Papers by NusantaraFm Jember

Prosiding ICOGISS 2019, 2019
The impact of work stress is declining job motivation and performance of employees. Work motivati... more The impact of work stress is declining job motivation and performance of employees. Work motivation is needed by the individual employee as the impetus for creating a work of passion. Employee performance arises as an effective response to the job tasks performed by employees. High workload will lead to the emergence of stress on employees. Work stress caused by work conflict, workload, work environment as well as the influence of leadership.
This study aimed to examine the variables antaseden job stress on work motivation and performance of employees as the dependent variable. Questionnaires were used to test the independent variables, intervening variables and the dependent variable based on the theoretical study researchers compiled. The statements in the questionnaire have been tested validity. Respondents of this study were all employees of Muhammadiyah University of Jember, amounting to as many as 120 employees. Questionnaires were distributed to the respondent’s as many as 120 copies and all questionnaires were returned and filled in correctly so it deserves to be processed.
The results of this study indicate that the first hypothesis that labor conflict variable positive and significant effect on job stress in Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven true or accepted H1 evidenced by the results of the test work conflict variable on job stress is beta value (β) of 0.299 with a ρ-value of 0.001 is smaller than α (0.001 <0.05). In the second hypothesis indicates that the variable workload and a significant positive effect on job stress in Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven true or H1 is accepted. This is evidenced by the results of the test variable workload to job stress is beta value (β) of 0.201 with a ρ-value of 0.014 is less than the α (0.015 <0.05). While the third hypothesis the results showed that the working environment variable nigatif and significant effect on job stress in Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven kebenarnnya or H1 is accepted. This is evidenced by the results of test variables to work stress work environment is beta value (β) of -0421 with a ρ-value of 0.000 is less than the α (0.000 <0.05). The fourth hypothesis proof shows that leadership variables no significant effect on job stress of employees at the Muhammadiyah University of Jember, not truth or H0 is accepted, evidenced thereby variable test results obtained kerjai leadership to stress the value of beta (β) of 0.129 with a ρ-value of 0.112 greater than α (0.112 <0.05). While in the fifth hypothesis is that the variable job stress had no significant effect on work motivation at the Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven true or H0 is accepted, evidenced by the results of the test variable job stress on work motivation is beta value (β) of 0.064 with a ρ-value of 0.487 greater than α (0.487 <0.05). The sixth hypothesis proves that the variables that work motivation positive and significant effect on employees Performance at the University of Muhammadiyah Jember proven true or H1 is accepted, evidenced by the results of the test variable work motivation on employee Performance is beta value (β) of 0439 with ρ-value of 0.000 over smaller than α (0.000 <0.05). The seventh hypothesis proves that work motivation variable and not significant effect on employees Performance at the University of Muhammadiyah Jember proven true or rejected H1 evidenced by the results of the stress test variables working against the employee Performance is beta value (β) of 0.127 with a ρ-value of 0.119 is greater than on α (0.119 <0.05)

Research with title “Faktor – Faktor Yang Berperanan Dalam Meningkatkan Performance Karyawan Pada... more Research with title “Faktor – Faktor Yang Berperanan Dalam Meningkatkan Performance Karyawan Pada Harian Surya Jember” by Faozen majors Manajemen faculty of Muhammadiyah University this Jember bent on to know Performance employees and causative element go up descent of performance employees in company.
This Research uses descriptive method of analysis research that is researcher that designed to determine factor level that play a role in improve Performance employees in a population. Method of its analysis use media analysis that is use percentage ( from same the response that amount divided with responder amount and multiplied with one hundred percents).
By using media analysis is got that basically Performance good employees, proven by motivation extrinsic 100% responder the of salary in timely and 80% salary responder that given in accordance with minimum standard that go into effect, whereas motivation intrinsic, 100% company responder gives promotion for employees that, and 80% employees responder will more improve performance and 70% competition responder between employees so high. Despite that environment have role also, proven 80% communication responder between good employees and there is discussion between employees, and 75% responder feels empathy employees will grow stronger. Whereas leadership styles have role related to decision – decision that will be taken, this proven 80% respondent employees is given opportunity to submit its opinion and 100% responder informational leader in communicative till clear. In other hand 40% head delegates duty and give trust of full to employees for getting tasks done and given free rein to to innovate at job that become its responsibility. whereas 85% head attitude cheer on and give advise and motivation at employees that conduct mistake and 80% head exemplifies that either in job discipline. If head gets criticism 80% head accepts and repairs to the its mistake and in working head cooperates with its employees. In this case policy proven management have role, where 75% with flexible its regulation that go into effect to issue – issue expands and existing problems. Related to regulation, 45% responder states company gives job description in clear to employees and 100% employees responder works in accordance with job description each employees

Dalam psikologi dan pendidkan, pembelajaran secara umum didefinisikan sebagai suatu proses yang m... more Dalam psikologi dan pendidkan, pembelajaran secara umum didefinisikan sebagai suatu proses yang menyatukan kognitif, emosional, dan lingkungan pengaruh dan pengalaman untuk memperoleh, meningkatkan, atau membuat perubahan’s pengetahuan satu, keterampilan, nilai, dan pandangan dunia (Illeris, 2000; Ormorod, 1995).
Belajar sebagai suatu proses berfokus pada apa yang terjadi ketika belajar berlangsung. Penjelasan tentang apa yang terjadi merupakan teori-teori belajar.Teori belajar adalah upaya untuk menggambarkan bagaimana orang dan hewan belajar, sehingga membantu kita memahami proses kompleks inheren pembelajaran.
Ada tiga kategori utama atau kerangka filosofis mengenai teori belajar, yaitu: behaviorisme, kognitivisme, dan konstruktivisme . Behaviorisme hanya berfokus pada aspek objektif diamati pembelajaran.Teori kognitif melihat melampaui perilaku untuk menjelaskan pembelajaran berbasis otak. Dan pandangan konstruktivisme belajar sebagai sebuah proses di mana pelajar aktif membangun atau membangun ide-ide baru atau konsep.
Papers by NusantaraFm Jember
This study aimed to examine the variables antaseden job stress on work motivation and performance of employees as the dependent variable. Questionnaires were used to test the independent variables, intervening variables and the dependent variable based on the theoretical study researchers compiled. The statements in the questionnaire have been tested validity. Respondents of this study were all employees of Muhammadiyah University of Jember, amounting to as many as 120 employees. Questionnaires were distributed to the respondent’s as many as 120 copies and all questionnaires were returned and filled in correctly so it deserves to be processed.
The results of this study indicate that the first hypothesis that labor conflict variable positive and significant effect on job stress in Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven true or accepted H1 evidenced by the results of the test work conflict variable on job stress is beta value (β) of 0.299 with a ρ-value of 0.001 is smaller than α (0.001 <0.05). In the second hypothesis indicates that the variable workload and a significant positive effect on job stress in Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven true or H1 is accepted. This is evidenced by the results of the test variable workload to job stress is beta value (β) of 0.201 with a ρ-value of 0.014 is less than the α (0.015 <0.05). While the third hypothesis the results showed that the working environment variable nigatif and significant effect on job stress in Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven kebenarnnya or H1 is accepted. This is evidenced by the results of test variables to work stress work environment is beta value (β) of -0421 with a ρ-value of 0.000 is less than the α (0.000 <0.05). The fourth hypothesis proof shows that leadership variables no significant effect on job stress of employees at the Muhammadiyah University of Jember, not truth or H0 is accepted, evidenced thereby variable test results obtained kerjai leadership to stress the value of beta (β) of 0.129 with a ρ-value of 0.112 greater than α (0.112 <0.05). While in the fifth hypothesis is that the variable job stress had no significant effect on work motivation at the Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven true or H0 is accepted, evidenced by the results of the test variable job stress on work motivation is beta value (β) of 0.064 with a ρ-value of 0.487 greater than α (0.487 <0.05). The sixth hypothesis proves that the variables that work motivation positive and significant effect on employees Performance at the University of Muhammadiyah Jember proven true or H1 is accepted, evidenced by the results of the test variable work motivation on employee Performance is beta value (β) of 0439 with ρ-value of 0.000 over smaller than α (0.000 <0.05). The seventh hypothesis proves that work motivation variable and not significant effect on employees Performance at the University of Muhammadiyah Jember proven true or rejected H1 evidenced by the results of the stress test variables working against the employee Performance is beta value (β) of 0.127 with a ρ-value of 0.119 is greater than on α (0.119 <0.05)
This Research uses descriptive method of analysis research that is researcher that designed to determine factor level that play a role in improve Performance employees in a population. Method of its analysis use media analysis that is use percentage ( from same the response that amount divided with responder amount and multiplied with one hundred percents).
By using media analysis is got that basically Performance good employees, proven by motivation extrinsic 100% responder the of salary in timely and 80% salary responder that given in accordance with minimum standard that go into effect, whereas motivation intrinsic, 100% company responder gives promotion for employees that, and 80% employees responder will more improve performance and 70% competition responder between employees so high. Despite that environment have role also, proven 80% communication responder between good employees and there is discussion between employees, and 75% responder feels empathy employees will grow stronger. Whereas leadership styles have role related to decision – decision that will be taken, this proven 80% respondent employees is given opportunity to submit its opinion and 100% responder informational leader in communicative till clear. In other hand 40% head delegates duty and give trust of full to employees for getting tasks done and given free rein to to innovate at job that become its responsibility. whereas 85% head attitude cheer on and give advise and motivation at employees that conduct mistake and 80% head exemplifies that either in job discipline. If head gets criticism 80% head accepts and repairs to the its mistake and in working head cooperates with its employees. In this case policy proven management have role, where 75% with flexible its regulation that go into effect to issue – issue expands and existing problems. Related to regulation, 45% responder states company gives job description in clear to employees and 100% employees responder works in accordance with job description each employees
Belajar sebagai suatu proses berfokus pada apa yang terjadi ketika belajar berlangsung. Penjelasan tentang apa yang terjadi merupakan teori-teori belajar.Teori belajar adalah upaya untuk menggambarkan bagaimana orang dan hewan belajar, sehingga membantu kita memahami proses kompleks inheren pembelajaran.
Ada tiga kategori utama atau kerangka filosofis mengenai teori belajar, yaitu: behaviorisme, kognitivisme, dan konstruktivisme . Behaviorisme hanya berfokus pada aspek objektif diamati pembelajaran.Teori kognitif melihat melampaui perilaku untuk menjelaskan pembelajaran berbasis otak. Dan pandangan konstruktivisme belajar sebagai sebuah proses di mana pelajar aktif membangun atau membangun ide-ide baru atau konsep.
This study aimed to examine the variables antaseden job stress on work motivation and performance of employees as the dependent variable. Questionnaires were used to test the independent variables, intervening variables and the dependent variable based on the theoretical study researchers compiled. The statements in the questionnaire have been tested validity. Respondents of this study were all employees of Muhammadiyah University of Jember, amounting to as many as 120 employees. Questionnaires were distributed to the respondent’s as many as 120 copies and all questionnaires were returned and filled in correctly so it deserves to be processed.
The results of this study indicate that the first hypothesis that labor conflict variable positive and significant effect on job stress in Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven true or accepted H1 evidenced by the results of the test work conflict variable on job stress is beta value (β) of 0.299 with a ρ-value of 0.001 is smaller than α (0.001 <0.05). In the second hypothesis indicates that the variable workload and a significant positive effect on job stress in Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven true or H1 is accepted. This is evidenced by the results of the test variable workload to job stress is beta value (β) of 0.201 with a ρ-value of 0.014 is less than the α (0.015 <0.05). While the third hypothesis the results showed that the working environment variable nigatif and significant effect on job stress in Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven kebenarnnya or H1 is accepted. This is evidenced by the results of test variables to work stress work environment is beta value (β) of -0421 with a ρ-value of 0.000 is less than the α (0.000 <0.05). The fourth hypothesis proof shows that leadership variables no significant effect on job stress of employees at the Muhammadiyah University of Jember, not truth or H0 is accepted, evidenced thereby variable test results obtained kerjai leadership to stress the value of beta (β) of 0.129 with a ρ-value of 0.112 greater than α (0.112 <0.05). While in the fifth hypothesis is that the variable job stress had no significant effect on work motivation at the Muhammadiyah University of Jember proven true or H0 is accepted, evidenced by the results of the test variable job stress on work motivation is beta value (β) of 0.064 with a ρ-value of 0.487 greater than α (0.487 <0.05). The sixth hypothesis proves that the variables that work motivation positive and significant effect on employees Performance at the University of Muhammadiyah Jember proven true or H1 is accepted, evidenced by the results of the test variable work motivation on employee Performance is beta value (β) of 0439 with ρ-value of 0.000 over smaller than α (0.000 <0.05). The seventh hypothesis proves that work motivation variable and not significant effect on employees Performance at the University of Muhammadiyah Jember proven true or rejected H1 evidenced by the results of the stress test variables working against the employee Performance is beta value (β) of 0.127 with a ρ-value of 0.119 is greater than on α (0.119 <0.05)
This Research uses descriptive method of analysis research that is researcher that designed to determine factor level that play a role in improve Performance employees in a population. Method of its analysis use media analysis that is use percentage ( from same the response that amount divided with responder amount and multiplied with one hundred percents).
By using media analysis is got that basically Performance good employees, proven by motivation extrinsic 100% responder the of salary in timely and 80% salary responder that given in accordance with minimum standard that go into effect, whereas motivation intrinsic, 100% company responder gives promotion for employees that, and 80% employees responder will more improve performance and 70% competition responder between employees so high. Despite that environment have role also, proven 80% communication responder between good employees and there is discussion between employees, and 75% responder feels empathy employees will grow stronger. Whereas leadership styles have role related to decision – decision that will be taken, this proven 80% respondent employees is given opportunity to submit its opinion and 100% responder informational leader in communicative till clear. In other hand 40% head delegates duty and give trust of full to employees for getting tasks done and given free rein to to innovate at job that become its responsibility. whereas 85% head attitude cheer on and give advise and motivation at employees that conduct mistake and 80% head exemplifies that either in job discipline. If head gets criticism 80% head accepts and repairs to the its mistake and in working head cooperates with its employees. In this case policy proven management have role, where 75% with flexible its regulation that go into effect to issue – issue expands and existing problems. Related to regulation, 45% responder states company gives job description in clear to employees and 100% employees responder works in accordance with job description each employees
Belajar sebagai suatu proses berfokus pada apa yang terjadi ketika belajar berlangsung. Penjelasan tentang apa yang terjadi merupakan teori-teori belajar.Teori belajar adalah upaya untuk menggambarkan bagaimana orang dan hewan belajar, sehingga membantu kita memahami proses kompleks inheren pembelajaran.
Ada tiga kategori utama atau kerangka filosofis mengenai teori belajar, yaitu: behaviorisme, kognitivisme, dan konstruktivisme . Behaviorisme hanya berfokus pada aspek objektif diamati pembelajaran.Teori kognitif melihat melampaui perilaku untuk menjelaskan pembelajaran berbasis otak. Dan pandangan konstruktivisme belajar sebagai sebuah proses di mana pelajar aktif membangun atau membangun ide-ide baru atau konsep.