Papers by Orly partok-chekroun
האדם המודרני - ממשבר לגאולה בהגותו של מרטין בובר
ביקורת המקרא בהגותו של מרטין בובר - אסכטולוגיה נבואית ואפוקליפטית

The Theopolitical Idea and the Messianic Concept I studied the development of the Messianic idea ... more The Theopolitical Idea and the Messianic Concept I studied the development of the Messianic idea according to Buber, as revealed in his philosophical writings, and at various historical-biographical stages in his life. This development testifies to the principle that reshapes the idea of redemption, central to which is the direct relationship between man and God. Identifying those historical stages or phases in our understanding of messianism does not indicate any progress that is part of a historic, ideal and necessary development exposing the disclosure of the spirit, but teaches us that disclosure of the spirit is associated with the changing reality of life, which is translated each time anew in response to the circumstances in which it exists and the determination of man. "According to ancient tradition, the spirit comes upon man, who pulsates and wears it; it is not hidden inside [..] the spirit carries man to wherever it will take him, and then it continues its way in the world".1 God speaks to man, and in his inner voice man hears the demand for a decision and then decides if to respond positively. Indeed, temptations of various inclinations harden the human heart, and therefore history, personal and human, is a description of a constant struggle between the instinctive " whirlpool " and the "correct path". Information from the past, as stored in the Bible, concerned Buber less than the message hidden in it concerning the present and the future, and therefore study of 'The Kingdom of Heaven', the biblical vision of the end of days, is a key additional element in understanding his messianic perception and his yearning for the Redemption, because through this we can focus on basic questions about the nature of man, his reformation, his limitations and his possible achievements. In the words of Buber: "It is an act that is renewed and continues every day from the days of yore until the end of time, and it is this that gave the Bible its clear graphic attire in the form of memories of ancient times crowned in brilliance. Those events and situations are beyond number and without end to their changeability, and yet they are visible and clear to those with a discerning eye; the Supreme Being is talking to his son during the unique periods of our being. And we are given the language in which we can answer: it is the language of our actions and our behaviors, our reactions in getting up and doing or sitting passively; generally all of the answers of praise by which we respond is what we may refer to as man's duty in the world in its basic meaning. The fundamental reason for our existence we have learned from the book of the Bible, and all the time that we peruse it with real intent, our understanding of ourselves is renewed and deepened " .2 The Bible, writes Buber, is the documentary scroll of the history of the world, caught in between creation and redemption.3 A document of the people's meetings with God and their response to the voice of the commandments. a world of truth, a "living reality", in which the dialogue between heaven and earth fills all space, a conversation between above and below, flowing with and above time. "And do we refer to a book? We are referring to a voice. And do we think one should read? We believe that one needs to listen to the spoken word, we want to strive for the word when it is spoken".4 In other words, the belief of living people, who accept with complete
Drafts by Orly partok-chekroun

The study seeks to deal with cultural dissonance and the interaction between religion and culture... more The study seeks to deal with cultural dissonance and the interaction between religion and culture that underlies the behavior of a warm and dynamic African community in Abidjan in the Ivory Coast, which celebrates together Shabbat, religious holidays and rituals of life according to the Torah of Israel and who study Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism under the auspices of Rabbi Berg. This is an ongoing process whose main theme is a perception that culture is a type of tool with which humans, in their interactions with each other, work hard to build and define the reality of situations, and adjust their behavior in the light of these definitions. Religion, which plays a major role in African culture, is seen as a source of spiritual support, as a social organization and as an arena for the construction of identity and belonging. Through this understanding at the heart of Africans' perception, the house of prayer is not only used as a place to address matters between man and his God, but is also seen to have a direct bearing on the daily lives of believers-through the power and ability to interpret reality, to simplify it and to provide practical advice for dealing with it. Constructing reality and imbuing meaning to the process constitutes a platform for new conceptualizations with which to understand their inner world.

המחקר מבקש לעסוק בדיסוננס התרבותי וביחסי גומלין שבין דת ותרבות המכוננת את התנהגותה של קהילה אפרי... more המחקר מבקש לעסוק בדיסוננס התרבותי וביחסי גומלין שבין דת ותרבות המכוננת את התנהגותה של קהילה אפריקאית דוברת צרפתית חמה ודינמית באבידג'אן שבחוף השנהב העוסקת בלימוד הקבלה והמיסטיקה היהודית מבית מדרשו של הרב ברג. קהילה החוגגת יחד שבתות, חגים וטקסי חיים על פי תורת ישראל. זהו תהליך מתמשך שהקו המנחה בה הוא התפיסה שהתרבות היא מעין כלי שבאמצעותו בני אדם, ביחסי הגומלין ביניהם, עוסקים בהתמדה בהבניה ובהגדרה של המציאות, של מצבים, ולאור הגדרות אלה מכוננים את התנהגותם. הדת הממלאת תפקיד מרכזי בתרבויות האפריקאיות נתפסת כמקור לסעד נפשי, כארגון חברתי וכזירה להבניית זהות ושייכות. ומתוך אותה הבנה הנוגעת בלב תפיסתם של האפריקאים את מקומו של מקום התפילה, שהוא אינו משמש רק ככתובת לעניינים שבין אדם לאלוהיו, אלא יש לו נגיעה ישירה בחיי היומיום של המאמינים באמצעות הכוח והיכולת לפרש את המציאות, הם מצליחים לפשט אותה ולתת עצות מעשיות להתמודדות עמה. הבניית המציאות והקניית המשמעות לתהליך מהווה מצע להמשגות חדשות בהבנת עולמם הפנימי.
מרטין בובר: גאולה ומשיחיות בין ספרות לפילוסופיה by Orly partok-chekroun
Papers by Orly partok-chekroun
Drafts by Orly partok-chekroun
מרטין בובר: גאולה ומשיחיות בין ספרות לפילוסופיה by Orly partok-chekroun