilitation is recommended. This paper shows a methodology to evaluate intervention alternatives in a project, as well as a rehabilitation case study for the Marimbondo Hydroelectric Power Plant.

Renewable energy & power quality journal, Apr 1, 2014
This paper presents a proposal for clean energy generation through the Piezoelectricity PZT via p... more This paper presents a proposal for clean energy generation through the Piezoelectricity PZT via piezoelectric cells that convert mechanical energy through the deformation of the material into electrical energy to recharge and power portable devices. This research presents a proposal for capturing mechanical energy used daily by the entire world population and the movement of the walk, where a pressure is generated in footwear and soil, is pressure is being transformed into deformation and the mechanical energy required for piezoelectric cells generate electricity. The energy generated by a piezoelectric single cell is relatively small, necessitating the use of multiple cells in a small contact area to increase the power generated by the system. The treatment of the signal generated by the cells is accomplished with piezoelectric rectification and filtering stages where the signal pulse generated is converted continuously being stored in capacitors. Ends up presenting a prototype mounted on a shoe to carry out tests and measurements of the system in order to ascertain the capacity to generate electricity from the piezoelectric effect, given that the energy generated by the system not currently used for any finally, thereby being wasted.

Measurement, Aug 1, 2017
This paper presents a system for characterization of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) for energy ... more This paper presents a system for characterization of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) for energy harvesting. This system can monitor and characterize up to three TEGs simultaneously and it is comprised by two main electronic circuits: The first one is composed by twelve input channels being three for reading voltage, three for reading current by making use of instrumentation amplifiers (reference ACS712) and six thermocouples for signal reading (<400°C). The second electronic circuit consists of a proportional-inte gral-derivative (PID) controller with two pulse width modulation (PWM) input channels for controlling the heat (thermoresistance) and cooling (controlled cooler) sources respectively, following a pre-defined temperature gradient. The TEG measured data for the voltage, current and temperature can be acquired in real-time with development in Delphi Ò language and displayed through both a numeric and graphical display. In order to validate the precision and accuracy two commercial TEG modules (reference inbC1-127.08HTS) compatible with temperatures up to 200°C without signal degradation were used in series. The acquisition system resulted in a precision of ±5%, ±2% and ±1.5% for the temperature, voltage and current respectively, with a maximum error value of 1%. Its possible utilizing this acquisition system acquire data from TEG obtain graphics response and determinate some characteristics how internal resistance, open circuit voltage, power output and temperatures gradient form any conditions of operation. All of these features combined with the low-cost under R$973.80 (%324.43 €) makes this system suitable for a wide range of applications for standalone power system or heat recycling systems for cogeneration of electricity. Knowledge of the electrical characteristics of TEGs is of great interest in co-generation systems to design the same in order to achieve the best possible performance.

Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Mar 1, 2019
Biomass is a potential energy source for the diversification of the Brazilian energy matrix. In t... more Biomass is a potential energy source for the diversification of the Brazilian energy matrix. In this context, the biogas produced from the anaerobic digestion of residues is a relevant renewable resource that plays a significant role in the mitigation of environmental problems and the local generation of electric energy. This review presents the scenario of the biogas production and electricity distributed generation within the Brazilian context. Firstly, it presents an overview of the electric energy generation from biogas and the Brazilian plants that compose this electric matrix. Secondly, the main technologies to produce biogas and the possibilities of its use, followed by the comparison of technologies for distributed generation of electric energy from biogas in the Brazilian market. To illustrate the application of biogas technology, this paper presents a case study of a biogas plant operation and its connectivity to the grid, the Colombari Farm. The information presented here aims to enhance and to foment the recovering of biomass residues to produce biogas via anaerobic digestion and its utilization to generate electricity. Although the case study considers a specific plant in Brazil, the information and results presented can be applied to others areas of the country or regions of the world, so contributing to promote the expansion of biogas plants to generate electricity. Finally, a future perspectives section describes the practical implications of the biogas production and electricity generation in rural and urban areas and its contribution to the implementation of Brazilian environmental and social policies. This review also is useful to support the research development of biogas for electricity production.
Papers by Oswaldo Hideo Ando Junior