Papers by Ozlem Taskapilioglu
Türk Yoğun Bakım Derneği Dergisi, 2012
ÖZET Boyun bölgesine yönelik künt bir travma, karotis arter diseksiyonuna ve serebral iskemiye ne... more ÖZET Boyun bölgesine yönelik künt bir travma, karotis arter diseksiyonuna ve serebral iskemiye neden olabilir. Karotis arterinin künt travması sık görülen bir durum olmadığından olguların travma varlığı açısından sorgulanması ve tetkik edilmesi erken tanı ve tedavi şansını sağlayacaktır. Bu yazıda, travmatik karotis arter diseksiyonuna bağlı serebral enfarkt gelişen bir hasta sunulmuş, olgunun klinik özellikleri, uygulanan tanı ve tedavi yöntemlerinin seçimi literatür bilgisi ile birlikte tartışılmıştır.
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2015

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2021
ABSTRACT Recently, new digital technologies are frequently used in the industry within the scope ... more ABSTRACT Recently, new digital technologies are frequently used in the industry within the scope of Industry 4.0. Augmented reality (AR) is one of these emerging technologies; it assists users with the help of virtual images on the real display of the work environment. Although AR benefits employees in terms of productivity and quality, it is not precisely known if it has a cognitive effect on the employees. In this study, the effect of AR glasses on the cognitive loads of the employees was investigated. The experiments were carried out on the assembly line of an automobile company. Electroencephalography (EEG) and NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) were used to measure cognitive load. The current and AR-based work procedures were examined comparatively. Also, the difference between the cognitive load on the first and last days of experiments was compared to determine the adaptation status of the employees. The average of the area under the EEG graph as a measure of cognitive load, were 18.96 and 5.24 μV*ms in employees working with and without AR glasses, respectively. NASA-TLX scores of the employees decreased by 10% when they work with AR glasses. So, there was a less cognitive load on employees in the case of using AR glasses. And there was no significant difference between the first and last days of device usage. Hence, AR glasses did not constitute an extra cognitive load from the first day of usage.

Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2019
With the advancement of technology, augmented reality glasses have been started to using in all a... more With the advancement of technology, augmented reality glasses have been started to using in all areas. With augmented reality glasses, users can reach their wishes more easily and comfortably in different sectors such as education, entertainment, construction and automotive. However, it is not known how these glasses create a cognitive load on the user. In this article, the effect of augmented reality glasses to be used on an assembly line of an automotive company on the cognitive load was investigated. EEG, which detects fine fluctuations in instant load, was used for the measurement of cognitive load. The study was carried out with 4 participants (2 Female-2 Male) and analyzed according to the difference between the ages (35 above and below). There was no difference between the participants under the age of 35 and above the age of 35 years. Therefore, it is seen that over 35 years old people will not have extra cognitive load in using the augmented reality glasses.

Turkish Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases, 2016
AMAÇ: İnme ölüm nedenleri arasında 3. sırayı almaktadır ve fonksiyon kaybının başta gelen nedenle... more AMAÇ: İnme ölüm nedenleri arasında 3. sırayı almaktadır ve fonksiyon kaybının başta gelen nedenlerindendir. Tüm inmelerin %80'den fazlası iskemik kökenlidir. Akut iskemik inme hızlı tedavi gerektiren acil bir durumdur. Çalışmamızda kliniğimizde intra-arteriyel tedavi uygulanan hastalarımızın sonuçlarını paylaşmak istedik. GEREÇ ve YÖNTEM: Çalışmamızda 2008-2013 yılları arasında hastanemiz acil servisinde nörolojik defisiti olup CT'de kranyal hemoraji olmayan ve Girişimsel Radyoloji departmanınca DSA eşliğinde intraarteryel trombolitik tedavi uygulanan 40 hastanın retrospektif olarak biriktirilen verileri değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Çalışmaya yaş ortalaması 63,5 olan 13'ü kadın (32,5%) toplam 40 akut iskemik inme tanılı hasta alındı. İlk geliş NIHS değerleri ortalama 20,5(7-29) 24. Saatte ise 16(7-24) saptandı. Hastalara ortalama 12 mg (6-20 mg) intraarteryel trombolitik dozu uygulandı. Intra-artelyel tedavi sonrası 24. saat NIHS skoru ortalamasında azalma gözlendi. SONUÇ: Günümüzde akut iskemik inme tedavisinde intra-arteriyel tedavi uygulanmaktadır. Bulgularımız, akut iskemik inme tedavisinde kullanılan IArt-PA'nın güvenli bir tedavi olduğunu ve ilk 3 ayda fonksiyon kaybını azalttığını göstermektedir. Bu çalışma ile, intra-arteriyel trombolitik tedavi deneyimlerimizi paylaşmak ve geniş serilerin verilerine ihtiyacını vurgulamak istedik. Anahtar Sözcükler: Trombolitik tedavi, doku plazminojen aktivatörü, akut iskemik inme.

Medical Journal of Trakya University, 2009
Leuconostoc spp. members of the Streptococcaceae family, are nonmotile, facultative anaerobic gra... more Leuconostoc spp. members of the Streptococcaceae family, are nonmotile, facultative anaerobic gram-positive cocci that are naturally resistant to vancomycin (1). The fi rst case with Leuconostoc spp. as a potential cause of human infection was recorded in 1985, after which these organisms were recognized as potential pathogens (2, 3). Infections with Leuconostoc spp. bacteria usually affect patients with an underlying disease, with venous catheters, or subjects previously treated with vancomycin (2). Here, we report a patient with nosocomial meningitis due to Leuconostoc spp. An extraventricular drainage system (EVDS) catheter was used because he had a thalamic hematoma with ventricular extension. Central nervous system (CNS) infections due to Leuconostoc spp. are rare. Our case is the sixth case worldwide and the second case reported from Turkey. We discuss the case in the context of the literature. Nosocomial meningitis caused by Leuconostoc spp. was diagnosed in our patient. An extraventricular drainage system catheter was used due to the presence of a thalamic hematoma with ventricular extension. Central nervous system infections due to Leuconostoc spp. are rare. To our knowledge, our case is the sixth case worldwide and the second case reported from Turkey. This case is reported here to draw attention to a rare infectious agent with a high mortality risk.

Medical Journal of Trakya University, 2009
Leuconostoc spp. members of the Streptococcaceae family, are nonmotile, facultative anaerobic gra... more Leuconostoc spp. members of the Streptococcaceae family, are nonmotile, facultative anaerobic gram-positive cocci that are naturally resistant to vancomycin (1). The fi rst case with Leuconostoc spp. as a potential cause of human infection was recorded in 1985, after which these organisms were recognized as potential pathogens (2, 3). Infections with Leuconostoc spp. bacteria usually affect patients with an underlying disease, with venous catheters, or subjects previously treated with vancomycin (2). Here, we report a patient with nosocomial meningitis due to Leuconostoc spp. An extraventricular drainage system (EVDS) catheter was used because he had a thalamic hematoma with ventricular extension. Central nervous system (CNS) infections due to Leuconostoc spp. are rare. Our case is the sixth case worldwide and the second case reported from Turkey. We discuss the case in the context of the literature. Nosocomial meningitis caused by Leuconostoc spp. was diagnosed in our patient. An extraventricular drainage system catheter was used due to the presence of a thalamic hematoma with ventricular extension. Central nervous system infections due to Leuconostoc spp. are rare. To our knowledge, our case is the sixth case worldwide and the second case reported from Turkey. This case is reported here to draw attention to a rare infectious agent with a high mortality risk.

Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020
Son yıllarda Multipl skleroz (MS) etyolojisinde, internal juguler ven (IJV) ve/veya azigos venler... more Son yıllarda Multipl skleroz (MS) etyolojisinde, internal juguler ven (IJV) ve/veya azigos venlerde venöz drenaj bozukluğu olarak tanımlanan kronik serebrospinal venöz yetmezliğin (KSSVY) etkili olduğu ileri sürülmektedir. Bu teori, MS etyopatogenezinde etkili olduğu düşünülen otoimmün teoriyi toptan yadsıması nedeni ile ciddi tartışmalar başlatmıştır. Bu teori ile, MS etyopatogenezine farklı açılardan bakılması nedeniyle ilgi çekmiş ve bununla ilgili birçok çalışma başlatılmıştır. Çalışmamızda Doppler sonografi (DS), kranial MR venografi (MRV) ve selektif venografi (SV) ile MS hastalarında KSSVY'nin varlığının tespiti, ekstrakraniyal-intrakraniyal venöz yapıların yapısal-fonksiyonel açıdan incelenmesi, sağlıklı kişilerle karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. 25 Relapsing Remitting MS hastasına DS, SV ve kraniyal MRV yapılırken, 20 sağlıklı kişiye kraniyal MR venografi ve Doppler sonografi yapıldı. Hastalarda DS' de reflü varlığı açısından kontrol grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı idi (p<0,05 P=0,001). Kraniyal MRV' de intrakraniyal venlerde morfolojik açıdan hasta ve sağlıklı grup arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark yoktu. Selektif venografide hastaların %72'sinde sağ IJV'de, %76'sında sol IJV'de, %12'sinde azigos vende %50 ve üzeri darlık saptanırken; hastaların %60 da sağ IJV de, %48 inde sol IJV de ve %16 sında ise azigos vende %75 ve üzeri darlık izlendi. Hastaların %44'ünde azigos vende anomali izlendi. Çalışmamızdaki MS hastalarında KSSVY görülme oranı %76 idi. Saptamış olduğumuz yüksek orandaki kolateral dolaşım varlığı, hastalarda saptadığımız reflünün bir göstergesi olabilir. Kontrol grubuna etik kurul selekktif selektif venografiye izin vermediği için normalde nasıl olduğunu bilmiyoruz. Bu çalışmada sınırlı sayıda hasta grubunda bu teoriyi destekleyecek darlık bazı hastalarda gösterilmiştir. KSSVY'liğin MS hastasına özgü bir patoloji mi yoksa herkeste olabilecek fizyolojik bir varyasyon olup olmadığını söylemek mümkün değildir. Buna karar vermek için incelemeleri ilerletmek MS ve KSSVY arasındaki ilişkiyi ve/veya bunun MS belirtileri üzerindeki etkilerini saptamak için daha çok sayıda hastada yapılacak geniş çalışmalara ihtiyaç olduğu düşüncesindeyiz. Bu konuda daha ileri çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.

Journal of Turkish Sleep Medicine
Multipl skleroz (MS) hastalarında demografik, klinik ve polisomnografik verilerle yorgunluk ve uy... more Multipl skleroz (MS) hastalarında demografik, klinik ve polisomnografik verilerle yorgunluk ve uyku bozukluklarını araştırmak ve yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkilerini göstermektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya polisomnografi (PSG), Yorgunluk Şiddeti ölçeği, Epworth Uykululuk ölçeği (EUÖ), Pittsburg Uyku Kalitesi indeksi, Beck Depresyon ve Anksiyete envanteri ile değerlendirilen 30 MS hastası alındı. İnterferon kullanan (n=16) ve kullanmayan (n=14) hastalar, tüm parametrelerde birbirleriyle karşılaştırıldı; EUÖ ve PSG verileri 19 sağlıklı kişiden oluşan bir kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldı. Kısa form-36 (SF-36) verileri ise toplum normlarıyla karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların %86,7'sinde santral yorgunluk olduğu görüldü. PSG'de, interferon kullanmayanların evre N2 uyku süresi, kullananlara göre anlamlı olarak daha uzun kaydedildi (p<0,001). PSG'ye göre, toplam uyku süresi, uyku etkinliği, evre N3 ve hızlı göz hareketi süresi, solunum bozukluğu indeksi ortalaması, uyku latansı ve toplam bacak hareketlerinin ortalama değeri, hasta grubunda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı oranda yüksek bulundu (p<0,001). SF-36'nın tüm parametreleri hastalarda anlamlı olarak daha düşüktü (p<0,001). Evre N3 uyku süresi uzunluğu, SF-36'nın fiziksel bileşen özeti ile ilişkili bulundu (p<0,001). Sonuç: MS hastalarında yüksek düzeyde yorgunluk, ek olarak nesnel ve öznel uyku parametrelerinde önemli ölçüde bozukluklar bulunmaktadır. Çalışmamızda bu hastaların yaşam kalitesindeki tüm bileşenlerin önemli ölçüde azaldığı ortaya konmaktadır. Ayrıca çalışmamız derin uyku süresinin fiziksel aktivite ile ilişkili olduğunu göstermiş, MS hastalarında uyku değerlendirmesinin önemini vurgulamıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yorgunluk, uyku bozuklukları, multipl skleroz, polisomnografi Objective: To investigate fatigue and sleep disorders based on demographic, clinical and polysomnographic data and show their effects on the quality of life in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Materials and Methods: Thirty MS patients were enrolled in the study depending on the results of the polysomnography (PSG), Fatigue Severity scale, Epworth Sleepiness scale (ESS), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Iindex, Beck Depression and Anxiety inventories. Patients, using (n=16) and non-using (n=14) interferon, were compared with each other in all parameters; ESS and PSG data were compared with a control group consisting of 19 healthy people. Short form-36 (SF-36) data were also compared with the society norms. Results: Central fatigue was observed in 86.7% of the patients. PSG data revealed that stage N2 sleep duration of those who did not use interferon was significantly longer than those who used it (p<0.001). According to the PSG, total sleep time, sleep efficiency, stage N3 and rapid eye movement time, mean respiratory disturbance index, sleep latency and the mean value of total leg movements were significantly higher in the patient group than in the control group (p<0.001). All parameters of SF-36 were significantly lower in patient group (p<0.001). The stage N3 sleep time length was found related with physical component summary of SF-36 (p<0.001). Conclusion: MS patients have high level of fatigue and additionally there are weighty disturbances in objective and subjective sleep parameters. Our findings were revealed that all the components of quality of life decreased significantly in these patients. Furthermore, our study showed that deep sleep duration was related with physical activity and emphasized the importance of sleep evaluation in MS patients.

The European Research Journal
Objective. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease which affects physical,psychological and ... more Objective. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease which affects physical,psychological and social functioning of patients. In this study we aim to indicate psychiatric comorbidity, some psychosocial factors and their associations with quality of life in patients with MS. Methods. A total of 227 patients underwent psychiatric examination and the following scales were applied: Socio-demographic data form, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life-54 (MSQOL-54), Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale-Self report (PAIS-SR) and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS). Results. Among 227 patients with MS, 67.8% (n = 154) had psychiatric diagnosis; 24.2% (n = 55) had depression,19.8% (n = 45) had adjustment disorder, 14.9% (n = 34) had anxiety disorder, 7.1% (n=16) had dysthymic disorder and 1.8% (n = 4) had bipolar disorder. Patients with a psychiatric diagnosis had lower scores in role limitations due to emotional problems, emotional well-being, health perceptions, social function, cognitive function, health distress and mental health composite of MSQOL-54. PAIS-SR and MSPSS scores were significantly lower in MS patients with a psychiatric diagnosis. PAIS-SR scores were negatively correlated with role limitations-emotional, emotional well-being, social function, sexual function, satisfaction with sexual function, physical health composite and mental health composite scores of MSQOL-54. MSPSS total score was positively correlated with emotional well-being score of MSQOL-54. Conclusions. In MS patients, there is a high prevalence of psychopathology and it is associated with quality of life, perceived social support and psychosocial adjustment of the patients. Quality of life is reduced especially in emotional and mental aspects in patients with a psychiatric diagnosis. Diagnosis and treatment of psychopathology in MS patients seems crucial to decrease disease burden.
British Journal of …, 2007
Chloroma (myeloid or granulocytic sarcoma) is a rare type of tumour comprising immature granulocy... more Chloroma (myeloid or granulocytic sarcoma) is a rare type of tumour comprising immature granulocytic cells. It generally accompanies acute myeloid leukaemia and, rarely, other myeloproliferative disorders. When presenting as dural-based mass lesions, radiological differential diagnosis includes meningioma, metastasis and lymphoma. There is a limited number of descriptions of chloromas mimicking dural-based masses in the literature. We present preliminary diffusion-weighted MR, perfusion-weighted MR and MR spectroscopy findings of an intracranial myeloid sarcoma.
Archives of Neuropsychiatry

Multiple sclerosis and related disorders, 2018
Cognitive impairment (CI) is a common problem in multiple sclerosis (MS), may occur either in ear... more Cognitive impairment (CI) is a common problem in multiple sclerosis (MS), may occur either in early or late phase of the disease, and impairs quality of life. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of CI and related risk factors in relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) patients in Turkey. The present cross-sectional, multi-center, and nationally representative study included RRMS patients. Sociodemographic characteristics, cognitive functions and additional outcomes were compared between patients with and without CI. The analyses included 487 RRMS patients. According to the BRB-N battery results, CI prevalence was 53.7%. There was a negative significant correlation of BRB-N subtests with age, disease duration, and EDSS and MSNQ-patient rated scores. On the logistic regression analysis, increased age, living in village/rural area, high income level, and high EDSS score were significant increasing risk factors in the development of CI. This is the first national cognitive data obtained ...

Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 2018
In recent years, an increasing number of research papers revealed that the compositional and volu... more In recent years, an increasing number of research papers revealed that the compositional and volumetric alterations in the extracellular matrix are the consequences of aging and may be related to Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study, we aimed to demonstrate the alterations in hippocampal extracellular fluid proteins in vivo using the 5XFAD mouse model. Samples were obtained from hippocampi of 5XFAD mice (n = 6) and their non-transgenic littermates by intracerebral push-pull perfusion technique at 3 months of age, representing the pre-pathological stage of the AD. Proteins in the hippocampal perfusates were analyzed by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-qTOF-MS/MS). 178 proteins were identified and 19 proteins of them were found to be statistically significantly altered (p≤0.05, fold change ≥40%, unique peptide count ≥3) in the hippocampal CA1 extracellular fluid of the 5XFAD mouse model. Ingenu...
Journal of Neurology Research
Elmer This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribut... more Elmer This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
The European Research Journal
Some incidental findings on cranial imaging may render every one speechless. Brain plasticity in ... more Some incidental findings on cranial imaging may render every one speechless. Brain plasticity in childhood and slow expansion of arachnoid cyst may be possible explanations of the discordance between the clinical and radiological findings. Here, we presented an asymptomatic, incidentally detected arachnoid cyst accompanied by compression of most parts of brain, displacing the motor cortex to the occipital parts of the existing brain tissue. The case was discussed in the light of the rare patients in the literature.

Noro Psikiyatri Arsivi
With an increasing number of patients being diagnosed with Alzheimer' s disease (AD) daily, it ha... more With an increasing number of patients being diagnosed with Alzheimer' s disease (AD) daily, it has become one of the major problems in public health. The increase in the number of dementia patients in low-and middle-income countries is expected to be much more than that in developed countries. As a result, the economic burden of dementia, both worldwide and in Turkey, is growing. Moreover, AD leads to emotional burdens and psychological distress in family member(s) and caregiver(s) alongside the patient. Each stage of AD imposes different responsibilities on caregivers, increasing their burden. The suffering and emotional burdens of caregivers from these responsibilities lead to a decreased quality of life and disturbed body physiology. Incapacity, despair, weariness, and loneliness are the hidden emotions of this iceberg. This review aims to gather the results of studies on caregiver burden in different stages of AD, attract attention to those results that may have been ignored in Turkey, and shed light on the solutions required to overcome the problems in caregiving of AD patients.
Papers by Ozlem Taskapilioglu