Papers by Ogundele Victor

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Sep 4, 2023
Commercial motorcycle operators' awareness of road safety rules in Ogbomoso Oyo State was examine... more Commercial motorcycle operators' awareness of road safety rules in Ogbomoso Oyo State was examined in this work. This is due to the worrisome high rate of accident occurrence involving commercial motor cycle operators in the study area. It appraised relationship between level of education of commercial motor cycle operators and awareness of road safety rules and enumerated view of commercial motor cycle operator on road safety rules. Ogbomoso South Local government Area of Oyo State was the study area. Also, seven hundred and thirty-one commercial motor cycle operators were randomly selected and questionnaire administration was used. ANOVA, regression analysis and percentage frequency were employed. The study uncovered the fact that the entire commercial motor cycle operators in the study area were male, mostly secondary school dropout and low income earners. It further discovered that correlation coefficient R 2 was 0.72, meaning that degree of explanation of independent variables; over taken at the right hand side is wrong, over loading is dangerous, motor cycle without side mirror is wrong, under age driving is wrong and following vehicle bumper to bumper is wrong' in the dependent variable; education level was 71.9 percent. Likewise, F = 374.205 at P = 0.000 lower than 0.05 level of statistical significance, statistically significant relationship existed between level of education of commercial motor cycle operators and awareness of road safety rules. Lastly, it affirmed that awareness of the commercial motor cycle operators to road safety rules in the study area was low. Hence, recommendation that educating the commercial motor cycle operator should be given uppermost attention.

International journal of scientific and research publications, Mar 6, 2019
This study examined impact of customer relationship management (CRM) on freight forwarding servic... more This study examined impact of customer relationship management (CRM) on freight forwarding services in Tin Can Island Container Terminal (TICT) Limited Apapa Lagos. The study used importers in the study area as population of study, they were selected using simple random sampling technique to select 50 importers. Data were collected from both primary and secondary source. Primary data was collected through use of modified questionnaire that incorporated questions such as such as satisfaction with level of services rendered, cost implication of freight forwarding operations in the port, promptness of cargo delivery to consignee and level of pilferage of cargoes were administered to respondents.. While secondary data was sourced from published articles. These data were subsequently analyzed through multiple regression statistical tool with the aid of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The results revealed that customer satisfaction, cost of service and level of service in the terminal are statistical significant, thus, confirming that cargo destined for Nigeria are diverted to neighbouring West African countries port, operational delay, corruption and sharp practices still abound in Nigeria ports. Therefore, the study recommended that efficient port system will generate revenue for the government and other stakeholders and create employment opportunities. Government and concessionaires (terminal operators) should imbibe the habit of customer friendly operations which will generate the much needed revenue to the government and terminal operators.

Nigeria for more than three (3) decades, the access to transport services has become vastly expan... more Nigeria for more than three (3) decades, the access to transport services has become vastly expanding, because of hasty human population growth, polarization of urban centers and deficit in access to private mobility.This is because of shortage of capital, unstable foreign exchange rate or restricting regulations of importation among others. Urban transport challenges remain one of the extremely pressing issues in urban centers of Nigeria in the present day.The research compared the operations of government owned (corporate) and private owned public bus operations with regard to instant accessibility (waiting time) in Lagos metropolis. Primary data was used for the research and it was garnered via simple random sampling technique. The research was carried out in five (5) local government areas of Lagos metropolis with the selection of a total number of 480 respondents from the passenger's populace. Descriptive statistics such as tabulations and percentages were used to analyzed ...

International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2020
Introduction Historically, transport networks are studied from a graph theory attitude, which is ... more Introduction Historically, transport networks are studied from a graph theory attitude, which is a branch of arithmetic offering standards and measures about the topology of networks taken into consideration as sets of nodes (vertices) related with the aid of hyperlinks (edges) (cesar & igor, 2009). Accessibility is the ease with which activities at one location may be reached from some other through a selected travel model (suxia and xuan, 2003). Road networks are becoming a critical degree of evaluation for understanding how transportation pattern is distributed in the geographical spaces. Environmental issues, which include sustainable transportation, have interaction with range of stakeholders along with authorities' entities, nonprofits, communities (rural) and enterprise groups. The complex nature of conducting sustainable transportation is without problems beyond the scope of any unmarried company's political jurisdiction or technical ability (watts & witham, 2012). Network is largely used for the spatial pattern of transport facilities in a given region. A regional transport device is the combinations of point to point mobility are the basic of all types of flows and are liable for spatial arrangements (saxsema, 2013). The usage of GIS era in development of urbanization, the sensible delivery machine and management can provide a very strong answer. Statistics associated with transportation network is used inside the green planning, designing, construction, upkeep and management of the transport system.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2019
This study examined impact of customer relationship management (CRM) on freight forwarding servic... more This study examined impact of customer relationship management (CRM) on freight forwarding services in Tin Can Island Container Terminal (TICT) Limited Apapa Lagos. The study used importers in the study area as population of study, they were selected using simple random sampling technique to select 50 importers. Data were collected from both primary and secondary source. Primary data was collected through use of modified questionnaire that incorporated questions such as such as satisfaction with level of services rendered, cost implication of freight forwarding operations in the port, promptness of cargo delivery to consignee and level of pilferage of cargoes were administered to respondents.. While secondary data was sourced from published articles. These data were subsequently analyzed through multiple regression statistical tool with the aid of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The results revealed that customer satisfaction, cost of service and level of service in the terminal are statistical significant, thus, confirming that cargo destined for Nigeria are diverted to neighbouring West African countries port, operational delay, corruption and sharp practices still abound in Nigeria ports. Therefore, the study recommended that efficient port system will generate revenue for the government and other stakeholders and create employment opportunities. Government and concessionaires (terminal operators) should imbibe the habit of customer friendly operations which will generate the much needed revenue to the government and terminal operators.

Effect of commercial motorcycle operation on taxicab operation was examined in this research work... more Effect of commercial motorcycle operation on taxicab operation was examined in this research work. Its elucidated relationship between taxi cab operation and commercial motorcycle operation, examined the effect of commercial motor cycle operation on taxi cab operations and identified the nature of the relationship between commercial motor cycle operation and taxi cab operations. The study area was Ogbomoso using 399 respondents which was determined through Yamane sample size formula. Sampling technique used was accidental sampling technique. Primary data was used while both descriptive and inferential statistics was adopted. Findings unveiled that relationship between commercial motor cycle operations and taxi cab operations was competitive. With correlation value (r) between commercial motor cycle route patronage (CMRP) and taxi cab route patronage (TCRP) was -0.643 with critical p of 0.000 lower than 0.05l. Furthermore, commercial motor cycle charge (CMCS) and taxi cab charge (TCC...

Impact of private bus operations on SMEs productivity in Ibadan metropolis of Oyo state was exami... more Impact of private bus operations on SMEs productivity in Ibadan metropolis of Oyo state was examined in this study. Furthermore, it examined impact of bus operations on Small and Medium Scale Enterprises productivity and appraised flexibility of bus operations in the study area. The work was embarked upon in Ibadan. Random sampling technique was employed, as two hundred and five (205) SMEs outfits where randomly selected from three local government areas. Which was randomly chosen out of the 5 local government areas of the study area. Regression analysis and percentage frequency were used for data analysis. It was discovered that most SMEs in the study area had daily revenue range of between 30,001 – 50,000 naira. Also, R2 = 0.779, meaning that 'extent to which private bus operations is cheaper than other transport means, private bus operations are readily available and private bus operations covers city haulage,' explained daily revenue was 77.9 percent. Also, F-value = 236...

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2019
Road transport infrastructures are naturally exposed to several degradation factors. Traffic load... more Road transport infrastructures are naturally exposed to several degradation factors. Traffic load (weight) and weather conditions represent two major causes of degradation which in turns result to demurrage an aftermath of delay. Asphalt rutting, bridge cracking, potholes, drainage system obstruction are all examples of weather induced degradation. Asphalt rutting for instance is induced by high temperature, but the effect is enhanced under high truck traffic axle load. Weather-related events such as (rainfall, blizzards, flood, sheet, snow and ice) are significant disruptors of travel time and other transport related operations. Heavy rainfall reduces visibilities, speeds and cause significant increase in crashes and when this occurs, delay in evacuating the vehicles involved over hours perhaps days. This results to partial blockage of the roads. Damages of extreme weather on infrastructure are grouped into two main types namely: "rainfall and flood" including "harmattan and wind". Rainfalls (Partly including flooding) and harmattan (dusty winds) are the most relevant problem in highway transport operations in Nigeria. In weather, the category "heavy rainfall" induces floods which emanated from the rivers and over flow the bridges in low areasresulting to landslides. This study covered two states (Oyo and kwara, States) with an intensive focus on the Oyo-Ogbomoso (Oyo State), Kanbi, Oloru-Bode Saadu-Jebbaroads in Kwara State. 120 Motorists were randomly selected for their knowledge on climate related problems encountered during trips. A simple random sampling technique was adopted. Weather induced crack and collapsed infrastructures (bridges, route and roadmarks) were directly observed. Multiple Regression Model was used to analysis the data collected. Where the predictors (r 2) is0.669, F=199.541, p<0.5 ** p<0.10 which shows that weather has greatly affected haulage operations since the regression indicators were negative for sensitive variables. This study revealed that, weather conditions have negative impact on haulage operations most especially in the study area with significant level of crashes on the route, traffic delay, wear and tear among other factors causinglots of damage to goods on this route. Based on the findings, since weather conditions are inevitable it is recommended that, relevant authorities responsible for road construction and maintenance (government and general public) take cognizance of these inevitable conditions for the durability of highway infrastructures and constant supervisions and maintenance to minimize high loss goods and elongate the life span of these roads.
Papers by Ogundele Victor