Papers by Olugbenga Oludiran

The study consists of 10 patients with features suggestive of femoral hernia who had herniorrhaph... more The study consists of 10 patients with features suggestive of femoral hernia who had herniorrhaphy in our Hospital. The information collected include the age, sex, and occupation. Many years ago, femoral hernia was not common in Nigerian. This must have been due to the fact that the cases were under reported and most patients, who had femoral hernia, took native drugs and hoped for the best until it be comes complicated. The fibrinogen concentration of the control was 2.21 (0.12) g/l. The fibrinogen concentration before operation was 2.12 (0.9) g/l compare with the control level of 2.21 (0.12) g/l. Fibrinogen increased significantly during operation (p < < < < 0.001) and decreased (p < < < < 0.001) after operation. Therefore the increase in fibrinogen level after femoral herniorrhaphy may predispose to the development of post-operative thrombo embolic complications. The measures for the prevention of thrombo embolic complications such as early mobilization sh...

African Journal Biomedical Research
The facial and nasal indices are among the most important cephalometric parameters useful in inte... more The facial and nasal indices are among the most important cephalometric parameters useful in inter- racial and intra- racial morphological classification and categorization. They are useful in the description of the facial and nasal morphological characteristics of human population in different geographical location. This study was carried out to describe the naso- facial morphology of children in the Southern part of Nigeria. Four hundred and eighty children aged 5 to 15 years were randomly selected to represent the larger population. The mean facial index for the male and female children was 87.15 ± 1.70 and 86.25 ± 1.70 respectively. The mean nasal index for the male and female children was 93.45 ± 1.66 and 89.62 ± 1.58 respectively. The nasal index value showed significant sexual variation with the male subjects having higher values than female subjects but the facial index values was not significantly different across gender. This study showed the prevalence of the mesoproscopi...

Background: The study was carried out to establish the normal auricular dimensions in Nigerians r... more Background: The study was carried out to establish the normal auricular dimensions in Nigerians resident in Benin City. Methodology: A cross sectional study of both ears of 1462 Nigerian school children and young adults was carried out. Measurements of the facial height, ear height, ear width, lobule type, lobule height and lobule width were taken. Record was also made of the age, sex and ethnicity of both parents. Results: The mean (S.D.) facial height in the entire cohort was 180 (20.8) mm. The ear height, ear width, lobule height and lobule width were 55.6 (6.0) mm., 32.4 (4.5) mm., 14.0 (3.8) mm., 16.0 (4.8) mm. and 55.6 (6.0) mm., 32.0 (4.5) mm., 14.0 (3.8) mm., 16.0 (4.8) mm. for the right and left ears respectively. The male facial height was longer than the females’. There were no significant differences in ear parameters for the right and left except for the ear width. Significant sex variations were found among sexes ( p<0.05). When the study population was stratified i...

African Journal Biomedical Research
Variation is a common phenomenon in the physiognomy of humans. Therefore, physical anthropometry ... more Variation is a common phenomenon in the physiognomy of humans. Therefore, physical anthropometry provides the techniques to assess human body dimensions and to describe morphological variations that exist among different human population. This study was conducted to describe the physical morphometric characteristics of face and nose of the Bini tribe in Nigeria. It involved 450 Bini subjects (230 males and 220 females) aged between 16 to 35 years. The results showed sexual dimorphism in all the dimensions of face and nose studied with the males having higher mean values than the females. The mean facial and nasal indices was 86.93 and 97.32 respectively. This implied the prevalence of mesoproscopic face type and platyrrhine nose type among the Bini tribe in Nigeria. This study showed age and gender as important factors in the description of human physiognomy. Keywords: Anthropometry, Nose, Face, Bini Tribe, Nigeria

Journal of the West African College of Surgeons, 2011
Electrical burn injuries have not been well reported in the literature. Though uncommon, they nev... more Electrical burn injuries have not been well reported in the literature. Though uncommon, they nevertheless cause significant multisystem injury with significant morbidity and mortality and are often associated with a high amputation rate from tissue necrosis. We reviewed 15 patients out of a burn population of 229 patients managed at the Burn Service of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Nigeria from August 2009 to June 2011.There were 13 males and 2 females. The mean age was 27.7yrs ( Range 4-43). Ten (67%) suffered high voltage (>1000V) injuries, while 3 were from low voltage. Only one occurred in the home setting. Ten were work related and 4 occurred from fallen high tension cables. The mean burn size was 21% BSA ( Range 2- 43%).There were three deaths ( 20%). We identified electricity workers as target for preventive action and proper maintenance of overhead cables and poles as strategy to prevent electrocution from falling cables.

African journal of reproductive health, 2008
Several studies have indicated the existence of thrombo-embolic complications in cancer patients ... more Several studies have indicated the existence of thrombo-embolic complications in cancer patients and that this could be associated with changes in heamorheological parameters. Packed cell volume (PCV), heamoglobin (Hb), relative plasma viscosity (RPV) and plasma Fibrinogen concentration (PFC) were measured in 50 healthy control women, 50 age-matched women with breast cancer, and 10 women with histophathologically proven benign breast tumour. There were significant differences between the controls and breast cancer patients in all the parameters measured (p < 0.05). However, patients with cancer have significantly higher RPV and PFC (P < 0.001) respectively than controls. There was significant mean difference between pre and post mastectomy in fibrinogen concentration (p < 0.05) and this was observed over the 5-week study period. Since increased fibrinogen may give rise to increase fibrin formation which has been asserted as an independent cardiovascular risk factor for thro...

African Journal of Reproductive Health, 2003
Eight patients managed for bowel injury following induced abortion were studied for the pattern o... more Eight patients managed for bowel injury following induced abortion were studied for the pattern of morbidity and mortality. The patients were aged 18-39 years. Three of them were married, five were single. Two of the cases were detected at the time of termination of pregnancy. The interval from termination of pregnancy to presentation in hospital was two days to two weeks in the other six patients. Injury was in the ileum in three, jejunum in two and the sigmoid colon in three. Twenty surgical interventions were performed for primary treatment and management of complications. Major complications were abdominal wound dehiscence (5), faecal fistula (2) and postoperative diarrhoea (1).The duration of hospitalisation at the first admission ranged from seven to 163 days. The excessive morbidity is attributed to delay in presentation; most patients been seen after 72 hours. Primary repair of colonic injury is discouraged. No death was recorded. Literature is reviewed on the condition in West Africa and suggestion made on means of reducing morbidity from induced abortion. (Afr J Reprod Health 2003; 7[3]: 65-68) RÉSUMÉ Morbidité et mortalité provoquées par la blessure intestinale secondaire à l'avortement déclenché. Huit patientes qui suivaient des traitements pour les blessures intestinales suite à des avortements déclenchés ont été étudiées pour vérifier les types de la morbidité et de la mortalité. Les patientes étaient âgées de 18-39 ans. Trois d'entre elles étaaient mariées alors que deux étaient célibataires. Deux cas ont été dépistés au moment de l'interruption de la grossesse. La période entre l'interruption de grossesse et la présentation à l'hôpital était de deux jours à deux semaines chez les six autres patientes. Il y avait une blessure dans l'iléon chez trois. Il y a eu vingt interventions surgicales pour le traitement primaire et la prise en charge des complications. Les complications principlales étaient la lâchage de suture abdominale (5), fistule fécale (2), la diarrhée postopératoire (1). La durée de l'hospitalisation à la première admission variait entre sept et cent soixante trois jours. La morbidité excessive est attribuable au délai dans la présentation à hôpital; la plupart des patients ont été vus après 72 heures. La réparation primaire de la blessure colique est découragée. Il n'y a pas eu des décès. La littérature a été revue sur la condition prévalente en Afrique de l'ouest et nous avons fait des propositions sur les moyens de réduire la morbidité occasionée par l'avortement déclenché. (Rev Afr Santé Reprod 2003; 7[3]: 65-68)

Port Harcourt Medical Journal, 2008
ABSTRACT Background: Perforation of the jejunum following blunt abdominal trauma can be as a resu... more ABSTRACT Background: Perforation of the jejunum following blunt abdominal trauma can be as a result of various mechanisms. Its diagnosis oftentimes is challenging. Aim: To report a rare case of blunt abdominal trauma with perforation of the jejunum due to a coffin and discuss the diagnosis and management of this condition. Setting: Department of Surgery, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria. Case Report: A 19-year-old female was an unrestrained passenger in a 14-seater bus conveying several passengers and an unrestrained coffin. The bus was involved in a roll-over vehicle crash during which the patient suffered a severe impact to the abdomen from the coffin with perforation of the jejunum. She had a trauma laparotomy with repair of the jejunum and had an uneventful recovery. Conclusion: This case illustrates the inherent risks involved in transporting caskets and corpses in a passenger vehicle. We recommend that these be conveyed in hearses with the appropriate restraints in place. Health education, legislation and enforcement on this issue are imperative in developing countries.

Nigerian Journal of Surgical Sciences, 2007
ABSTRACT The introduction of H2-receptor blockers, proton pump inhibitors and eradication of Heli... more ABSTRACT The introduction of H2-receptor blockers, proton pump inhibitors and eradication of Helicobacter pylori has greatly reduced the need for surgical intervention in the management of peptic ulcer disease. However in communities where these drugs are out of reach or compliance is poor, operations are still carried out. We reviewed the medical records of 68 patients who had surgery for peptic ulcer disease over a 10 year period to determine the indications for surgery, operative procedure performed, and the outcome of surgery. Thirty-eight (56%) were operated on for gastric outlet obstruction while 21 and 9 respectively had perforation and bleeding as the indication for surgery. The operative procedures performed were truncal vagotomy and gastrojejunostomy(38), truncal vagotomy and pyloroplasty (18) and simple closure of perforation(12). Sepsis, consequent upon perforation and recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding were the most common complications leading to death in 10(12%) patients

Annals of Biomedical Sciences, 2008
ABSTRACT An audit of patients with penetrating abdominal injuries who were admitted and managed a... more ABSTRACT An audit of patients with penetrating abdominal injuries who were admitted and managed at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital between January 1, 1992 and December 31st 2001 was carried out to ascertain the pattern of injury. Of the 34 cases, 30 (88.2%) were males and 4 (11.8%) females, giving a male/female ratio of 8.5:1. The age range was 1 to 51 years (mean 25.23±5.6years). The 21 to 30 age group was the most vulnerable while those above 60 were least affected. Gun was the weapon used in most of the cases (64.7%) and most of them were due to armed robbery attack (50.0%) and accidental discharge from police rifles (36.4%). The incidence of penetrating abdominal injuries especially through gunshot injuries is on the increase and is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in our community. Control measures and ways of reducing morbidity and mortality are suggested.
Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research, 2009
Sigmoid volvulus accounts for 8% of all cases of intestinal obstruction in our environment. 1 Apa... more Sigmoid volvulus accounts for 8% of all cases of intestinal obstruction in our environment. 1 Apart from observed differences in the epidemiological pattern, the clinical presentation is similar to what is seen in other parts of the world. The management of sigmoid volvulus has evolved over the years from simple detortion either by endoscopic means or open surgery through colostomyrelated procedure, and now one-stage resectional surgery. Even though endoscopic detortion is a useful initial management in the absence of gangrene or peritonitis, resection of the redundant sigmoid colon remains the definitive treatment.

Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research, 2002
ABSTRACT A prospective study of 270 patients who had appendicectomy done between January 1, 1997,... more ABSTRACT A prospective study of 270 patients who had appendicectomy done between January 1, 1997, and December 31, 2001, was done to determine the safety of discharging fit patients within 48 hours of surgery. Their ages ranged from 8 to 65 years (mean 23.6) with a male to female ratio of 1:2.2. Two hundred and fifty six (94.8%) patients were fit for discharge within 48 hours. Of these, 36 (13.3%) could not be discharged for social reasons. Fourteen (5.2%) were considered unfit for discharge; two (0.9%) patients were re-admitted for abdominal colic and postoperative intestinal obstruction respectively. Complications were limited to wound infection in 9 (3.3%) cases. We conclude that the practice of early discharge after routine appendicectomy is safe and the conventional practice of prolonged stay is wasteful and unnecessary. Key words: Appendicectomy, hospitalisation, early discharge [Jnl Medicine &amp; Biomedical Res. Vol.1(2) 2002: 51-54]
Surgical Science, 2011
Cutaneous horns are rare in black patients probably as a result of the rarity of sun induced asso... more Cutaneous horns are rare in black patients probably as a result of the rarity of sun induced associated skin lesions. However reports of these lesions are filtering in from Africa. In this paper we report an unusual case on the sole of the foot in a native African from Nigeria. This is probably the first documentation of the lesion on the sole of the foot in the world literature.
Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery, 2011
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 2006

Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2009
Children are a vulnerable to burns, an injury, which is often preventable. A study of the profile... more Children are a vulnerable to burns, an injury, which is often preventable. A study of the profile of cases of children admitted for burns will provide background information to suggest locally doable preventive strategies as well as supply basic information for future reference. We studied the records of 62 children aged 0-16 years, admitted for burns, at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, between January 2002 and December 2006. There were 34 male and 28 female children. Children under three years constituted 56.5%. Whereas the leading cause of burns in all the children was flame burns from kerosene explosions (52%), scalds were responsible for 68.6% of cases in those under three. The extent of burn injury ranged from 6 to 50% and most of them presented late. 64.6% were discharged within three weeks. Wound sepsis and post burn contractures were the most frequently encountered complications (19.4% and 9.7% respectively). There were two deaths (3.2%) related to sepsis. Particular attention to burn safety precautions in children (especially, in the &gt;3 years age group), safer storage and dispensing of combustible chemicals particularly petroleum products is advocated. Fire safety awareness, correct first aid measures and early presentation in the hospital will reduce morbidity and mortality. Early physiotherapy and splinting strategies will reduce contractures. There is the need locally for the establishment of specialized burn centres both to treat these children and to stimulate interest in burn management.

Prehospital and disaster medicine
Trauma is a leading cause of death in most countries. Different patterns of trauma deaths are rec... more Trauma is a leading cause of death in most countries. Different patterns of trauma deaths are recorded in different countries. The purpose of this study was to evaluate retrospectively the pattern of trauma deaths in the emergency unit of a University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria. This is a descriptive, retrospective study. The data were obtained from patient case files and nurses' records. The data abstracted included age, sex, cause of trauma/death, parts of the body injured, time of death, and the duration of stay in the Accident and Emergency Unit (AEU). A total of 5,537 cases presented to the AEU of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital between 01 January 2001 and 31 December 2004. Of these, 5,446 were due to trauma (98.4%). A total of 127 patients died (case fatality rate: 2.3%). Of the deaths, 81.9% were males. Motor vehicle crashes were the most frequent cause (54.3%), and drowning was the least common cause of trauma (0.8%). The most frequently injured region of the...
Papers by Olugbenga Oludiran