Books by Osvaldo Moura Rezende

Nature-based Solutions and the Challenges of Water: Accelerating the transition to more sustainable cities, 2022
• Cities are complex social, ecological, technological and economic systems, unsusta... more KEY MESSAGES
• Cities are complex social, ecological, technological and economic systems, unsustainable and vulnerable to
climate change, especially with respect to issues of water and human health.
• Currently, nature-based solutions (NBS) are planned, designed, implemented and monitored in order to meet
today’s challenges. This book focuses on water- and sanitation-related issues.
• Countries such as Brazil, where a substantial part of the water treatment infrastructure is yet to be built, find
interesting options in NBS, whether by using pure systems or by linking them to conventional technologies.
• NBS are intrinsically cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral, and require the real and wide-ranging involvement
of all parties.
• NBS are no panacea to resolve all the challenges. However, projects conducted in different geographical,
social and economic scenarios have had positive results and are cost-effective.
• This book contains seven topics within 23 concise and objective chapters, which are easy to read and
understand. The chapters have been written by researchers and specialists from different fields of knowledge
who address different but complementary topics.
Books by Osvaldo Moura Rezende
• Cities are complex social, ecological, technological and economic systems, unsustainable and vulnerable to
climate change, especially with respect to issues of water and human health.
• Currently, nature-based solutions (NBS) are planned, designed, implemented and monitored in order to meet
today’s challenges. This book focuses on water- and sanitation-related issues.
• Countries such as Brazil, where a substantial part of the water treatment infrastructure is yet to be built, find
interesting options in NBS, whether by using pure systems or by linking them to conventional technologies.
• NBS are intrinsically cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral, and require the real and wide-ranging involvement
of all parties.
• NBS are no panacea to resolve all the challenges. However, projects conducted in different geographical,
social and economic scenarios have had positive results and are cost-effective.
• This book contains seven topics within 23 concise and objective chapters, which are easy to read and
understand. The chapters have been written by researchers and specialists from different fields of knowledge
who address different but complementary topics.
• Cities are complex social, ecological, technological and economic systems, unsustainable and vulnerable to
climate change, especially with respect to issues of water and human health.
• Currently, nature-based solutions (NBS) are planned, designed, implemented and monitored in order to meet
today’s challenges. This book focuses on water- and sanitation-related issues.
• Countries such as Brazil, where a substantial part of the water treatment infrastructure is yet to be built, find
interesting options in NBS, whether by using pure systems or by linking them to conventional technologies.
• NBS are intrinsically cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral, and require the real and wide-ranging involvement
of all parties.
• NBS are no panacea to resolve all the challenges. However, projects conducted in different geographical,
social and economic scenarios have had positive results and are cost-effective.
• This book contains seven topics within 23 concise and objective chapters, which are easy to read and
understand. The chapters have been written by researchers and specialists from different fields of knowledge
who address different but complementary topics.