Papers by Gunnar Olofsson
Kapitlet beskriver hur Lunds Bokcafe tillkom, vilka som var forutsattningarna for att gora det i ... more Kapitlet beskriver hur Lunds Bokcafe tillkom, vilka som var forutsattningarna for att gora det i Lund hosten 1969 och vintern 1970. I Lund fanns tidskriften Zenits redaktion och vid denna tid foll Lundasektionen av Clarte sonder i olika delar. Det gjorde det mojligt att skapa en bred, icke-sekteristisk vansterbokhandel. Den blev for tid Nordens storsta bokcafe. Texten beskriver ocksa vagen fran de forsta arens entusiasm och breda publik fram till det sena 1980-talets svalnande intresse och den senare konkursen.
Arkiv. Tidskrift för samhällsanalys
Exploring tensions between academic and vocational elements in the education of professions
Transformationen av en professions organisatoriska omgivning: universitetsadministrationens foran... more Transformationen av en professions organisatoriska omgivning: universitetsadministrationens forandring efter 1990-talet. Det finns bland universitetslarare en utbredd forestallning om att administr ...

Från början utbildade universiteten kyrkans prästerskap och från 1600-talet även statens ämbetsmä... more Från början utbildade universiteten kyrkans prästerskap och från 1600-talet även statens ämbetsmän. Den högre utbildningens fält etablerades under 1800-talet. Då skapades en rad institut vars uppgift var att utbilda det framväxande industrisamhällets expertis i teknik, farmaci, ekonomi m.m. Institutens yrkesinriktade utbildningar byggde på den tidens vetenskaper. När instituten och universitet närmade sig varandra blev vetenskaplig forskning efter hand en ny tjänsteuppgift för universitetens professorer. Under 1900-talet blev utbildningen av välfärdsstatens professioner systemets nya och fjärde uppgift. Den högre utbildningens fält fick genom 1977 års högskolereform sin aktuella struktur, där vetenskaplig forskning är universitetens dominerande värde och utbildningen av professionerna deras centrala inslag, samtidigt som alla professionsutbildningar förankras vetenskapligt. I denna situation blir universitetetslärare och forskare alla andra professioners moder
För mer information om projekt m.m. se uppgifterna under bokens huvudtitel i DiVA eller i LIBRIS... more För mer information om projekt m.m. se uppgifterna under bokens huvudtitel i DiVA eller i LIBRIS</p
Presented at Nordic Fields of Higher Education in International Comparison, Paris, April 12-13, 2018., 2018

Department of Social studies, Linnaeus University, 2016
The rapid expansion of the university sector has channelled many students into study programs tha... more The rapid expansion of the university sector has channelled many students into study programs that lead to employment in new kinds of jobs, occupations and professional groups. There are three main reasons why more and more occupations get their training within the university system (a) The qualification and competence level of the labour force has been raised, due to changes in the economy and to decisions by the State to increase the formal training for an increasing number of occupations and semi-professions. (b) In the context of increasing student enrolment in higher education, universities, especially among the newer universities, construct new study programmes in order to link the content and profile of the programs to specific occupational niches or categories in the labour market. (c) Some occupational groups and associations strive to enhance their social standing by seeking to transfer their training to formal study programs in the universities in order to attain professional status (d) Categories b) and c) together make up the category of pre-professions This paper argues that the rapidly growing numbers of students in new vocational study programmes changes the relation between the higher education system and the occupational-professional categories in a number of ways. This is done with the concept of “a professional landscape” that encompass three waves of professions – the classical professions, the semi-professions and the now emerging “pre-professions” –Traditional semi-professions are becoming more and more academically oriented. Their training is permeated by abstract, scientific thought. New scientific disciplines have developed out of their professional training and practice – nursing studies, social work, leisure studies, etc. –A number of occupations are becoming more and more professionalized. They are trained at universities; the jobs and occupational niches where they are destined to work are transformed by being linked to scientific bodies of thought. They can be conceptualised as pre-professions. –The pre-professions bring with them the fruits and teachings of science, theories, methods into new social arenas and work settings, impregnating ever wider areas of society with the applied versions of different sciences. We now have a much more complex “professional landscape”, where the relations between the university system and the occupational–professio-nal field have been reconfigured. This paper gives a synthetic picture of these developments in Sweden, where the combined processes of expansion and reconfiguration are played out in a common and unified institutional form. Other countries follow partly different trajectories and they therefore get partly different “professional landscapes”.Paper presented in the session 11 of the Research Committee 52, Sociology of Professional Groups” at the 15th World Conference of the International Sociological Association in Gothenburg, July 11th to 18th 2010. Time for presentation: Wednesday, July 14th 2010, at 20h to 22h.</p
I detta papper undersoker vi vilka konsekvenser de forandringar, som universitet- och hogskolesys... more I detta papper undersoker vi vilka konsekvenser de forandringar, som universitet- och hogskolesystemet har genomgatt under de senaste decennierna, har haft for universitetslarargruppen som kar. For ...
Kan professioners autonomi leda till 'professionella katastrofer'? : Lobotomins uppgang o... more Kan professioners autonomi leda till 'professionella katastrofer'? : Lobotomins uppgang och fall som exemepl
This book is a critical appraisal of the themes Goran Therborn has pursued up till now, and is in... more This book is a critical appraisal of the themes Goran Therborn has pursued up till now, and is introduced by Robin Blackburn, for almost twenty years his editor at New Left Review.In between Scienc ...
Returning from Sweden to Northern Greece : What did the emigrants of the 1960’s bring back to Gre... more Returning from Sweden to Northern Greece : What did the emigrants of the 1960’s bring back to Greece when they returned to Greece?
Papers by Gunnar Olofsson