Papers by Oleg Budnitskii
Academic Studies Press eBooks, Apr 5, 2022

Ab imperio, 2016
In this article, Oleg Budnitskii introduces the publication of correspondence between Vasily Makl... more In this article, Oleg Budnitskii introduces the publication of correspondence between Vasily Maklakov and Oskar (Israel) Gruzenberg spanning the period of one year: January 1933 to January 1934. In Late Imperial Russia, they were known as leading lawyers and public figures, who conversed on ethical problems with Leo Tolstoy and led the liberal opposition to the regime. Occasionally, their professional paths crossed, for example, during the infamous Beilis trial (1913), when Maklakov and Gruzenberg led the defense team. At the same time, they were divided on many political issues, as well as by personal attitudes. The rise of the Nazis to power in Germany provoked Maklakov and Gruzenberg, now living in emigration in France, to discuss the new political reality in Europe: that of dictatorships based on massive nationalist mobilization. They discuss the prospects of the Soviet regime in this new reality, which leads them to a bigger question of the “nature” of the Russian people, the historical roots of the Bolshevik Revolution, and their own integrity in politics and as professionals.
Ab imperio, 2015
Oleg Budnitskii details the historical background relevant to the personal stories of the three H... more Oleg Budnitskii details the historical background relevant to the personal stories of the three Holocaust survivors from Poland, whose interviews are published in the “Archive” section of this issue of Ab Imperio. He provides quantitative estimates of the dynamics of the Jews who found themselves in the USSR following the Soviet occupation of Eastern Poland, from 1939 to their return to Poland after the war. Budnitskii outlines the chronology and composition of four waves of Soviet deportation from Polish territories, discusses the problem of official Soviet antisemitism and the antisemitism of Polish patriots during and after the war. He also contextualizes the interviews within the broader field of published firsthand testimonies of other Polish Jews who had similar experiences.

Kritika, 2007
This groundbreaking book examines the overlooked topic of the influence of anti-Bolshevik, anti-S... more This groundbreaking book examines the overlooked topic of the influence of anti-Bolshevik, anti-Semitic Russian exiles on Nazism. Whiteémigrés contributed politically, financially, militarily, and ideologically to National Socialism. This work refutes the notion that Nazism developed as a peculiarly German phenomenon. National Socialism arose primarily from the cooperation between völkisch (nationalist/racist) Germans and vengeful Whiteémigrés. From 1920 to 1923, Adolf Hitler collaborated with a conspiratorial far right German-Whiteémigré organization, Aufbau (Reconstruction). Aufbau allied with Nazis to overthrow the German government and Bolshevik rule through terrorism and military/paramilitary schemes. This organization's warnings of the monstrous "Jewish Bolshevik" peril helped to inspire Hitler to launch an invasion of the Soviet Union and to initiate the mass murder of European Jews. This book uses extensive archival materials from Germany and Russia, including recently declassified documents, and it will prove invaluable reading for anyone interested in the international roots of National Socialism. michael kellogg is an independent researcher and a past recipient of the prestigious Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Grant.

Ab imperio, 2010
SUMMARY: Usually, students of the Russian Jewish emigration to Germany assume as the natural chro... more SUMMARY: Usually, students of the Russian Jewish emigration to Germany assume as the natural chronological limit for their inquiry the year 1933, which marked the establishment of the Nazi regime. The article by Oleg Budnitskii is a rare attempt to go beyond this limit in the history of Russian Jews in Germany. He reconsiders the view according to which the events of 1933 inaugurated a mass and speedy emigration of Russian Jews to other European countries. Budnitskii shows that Jewish public life in Germany continued until the early 1940s. These years are the focus of his analysis. He treats in detail the response of the Russian emigrants to the Nazi rise to power. This political change split the Russian emigre community along both political and “racial” lines. He considers the reasons that kept many Russian Jews in Germany throughout the 1930s. Finally, the article tells the story of the philanthropic activities of Jewish organizations (first of all, the Union of Russian Jews in Germany). The latter discussion is based on a thorough investigation of the unpublished exchanges of Alexei Alexandrovich Goldenweiser, a distinguished representative of Russian-Jewish Berlin and legal adviser to the Union of Russian Jews in Germany, with his many correspondents.
Ab imperio, 2014
1 С. А. Пионтковский. Октябрьская революция в России. Ее предпосылки и ход. Популярно-исторически... more 1 С. А. Пионтковский. Октябрьская революция в России. Ее предпосылки и ход. Популярно-исторический очерк. Москва–Петроград, 1923; Москва, 1924; Москва, 1926; Он же. Хрестоматия по истории Октябрьской революции. Москва, 1923; Москва, 1924; Москва, 1926; Он же. Гражданская война в России (1918–1921 гг.). Хрестоматия. Москва, 1925; Он же. Февральские дни 1917 года. Ленинград, 1924; Ленинград, 1925; Ленинград, 1926; Он же. Краткий очерк истории рабочего движения в России (с 1870 г. по 1917 г.). Ленинград, 1927. По подсчетам А. Л. Литвина только в журнале “Пролетарская революция” в 1921–1929 гг. было опубликовано более 20 работ Пионтковского. См.: Пролетарская революция. Систематический и алфавитный указатель 1921–1929 гг. Москва, 1931. С. 149. Олег БУДНИЦКИЙ

Ab imperio, 2001
В No 1-2 AI за 2001 год опубликованы подготовленные А. Скоробогатовым весьма интересные материалы... more В No 1-2 AI за 2001 год опубликованы подготовленные А. Скоробогатовым весьма интересные материалы о заметном общественном деятеле русской эмиграции Д. М. Одинце. Вместе с тем некоторые приводимые автором сведения нуждаются, на наш взгляд, в уточнении, а оценка личности и деятельности Одинца – в определенной корректировке. 1. Арест Одинца 22 июня 1941 г. не был связан с его отказом сотрудничать с немецкими властями. В день нападения на СССР нацисты арестовали “для профилактики” не менее нескольких сотен русских эмигрантов в возрасте от 14 до 65 лет. Вскоре практически все арестованные, за исключением евреев, были освобождены. Разумеется, мотивом ареста не мог служить и отказ Одинца переехать в Ленинград, который предполагали захватить немцы; не могли же они предлагать это русскому эмигранту до нападения на СССР, подготовка к которому, естественно, не афишировалась (с. 308; здесь и далее в скобках ссылки на соответствующие страницы в AI. 2001. No 1-2).
Общенациональный интерактивный энциклопедический портал "Знания", 2022
Academic Studies Press eBooks, Apr 5, 2022
Общенациональный интерактивный энциклопедический портал "Знания", 2022
Общенациональный интерактивный энциклопедический портал "Знания"
East European Jewish Affairs
Papers by Oleg Budnitskii