Papers by Oleg Anenkhonov

Plants, Oct 22, 2020
Bupleurum L. has been widely used in various medical systems as an agent with a wide range of act... more Bupleurum L. has been widely used in various medical systems as an agent with a wide range of activities. The qualitative composition and content of lipid fraction components of the aerial parts of B. longifolium and B. chinense were elucidated in this work. The available data on the fatty acids (FAs) in Bupleurum plants were compiled and compared with species differentiation in the genus. As a result, the content of FAs in the studied Bupleurum plant species only partially corresponded to the species differentiation and, in some cases, contradicted it. The prognostic value of Bupleurum's species differentiation for the identification of the potential composition of FAs was insignificant, and it was limited only by particular groups of species. This suggests that a complete phytochemical study of Bupleurum species needs to be conducted to determine the composition of FAs and to identify which species have a similar composition.

Applied Vegetation Science, Jul 1, 2018
Aims: Eurasian forest-steppes are among the most complex non-tropical terrestrial ecosystems. Des... more Aims: Eurasian forest-steppes are among the most complex non-tropical terrestrial ecosystems. Despite their considerable scientific, ecological and economic importance, knowledge of forest-steppes is limited, particularly at the continental scale. Here we provide an overview of Eurasian forest-steppes across the entire zone: (a) we propose an up-to-date definition of forest-steppes, (b) give a short physiogeographic outline, (c) delineate and briefly characterize the main forest-steppe regions, (d) explore forest-steppe biodiversity and conservation status, and (e) outline foreststeppe prospects under predicted climate change. Location: Eurasia (29°-56°N, 16°-139°E). Results and Conclusions: Forest-steppes are natural or near-natural vegetation complexes of arboreal and herbaceous components (typically distributed in a mosaic pattern) in the temperate zone, where the coexistence of forest and grassland is enabled primarily by the semi-humid to semi-arid climate, complemented by complex interactions of biotic and abiotic factors operating at multiple scales. This new definition includes lowland forest-grassland macromosaics (e.g. in Eastern Europe), exposurerelated mountain forest-steppes (e.g. in Inner Asia), fine-scale forest-grassland This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Botanicheskiĭ Zhurnal, 2021
Himiâ rastitelʹnogo syrʹâ, Dec 15, 2022

Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Jul 1, 2019
Plants of the genus Bupleurum L. (Apiaceae) are widely used in traditional Eastern medicine [1]. ... more Plants of the genus Bupleurum L. (Apiaceae) are widely used in traditional Eastern medicine [1]. Their pharmacological activity is associated mainly with the contents of saikosaponins, which possess immunoregulating, antibacterial, and antiviral activity [1, 2]. We began research on the chemical compositions of two lesser studied species B. bicaule Helm (Mukhorshibirsky District, near Kusoty, south slope of Mt. Bays, petrophytous steppe) and B. sibiricum Vest ex Spreng. (Eravninsky District) from populations growing in the Republic of Buryatia. Specimens were collected in July and August 2018. To the best of our knowledge, the fatty-acid compositions have not been published. Lipid fractions were isolated by a modified Bligh and Dyer method [3] and analyzed by GC-MS on an Agilent 6890 GC with a quadrupole mass spectrometer (MSD 5973N) as the detector. The percent composition of mixture constituents was calculated from GC peak areas. Qualitative analysis was based on comparing retention times and total mass spectra of the corresponding pure compounds using NIST14.L library data and Bacterial Acid Methyl Esters (CP Mix, Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) and Fatty Acid Methyl Esters standard mixtures (Supelco 37 comp. FAME Mix 10 mg/mL in CH 2 Cl 2). Lipid contents in aerial parts of B. bicaule and B. sibiricum were 5.36 and 5.46%, respectively; in roots, 8.68 and 11.59%. The main constituents of the lipid fractions agreed for various samples. The dominant acids were palmitic (16:0), oleic (cis18:1n9), and linoleic (18:2n9). The total contents of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) in the analyzed samples were in the range 21.39-42.78%. The greatest content (42.78%) was observed in the aerial part of B. bicaule; the lowest, in roots of B. bicaule and B. sibiricum (21.43 and 21.39%, respectively). The contents of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) spanned the range 21.50-29.00%. The greatest content (29.00%) occurred for total MUFAs in the aerial part of B. sibiricum; the lowest (21.50%), in the aerial part of B. bicaule. With respect to polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), the greatest and lowest contents were found in the same species (B. bicaule) in roots (52.63%) and herb (24.50%) (Table 1). Sterols were represented by stigmasterol and β-sitosterol. Total sterols in all samples varied from 0.24 to 0.44%. The greatest contents (0.31%) of stigmasterol occurred in B. sibiricum. Other compounds included an alkyne (6-tridecen-4-yne) (0.52-5.33%) and ketone (10-nonadecanone) (up to 8.74%). Our results were comparable with those published earlier for plants of other species of the genus Bupleurum [4-6] and roots of B. chinense DC. [7, 8].
Contemporary Problems of Ecology, Sep 1, 2020
Izvestiâ Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2019
Растительный мир Азиатской России, 2021
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Oct 1, 2022

Global Change Biology, Jun 19, 2022
Hemiboreal and boreal forests growing at the southern margin of the permafrost distribution are v... more Hemiboreal and boreal forests growing at the southern margin of the permafrost distribution are vulnerable to climate warming. However, how climate warming threatens the growth of dominant tree species that are distributed on permafrost remains to be determined, particularly in synchrony with warming‐induced permafrost degradation. Tree growth in the permafrost region of southern Siberia was hypothesized to be highly sensitive to temperature increasing and warming‐induced permafrost degradation. To test this hypothesis, we sampled the tree ring width of 535 trees of dominant species, larch (including Larix gmelinii and L. sibirica) and white birch (Betula platyphylla), in ten hemiboreal to boreal forest plots within different permafrost zones. The relationships between the tree ring basal area index (BAI) and temperature, precipitation, and the Palmer drought severity index (PDSI) were compared among plots located in two permafrost zones. In the isolated permafrost zone, white birch grows better than larch and is not drought‐stressed (p < .05). We suggest that the deep‐rooted white birch benefits from the water from thawing permafrost, while the growth of the shallow‐rooted larch is stressed by drought. In the sporadic discontinuous permafrost zone, both white birch and larch benefited from permafrost melting, but the sensitivity of larch growth to PDSI is still significant (p < .05), indicating drought is still an important climatic factor limiting the growth of larch. Our results imply that the permafrost degradation caused by climate warming affects tree growth by creating the root layer additional water source. In the future, it is necessary to focus on monitoring permafrost degradation to better predict forest dynamics at the southern margin of the permafrost distribution.
Растительный мир Азиатской России, 2021

Растительность России, 2003
The syntaxonomical survey of the alliance Caricion appendiculatae (Calamagrostietea langsdorffii,... more The syntaxonomical survey of the alliance Caricion appendiculatae (Calamagrostietea langsdorffii, Calamagrostietalia langsdorffii) in the Northern Trans-Baikal area is presented. It consists of 2 associations, Caricetum appendiculatae Akhtyamov 1995 and Caricetum vesicato–appendiculatae Akhtyamov 1985, and Carex meyeriana–Carex appendiculata community. The first association consists of 4 subassociations and 3 variants, the second one comprises 2 subassociations and 2 variants. The 5 out of 6 subassociations are described anew. The results of syntaxonomical analysis are based upon 95 releves which are given in the paper. The successional relations between the subassociations and variants are reflected by a homologous variability within the proper associations. As a result of the syntaxonomical composition analysis, the presence of distinct relationships between the alliance communities in the Northern Trans-Baikal area and the Far East is revealed. The regional set of the Trans-Baikalian syntaxa differs from the Far-Eastern one in lower syntaxonomical diversity, also in the presence of several regional subassociations and variants which are absent in the Far East.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Mar 1, 2022
Palaearctic grasslands, Feb 1, 2019
Palaearctic Grasslands, formerly published under the names Bulletin of the European Dry Grassland... more Palaearctic Grasslands, formerly published under the names Bulletin of the European Dry Grassland Group (Issues 1-26) and Bulletin of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (Issues 27-36) is the journal of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG). It usually appears in four issues per year. Palaearctic Grasslands publishes news and announcements of EDGG, its projects, related organisations and its members. At the same time it serves as outlet for scientific articles and photo contributions.

Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2017
The medicinal plant Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk. [syn. Ledebouriella divaricata (T... more The medicinal plant Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk. [syn. Ledebouriella divaricata (Turcz.) Hiroe] (Apiaceae) inhabits Mongolia, China, Korea, eastern Siberia (Republic of Buryatia, Zabaikalsky Krai) and the Russian Far East (Sakhalin Oblast, Priamurye, Primorye) and has been used for several thousand years in traditional medicine of China, Japan, and Korea [1]. It possesses a broad spectrum of pharmacological activity including anticarcinogenic and neuroprotective [2-5]. Plants collected in the Republic of Buryatia, Zaibaikalsky Krai, and Mongolia in addition to pharmacy raw material acquired in Sinin (China) were studied (Table 1). The lipid fraction was obtained via modified Bligh-Dyer extraction [6] followed by acidic methanolysis. The yield was 2.69-17.46% calculated for absolutely dry raw material (adr). The chemical composition of the lipid fraction was studied using an Agilent 7890 GC with a 7000 C triple quadrupole mass spectrometer as the detector, an HP-5ms quartz column (30 m u 0.25 mm), He carrier gas (constant flow rate 1.0 mL/min), electron-impact ionization at 70 eV, and scan range 5-750 amu. The percent content of fatty acids (FA) was calculated from GC peak areas using the Mass Hunter B.06.00 program without correction coefficients. Qualitative analysis was based on comparing retention times and total mass spectra of the corresponding pure compounds using the NIST14 library and standard mixtures Bacterial Acid Methyl Ester (BAME) mix (CP Mix, Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) and Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (Supelco 37 comp. FAME Mix, 10 mg/mL in CH 2 Cl 2). The lipid fraction of the analyzed samples contained 22 FA, sterols, and polyyne-type compounds. Polyacetylenic metabolites possess various types of biological activity. Their localization in root outer layers is consistent with their role as an antifungal barrier, especially in young plants [7]. Other important properties include cytotoxicity against human tumor cells [8], anti-inflammatory activity (nuclear factor Nrf2 activators) [9], and neurotoxic activity (GABA-ergic receptor modulators) [10]. Gradient elution by various solvents was used for S. divaricata roots (sample 2 in Table 1). The obtained extracts were separated by column chromatography over silica gel. The major constituents of the root petroleum-ether extract were a fatty oil and panaxynol (synonyms falcarinol and carotatoxin) [3(R)-(9Z)-hepta-1,9-dien-4,6-diyn-3-ol]. This polyacetylene was isolated pure by column chromatography in a yield of 4.72% of the adr mass. The second polyacetylene constituent was panaxadiol, which was also isolated by column chromatography and was a minor constituent of this plant. The spectral and analytical data for panaxynol and panaxadiol agreed with those published [11-13]. Linoleic (25.32-48.49%), oleic (8.85-39.56%), and palmitic acids (3.90-52-50%) were the principal ones in all samples. The number of unsaturated FA was equal to that of saturated ones. However, the total amount of polyunsaturated (PUFA) and monounsaturated FA (MUFA) in many samples was greater than that of the saturated FA (SFA). Lipid fractions of roots and herb differed in quantitative FA contents. Thus, the ratio of unsaturated FA to saturated FA was 7:1 in roots of S. divaricata collected in Russia and Mongolia and 6:4 in the aerial parts of these same specimens. The lipid fraction isolated from the herb had an elevated amount of palmitic acid (16:0) and a reduced amount of linoleic acid (18:2Z6).

Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2020
The results of the long-term monitoring (from 2008 to 2018) of thermal conditions have been appli... more The results of the long-term monitoring (from 2008 to 2018) of thermal conditions have been applied to assess the ecotopological differentiation of vegetation in the exposure-related forest-steppe of Transbaikalia. Significant differences are revealed between thermal conditions on northern and southern slopes, as well as between different kinds of forest-steppe along the aridity and continentality gradients. The temperature conditions on southern slopes are relatively unified and determine the formation of vegetation of one steppe class: Cleistogenetea squarrosae. The temperature conditions on northern slopes are more heterogeneous and result in the development of plant communities of different classes: steppes of the class Cleistogenetea squarrosae and forests of the hemiboreal class Rhytidio-Laricetea and of the boreal class Vaccinio-Piceetea. Differences in soil temperature are additionally affected by the size of forest plots in the forest-steppe.

Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Biologiya, 2020
The East Asian tree Ulmus japonica (Rehder) Sarg. is a nemoral relict species for Western Transba... more The East Asian tree Ulmus japonica (Rehder) Sarg. is a nemoral relict species for Western Transbaikalia (See Fig. 1). A few localities of this tree are known in the region, those in the lower reaches of the Selenga River (Yugovo site; Republic of Buryatia) and the Chikoy River (Zhindo site; Zabaikalskii Krai), remote from the main distribution area (See Fig. 2). The study aimed to verify the distribution of U. japonica and to estimate the value of U. japonica communities for biodiversity conservation in the region. Based on the data collected, we discussed some opportunities and suggested approaches for the protection of these unique ecosystems. During the fieldwork in 2018 and 2019, we studied all known localities of U. japonica in Western Transbaikalia and revealed a pleiad of new locations within the site Yugovo as well as a new location (the site Murochi) in the Chikoy River valley within the Republic of Buryatia (See Fig. 2 and 3). Information on the occurrence of U. japonica i...

Vegetation of Russia, 2020
The scientific discussion concerning the development of the promising approaches for phyto-divers... more The scientific discussion concerning the development of the promising approaches for phyto-diversity conservation and the rational use of plant resources in Russian Federation was held at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences in December 2019. After the reports of leading scientists from biological institutes, a resolution No. 195 dated December 10, 2019 «Global changes in terrestrial ecosystems of Russia in the 21st century: challenges and opportunities» was adopted. The resolution includes a set of priority scientific aims including the development and application of modern technologies for inventory of the plant communities and the development of vegetation classification in Russia. As a result of the opinion exchange between phytocoenologists from different regions, the Concept of Russian Vegetation Classification was proposed. It is based on the following principles. 1. The use of the ecological-floristic approach and the hierarchy of the main syntaxonomic categories...

Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2020
Plants of the genus Haplophyllum (Rutaceae) are broadly distributed in Central Asia, eastern Sibe... more Plants of the genus Haplophyllum (Rutaceae) are broadly distributed in Central Asia, eastern Siberia (Russia), Mongolia, and northeastern China and are used as antitumor and antiviral agents [1]. One of the poorly studies species is H. dauricum (L.) G. Don [Ruta daurica (L.) DC.]. The chemical composition of this plant species is known to comprise lignans, coumarins, flavonoids, and alkaloids [2-7]. The essential-oil composition of the aerial part of the plant collected in northeastern China and its insecticidal activity were recently studied [8]. The chemical composition of the lipid fraction has not been previously studied. Specimens were collected at natural growth sites in the vicinity of Dyrestui, Dzhidinskii District, Republic of Buryatia (Russia) in July 2019 during fruiting. Lipid fractions were isolated by a modified Bligh-Dyer method [9] and analyzed by GC-MS on an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph with an MSD 5973N quadrupole mass spectrometer as the detector after preliminary derivatization [saponification by HCl (2 N) in MeOH at 90°C followed by extraction of fatty-acid methyl esters by hexane]. The percent composition of the mixture constituents was calculated from GC peak areas. Qualitative analysis was based on comparison of retention times and total mass spectra of the corresponding pure compounds using the NIST14.L library and Bacterial Acid Methyl Esters (CP Mix, Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) and Fatty Acid Methyl Esters standard mixtures (Supelco 37 Component FAME Mix, 10 mg/mL in CH 2 Cl 2). Lipid contents in the aerial and subterranean parts of H. dauricum were 7.80 and 6.25%, respectively. Table 1 lists the analytical results for the chemical composition of the lipid fraction from H. dauricum according to GC-MS. The aerial part contained 19 identified constituents; subterranean, 26. The total content of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) had the same ratio in both parts, 22.70 and 22.87%, respectively. The aerial part was dominated by palmitic and stearic acids (10.56 and 4.03%, respectively); the subterranean part, by palmitic and behenic acids (8.15 and 5.03%, respectively). The contents of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) in the aerial and subterranean parts were 56.01 and 34.87%, respectively; of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), 21.29 and 42.25%, respectively. Two unsaturated acids, i.e., oleic with 55.00 and 29.46% contents and linoleic with 19.60 and 33.93% contents in the aerial and subterranean parts, respectively, dominated H. dauricum.
Papers by Oleg Anenkhonov