Papers by Oliveiro Guerreiro Filho

O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver uma cultivar de café de porte baixo e resistente à ferrug... more O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver uma cultivar de café de porte baixo e resistente à ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix) e ao nematoide Meloidogyne exigua. O IAC recebeu, em 1971, as sementes híbridas CIFC H361 / 4 (cv. Villa Sarchí x Híbrido de Timor CIFC 832/2), na geração F2, que constituiu a base para a obtenção da cultivar IAC 125 RN. As sementes F2 do hibrido H361 / 4 receberam no IAC a sigla 1669. Na avaliação do experimento em Campinas, após vários anos de pesquisas verificou-se que a planta F2 IAC 1669-13 destacou-se entre as outras, devido à sua produtividade, tamanho das sementes e da resistência à ferrugem. A seleção foi feita em vários locais em gerações segregantes, e aos cafeeiros resultantes da progênie F6 IAC 1669-13 foi atribuída a designação de cultivar IAC 125 RN. Em Patrocínio, MG, esta cultivar recebeu a denominação IBC12, que era uma relação sequencial de progênies a serem testadas neste local. Portanto, a cultivar IAC 125 RN é conhecida também como IBC12. Em áreas irrigadas a produtividade média foi de cerca de 60-66 sacas de café beneficiado/ ha / ano, e em áreas não irrigadas 33,1-59,4 sacas / ha / ano. A análise dos tipos de sementes revelou que esta cultivar têm grãos grandes, com peneira média 17,4 e 90,2%, 8,0% e 1,8% dos tipos de grãos chatos, moca e concha, respectivamente. As folhas jovens são de cor verde. Seu porte é baixo e os frutos são grandes, vermelhos e com maturação precoce. Mudas de café desta cultivar foram testadas para a resistência ao nematoide M. exigua. raça 1. O índice de galhas foi 0,5 neste material, com pequenos engrossamentos, no entanto, sem galhas típicas. Na cv. Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144, o índice de galhas foi 4,5. As plantas foram testadas também para a raça 2 de M. exigua e foram resistentes. Estes resultados indicam que esta cultivar é altamente resistente ao nematoide M. exigua. No que se refere à reação à ferrugem, observou-se resistência à raça II de H. vastatrix e foi constatado que, em condições de campo, até agora, o material permanece resistente às raças prevalecentes nos locais onde a cultivar foi plantada. Recomenda-se seu plantio em solos com alta fertilidade e, principalmente, sob irrigação ou ferti-irrigação, uma vez que a cultivar IAC 125 RN é exigente em nutrientes e água. Devido à sua resistência múltipla à ferrugem e ao nematoide M. exigua, a cultivar IAC 125 RN também pode ser plantada em áreas infestadas com M. exigua, e é uma ótima opção para os cafeicultores brasileiros. : IAC 125 RN, Coffea arabica, ferrugem, nematoide Meloidogyne exigua. **IG = Índice de galhas. Escala de 0 a 5, proposta por Taylor & Sasser (1978). Plantas com IG menor ou igual a 2 são resistentes. ***NOSR = Número de ovos no sistema radicular. Média de quatro plantas com IG menor ou igual a 2. ****NO/g raiz = Número de ovos por grama de raiz. Média de quatro plantas com IG menor ou igual a2. Tabela 3. Resistência da cultivar 125 RN ao nematoide Meloidogyne exigua raça 2* *Raça determinada a partir de testes com hospedeiros diferenciais, sendo patogênica ao café e ao tomate, assim como, por análise isoenzimática apresentando fenótipo esterase E1; **IG = Índice de galhas. Escala de 0 a 5 proposta por Taylor & Sasser (1978). Plantas com IG menor ou igual a 2 são resistentes. ***NOSR = Número de ovos no sistema radicular. Média de quatro plantas com IG menor ou igual a 2. ****NO/g raiz = Número de ovos por grama de raiz. Média de quatro plantas com IG menor ou igual a2.
Este estudo procura, por meio da Técnica Delphi, analisar a viabilidade da produção de café orgân... more Este estudo procura, por meio da Técnica Delphi, analisar a viabilidade da produção de café orgânico como alternativa para geração de renda ao cafeicultor paulista, bem como identificar os principais entraves à sua produção e as principais oportunidades para esse ...
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
IAC Herculândia is a Coffea canephora cultivar multiresistant to Meloidogyne exigua, M. incognita... more IAC Herculândia is a Coffea canephora cultivar multiresistant to Meloidogyne exigua, M. incognita, and M. paranaensis to be used as a rootstock for Coffea arabica cultivars. It is a synthetic cultivar resulting from recombination among the
Bragantia, Dec 1, 2004
Campinas (SP). (3) Núcleo de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Jardim Botânico/Centro Experimental Ce... more Campinas (SP). (3) Núcleo de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Jardim Botânico/Centro Experimental Central, IAC. (4) Aluno do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Agricultura Tropical e Subtropical do IAC, com bolsa de Mestrado da CAPES. (5) Com bolsa de produtividade em pesquisa do CNPq; (6) Com bolsa de desenvolvimento FAGRO.

Scientia Agricola, May 1, 2019
Plants of Coffea arabica Icatu IAC 925 germplasm show resistance to Meloidogyne paranaensis under... more Plants of Coffea arabica Icatu IAC 925 germplasm show resistance to Meloidogyne paranaensis under field conditions, but with variable rates of segregation. One mother plant, IAC 3, of Icatu IAC 925 was evaluated under controlled conditions through the reaction of its clones, obtained by somatic embryogenesis. Reproduction of nematodes in clones were compared with an open-pollinated progeny from the same mother plant, C. arabica cultivar Mundo Novo IAC 515-20, susceptible to nematodes, and Clone IAC 1, also susceptible and obtained by somatic embryogenesis. Open-pollinated progeny showed segregation to resistance and was classified as susceptible according to the reproduction factor. The average number of nematodes (eggs and J2) per gram of roots in clones was eight fold lower than that of open-pollinated progeny, and 51 fold lower than Mundo Novo IAC 515-20. Based on Seinhorst model, IAC 3 clone showed a tolerance limit of 7.7 nematodes per cm 3 of soil, while in Mundo Novo the tolerance limit was 3.9 nematodes per cm 3 of soil. These results revealed that clonal Arabica coffee nematoderesistant trees represent an alternative to the time consuming and expensive process inherent to conventional breeding strategies.
X Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil, Sep 20, 2019
Coffee Science, Aug 6, 2012
The purpose of this paper was to investigate the coffee plants variability to the resistance to r... more The purpose of this paper was to investigate the coffee plants variability to the resistance to root-mealybugs,Dysmicoccus texensis, and the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne. These species are considered important threats to coffeeplantations, especially in the main producing regions of Sao Paulo, as Alta Mogiana and Alta Paulista. The interaction among D.texensis and seven selected C. canephora clones that express resistance to different Meloidogyne species were evaluated inexperiments under greenhouse, regarding the differences in the infestation standards presented by clones. Mealybugs reproductionin roots of clones IAC 5, EH 5, EH 7, EH 101 and EH 199 was significantly reduced, suggesting the possibility of finding multipleresistance to the biotic stress.
Experimental Agriculture, Apr 3, 2018
SUMMARYRoot-knot nematodes represent a serious threat to world coffee production, especially Melo... more SUMMARYRoot-knot nematodes represent a serious threat to world coffee production, especially Meloidogyne incognita and M. paranaensis. Most cultivars of Coffea arabica are highly susceptible to these parasites and cultivation in infested areas has only been possible with the use of resistant C. canephora rootstocks. In this research, three elite clones of C. canephora, selected in areas infested by M. incognita and M. paranaensis, were evaluated in controlled conditions to assess levels of resistance against two populations of M. paranaensis, four populations of M. incognita and a mixed population of both species. The three clones were resistant to both species, but CcK1 and CcR2 were considered most promising because their vegetative growth was not impaired by nematodes.

European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2021
The cultivars of most Brazilian Arabica coffee plantations are susceptible to root knot nematodes... more The cultivars of most Brazilian Arabica coffee plantations are susceptible to root knot nematodes (RKN), Meloidogyne spp. By planting resistant rootstocks of the species Coffea canephora, a successful strategy in some producing regions, coffee can be cultivated in RKN-infested areas. However, the only currently available rootstock cultivar in Brazil has a segregation rate close to 20% for susceptibility. To breed new rootstock cultivars resistant to the main RKN species, with a lower segregation rate, 10 C. canephora clones were selected in areas infested by these nematodes, with confirmed resistance to Meloidogyne exigua, M. incognita and M. paranaensis, under controlled conditions. The genetic compatibility analysis of the clones detected only one incompatible combination (CcK1xCcR5 and its reciprocal). Almost all F1 hybrids resulting from the cross between the selected clones were resistant to M. exigua and M. incognita. According to the reproduction factor, 77% of the evaluated F1 hybrids proved resistant to M. paranaensis, and those classified as susceptible had variable segregation rates within the progeny, generally lower than 25%. Based on these data, different hybrid combinations can be suggested for the development of new rootstock cultivars of C. canephora with simultaneous resistance to coffee RKN. This approach has immediate practical applications in grafting Arabica coffee scion cultivars in areas where nematodes restrict cultivation.

Ciência Rural, 2021
ABSTRACT: To investigate the degree of parasitism of two populations of Meloidogyne exigua, the g... more ABSTRACT: To investigate the degree of parasitism of two populations of Meloidogyne exigua, the gall index (GI) and the reproduction factor (RF) of M. exigua races 1 (Est E2) and 2 (Est E1) were analyzed in 47 progenies on F3:4 or F4:5 generation derived from the crossing between Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí Amarelo and Timor Hybrid. C. canephora cv. Apoatã IAC 2258 and C. arabica cv. Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 were used as resistance and susceptibility checks, respectively. The genotypes that were classified as resistant or susceptible by RF were similarly classified by GI, showing a close relationship between both methodologies. The data also indicated no differences in virulence between the nematode populations, since the progenies showed similar resistance reactions to the M. exigua races 1 and 2. According to GI from the 47 mother plants evaluated, 27 progenies (57.4%) were classified as resistant to M. exigua races 1 and 2, with GI ranging from 0.0 to 1.4 and 20 progenies (42.6%) we...
O conteudo e apresentado em: 1- Introducao; 2- Amostragem; 3- Equipamentos; 4- Reagentes; 5- Proc... more O conteudo e apresentado em: 1- Introducao; 2- Amostragem; 3- Equipamentos; 4- Reagentes; 5- Procedimentos; 6- Resultados esperados; 7- Exemplo pratico e 8- Referencias.

PRODUTIVIDADE, ELEVADA RESISTÊNCIA À FERRUGEM E ÓTIMA QUALIDADE DA BEBIDA. L.C. Fazuoli, M.T. Bra... more PRODUTIVIDADE, ELEVADA RESISTÊNCIA À FERRUGEM E ÓTIMA QUALIDADE DA BEBIDA. L.C. Fazuoli, M.T. Braghini, (Bolsistas do CBP&D-Café/IAC, Campinas-SP), J.C. Mistro, O. Guerreiro Filho (Centro de Café Alcides Carvalho/IAC, Campinas, SP), P.B. Gallo (APTA, Polo Regional do Nordeste Paulista, Mococa, SP) A ferrugem alaranjada do cafeeiro (Hemileia vastatrix) é a principal doença que afeta as plantações de café do Brasil e do mundo. Existem descritas pelo CIFC cerca de 45 raças de ferrugem. Até o presente, no Brasil, foram detectadas 17 raças fisiológicas de Hemileia vastatrix. Novas raças fisiológicas do fungo poderiam, portanto, estar presentes nas plantações de café do Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de obter uma cultivar de café arábica, com alta produtividade, porte baixo, frutos vermelhos, boas características agronômicas e tecnológicas e alta resistência à ferrugem. Portanto, a busca de uma cultivar que tenha uma resistência mais duradoura foi a meta principal deste trabalho. A...

Plants are continuously challenged by environmental factors, such as biotic and abiotic agents. D... more Plants are continuously challenged by environmental factors, such as biotic and abiotic agents. Defense response to these agents involves the activation of specific and sophisticated biological processes, which require the activation and/or repression of several related genes, such as glucanases, chitinases, lipoxygenases, and transferases, among others. Therefore, any biochemical modifications taking place during pathogen attack are useful for a comprehension of defense mechanism response. In this sense, evaluation of biological mechanisms associated with regulation and transport of ions during pathogen infection may provide insights to elucidate defense pathways. In this study, the expression profile of five genes (HAK-5, KEA, PAP-1, PII, NTR), involved with transport and regulation of potassium and nitrogen, was evaluated in coffee plants infected with leaf-miner. Results demonstrated that differential regulation patterns occur between susceptible and resistant plants for all eva...
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2018
Cultivar IAC Obatã 4739 was derived from a cross between coffee tree IAC 1669-20-1 and cultivar C... more Cultivar IAC Obatã 4739 was derived from a cross between coffee tree IAC 1669-20-1 and cultivar Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62. It is short and high-yielding, rust-resistant, has large and yellow fruits, medium to late maturation, excellent cup quality, and responds effectively to irrigation.
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2019
The cultivar IAC Catuaí SH3 was developed by the pedigree method, from the recombination of the c... more The cultivar IAC Catuaí SH3 was developed by the pedigree method, from the recombination of the coffee tree H 2077-2-5-46, of the Catuaí Vermelho germplasm, with accession IAC 1110-8, from the exotic cultivar BA10. Cultivar IAC Catuaí SH3 is high-yielding, resistant to coffee leaf rust and tolerant to drought.
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2018
IAC 125 RN was derived from a cross between the coffee cultivar Villa Sarchí and the Hibrido de T... more IAC 125 RN was derived from a cross between the coffee cultivar Villa Sarchí and the Hibrido de Timor CIFC 832/2. The coffee trees are short and resistant to races 1 and 2 of the nematode Meloidogyne exigua and to all races of coffee rust, Hemileia vastatrix, present in Brazil. Brazil.

Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2019
Key Message Our analyses suggest that no major genome organization occurred during SE process imp... more Key Message Our analyses suggest that no major genome organization occurred during SE process implying the nonoccurrence of somaclonal variation. However, the genetic background determines the quality of the in vitro response. Abstract Cloning of superior coffee plants by somatic embryogenesis can assist breeding programs on reducing the cost and time for launch of new cultivars. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of this methodology for cloning coffee trees with high heterozygosity, and to gather evidence that clonal progenies are faithful copies of mother plants. Selected plants IAC1 and IAC 2 from Coffea arabica breeding populations, resistant to leaf rust and leaf miner, respectively, were cloned via indirect somatic embryogenesis. Expression of selected genes involved in biological processes potentially affected by in vitro cultivation was evaluated by quantitative analysis. Genes encoding proteins associated with maintenance of DNA integrity and control of cell cycle presented predictable expression patterns along the clonal multiplication process. There were differences in the expression pattern of genes linked to in vitro cultivation-related stress, which were observed comparing either IAC 1 and IAC2 genotypes or clones and their corresponding mother plant. Those analyses suggest that the somatic embryogenesis does not lead to major genomic instability and clones are identical copies of mother plants, even with detected differences in the expression of genes that influence the response of in vitro cultivation.
Papers by Oliveiro Guerreiro Filho