Papers by Orasi Syekhnurjati

The street children is a common problem, because these problems arise from the social system that... more The street children is a common problem, because these problems arise from the social system that does not run optimally, low community awareness and government programs that have not completed running well. There are 3 models of empowerment by mapping goals namely micro, mezzo and macro intervention. Intervention micro methods (individual and family) is to provide direct assistance to children and families. Interventions to children is by tutoring, spiritual, guidance, and social guidance and also savings. Intervention to families by providing counseling and programs intervenstion. Mezzo method of intervention focuses on community and social environment by improving the welfare of society. Community involvement and community elements in empowering street children by motivating and arousing awareness through empowerment programs are directly in contact with the child by involving all stakeholders. Factors supporting that sense of kinship, enthusiastic street children, in cooperation with community elements, and adequate facilities.

Aripin. NIM: 14113541280, "Assistance Migrant Workers by CARAKA FM Community Radio (A Case Study ... more Aripin. NIM: 14113541280, "Assistance Migrant Workers by CARAKA FM Community Radio (A Case Study of Rural Community Radio FM CARAKA Ciborelang Jatiwangi District of Majalengka)" Empowerment is done in the form of education about the importance of knowing the requirements to become migrant workers, forms of trafficking and about the importance of not falling back. Slightly sekalli parties try to deal with the victims with the efforts of more fundamental and sustainable. Therefore, it would need dicarai a model of empowering trafficking victims were able to resolve the fundamental problems of both aspects of the reception of clear information such as the introduction of the contents of human trafficking, the analysis of human trafficking cases, dialogue with the victims, and also makes the role of institutions, especially institutions of religious education in the prevention of trafficking manuisa in an effort to resolve the fundamental problems of trafficking victims both from the aspect or aspects of healing trauma debriefing to continue a better life in the future. From the results of mentoring migrant workers victims of trafficking carried out by radio komuitas emissary fm has an impact on society and especially to former migrant workers, they understand the process of a migrant worker is legal, their sisters about the difference workers leaving legally and illegally (trafficking), knowing the rights of migrant workers and has the power to liberate themselves in the confinement of people who are not responsible. In addition to the general public become more open about their experiences and they are more sensitive to the environment in the village Ciborelang and care for each other. ABSTRAK Aripin. NIM: 14113541280, " Pendampingan Buruh Migran oleh Radio Komunitas CARAKA FM (Studi Kasus di Radio Komunitas CARAKA FM Desa Ciborelang Kecamatan Jatiwangi Kabupaten Majalengka) " Pemberdayaan dilakukan dalam bentuk penyuluhan tentang pentingnya mengetahui persyaratan menjadi TKW, bentuk-bentuk trafficking dan tentang pentingnya tidak terjerumus kembali. Sedikit sekalli pihak-pihak yang mencoba menangani para korban dengan upaya-upaya yang lebih mendasar dan berkesinambungan. Oleh karena itu perlu kiranya dicarai suatu model pemberdayaan korban trafficking yang mampu menuntaskan persoalan mendasar baik dari aspek penerimaan informasi yang jelas seperti pengenalan isi perdagangan manusia, analisis kasus perdagangan manusia, berdialog dengan korban, dan juga menjadikan peran lembaga khususnya lembaga pendidikan agama dalam pencegahan perdagangan manuisa dalam upaya menuntaskan persoalan mendasar korban trafficking baik dari aspek penyembuhan trauma maupun aspek pembekalan untuk melanjutkan kehidupan yang lebih baik di masa depan. Dari hasil pendampingan buruh migran korban trafficking yang dilakukan oleh radio komuitas caraka fm memiliki dampak terhadap masyarakat dan khususnya terhadap mantan buruh migran, mereka memahami proses menjadi TKI yang legal, mereka sadara tentang perbedaan tenaga kerja yang berangkat secara legal maupun ilegal (trafficking), mengetahui hak-hak buruh migran dan memiliki kekuatan untuk membebaskan diri dalam kekangan orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Selain itu untuk masyarakat umum semakin
Book Reviews by Orasi Syekhnurjati
Kehadiran buku ini, menyajikan pemikiran Jurgen Habermas seputar pengembangan sebuah teori kritis... more Kehadiran buku ini, menyajikan pemikiran Jurgen Habermas seputar pengembangan sebuah teori kritis masyarakat secara mendalam dan mendasar. Penulis, F. Budi Hardiman, juga memberi penguraian atas filsafat sains kontemporer, ilmu-ilmu sosial kritis dan berbagai problem kemanusiaan dalam masyarakat akibat dominasi sistem ekonomi kapitalis, seperti; alienasi, marginalisasi, dan hegemoni sains.
Papers by Orasi Syekhnurjati
Book Reviews by Orasi Syekhnurjati