Papers by Olga Illarionova
Belgeo est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Inte... more Belgeo est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.

Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences, 2021
The concept of capacity, traditional for classical ecology, in the context of sustainable develop... more The concept of capacity, traditional for classical ecology, in the context of sustainable development has also been used to assess the prospects for the development of sustainable tourism in the territory, it is also included in the Strategy for the Development of Tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2035. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the existing domestic and foreign approaches to the assessment of environmental capacity and to develop on their basis algorithms for assessing capacity for different tourist areas. The analysis of the transformation of the existing methods of assessing environmental capacity, used in Russian and foreign practice since the 1970s, allowed, first, to identify the similarities and differences of scientific and practical approaches to solving this problem, and secondly, to identify the most valuable developments of world practice that are relevant to the Russian reality. Modern ideas about carrying capacity indicate the f...

Urban green infrastructure (GI) performs a number of ecosystem services that can improve urban en... more Urban green infrastructure (GI) performs a number of ecosystem services that can improve urban environment. Many studies are dedicated to regulating services (RS), heat mitigation and air pollutants removal in particular, since they directly effect the urban comfortability and human health. Most methods of RS assessment require time-consuming field works, usually not suited for multicity scale, but limited by smaller urban areas. We offer time-efficient methods to evaluate heat mitigating and air purifying services in 16 largest Russian cities, using available statistics, remote sensing data and results of similar works. For the assessment indicators we took 1) the percentage of removed pollutants by vegetation from total emissions from transport; 2) from point sources; 3) the percentage of urban area, influenced by the GI’s cooling effect. Our study revealed that the majority of cities do not have enough tree vegetation to absorb a significant part of all emissions, especially carb...

Modern approaches to urban planning assume the dualistic nature of urban green infrastructure (GI... more Modern approaches to urban planning assume the dualistic nature of urban green infrastructure (GI). On the one hand, green infrastructure is as an integrated network of natural and semi-natural areas, featuring a delivery of various benefits to humans. On the other hand, GI is multifunctional and provides the residents by complex of ecosystem services to be user-oriented. Most official reports and programs use common indicators that do not characterize distribution, dynamics or state of GI. In our research, we assessed the quality of GI in 15 largest Russian cities by using an integrated assessment of 13 indicators that make up three groups: the ones 1) characterizing general GI availability; 2) supporting a comfortable urban environment («recreational indicators»); and 3) forming a stable ecosystem («integrity indicators»). The cities were ranked by values of every indicator from 1 to 15 and then the results were summed and normalized to get a total mark (max. 100). To assess the d...
Belgeo, 2018
Impacts of urbanization on green infrastructure ecosystem services: the case ... Belgeo, 4 | 2018... more Impacts of urbanization on green infrastructure ecosystem services: the case ... Belgeo, 4 | 2018 10 Moscow urban area is unique due to both its size and economic value on the national level (Mahrova, Nefedova & Treivish, 2012). It is the most populated city not only in Russia, but in Europe as well. In post-socialist period between 1991 and 2016, city population increased from 9.02 to 12.3 billion people and it continues to grow. During the last 25 years since the USSR collapse, Russian economy has been enduring some serious transformations that have only increased Moscow's significance. At the same time, strong restructuring in urban economy took place which lead to a non-industrial sector's growth and industrial production decrease. Impacts of urbanization on green infrastructure ecosystem services: the case ...

Globally, the process of urbanization is transforming land use and, as a consequence, reducing th... more Globally, the process of urbanization is transforming land use and, as a consequence, reducing the efficiency of ecosystem services (ESs), which ensure a healthy and comfortable urban environment. In cities, green infrastructure (GI) is a key source of urban ESs. Russia is a highly urbanized country: 70% of its population live in towns or cities. As cities continue to expand, they are swallowing unsealed lands that support ESs. In this paper, we present the results of an analysis of the current state and recent changes in urban GI in Russia’s 16 largest cities, including a biophysical evaluation of key urban ESs, using remote sensing data and freely available statistics. Our analysis identifies a weak correlation between GI area, ES volume, and favorable climate conditions as well as a stronger correlation between ESs and the increasing rate of urbanization. Considering Russia’s high level of urbanization, the key importance of ESs for the well-being of citizens, and ongoing reducti...
Papers by Olga Illarionova