by Alla Okhrimenko

The article determines transformational factors, which influence a national tourism system (NTS) ... more The article determines transformational factors, which influence a national tourism system (NTS) of Ukraine and proposes strategical vectors of its development. Research of the NTS as an economic system is a precondition for formation of strategic vectors of development. Transformational driving forces principally change scales, components, and proportions between external and internal factors of development of the NTS. Correspondingly, the mentioned processes objectively encourage modernization of the national tourism system and application of innovative managerial methods. The following Strategical vectors of transformational shifts in the NTS were grounded: 1) Safety of tourists and investors; 2) The normative and legislative framework of the NTS development; 3) Development of infrastructure of the NTS component; 4) Human resources development; 5) A marketing policy of the NTS promotion; 6) Ecological and cultural policies. Their implementation will improve efficiency and competitiveness of the NTS and the national economy.
Papers by Alla Okhrimenko

The importance and necessity of understanding the paradigm of the national tourist system, which ... more The importance and necessity of understanding the paradigm of the national tourist system, which reflects its initial concept and basic principles, is revealed. The article summarizes the authors' vision for the formation of this paradigm. It is justified that the formation of the paradigm of the national tourism system is carried out on the basis of the cohesion of the paradigms of economic and tourism systems. The authors understand the paradigm of the national tourism system as a polystructural, integrated, network, creative formation that is developing in the conditions of transitivity, digitazation, experience economy, blurring the lines between tourism and everyday life, on the principles of sustainable development, inclusivity and globalization. It contributes to the formation of social, ecological and economic result, humanization and person-oriented approach in the society.
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Nov 23, 2022

Herald of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Вступ. В умовах військової агресії Україна зазнає масштабних безпрецедентних матеріальних, фінан... more Вступ. В умовах військової агресії Україна зазнає масштабних безпрецедентних матеріальних, фінансових і людських втрат, які негативно відображаються на розвитку туристичного сектора та його найбільшої структурної складової – готельного бізнесу. Проблема. Актуальним завданням дослідження є діагностика цифрових технологій маркетингу, визначення ефективності їх застосування, розроблення практичних рекомендацій для вдосконалення маркетингової цифрової стратегії, що окреслює поствоєнний вектор розвитку готельного бізнесу у невизначеному таймфреймі. Метою статті є наукове обґрунтування перспектив розвитку готельного бізнесу у поствоєнному періоді на основі трансформації технологій цифрового маркетингу. Методи. Застосовано комплекс методів дослідження: зіставлення, аналізу, систематизації та логічного узагальнення; економічного та маркетингового аналізу; рейтингового оцінювання; референтного моделювання. Результати дослідження. Здійснено декомпозицію технологій цифровізації мар...

Menadzment u hotelijerstvu i turizmu
This article is devoted to the study of the brand digital security and its impact on the business... more This article is devoted to the study of the brand digital security and its impact on the business processes of hotel businesses. The emphasis is on the fact that digital communications as key drivers of the sales system create increased risks to the security of the hotel business. The cost markers of hotel brands, operating in the market of hotel services of Ukraine in the dynamics of the pre-quarantine and post-quarantine periods are estimated. The structure of the capital's hotel services market by categories and price segments has been studied. There are described the factors related to the formation of the system of protection quality of content and information at different levels of formal and informal communications, necessary for providing digital security of the hotel brand. There are offered possible ways to increase the level of digital security based on the implementation of cyber resilience tactics in hotels, based on brand carriers and risk categories, as well as mo...
2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy System (MEES)
Товари і ринки, Jun 24, 2022

Problems and Perspectives in Management
The development and implementation of regional tourism development programs in Ukraine require th... more The development and implementation of regional tourism development programs in Ukraine require the formation of the information environment for ranking the tourist systems of Ukraine’s regions according to the attractiveness of their investment potential, which determines the purpose of this study. The methods of economic analysis and rating modeling were used to rank regional tourism systems according to their investment potential by determining the integral indicator of the economic and tourist resources of each region. Accordingly, economic indicators are chosen to provide the regions with financial, labor, and production resources; tourism indicators include supply and demand for tourism services, availability of tourism resources, tourism efficiency, as well as tourism accommodation. According to the results of rating and grouping, three groups of regions were formed: the first (the priority in terms of investment potential of the tourist system has the value of the integrated ...

Tourism and Travelling, 2022
The rapid implementation of digital technologies in all spheres of society resulted from the evol... more The rapid implementation of digital technologies in all spheres of society resulted from the evolution of consumer needs and IT breakthroughs, the acceleration of which was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns restricted physical contacts in customer service, highlighting the urgent need to digitize the business. The difficulties in predicting socio-economic conditions of the pandemic have led to new opportunities and mechanisms for the distribution of services and the formation of economic stress resilience of economic entities. The study aims to reveal the essence of the digital distribution of hospitality services in the conditions of uncertainty caused by COVID-19. The study of services digital distribution gives awareness of the possibilities of their implementation in the activities of hospitality entities, which were considered in the context of business security and development drivers during COVID-19. To achieve the study’s goal, a comprehensive approach to the essenc...

Tourism and Travelling, 2020
The sustainable development of tourism, which provides for natural and cultural and historical re... more The sustainable development of tourism, which provides for natural and cultural and historical resource-saving and increase, observing the environmental standards becomes dominant and is a requirement for tourism successful development. The main direction of sustainable tourism development within a certain country – national tourist system (NTS) is inclusiveness. According to the results of human and inclusive development indicators, the volumes of employment in tourism, there were defined the problems of Ukraine concerning the insufficient level of human development, the presence of displaced population from the military actions zone and the population that suffers from grievances and has features of poverty. It is emphasized that NTS can implement the inclusive business models through such key foundations: Particular attention is paid to substantiating the mutual satisfaction of the economic interests of stakeholders when forming the NTS inclusive business models. There was elabor...

Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2019
The paper aims at analyzing the impact of tourism on the economic growth in Ukraine considering i... more The paper aims at analyzing the impact of tourism on the economic growth in Ukraine considering its global significance and dynamic development. Tourism should be considered not as a separate phenomenon, but as a complex socio-economic-ecological system, i.e. the national tourism system (NTS). The study attempts to reveal the nature and determinants of the national tourism system impact on economic growth, and also empirically substantiates this in the Ukrainian context. Since the economic decisions require a huge amount of information and different models, a multivariate least square model has been proposed to determine the causal links between NTS and economic growth. The paper also presents the economic parameters such as Ukrainian GDP as a dependent variable, volume of domestic tourism consumption, income from international passenger carriage, international tourism expenditures in the country, the volume of services provided in temporary accommodation and catering establishments...

Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2017
Development of cluster structures is a priority for the knowledge and information economy develop... more Development of cluster structures is a priority for the knowledge and information economy development and an important prerequisite for effective strategic partnership of logistically and geographically related entities of the economic system. The practice of tourism business shows that it is in the conditions of the development of enterprises cluster systems that will be able to form unique competencies, optimally use the resource potential and strategic opportunities, and obtain synergistic and multiplicative economic benefits. Given the situation, tourism clusters development is considered one of the most promising formats of strategic partnership and predetermines the theoretical field of modern scientific research. The need for a constructive rethinking of the mechanisms of economic actors’ convergence based on cauterization; definition of preconditions, stages, and processes of formation and development of tourism clusters is an unsolved theoretical and applied problem. The ar...

Investytsiyi: praktyka ta dosvid, 2019
Конкурентні переваги готельних підприємств формуються під впливом багатьох факторів, визначальним... more Конкурентні переваги готельних підприємств формуються під впливом багатьох факторів, визначальним з яких є якість послуг. Здатність менеджменту управляти якістю, працюючи на науково обгрунтованих шаблонах, економить час та зусилля, а значить забезпечує підвищення ефективності основних та допоміжних бізнес-процесів. У стратегічному плануванні систем якості, звичайно, варто моніторити зміни цивілізаційних стандартів якості життя і впроваджувати інновації, оцінюючи при цьому їхню доцільність і дієвість. Тому питання оцінювання якості готельних послуг як важливої складової економічної політики підприємства стали об'єктом цього дослідження. У статті розглянуто методологію оцінювання якості готельних послуг на основі експертного методу Дельфі з побудовою карти позиціонування. Здійснено декомпозицію процесу забезпечення якості готельних послуг. Визначено та розглянуто основні інструменти поліпшення якості готельних послуг на основі діаграми дерева поліпшення якості. Цінним досягненням цього дослідження є визначення основних аспектів якості готельних послуг, а також пропонування напрямів формування іміджевих їх оцінювання та поліпшення, що в перспективі є інструментами підвищення конкурентоспроможності. Competitive advantages of hotel enterprises are formed under the influence of many factors, the main of them is the quality of service. The ability of management to manage quality, working on scientifically grounded templates, saves time and efforts, and this provides an increase of the efficiency of the main and auxiliary business processes. Quality forms steady impressions and a consumer experience, defines corporate reputation of an enterprise. The basic characteristics of quality, on which standards rely on are both material conditions of provision the hotel conditions and requirements to staff. However, with the economy of impressions the content of hotel service has

Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2018
Tourism is an important factor in the development of the national economy. The share of tourism i... more Tourism is an important factor in the development of the national economy. The share of tourism in the structure of Ukraine’s GDP is 7.8%. Ukraine, having a considerable tourist potential for the formation of tourist flows, is ranked 85th among 139 countries of the world in terms of tourism attractiveness. According to the findings of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the concentration of natural and recreational resources, objects of the world cultural and historical heritage can provide an annual increase in tourist flows to Ukraine by 4-6%.Under the conditions of unstable external environment and unfavorable conditions of the tourism market, an actual scientific task is to develop the theoretical and applied basis for the formation of the national tourism system. Conceptually, this process must be consistent with the strategic understanding of the need to take into account the mental, institutional, cultural and informational influences on the economic interests of entities...

Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 2018
Global and crisis transformations result in structural and functional changes in the tourism syst... more Global and crisis transformations result in structural and functional changes in the tourism system, which combines resource potential, infrastructure, tourism entities, institutional structures, and consumers. For Ukraine, with its high tourist potential, tourism development is a significant factor after the crisis recovery of the economy. Overcoming the disparities in the tourism system functioning, shaping optimal business models of its development, increasing the sustainability and efficiency of the tourism entities functioning impose an objective need for investment. Investment attractiveness is one of the key characteristics causing the investor’s interest in financing the project, including the tourist one.The essence, determinants of influence and characteristic features of investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian tourism system are substantiated. The investment attractiveness of the tourism system is proposed to be considered as a complex feature of conditions and advanta...

Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2019
Unstable external environment, unfavorable market conditions and escalating global competition ne... more Unstable external environment, unfavorable market conditions and escalating global competition necessitate developing new management technologies to overcome the disproportionality in the economic systems functioning. The polystructural properties of the national tourism system (NTS), as a significant component of the national economic system, require multisubject management. The mutisubject management process ensures a balanced interplay of its constituent elements and the coherence of economic entities’ interests. Accordingly, the purpose of the article is to study the essence of multisubject NTS management.It is revealed that multisubject NTS management is the process of forming and developing mutually coordinated and effective interaction of subjects of the public and private sectors, as well as consumers for the consolidated creation of tourism product based on constructive inter-subject communication.The main groups of entities that have a managerial influence on the national ...

ПридніПровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури 88 Економіка та управління національн... more ПридніПровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури 88 Економіка та управління національним господарством 88 удк 338.24 А.Г. кандидат економічних наук, доцент кафедри готельно-ресторанного бізнесу, київський національний торговельно-економічний університет У статті узагальнено основні положення комунікативної парадигми суспільних відносин, обґрунтовано специфічні прояви комунікативної парадигми в національній туристичній системі. Доведена доцільність використання ідей комунікативної парадигми в національній туристичній системі України для її ефектив-ного розвитку та інтеграції до європейського простору. Ключові слова: національна туристична система, комунікативна парадигма, мультисуб'єктність, мультирівневість, інтерсуб'єктивність. В статье обобщены основные положения коммуникативной парадигмы общественных отношений, обо-снованы специфические проявления коммуникативной парадигмы в национальной туристической системе. Доказана целесообразность использования идей коммун...

The article determines transformational factors, which influence a national tourism system (NTS) ... more The article determines transformational factors, which influence a national tourism system (NTS) of Ukraine and proposes strategical vectors of its development. Research of the NTS as an economic system is a precondition for formation of strategic vectors of development. Transformational driving forces principally change scales, components, and proportions between external and internal factors of development of the NTS. Correspondingly, the mentioned processes objectively encourage modernization of the national tourism system and application of innovative managerial methods. The following Strategical vectors of transformational shifts in the NTS were grounded: 1) Safety of tourists and investors; 2) The normative and legislative framework of the NTS development; 3) Development of infrastructure of the NTS component; 4) Human resources development; 5) A marketing policy of the NTS promotion; 6) Ecological and cultural policies. Their implementation will improve efficiency and competi...

Economy of Ukraine
The tourism system through its multiplication effect can provide the development of the related b... more The tourism system through its multiplication effect can provide the development of the related branches and become the background cause of the positive socio-eco-economic processes. The significant impact on the tourism system made the global COVID-19 pandemic, which incurred a number of downturns in the functioning of this economic sector. The necessity of the solution of the strategic problems in the development of the tourism system determines the necessity of research of transformation changes, which take place in it. The socio-economic transformations in the tourism systems are proved, the essential actions concerning reinforcement of the positive impact and evening-out the negative impact of the external environment in the context of new reality and digitalization are proposed. Based on the analysis of the tourism sector and hospitality sector subjects’ activities trend data as the main components of the tourism system the asymmetries of the development are detected and restr...
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Papers by Alla Okhrimenko