Papers by Vladimir Oleshko

In the conditions of transformation of the majority of social institutions and widespread digital... more In the conditions of transformation of the majority of social institutions and widespread digitalization of content, a significant factor in preserving the competitive advantages of traditional mass media is the development of their convergent capabilities, the presentation of texts in multimedia formats. Based on the results of the sociological research of the mass media of the Ural region and a survey of journalists, the authors analyze the degree and forms of involvement in this process. As a result, it is concluded that the creative competence of journalists of convergent editions at the same time with good reason can be attributed to the number of system-forming qualities that characterize the factors of development and efficiency of the media as a whole.В условиях трансформации большинства социальных институтов и повсеместной цифровизации контента значимым фактором сохранения конкурентных преимуществ традиционных массмедиа является развитие их конвергентных возможностей, предс...

Vestnik NSU. Series: History and Philology
The coronavirus pandemic has radically transformed the life of Russians in all spheres: the econo... more The coronavirus pandemic has radically transformed the life of Russians in all spheres: the economic crisis, lockdown, border closures, the flow of fakes and disinformation affected everyone. In these conditions, the methods of organizing the work of the mass media have also changed. Since the number of newsbreaks has decreased, and communication with interviewees and experts is increasingly taking place remotely, this affects the quality of information products. Journalists are often forced to switch to remote work and freelancing, but they remain representatives of a profession with increased risks of infection. The latest practice shows that as a result, the quality of created information products often declined. There were also financial losses because advertisers refused to cooperate with media that were losing their audience. The authors conducted an expert survey of employees of several editorial offices in order to analyze exactly how their work has changed during the pandem...
Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal Series 1. Issues in Education, Science and Culture, 2020
*Исследование выполнено при поддержке гранта РНФ № 19-18-00264 в рамках научного проекта «Цифрови... more *Исследование выполнено при поддержке гранта РНФ № 19-18-00264 в рамках научного проекта «Цифровизация коммуникативно-культурной памяти и проблемы ее межпоколенческой трансляции». ОЛЕШКО Владимир Федорович-доктор философских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой периодической печати и сетевых изданий Уральского федерального университета (e-mail:
Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal Series 1. Issues in Education, Science and Culture, 2021
The coronavirus pandemic is the most relevant topic that has engulfed the entire world’s media in... more The coronavirus pandemic is the most relevant topic that has engulfed the entire world’s media in the last two years. The next round of this issue’s related narrative is centred around the vaccination against COVID-19. The users of the new media conduct active discussions, exerting a direct influence on the agenda, including the use of manipulative techniques. The authors explore the methods used by both sides of the controversy by means of content analysis and online-survey.
Freelancing, or “working for yourself” without being tied to any particular place, is becoming an... more Freelancing, or “working for yourself” without being tied to any particular place, is becoming an increasingly popular phenomenon of modern reality, including the media sphere. Although the non-staff journalists existed even in Soviet times, the latest practice has given impetus to the transformation of the essence of the activities of this kind of information actors. Today, freelancing is somewhat not just a way of earning money, but also a life philosophy, which acquires additional significance in the media environment due to the increased social responsibility that characterizes the profession of a journalist.
Communication Trends in the Post-Literacy Era: Polylingualism, Multimodality and Multiculturalism As Preconditions for New Creativity, 2020
The article provides a systematic analysis of the creative environment formation of the leading a... more The article provides a systematic analysis of the creative environment formation of the leading actors in modern media societies using the example of a specific macro-region. According to the research, in the era of post-literacy and widespread digitalisation, systemic flaws in the organisation of dialogue between the authorities and the wider Russian population have become visible. By updating the tasks of improving media education and "accumulation" of digital capital, the authors offer the essential elements of a model for developing the creative environment for regional journalism.
Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal Series 1. Issues in Education, Science and Culture, 2021
The authors conducted a comparative study of the coverage of the problems relate to the life of p... more The authors conducted a comparative study of the coverage of the problems relate to the life of people with disabilities in the context of the development of inclusive processes by Russian and German mass media. It was confirmed that journalists can foster the inclusion of representatives of this social group, first of all, by regularly telling about events with their participation, in order to make people with disabilities feel like full-fledged members of the society. A number of recommendations were also given on the basis of the results of the study and the opinion of an authoritative expert.

KnE Social Sciences, 2021
'Digital Amnesia' as a result of the dependence of Internet users is considered in this article o... more 'Digital Amnesia' as a result of the dependence of Internet users is considered in this article on the example of students' mass media audience. The empirical basis for this article was formed by the results of sociological research obtained by the authors in the framework of the project "Digitalization of communicative-cultural memory and the problems of its intergenerational transmission" conducted in 2018-2020. Young people in the digital age not only face drastic changes in media practices but also the development of factors affecting the formation of communicative-cultural memory of various societies representatives. This makes it possible to identify some methods of preserving the role of the most important social institution by journalism, as well as the formation of meaningful components of mass media activity under conditions of permanent social and technological transformation. Several conclusions have been drawn from the system analysis. Firstly, the need to introduce the notion of 'functional media literacy' into the theory of communication. Secondly, it is possible to overcome digital amnesia by increasing the number of multimedia products of mass media of various subjects. As an example, the Russian Digital project "1968", created specifically for smartphones and addressed primarily to the generation Y. evoked a wide public response, and this project offers a method to present and promote specific events, facts and phenomena in the form of multimedia stories. The use of the project materials in university pedagogical practice is one of the most effective ways of interaction with a young audience. Thirdly, the study confirms the hypothesis that a method of information selection focused on sensationalism, discontinuity and conflict is not typical for students as consumers of media products. For most of this demogrpahic, the mass media act as a cognitive and ideological phenomenon that primarily assumes a dialogical relationship between the communicator and communicants. This allows us to conclude that digital amnesia as a form of psychological dependence arises in representatives of this audience group most often when the media discourse lacks intellectual and emotional involvement.

Bulletin of Ugric studies, 2020
Introduction: the article is one of the first in Russian philology and journalism theory experien... more Introduction: the article is one of the first in Russian philology and journalism theory experience of the system analysis of the process of digitalization of communicative and cultural memory as a phenomenon, and problems of its intergenerational translation in the media space of a multi-ethnic region. Objective: to identify and analyze trends in the development of Yugra media sphere in the context of permanent social and technological transformations based on the ethno-cultural specificity of media texts; to identify and describe the resources of productive intergenerational communication. Research materials: the results of the latest research in the field of philological regionalism, cultural studies and communication studies. The empirical basis was a discourse analysis of 212 mass media texts and a survey of 177 respondents. Results and novelty of the research: the result of the research is a conceptual justification of the concept of «model of effective activity of mass media ...

Humanitarian Vector, 2019
Глобализационные процессы актуализировали необходимость развития фундаментальных и междисциплинар... more Глобализационные процессы актуализировали необходимость развития фундаментальных и междисциплинарных научных знаний о современном обществе как информационном. Новизна проведённого авторами исследования обусловлена общественной потребностью в изучении роли и выделении идентификационных ресурсов современных массмедиа в организации межпоколенческой коммуникации в цифровой среде. Цель работы-в опоре на классические труды и методологию Я. Ассмана и М. Халбвакса разработать частные методики исследования трансформации коммуникативно-культурной памяти и способов её трансляции в современных условиях; а также, используя результаты исследования информационной среды макрорегиона Большой Урал, проведённого в 2013-2019 годы, доказать, что в центре внимания журналистов и исследователей конвергентных массмедиа должны быть не только проблемы развития и совершенствования технологий, принципов, правил и норм общения с аудиторией, но и коммуникативной и культурной памяти. Это позволяет представителям различных российских социумов даже в условиях постоянно растущих объёмов информационных потоков сохранять свою идентичность. Выделенные авторами основания системного описания мультимедийных возможностей традиционных и новых СМИ как медиаторов коммуникативно-культурной памяти определяют продуктивный подход к оценке эффективности массмедиа цифровой эпохи в данном направлении. В статье системно представлены результаты дискуссий и широкого обсуждения новой парадигмы, ставящей концепт актуальных для человека или того или иного социума «воспоминаний» в центр подхода по осмыслению изменений, совершающихся в науках об обществе и культуре. Авторы пришли к выводу, что трансформации информационной сферы во взаимосвязи с коммуникативно-культурной памятью как одной из основ данного процесса выводят на первый план задачу формирования и развития профессиональной культуры субъектов информационной деятельности. Ключевые слова: массмедиа, коммуникативно-культурная память, идентичность, контент, цифровая медиация, профессиональная культура журналиста

KnE Social Sciences, 2022
The media determine the effectiveness of many current socio-economic and cultural transformations... more The media determine the effectiveness of many current socio-economic and cultural transformations. However, the digital age has created new requirements for the daily work of journalists and other media actors. Freelancing is one of the actively developing trends. According to surveys, media professionals find many advantages to this lifestyle, and the main ones are flexible hours and freedom from the confines of one specific workplace. However, freelance writers often set their own moral and ethical boundaries. The legal and social statuses of media freelancers also remain unclear. The authors analyzed the Accountable Journalism site, which is one of the world’s largest databases of journalistic ethics codes. The project contains more than 400 codes, of which 38 codes cover freelancing issues, and another three codes contain norms on the activities of bloggers. In addition, the current Russian legislation on the status of a freelance journalist was used, as well as data from sociol...

The author contemplates whether reading print media is archaic today. The author argues, that now... more The author contemplates whether reading print media is archaic today. The author argues, that nowadays the integrated study of this this problem should include the humanitarian aspect. The study suggests that the latest technology is gradually pushed into the background and the value of reading is not the only way of acquiring knowledge and new information, leisure activities. One of the main advantages of this process is the factor of individual development.«Так ли архаичны сегодня печатные СМИ? И можно ли все проблемы трансляции и интериоризации нужной человеку информации сводить только к преимуществу тех или иных технологий?» — задается вопросами автор статьи. Он доказывает, что сегодня комплекс данной проблематики должен включать в себя и гуманитарный аспект. Ведь речь, по сути, идет о том, что новейшие технологии постепенно оттесняют на второй план чтение как процесс воспитания личности. А ценность чтения заключается не только в способе получения знаний и новой информации, пров...
Studies in Contemporary Journalism and Communication in Russia's Provinces, 2022
in the article the authors actualize the importance of the study of professional culture of journ... more in the article the authors actualize the importance of the study of professional culture of journalists of the digital age in the context of the transforming type of the universal social Institute of journalism.

Theoretical and Practical Issues of Journalism, 2021
In the era of globalization, the problem of terrorism in all of its forms and aspects is one of t... more In the era of globalization, the problem of terrorism in all of its forms and aspects is one of the most important issues for the global society. This article reviewed the problem of deheroization of the image of a terrorist in modern mass media. Since the media today operate in a constantly updated digital space, the authors have tried to develop an algorithm of deheroization. In this regard, the sequence of creative operations is analyzed and presented, for a journalist or another subject of information activity is able to deprive a terrorist or a criminal group of a hero halo and any other aspects of solidarity with them. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research was scientific works devoted to the problems of counter-terrorism activities and the role of the mass media in its implementation. The empirical basis of the study was the thematic monitoring of 112 texts that covered the resonant terrorist acts of 2016–2021. Comparative analysis and secondary data analysi...

KnE Social Sciences, 2020
The article actualizes the humanitarian aspect of the problem of preserving text reading in a new... more The article actualizes the humanitarian aspect of the problem of preserving text reading in a new technological environment as a number of specific institutionalized and communicative practices. This phenomenon as one of the fundamental subsystems of culture, based on the results of sociological research, is considered in the context of the implementation of value, training and educational functions. Reading is not merely a process of consumption of a certain kind of information, it is not just a technology of interiorization of texts and an essential resource of communicative and cultural memory, but also a factor that largely determines the general and historical culture of a generation, and as a result, the cost of the products materialized by it, left to descendants. The highlighted intergenerational contradictions/gaps, as proved, show that reading in the era of post-literacy should be the most important resource for the formation and development of the communicative and cultur...

World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 2021
In this paper, the concept of studying the specifics of digital communication between the older (... more In this paper, the concept of studying the specifics of digital communication between the older (analogue) and younger (digital) generations in Russia is proposed. The process of communication opens up the possibility of a perception of communicative and cultural memory by the digital generation, which is in the process of socialization and awareness of cultural identity. We suggest methodological development and the testing of research methods into the transformation of communicative and cultural memory and ways of its transmission from the analogue to the digital generation of Russians. The proposed scientific and practical concept assumes the development of three basic directions. The first is related to the study of the general process of transformation of syncretic communicative and cultural memory in the digital environment. The second involves the study and modelling of media texts. Addressing the strategies of organizing multimedia narration and linguistic and statistical pe...
Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal Series 1. Issues in Education, Science and Culture, 2020
Papers by Vladimir Oleshko