Papers by Peter O Oluokun
Vehicle tracking system using GSM GPRS GPS and Arduino Microcontroller can provide complete locat... more Vehicle tracking system using GSM GPRS GPS and Arduino Microcontroller can provide complete location information to user over mobile phone. This system, on request of the user, gives real time update about vehicle location by sending SMS through the GSM A7 GSM GPRS GPS module using Arduino Uno as Microcontroller unit. This SMS contain longitude and latitude of the Location of vehicle. The Atmega 328P Microcontroller is the central processing unit CPU of the entire unit. Arduino gets the coordinates from GPS modem and then it sends this information to the user in Text SMS. GSM modem is used to send this information via SMS and the SMS will be sent to the owner of the vehicle.
Report, 2020
I was opportune to carry out my SIWES in a cybercafé where I was able to acquire knowledge on how... more I was opportune to carry out my SIWES in a cybercafé where I was able to acquire knowledge on how to manage a cybercafé and what it is all about. A cybercafé is a place where one can go to utilize internet facilities in making research works. It is often owned by a individual or group of individuals for profit purposes. Cybercafés often offer services such as; internet surfing, printing, research work, typesetting, graphic designs, hardware repairs, training of individuals on computers, and lots more to the public. Based on the scope of this report, the knowledge acquired during the training is analyzed, which encompasses Printing of Document, Generation of Computer, Word processing, word presentation, basic hardware maintenance, connecting to the internet, surfing, and lot more.
In the Ondo State Ministry of Works and Infrastructure, I was able lean and carry out various act... more In the Ondo State Ministry of Works and Infrastructure, I was able lean and carry out various activities, some of these activities were highlighted below:

Early man used drawings to communicate even before he learnt to talk, write, or count.
Incidental... more Early man used drawings to communicate even before he learnt to talk, write, or count.
Incidentally, these ancient hieroglyphics (picture-writings) communicate as well today, as
they must have done thousands of years ago, this fully supports the saig that A picture is
worth a thousand words ad i the ea of oputes e a add o to it o e a as ell
eise the saig to A computer is worth a million pictures!”; so, you can estimate the
power of a computer as a communication system. Now, with the advances in computer
hardware and software, graphics has come a full circle and, more and more people are
teaching and learning, communicating and sharing their ideas through the medium of
graphics. By graphics, we mean any sketch, drawing, special artwork or other material that
pictorially depict an object or a process or otherwise conveys information, as a supplement
to or instead of written descriptions, and the utilisation of computers to accomplish such
tasks leads to a new discipline of computer graphics. Traditionally, graphics has referred to
engineering drawings of buildings, bridges, machine parts etc. and scientific drawings such
as x-y curves, network and process flowcharts. In recent decades, graphics has ventured into
industrial design, advertising and other artistic endeavours. During the last few years, even
newspapers and periodicals aimed at the common man have begun to utilise graphics to
present quantitative news such as selection results and production statistics. Computer
graphics can do all this and more. In fact, the power and easy availability of computer
graphics have increased the use of pictures to replace and augment words to describe,
educate, or inform a wide variety of audiences, on a wide variety of subjects.
Teaching Documents by Peter O Oluokun

This research project examined the inadequacies involved in the manual method of compiling studen... more This research project examined the inadequacies involved in the manual method of compiling students’ result in secondary schools in Nigeria. The problems with the manual result processing were identified and a new system was proposed, designed, and implemented. In this work, a computer software application was developed to facilitate the automated processing of the results. The software was developed using PHP (Hypertext processor) programming language and MYSQL (My Structural Query Language), a relational database management system in designing the database; tested and found to have produced the expected results. Teachers do not need to draw vertical/horizontal lines on a broad sheet of paper for recording students test and exam scores, and also need not to do any form of calculations, as the system does virtually everything. The software will make the teacher’s job less stressful by cutting down the time and effort spent on result preparation, thereby, allowing the teacher more time for teaching and other instructional issues. This new system is flexible and can be modified to suit any kind of students’ record keeping and data processing in both public and private secondary schools.
In the course of the study, an existing system was digested and its deficiencies were detected and emphatically analyzed, after which solutions to the problems were proffered in the new designed computerized system that is reliable and more interactive. The new system terminates all the problems experienced with the existing system. The case study of this research work is Mainstream Energy Solutions Limited (M.E.S.L) Secondary School, New Bussa, Niger State.
Drafts by Peter O Oluokun
This research work is based on the experience and knowledge I was able to acquire during my four ... more This research work is based on the experience and knowledge I was able to acquire during my four month mandated SIWES program for my National Diploma Certificate in Federal polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State Nigeria. I had the opportunity to work under two consumable factories, one of these factories, Captain Cook Bakery is known for their bread production in Ekiti State and the other which is Patbrista Ventures is known for water production in the state. During this period of four months, I was exposed to quite a number of things like bread production, water production, different ingredients needed for water production and bread production. Also, I was exposed to sales management alongside their marketing and distribution.
Report, 2020
In the Ondo State Ministry of Works and Infrastructure, I was able lean and carry out various act... more In the Ondo State Ministry of Works and Infrastructure, I was able lean and carry out various activities, some of these activities were highlighted below:
Papers by Peter O Oluokun
Incidentally, these ancient hieroglyphics (picture-writings) communicate as well today, as
they must have done thousands of years ago, this fully supports the saig that A picture is
worth a thousand words ad i the ea of oputes e a add o to it o e a as ell
eise the saig to A computer is worth a million pictures!”; so, you can estimate the
power of a computer as a communication system. Now, with the advances in computer
hardware and software, graphics has come a full circle and, more and more people are
teaching and learning, communicating and sharing their ideas through the medium of
graphics. By graphics, we mean any sketch, drawing, special artwork or other material that
pictorially depict an object or a process or otherwise conveys information, as a supplement
to or instead of written descriptions, and the utilisation of computers to accomplish such
tasks leads to a new discipline of computer graphics. Traditionally, graphics has referred to
engineering drawings of buildings, bridges, machine parts etc. and scientific drawings such
as x-y curves, network and process flowcharts. In recent decades, graphics has ventured into
industrial design, advertising and other artistic endeavours. During the last few years, even
newspapers and periodicals aimed at the common man have begun to utilise graphics to
present quantitative news such as selection results and production statistics. Computer
graphics can do all this and more. In fact, the power and easy availability of computer
graphics have increased the use of pictures to replace and augment words to describe,
educate, or inform a wide variety of audiences, on a wide variety of subjects.
Teaching Documents by Peter O Oluokun
In the course of the study, an existing system was digested and its deficiencies were detected and emphatically analyzed, after which solutions to the problems were proffered in the new designed computerized system that is reliable and more interactive. The new system terminates all the problems experienced with the existing system. The case study of this research work is Mainstream Energy Solutions Limited (M.E.S.L) Secondary School, New Bussa, Niger State.
Drafts by Peter O Oluokun
Incidentally, these ancient hieroglyphics (picture-writings) communicate as well today, as
they must have done thousands of years ago, this fully supports the saig that A picture is
worth a thousand words ad i the ea of oputes e a add o to it o e a as ell
eise the saig to A computer is worth a million pictures!”; so, you can estimate the
power of a computer as a communication system. Now, with the advances in computer
hardware and software, graphics has come a full circle and, more and more people are
teaching and learning, communicating and sharing their ideas through the medium of
graphics. By graphics, we mean any sketch, drawing, special artwork or other material that
pictorially depict an object or a process or otherwise conveys information, as a supplement
to or instead of written descriptions, and the utilisation of computers to accomplish such
tasks leads to a new discipline of computer graphics. Traditionally, graphics has referred to
engineering drawings of buildings, bridges, machine parts etc. and scientific drawings such
as x-y curves, network and process flowcharts. In recent decades, graphics has ventured into
industrial design, advertising and other artistic endeavours. During the last few years, even
newspapers and periodicals aimed at the common man have begun to utilise graphics to
present quantitative news such as selection results and production statistics. Computer
graphics can do all this and more. In fact, the power and easy availability of computer
graphics have increased the use of pictures to replace and augment words to describe,
educate, or inform a wide variety of audiences, on a wide variety of subjects.
In the course of the study, an existing system was digested and its deficiencies were detected and emphatically analyzed, after which solutions to the problems were proffered in the new designed computerized system that is reliable and more interactive. The new system terminates all the problems experienced with the existing system. The case study of this research work is Mainstream Energy Solutions Limited (M.E.S.L) Secondary School, New Bussa, Niger State.