Papers by Olivier Bangerter
Forced Migration Review, 2011
To persuade fighters to respect the rules of warfare, one must understand why violations occur, h... more To persuade fighters to respect the rules of warfare, one must understand why violations occur, how armed groups operate, what can be done to prevent violations and how to engage in dialogue with these groups. This article reflects the ICRC's many years of experience in this area....
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,... more All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the Small Arms Survey, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Publications Manager, Small Arms Survey, at the address below.
Revue Internationale De La Croix-rouge, 2010
Les gangs territoriaux sont aujourd’hui parmi les acteurs importants de la violence urbaine, qui ... more Les gangs territoriaux sont aujourd’hui parmi les acteurs importants de la violence urbaine, qui se repercute sur la vie de millions d’autres personnes. Cet article examine quelques pistes pour un engagement humanitaire dans un tel environnement : dialogue avec les gangs (et maniere d’etablir un certain niveau de confiance), education, services, mais aussi dialogue sur les questions de fond. (en francais)
L'article est consacre a la date du court ecrit de Zwingli intitule Plan zu einelm Feldzug, d... more L'article est consacre a la date du court ecrit de Zwingli intitule Plan zu einelm Feldzug, decouvert seleument au XIXeme siecle, et date de la fin de 1524 par Kohler. De la datation de cet ecrit depend la comprehension de l'evolution de Zwingli dans ses rapports avec la guerre et l'usage des armes.
Revista Internacional De La Cruz Roja, 2012
La decision de respetar o no el derecho esta lejos de ser una opcion automatica, independientemen... more La decision de respetar o no el derecho esta lejos de ser una opcion automatica, independientemente de que la adopte un grupo armado o un Estado. Solo es posible alentar y, por ende, mejorar el respeto del DIH si se comprenden los motivos que esgrimen los grupos armados para justificar el cumplimiento o el incumplimiento de esta rama del derecho.
Revista Internacional De La Cruz Roja, 2011
Las pandillas territoriales se cuentan hoy entre los principales protagonistas de la violencia ur... more Las pandillas territoriales se cuentan hoy entre los principales protagonistas de la violencia urbana, que afecta la vida de millones de personas. En este articulo, se analizan algunos cursos de accion que los organismos humanitarios pueden aplicar en un entorno de esta indole: el dialogo con las pandillas y el establecimiento de una relacion de confianza, la educacion, los servicios y el dialogo sobre cuestiones fundamentales. (en ingles)
Inducing Compliance with International Humanitarian Law
International Review of the Red Cross, 2011
The decision to respect the law – or not – is far from automatic, regardless of whether it is tak... more The decision to respect the law – or not – is far from automatic, regardless of whether it is taken by an armed group or a state. Respect for international humanitarian law (IHL) can only be encouraged, and hence improved, if the reasons used by armed groups to justify respect or lack of it are understood and if the arguments in favour of respect take those reasons into account. Among the reasons for respecting the law, two considerations weigh particularly heavily for armed groups: their self-image and the military advantage. Among the reasons for non-respect, three are uppermost: the group's objective, the military advantage, and what IHL represents according to the group.
Revue Internationale De La Croix Rouge, Jun 30, 2012

International Review of the Red Cross, 2010
Territorial gangs are among today's main perpetrators of urban violence, affecting the lives ... more Territorial gangs are among today's main perpetrators of urban violence, affecting the lives of millions of other people. They try to gain control of a territory in which they then oversee all criminal activities and/or ‘protect’ the people.Such gangs are found to differing degrees on every continent, although those given the most media attention operate in Central America. The violence that they cause has a major impact on the population in general and on their members' families, as well as on the members themselves.Humanitarian organizations may find themselves having to deal with territorial gangs in the course of their ‘normal’ activities in a gang's area, but also when the humanitarian needs per se of people controlled by a gang justify action.This article looks at some courses of action that may be taken by humanitarian agencies in an environment of this nature: dialogue with the gangs (including how to create a degree of trust), education, services, and dialogue o...
Papers by Olivier Bangerter