Revista Colombiana de Entomología
El cultivo de maracuyá es un importante sistema productivo de la región del Huila en Colombia. Lo... more El cultivo de maracuyá es un importante sistema productivo de la región del Huila en Colombia. Los trips (Neohydatothrips signifer) son la plaga más limitante del cultivo, ya que son causantes de enormes daños con conse- cuentes pérdidas económicas. Una de las formas de racionalizar el uso de insecticidas para su manejo es hacer las apli- caciones basadas en el nivel de daño económico (NDE), lo que permite a su vez establecer un nivel de infestación crítico conocido como umbral de acción (UA). El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el NDE para N. signifer en maracuyá amarillo. El estudio se realizó en el municipio de Suaza (Huila). Se estableció un diseño de bloques completos al azar para medir la respuesta del rendimiento del maracuyá a tres niveles crecientes de infestación (7, 14 y 21 trips por terminal). Se encontró una relación negativa entre los niveles de infestación y los rendimientos, la cual se ajustó a la ecuación Y = 6768,4 - 311,34x. Utilizando la función de p...

Es evidente que hoy dada la pandemia y otros factores existen grandes problemas de orden economic... more Es evidente que hoy dada la pandemia y otros factores existen grandes problemas de orden economico, incluso en los paises mas desarrollados que tambien estan sufriendo estas crisis y lo lamentable es que tratan de solucionarlo con politicas de muy corto plazo y que solo atienden la parte interna y particular de su crisis, desconociendo el concepto acunado a nivel de las Naciones Unidas; acotado a la nueva estructura economica transfronteriza; como Nuevo Orden Economico Internacional, que propugna ayudar a establecer relaciones economicas mas justas y de esta manera a contribuir a mejorar el destino de las poblaciones de diversas partes del mundo, todos estos principios que existen y que de alguna manera generarian, con una vision mas amplia por parte de estas naciones, un desarrollo mas equilibrado en el mundo, por lo que para lograr este objetivo seria necesario interiorizar en las politicas internacionales de las naciones en desarrollo el respeto irrestricto de las ideas propugnad...

Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2017
Omega-3 fish oil supplements are widely consumed as source of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahe... more Omega-3 fish oil supplements are widely consumed as source of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids, presenting beneficial effects on human health. This study aimed to evaluate fifteen brands of omega-3 fish oil supplements available in Brazilian market in order to estimate the Brazilian reality regarding those supplements. Twelve fatty acids were quantified by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID), and lipid profile were obtained via mass spectrometry fingerprinting using direct electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) to assess the form in which fatty acids are present as well as the possible fraud existence. Among all analyzed samples, thirteen brands were revealed as EPA and DHA sources (90.2-440.3 and 77.8-302.3 mg g-1 lipid, respectively) in triacylglycerols (TAG) or ethyl esters (EE) form. However, two brands were discovered with addition of large amounts of soybean oil, leading the final consumer to ingest this low-cost oil believing that they are consuming adequate doses of EPA and DHA.

Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología, 2014
El hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar (CHC-FL) es una rara variante del carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC), ... more El hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar (CHC-FL) es una rara variante del carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC), se presenta con mayor frecuencia en adultos jóvenes, sin distinción de sexo, se desarrolla en su manera más característica sobre un hígado previamente sano. La manifestación clásica está dada por la triada de masa palpable en hipocondrio derecho, dolor y pérdida de peso. Ante la ausencia de historia de enfermedad hepática previa, es usual que se encuentre como una neoplasia avanzada de gran tamaño, la cual tiene hallazgos característicos en la tomografía o en la RM, que permiten en un alto porcentaje de casos hacer el diagnóstico solo con las imágenes. En este tipo de neoplasias, el mejor tratamiento es la resección quirúrgica, que proporciona una sobrevida a 5 años de 58-82%, pero con unas tasas de recaídas muy elevadas, que puede variar según las series entre 33-100% de los casos. Presentamos el caso de un paciente joven, sin historia de enfermedad hepática, en el que se diagnosticó un...

Colombia Médica, 2015
Objectives: Liver transplantation is the treatment of choice for acute and chronic liver failure,... more Objectives: Liver transplantation is the treatment of choice for acute and chronic liver failure, for selected cases of tumors, and for conditions resulting from errors in metabolism. This paper reports the experience of a medical center in Latin America. Methods: Were conducted 305 orthotopic liver transplantations on 284 patients between 2004 and 2010. Of these patients, 241 were adults undergoing their first transplantation. Results: The average age of patients was 52 years old, and 62% of the individuals were male. The most common indication was alcoholic cirrhosis. The rate of patient survival after 1 and 5 years was 82 and 72% respectively. The rate of liver graft survival after 1 and 5 years was 78 and 68% respectively. The main cause of death was sepsis. Complications in the hepatic artery were documented for 5% of the patients. Additionally, 14.5% of the patients had complications in the biliary tract. Infections were found in 41% of the individuals. Acute rejection was observed in 30% of the subjects, and chronic rejection in 3%. Conclusion: In conclusion, liver transplantation at our medical center in Colombia offers good mid-term results, with a complication rate similar to that reported by other centers around the world.

Annals of Hepatology, 2009
Background: White phosphorus is chemical compound available in military ammunition as well as in ... more Background: White phosphorus is chemical compound available in military ammunition as well as in explosive powder of recreational use. This latter form is commonly found in Latin America and Asia as a main ingredient of gunpowder used to make street firecrackers. Small firecrackers may be ingested accidentally or used as a toxic agent in suicidal attempts which may cause of acute liver failure and death; however the clinical features, incidence and outcome are poorly described in the literature. Methods: We describe three cases of white phosphorus intoxication with acute liver failure secondary to the consumption of firecrackers. In two cases, ingestion occurred secondary to suicidal attempts and in one, ingestion occurred by accident. In one case, liver injury improved with supportive care, in the other, the patient required liver transplantation and the third case had a fatal outcome. Conclusions: Clinicians providing care of patients with acute hepatitis of unclear etiology should be aware that the ingestion of firecrackers containing white phosphorus might cause acute liver failure that may require liver transplantation.

Gastroenterologia y hepatologia, Jan 12, 2018
Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) with characteristics of primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is known as ... more Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) with characteristics of primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is known as overlap syndrome. Its prevalence and prognosis have not yet been determined comparatively with AIH. A retrospective cohort study was conducted comparing patients diagnosed with AIH and AIH-PBC overlap syndrome, followed-up for seven years in a university hospital in Colombia, until 31 December 2016. A total of 210 patients were included (195 women, mean age 48.5years). Of these, 32 (15.2%) had AIH-PBC overlap syndrome. At diagnosis, no significant differences were found by demographic profile, positive autoantibodies (ANA, ASMA), except AMA (81.2% vs 3.9%, P<.001), and histological grade of fibrosis. The most frequent clinical presentations were nonspecific symptoms in AIH-PBC and acute hepatitis in AIH. Although there were no significant differences, AIH showed a greater biochemical response to immunosuppressive management (87.3% vs 74.2%, P=.061) and a greater number of relapses in ...

Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterologia, Jun 1, 2014
Objectives: Liver retransplantation is the only therapeutic option for liver graft failure which ... more Objectives: Liver retransplantation is the only therapeutic option for liver graft failure which occurs in 5% to 23 % of all transplants. Graft failure is associated with poorer survival rates and increased complications and costs. The objectives of this study were to assess the incidence of liver retransplantation and describe complications and survival of liver retransplantation patients at a center in Colombia. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective descriptive study of patients retransplanted at the Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe between 2004 and 2010. Results: Three hundred five adults and children underwent orthotopic liver transplants between 2004 and 2010. Liver retransplantation was performed on 21 adult patients (7.7 %). The main indication was thrombosis of the hepatic artery. Patient survival at 1 year was 81 %, and at 5 years it was 76 %. Liver graft survival was at one year was 76 % and at five years was 72%. Vascular complications were found in 4 patients (19%), and biliary complications were found in 4 patients (19%). Infections were documented in 11 patients (52 %). The main cause of death was primary liver graft dysfunction. Conclusion: Liver retransplantation is a complex procedure requiring great technical skill and appropriate patient selection. Medium term results in the Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe in Medellin are similar to those reported in the literature.
Bol Estudios Especiales, 1960
Revista Colombiana De Cirugia, Jun 1, 2013
La cirugía de trasplantes se desarrolla cada día más en Colombia y en el mundo; este artículo pre... more La cirugía de trasplantes se desarrolla cada día más en Colombia y en el mundo; este artículo presenta la experiencia mundial y la primera en Latinoamérica del trasplante multivisceral modificado con preservación del bazo, el duodeno y el páncreas del receptor. Las indicaciones para este trasplante son la insuficiencia gastrointestinal irreversible sin insuficiencia hepática (con dependencia completa de nutrición parenteral total para vivir) secundaria a neuropatías o miopatías 1 Médico, cirujano general, cirujano vascular y de trasplantes,
Revista Medicas Uis, 2006
La placenta previa y el acretismo placentario son importantes complicaciones obstetricas cuya inc... more La placenta previa y el acretismo placentario son importantes complicaciones obstetricas cuya incidencia havenido aumentando en los ultimos anos, debido entre otros factores, al incremento de procedimientosuterinos en las mujeres gestantes y especialmente a la iteratividad de cesareas. Por presentar un pronosticopoco favorable y por sus inesperadas complicaciones, se convierte en un tema de interes medico, recomendandoseque sean tratadas interdisciplinariamente, desde su sospecha clinica hasta su efectivodiagnostico y manejo. Dicho manejo dependera del grado de compromiso maternofetal, de los recursoshospitalarios con los que se cuenta y la presencia o no de paridad satisfecha.
Problemas Del Desarrollo, Jul 5, 2013
Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterologia, Oct 1, 2012
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterologia, 2013
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative
Xiii Reunion Del Grupo Espanol De La Seccion De Archivos Y Archiveros Parlamentarios Y De Partidos Politicos Del Consejo Internacional De Archivos Comunicaciones 2010 Isbn 978 84 87119 21 7 Pags 47 64, 2010