Middle Eastern journal of research in education and social sciences, Nov 4, 2021
Purpose: This study examined TPACK model as it relates to teacher's knowledge categories such as ... more Purpose: This study examined TPACK model as it relates to teacher's knowledge categories such as methods of teaching subject matter (content knowledge) curriculum knowledge, knowledge about technology and pedagogical know-how etc. Approach/Methodology/Design: Conceptual analysis was discussed to establish content selection, performance procedure and problem-solving while designing an object-based game. Among the templates identified and used for Object-Based Game model are analog game model, managing learning procedure etc. The study adopted formative research in order to elucidate functional concepts and variables within the study. Findings: Games are repertoire of teaching aids and research paradigm which revolves philosophical learning theories and gaming processes. The quality of game developed depends on the qualifications; i.e. proficiency in mathematical theories and their interrelations to suit instructional concepts of game development and creative thinking abilities, pedagogical skills are required to identify learning pattern. There is a need to incorporate self-motivated experience scenes such as gaming, which characterize play and activity as being the young child's most powerful tool in all areas of learning particularly Mathematics. Practical Implications: The study presents practical implications for teachers of mathematics. Contextualization helps learners to link new ideas to prior knowledge, and the proposed model in this study could be validated and applied in teaching mathematic concepts. Originality/value: The study adopted formative research in order to elucidate functional concepts and variables within the study. Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) object-based Mathematic card games model is designed as powerful and potential learning tools.
Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia (Malaysian Journal of Education), Nov 30, 2017
This study examined the effectiveness and efficiency of using structured instructional process in... more This study examined the effectiveness and efficiency of using structured instructional process in teaching and learning substitution. The structured instructional process (object based card games) was compared with convention teaching methods in promoting achievement outcomes. A total of 120 Junior Secondary Schools II students (JSS2) drawn from three schools in three educational zones of Lagos state, Nigeria and three Mathematics teachers participated in this study. A mixed method of quantitative and qualitative was used with Analysis of Co-variance to analyse the data. Three research questions guided the study. The study was a pre and post test equivalent control group design. The results of the study showed that the treatments (Structured Instructional Object Based Games (SIOBG)) improved the subjects in grades and gained in knowledge over and above control group, that were exposed to the conventional methods. Gender and academic ability were not found to be significantly interacting with treatment.
This study examined the effectiveness and efficiency of using structured instructional process in... more This study examined the effectiveness and efficiency of using structured instructional process in teaching and learning substitution. The structured instructional process (object based card games) was compared with convention teaching methods in promoting achievement outcomes. A total of 120 Junior Secondary Schools II students (JSS2) drawn from three schools in three educational zones of Lagos state, Nigeria and three Mathematics teachers participated in this study. A mixed method of quantitative and qualitative was used with Analysis of Co-variance to analyse the data. Three research questions guided the study. The study was a pre and post test equivalent control group design. The results of the study showed that the treatments (Structured Instructional Object Based Games (SIOBG)) improved the subjects in grades and gained in knowledge over and above control group, that were exposed to the conventional methods. Gender and academic ability were not found to be significantly interacting with treatment.
This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructi... more This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructional materials usage by the teachers. It examines classroom management, preparation and handling of instructional materials. Classroom management in this context is the skill in organization and presentation of lessons in such a way that all learners are actively involved in learning. In the study two instruments were administered to science teachers; the first instrument was to ascertain the acquaintance of instructional materials by the teachers. The second instrument was classroom observation. The results revealed that acquaintance on the use of instructional materials by the teachers was very high but they hardly use them. Moreover, correlation coefficient of.721 which is positive and significant @.05 showed that instructional materials contributed to effective classroom management. The study has implication for practicing teachers and the stakeholders. Key words: classroom managemen...
This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructi... more This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructional materials usage by the teachers. It examines classroom management, preparation and handling of instructional materials. Classroom management in this context is the skill in organization and presentation of lessons in such a way that all learners are actively involved in learning. In the study two instruments were administered to science teachers; the first instrument was to ascertain the acquaintance of instructional materials by the teachers. The second instrument was classroom observation. The results revealed that acquaintance on the use of instructional materials by the teachers was very high but they hardly use them. Moreover, correlation coefficient of .721 which is positive and significant @ .05 showed that instructional materials contributed to effective classroom management. The study has implication for practicing teachers and the stakeholders.
This paper sees to the design of Instructional Object Based Game (IOBG) using Technological Pedag... more This paper sees to the design of Instructional Object Based Game (IOBG) using Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework and it imparts on the performance of students learning in mathematics as investigated from two sets of subjects. The sample consists of 200 Junior Secondary School 2 (JSS 2) students selected from 20 co- educational schools within Lagos Island and Eti-Osa educational Zones of Lagos State, Nigeria. Multi stage stratified random sampling was used to avoid interclass mixed. 50 % proportionate on each zone and stratified simple random sampling technique was adopted to give non mixed schools within the zones equal chance of being taken. The first sets of subjects were learning in relation to game and performance, while the other set (control group) was treated with Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) (conventional method). Lessons of 40 minutes on substitution were conducted for the two groups for two weeks, twice per week, which was conducted in ...
Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences
Purpose: This study examined TPACK model as it relates to teacher’s knowledge categories such as ... more Purpose: This study examined TPACK model as it relates to teacher’s knowledge categories such as methods of teaching subject matter (content knowledge) curriculum knowledge, knowledge about technology and pedagogical know-how etc. Approach/Methodology/Design: Conceptual analysis was discussed to establish content selection, performance procedure and problem-solving while designing an object-based game. Among the templates identified and used for Object-Based Game model are analog game model, managing learning procedure etc. The study adopted formative research in order to elucidate functional concepts and variables within the study. Findings: Games are repertoire of teaching aids and research paradigm which revolves philosophical learning theories and gaming processes. The quality of game developed depends on the qualifications; i.e. proficiency in mathematical theories and their interrelations to suit instructional concepts of game development and creative thinking abilities, pedag...
American Journal of Educational Research, Aug 4, 2014
This paper sees to the design of Instructional Object Based Game (IOBG) using Technological Pedag... more This paper sees to the design of Instructional Object Based Game (IOBG) using Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework and it imparts on the performance of students learning in mathematics as investigated from two sets of subjects. The sample consists of 200 Junior Secondary School 2 (JSS 2) students selected from 20 coeducational schools within Lagos Island and Eti-Osa educational Zones of Lagos State, Nigeria. Multi stage stratified random sampling was used to avoid interclass mixed. 50% proportionate on each zone and stratified simple random sampling technique was adopted to give non mixed schools within the zones equal chance of being taken. The first sets of subjects were learning in relation to game and performance, while the other set (control group) was treated with Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) (conventional method). Lessons of 40 minutes on substitution were conducted for the two groups for two weeks, twice per week, which was conducted in each school for 4 weeks in the whole of the two zones. After the lessons the groups were treated with MAT and IOBG, control and experimental groups respectively. A quasi-experimental control group design with repeated measures analysis of covariance was adopted. Two separate summary results of ANCOVA showed that F (1,199) = 12.88 @ p = 0.013 and F(1,193) = 13.00 @ p = 0.00 implied that the use of OBG (game) in teaching and learning had significant effect on the performance of learners in mathematics. Calculated mean scores and 2-way ANCOVA result showed that gender has no significant influence on the performance of learners in either with the used of OBG or MAT.
This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructi... more This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructional materials usage by the teachers. It examines classroom management, preparation and handling of instructional materials. Classroom management in this context is the skill in organization and presentation of lessons in such a way that all learners are actively involved in learning. In the study two instruments were administered to science teachers; the first instrument was to ascertain the acquaintance of instructional materials by the teachers. The second instrument was classroom observation. The results revealed that acquaintance on the use of instructional materials by the teachers was very high but they hardly use them. Moreover, correlation coefficient of .721 which is positive and significant @ .05 showed that instructional materials contributed to effective classroom management. The study has implication for practicing teachers and the stakeholders.
This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructi... more This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructional materials usage by the teachers. It examines classroom management, preparation and handling of instructional materials. Classroom management in this context is the skill in organization and presentation of lessons in such a way that all learners are actively involved in learning. In the study two instruments were administered to science teachers; the first instrument was to ascertain the acquaintance of instructional materials by the teachers. The second instrument was classroom observation. The results revealed that acquaintance on the use of instructional materials by the teachers was very high but they hardly use them. Moreover, correlation coefficient of .721 which is positive and significant @ .05 showed that instructional materials contributed to effective classroom management. The study has implication for practicing teachers and the stakeholders.
This study examines students' attitudinal change in learning Mathematics after been treated with ... more This study examines students' attitudinal change in learning Mathematics after been treated with structured animated instructional object based card game designed using technological of instruction. 200 (two hundred) Junior Secondary School II (JSS 2) students (subjects) were selected from two educational zones (Lagos Island and Eti-Osa, 50% proportionate on each zone) in education district III, Lagos State, Nigeria. Twenty (20) junior secondary schools were chosen from the two educational zones and ten (10) subjects were selected in each school using multi stage stratified random sampling to avoid interclass mixed. The subjects were divided into two groups (control and experimental groups); control group was treated with Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) (conventional method) and experimental group was treated with Instructional Animated Object Based Game (IAOBG) and Attitudinal Game Inventory (AGI) after the lesson. Forty (40) minutes lessons on substitution were conducted for the two groups for two weeks, twice per week for 4 weeks in the two educational zones. Experimental group was treated with AGI immediately after being treated with card game. Action research and quasiexperimental control group design with repeated measures analysis of covariance was adopted. The attitudinal responses indicated that, the test of regression analysis in model 4 shows that β = .78, t = 5.41, p < .002, accounted for 89% (p < .000) of the respondents variance in attitude scores. The result indicates that responses from the card game had a multiple correlation of 0.8960 with attitudinal responses.
This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructi... more This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructional materials usage by the teachers. It examines classroom management, preparation and handling of instructional materials. Classroom management in this context is the skill in organization and presentation of lessons in such a way that all learners are actively involved in learning. In the study two instruments were administered to science teachers; the first instrument was to ascertain the acquaintance of instructional materials by the teachers. The second instrument was classroom observation. The results revealed that acquaintance on the use of instructional materials by the teachers was very high but they hardly use them. Moreover, correlation coefficient of .721 which is positive and significant @ .05 showed that instructional materials contributed to effective classroom management. The study has implication for practicing teachers and the stakeholders.
Middle Eastern journal of research in education and social sciences, Nov 4, 2021
Purpose: This study examined TPACK model as it relates to teacher's knowledge categories such as ... more Purpose: This study examined TPACK model as it relates to teacher's knowledge categories such as methods of teaching subject matter (content knowledge) curriculum knowledge, knowledge about technology and pedagogical know-how etc. Approach/Methodology/Design: Conceptual analysis was discussed to establish content selection, performance procedure and problem-solving while designing an object-based game. Among the templates identified and used for Object-Based Game model are analog game model, managing learning procedure etc. The study adopted formative research in order to elucidate functional concepts and variables within the study. Findings: Games are repertoire of teaching aids and research paradigm which revolves philosophical learning theories and gaming processes. The quality of game developed depends on the qualifications; i.e. proficiency in mathematical theories and their interrelations to suit instructional concepts of game development and creative thinking abilities, pedagogical skills are required to identify learning pattern. There is a need to incorporate self-motivated experience scenes such as gaming, which characterize play and activity as being the young child's most powerful tool in all areas of learning particularly Mathematics. Practical Implications: The study presents practical implications for teachers of mathematics. Contextualization helps learners to link new ideas to prior knowledge, and the proposed model in this study could be validated and applied in teaching mathematic concepts. Originality/value: The study adopted formative research in order to elucidate functional concepts and variables within the study. Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) object-based Mathematic card games model is designed as powerful and potential learning tools.
Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia (Malaysian Journal of Education), Nov 30, 2017
This study examined the effectiveness and efficiency of using structured instructional process in... more This study examined the effectiveness and efficiency of using structured instructional process in teaching and learning substitution. The structured instructional process (object based card games) was compared with convention teaching methods in promoting achievement outcomes. A total of 120 Junior Secondary Schools II students (JSS2) drawn from three schools in three educational zones of Lagos state, Nigeria and three Mathematics teachers participated in this study. A mixed method of quantitative and qualitative was used with Analysis of Co-variance to analyse the data. Three research questions guided the study. The study was a pre and post test equivalent control group design. The results of the study showed that the treatments (Structured Instructional Object Based Games (SIOBG)) improved the subjects in grades and gained in knowledge over and above control group, that were exposed to the conventional methods. Gender and academic ability were not found to be significantly interacting with treatment.
This study examined the effectiveness and efficiency of using structured instructional process in... more This study examined the effectiveness and efficiency of using structured instructional process in teaching and learning substitution. The structured instructional process (object based card games) was compared with convention teaching methods in promoting achievement outcomes. A total of 120 Junior Secondary Schools II students (JSS2) drawn from three schools in three educational zones of Lagos state, Nigeria and three Mathematics teachers participated in this study. A mixed method of quantitative and qualitative was used with Analysis of Co-variance to analyse the data. Three research questions guided the study. The study was a pre and post test equivalent control group design. The results of the study showed that the treatments (Structured Instructional Object Based Games (SIOBG)) improved the subjects in grades and gained in knowledge over and above control group, that were exposed to the conventional methods. Gender and academic ability were not found to be significantly interacting with treatment.
This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructi... more This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructional materials usage by the teachers. It examines classroom management, preparation and handling of instructional materials. Classroom management in this context is the skill in organization and presentation of lessons in such a way that all learners are actively involved in learning. In the study two instruments were administered to science teachers; the first instrument was to ascertain the acquaintance of instructional materials by the teachers. The second instrument was classroom observation. The results revealed that acquaintance on the use of instructional materials by the teachers was very high but they hardly use them. Moreover, correlation coefficient of.721 which is positive and significant @.05 showed that instructional materials contributed to effective classroom management. The study has implication for practicing teachers and the stakeholders. Key words: classroom managemen...
This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructi... more This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructional materials usage by the teachers. It examines classroom management, preparation and handling of instructional materials. Classroom management in this context is the skill in organization and presentation of lessons in such a way that all learners are actively involved in learning. In the study two instruments were administered to science teachers; the first instrument was to ascertain the acquaintance of instructional materials by the teachers. The second instrument was classroom observation. The results revealed that acquaintance on the use of instructional materials by the teachers was very high but they hardly use them. Moreover, correlation coefficient of .721 which is positive and significant @ .05 showed that instructional materials contributed to effective classroom management. The study has implication for practicing teachers and the stakeholders.
This paper sees to the design of Instructional Object Based Game (IOBG) using Technological Pedag... more This paper sees to the design of Instructional Object Based Game (IOBG) using Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework and it imparts on the performance of students learning in mathematics as investigated from two sets of subjects. The sample consists of 200 Junior Secondary School 2 (JSS 2) students selected from 20 co- educational schools within Lagos Island and Eti-Osa educational Zones of Lagos State, Nigeria. Multi stage stratified random sampling was used to avoid interclass mixed. 50 % proportionate on each zone and stratified simple random sampling technique was adopted to give non mixed schools within the zones equal chance of being taken. The first sets of subjects were learning in relation to game and performance, while the other set (control group) was treated with Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) (conventional method). Lessons of 40 minutes on substitution were conducted for the two groups for two weeks, twice per week, which was conducted in ...
Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences
Purpose: This study examined TPACK model as it relates to teacher’s knowledge categories such as ... more Purpose: This study examined TPACK model as it relates to teacher’s knowledge categories such as methods of teaching subject matter (content knowledge) curriculum knowledge, knowledge about technology and pedagogical know-how etc. Approach/Methodology/Design: Conceptual analysis was discussed to establish content selection, performance procedure and problem-solving while designing an object-based game. Among the templates identified and used for Object-Based Game model are analog game model, managing learning procedure etc. The study adopted formative research in order to elucidate functional concepts and variables within the study. Findings: Games are repertoire of teaching aids and research paradigm which revolves philosophical learning theories and gaming processes. The quality of game developed depends on the qualifications; i.e. proficiency in mathematical theories and their interrelations to suit instructional concepts of game development and creative thinking abilities, pedag...
American Journal of Educational Research, Aug 4, 2014
This paper sees to the design of Instructional Object Based Game (IOBG) using Technological Pedag... more This paper sees to the design of Instructional Object Based Game (IOBG) using Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework and it imparts on the performance of students learning in mathematics as investigated from two sets of subjects. The sample consists of 200 Junior Secondary School 2 (JSS 2) students selected from 20 coeducational schools within Lagos Island and Eti-Osa educational Zones of Lagos State, Nigeria. Multi stage stratified random sampling was used to avoid interclass mixed. 50% proportionate on each zone and stratified simple random sampling technique was adopted to give non mixed schools within the zones equal chance of being taken. The first sets of subjects were learning in relation to game and performance, while the other set (control group) was treated with Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) (conventional method). Lessons of 40 minutes on substitution were conducted for the two groups for two weeks, twice per week, which was conducted in each school for 4 weeks in the whole of the two zones. After the lessons the groups were treated with MAT and IOBG, control and experimental groups respectively. A quasi-experimental control group design with repeated measures analysis of covariance was adopted. Two separate summary results of ANCOVA showed that F (1,199) = 12.88 @ p = 0.013 and F(1,193) = 13.00 @ p = 0.00 implied that the use of OBG (game) in teaching and learning had significant effect on the performance of learners in mathematics. Calculated mean scores and 2-way ANCOVA result showed that gender has no significant influence on the performance of learners in either with the used of OBG or MAT.
This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructi... more This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructional materials usage by the teachers. It examines classroom management, preparation and handling of instructional materials. Classroom management in this context is the skill in organization and presentation of lessons in such a way that all learners are actively involved in learning. In the study two instruments were administered to science teachers; the first instrument was to ascertain the acquaintance of instructional materials by the teachers. The second instrument was classroom observation. The results revealed that acquaintance on the use of instructional materials by the teachers was very high but they hardly use them. Moreover, correlation coefficient of .721 which is positive and significant @ .05 showed that instructional materials contributed to effective classroom management. The study has implication for practicing teachers and the stakeholders.
This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructi... more This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructional materials usage by the teachers. It examines classroom management, preparation and handling of instructional materials. Classroom management in this context is the skill in organization and presentation of lessons in such a way that all learners are actively involved in learning. In the study two instruments were administered to science teachers; the first instrument was to ascertain the acquaintance of instructional materials by the teachers. The second instrument was classroom observation. The results revealed that acquaintance on the use of instructional materials by the teachers was very high but they hardly use them. Moreover, correlation coefficient of .721 which is positive and significant @ .05 showed that instructional materials contributed to effective classroom management. The study has implication for practicing teachers and the stakeholders.
This study examines students' attitudinal change in learning Mathematics after been treated with ... more This study examines students' attitudinal change in learning Mathematics after been treated with structured animated instructional object based card game designed using technological of instruction. 200 (two hundred) Junior Secondary School II (JSS 2) students (subjects) were selected from two educational zones (Lagos Island and Eti-Osa, 50% proportionate on each zone) in education district III, Lagos State, Nigeria. Twenty (20) junior secondary schools were chosen from the two educational zones and ten (10) subjects were selected in each school using multi stage stratified random sampling to avoid interclass mixed. The subjects were divided into two groups (control and experimental groups); control group was treated with Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) (conventional method) and experimental group was treated with Instructional Animated Object Based Game (IAOBG) and Attitudinal Game Inventory (AGI) after the lesson. Forty (40) minutes lessons on substitution were conducted for the two groups for two weeks, twice per week for 4 weeks in the two educational zones. Experimental group was treated with AGI immediately after being treated with card game. Action research and quasiexperimental control group design with repeated measures analysis of covariance was adopted. The attitudinal responses indicated that, the test of regression analysis in model 4 shows that β = .78, t = 5.41, p < .002, accounted for 89% (p < .000) of the respondents variance in attitude scores. The result indicates that responses from the card game had a multiple correlation of 0.8960 with attitudinal responses.
This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructi... more This study was essentially exploratory, investigated the acquaintance and strategies of instructional materials usage by the teachers. It examines classroom management, preparation and handling of instructional materials. Classroom management in this context is the skill in organization and presentation of lessons in such a way that all learners are actively involved in learning. In the study two instruments were administered to science teachers; the first instrument was to ascertain the acquaintance of instructional materials by the teachers. The second instrument was classroom observation. The results revealed that acquaintance on the use of instructional materials by the teachers was very high but they hardly use them. Moreover, correlation coefficient of .721 which is positive and significant @ .05 showed that instructional materials contributed to effective classroom management. The study has implication for practicing teachers and the stakeholders.
Papers by Olatoye Ayinde