Despite the numerous advantages of implementing smart technology, expenses or negatives must be c... more Despite the numerous advantages of implementing smart technology, expenses or negatives must be considered, with one of the most significant being the influence on personnel. A lot of studies have been undertaken to examine the influence of technological innovation on personnel. In the hospitality industry, research on service robots has grown, with a focus on customer-robot interactions. Despite this, studies on the influence of service robots on hotel employees are still at an early stage of development, especially in Indonesia. To fill the gap, the purpose of the study is to investigates the relationship between Smart Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Algorithms (STARA) awareness, job stress, job insecurity among hotel employees in Jakarta. Using quantitative approach, this study used convenient sample and involve 160 research participants. The research respondent was coming from various hotel employees located in Jakarta. Multiple regression analysis was used to...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
Shopping has emerged as one of the biggest expenditures in the tourism industry. Shopping malls r... more Shopping has emerged as one of the biggest expenditures in the tourism industry. Shopping malls represent the main shopping site for an urban destination such as Jakarta. Moreover, the destination should continuously provide not only a diverse place to shop, but also a convenience and accessible place for all to sustain the tourism value. The aim of this study is to determine the shopping malls accessibility based on UNWTO Accessible Tourism concept as a part of sustainable tourism. Data were gathered from direct field observation and interview from January to June 2018. Jakarta Tourism Board official website was employed as references to aside eight Jakarta shopping malls as research objects. The findings refine the shopping malls accessibility based on six categories; parking area, signage, elevators, public telephones, public toilets and pricing. The results reveal good compliance for pricing in term of no rising fee for the visitor with special requirements. However, the public telephone is hardly found and a limited number of public toilets for children and disabled are available. Therefore, this study contributes to providing added value information for tourism destination to advance the shopping experience for tourist and visitor by constructing the shopping malls for everyone.
Sumber daya manusia adalah aset utama dalam setiap organisasi, karena menjadi salah satu alat unt... more Sumber daya manusia adalah aset utama dalam setiap organisasi, karena menjadi salah satu alat untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Dalam menjalankan operasional sehari-hari sumber daya manusialah yang memegang peranan penting dalam suatu organisasi, apalagi suatu hotel. Dimana hotel dituntut untuk dapat memberikan layanan yang terbaik kepada pelanggannya sehingga akan timbul kepuasan pada para pelanggan. Karena dari itu kinerja dari tiap karyawan haruslah ditingkatkan dengan berbagai caram salah satunya adalah dengan cara memberikan motivasi yang sesuai untuk tiap karyawan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh dari motivasi terhadap kinerja karyawan pastry section di Hotel X, Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitaif dan pengolahan data dengan SPSS 22. Hasil dari penelitian adalah terdapat pengaruh positif dari motivasi terhadap kinerja karyawan. Maka saran yang dapat diberikan adalah agar manajemen hotel dapat memperhatikan lingkungan kerja, kond...
With the industrial revolution 4.0, the use of advanced technology based on artificial intelligen... more With the industrial revolution 4.0, the use of advanced technology based on artificial intelligence has begun to be implemented by business people in the tourism industry, especially in the hotel sector. Although it has many advantages, the use of Robots, AI, Service Automation (RAISA) also impacts employees, one of which is the fear of losing opportunities and job opportunities. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between awareness of the use of RAISA and perceptions of future career opportunities. This research focuses on Vocational High School (SMK) students because they are potential workers in this industry in the future. This study uses quantitative methods. 247 SMK students participated in this research by filling out a survey questionnaire that was distributed to them. This study found a positive and significant relationship between awareness of RAISA and perceptions of future career opportunities. The study results are expected to contribute to the literature in...
The Corona virus, which began to emerge at the end of 2019 in China, has so far spread widely thr... more The Corona virus, which began to emerge at the end of 2019 in China, has so far spread widely throughout the world including Indonesia, where this greatly affects various aspects of human life. Many MSME businesses must close because of the current economic situation. Therefore, MSME owners during the COVID-19 pandemic must start rethinking their business strategy. Because only with innovation, micro, small and medium business owners will be able to survive and continue to be sustainable. One of the innovations is to use technology, namely cloud kitchens that are attached to the use of online applications. During the COVID-19 epidemic, this study looks at the possibility of MSME business owners to adopt Cloud-based technology platforms as their new business model. The data for this study were obtained from 100 MSME owners engaged in the food and beverage sector using quantitative techniques. Data processing using SPSS 22.0 program and path analysis. The research findings reveal that...
This research aimed to determine the influence of personality traits towards cyberloafing activit... more This research aimed to determine the influence of personality traits towards cyberloafing activities of room division employee at Hotel XYZ. The quantitative method is used by collecting data through a questionnaire using mini-IPIP 20 Personality Traits theory. Population is 48 people who work as rooms division employee at Hotel XYZ. Statistic descriptive, correlation, regression, and hypothesis are analysis methods used in this research. The results define five personality traits which are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, intellect, and two cyberloafing activities; e-mail activity and browsing activity. Findings revealed that the majority of room division employees, either male or female, either in Guest Service or Housekeeping Department showed conscientiousness personality traits, followed by intellect and agreeableness. This research also shows that e-mail activities became the major cyberloafing dimension complied by the employee. Personality traits ...
Indonesia is a country that is very rich in culture and tradition. And a lot of traditional foods... more Indonesia is a country that is very rich in culture and tradition. And a lot of traditional foods and drinks are closely related to culture, or it can be said that they have been closely attached to an area. Kawa Daun is one of them, a traditional drink from the Minangkabau realm. It has become a culture for the people of West Sumatra to consume Kawa Daun, a drink derived from dried coffee leaves. The purpose of this study is to explore the history of Kawa Daun in terms of gastronomy and want to know whether tiramisu using Kawa daun can be liked. The research was conducted by searching for references as much as possible and drawing conclusions from existing references. The result is that Kawa daun is well known from the colonial era and until now it is still widely consumed and the way of making and serving that has not changed from time to time and Kawa daun can replace coffee in making tiramisu.
2021 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech), 2021
Several studies have examined the potential impact of service robots, artificial intelligence, an... more Several studies have examined the potential impact of service robots, artificial intelligence, and service automation on hospitality employees. However, very limited studies have examined the perception of hospitality students who will be the future employees in the hospitality industry. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the currently enrolled hospitality student’s awareness of Robot, AI, and Service Automation (RAISA) implementation and its correlation with their career competencies and future career opportunities. This study adopted a quantitative approach, and data were collected from a survey of 195 hospitality students, using a convenient sample method. Multiple regression was used to analyze the data. The study found that there was a significant positive relationship between the variables. Also, RAISA awareness, together with career competencies, is found to have influenced the level of students' perceived future career opportunities.
This study aims to examine the effect of brand storytelling on value perceptions and its impact o... more This study aims to examine the effect of brand storytelling on value perceptions and its impact on Visit Intention on tourism destinations in Jakarta (Survey on YouTube Channel of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah). The survey was conducted on 100 subscribers of the YouTube Channel of TMII Official. With purposive sampling technique and Path analysis technique to analyze this study, the results show that 1) Brand storytelling has a significant effect of 0.680 or 68,0% on value perceptions; 2) Value perceptions significantly influence 0,477 or 47,7% to visit intention; 3) Brand storytelling directly affects significantly 0,438 or 43,8%, to Visit intention, while its influence indirectly equal to 0,324 or 32,4% through value perceptions, with total influence 0,762 or 76,2%. The findings in this study indicate that Brand storytelling is one of the effective strategies in forming value perceptions so that it can influence visit intention.
Informasi adalah sekumpulan data yang dapat berguna bagi pengambilan keputusan dan saat ini menja... more Informasi adalah sekumpulan data yang dapat berguna bagi pengambilan keputusan dan saat ini menjadi sebuah bahan atau komoditas yang penting bagi semua golongan masyarakat, termasuk wisatawan. Accessible informationadalah informasi yang dapat dibaca atau diterima dan dipahami oleh individu atau kelompok, termasuk salah satunya adalah pengunjung restoran. Restoran adalah bagian dari sektor pendukung dalam pariwisata dan salah satu jenis restoran yang cukup banyak dikunjungi adalah casual Italian restaurant yang menyajikan makanan Italia dengan harga terjangkau. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi penerapan kriteriaaccessible informationberdasarkan UNWTO pada 10casual Italian restaurant dari 5 brandyang berbeda di Jakarta.Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif dengan pendekatan eksploratif. Objek penelitian dipilih berdasarkan situs web Zomato yang diambil pada bulan Januari 2018. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan pengamatan langsung pada 10 casual Italian restaurant yang terbagi dalam 5 brand yang berbeda di Jakarta, yaitu; Domino"s Pizza, Pizza Hut, Pizza Marzano, Popolamama dan The Kitchen by Pizza Hut. Data dianalisis dengan mengatur data, mendeskripsikannya ke dalam unit, mensintesis dan menyusun pola dari daftar pengamatan. Temuan menunjukkan penerapan accessible information dibagi berdasarkan tujuh kriteria;printed material, digital document, audiovisual content, website, mobile-apps, self service terminals-mobile devices dansignage. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kriteria printed material dan signage telahbanyak diterapkan oleh mayoritascasual Italian restaurant, sementaraself-service terminals-mobile devicesbelum diterapkan. Implikasi studi bermanfaat dalam memberikan rekomendasi bagi casual Italian restaurantsupaya dapat memaksimalkan penerapan accessible information di restorannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhanberagam para tamu yang datang ke restoran mereka sehingga dapat memberikan kesempatan pada restoran tersebut untuk mempertahankan eksistensi dan mengembangkan usahanya.
ABSTRACT: Since long time ago, Indonesia is well-known as one of the most spices-producing countr... more ABSTRACT: Since long time ago, Indonesia is well-known as one of the most spices-producing countries. Indonesian special spices come from tree bark, fruit, flowers, leaves, roots and many more. One of the spices that can be found in many areas is Kecombrang. Kecombrang is one of the plants that grow in the tropics so besides of Indonesia it can also be found in Malaysia or Thailand. In Indonesia, kecombrang is used as an additional ingredient in traditional cuisine in several regions such as North Sumatra, Java and Bali. Part of kecombrang that is used in cooking is the flower that has not bloomed and the inside of the stem. The taste of kecombrang itself is rather acidic with a strong special aroma. Because of its strong aroma and sour taste, kecombrang is widely used for fish or seafood-based dishes. Kecombrang is also widely used for soup and addition to traditional sambal. With the development of food processing, some have started to process kecombrang into syrup. The purpose o...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Accessibility, sustainability and equitable participation by all makeup what is known as Tourism ... more Accessibility, sustainability and equitable participation by all makeup what is known as Tourism for All. Tourism product must be designed for all people despite the age, gender and ability as one of the requirements to comply the accessible tourism concept. Museum as one of the elements of tourism chain must adhere to accessible tourism concept thus able to be enjoyed for everyone regardless of one's abilities. The aim of this study is to identify the implementation of accessible tourism concept at the museum in Jakarta and to provide practical accessibility- improvement measures for the museum in Jakarta towards accessible tourism concept. This research is qualitative- explorative research. Jakarta Tourism Board website was used as the main reference to obtain which museum that was selected. Primary data collect from direct field observations and interview. The results outline museum implementation of accessible tourism that classified into five criteria; information, transport, common requirements, universal design, and accessibility. The implication of this study provides recommendations to enhance museums' accessibility performance expected to be in line with accessible tourism concept.
Despite the numerous advantages of implementing smart technology, expenses or negatives must be c... more Despite the numerous advantages of implementing smart technology, expenses or negatives must be considered, with one of the most significant being the influence on personnel. A lot of studies have been undertaken to examine the influence of technological innovation on personnel. In the hospitality industry, research on service robots has grown, with a focus on customer-robot interactions. Despite this, studies on the influence of service robots on hotel employees are still at an early stage of development, especially in Indonesia. To fill the gap, the purpose of the study is to investigates the relationship between Smart Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Algorithms (STARA) awareness, job stress, job insecurity among hotel employees in Jakarta. Using quantitative approach, this study used convenient sample and involve 160 research participants. The research respondent was coming from various hotel employees located in Jakarta. Multiple regression analysis was used to...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
Shopping has emerged as one of the biggest expenditures in the tourism industry. Shopping malls r... more Shopping has emerged as one of the biggest expenditures in the tourism industry. Shopping malls represent the main shopping site for an urban destination such as Jakarta. Moreover, the destination should continuously provide not only a diverse place to shop, but also a convenience and accessible place for all to sustain the tourism value. The aim of this study is to determine the shopping malls accessibility based on UNWTO Accessible Tourism concept as a part of sustainable tourism. Data were gathered from direct field observation and interview from January to June 2018. Jakarta Tourism Board official website was employed as references to aside eight Jakarta shopping malls as research objects. The findings refine the shopping malls accessibility based on six categories; parking area, signage, elevators, public telephones, public toilets and pricing. The results reveal good compliance for pricing in term of no rising fee for the visitor with special requirements. However, the public telephone is hardly found and a limited number of public toilets for children and disabled are available. Therefore, this study contributes to providing added value information for tourism destination to advance the shopping experience for tourist and visitor by constructing the shopping malls for everyone.
Sumber daya manusia adalah aset utama dalam setiap organisasi, karena menjadi salah satu alat unt... more Sumber daya manusia adalah aset utama dalam setiap organisasi, karena menjadi salah satu alat untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Dalam menjalankan operasional sehari-hari sumber daya manusialah yang memegang peranan penting dalam suatu organisasi, apalagi suatu hotel. Dimana hotel dituntut untuk dapat memberikan layanan yang terbaik kepada pelanggannya sehingga akan timbul kepuasan pada para pelanggan. Karena dari itu kinerja dari tiap karyawan haruslah ditingkatkan dengan berbagai caram salah satunya adalah dengan cara memberikan motivasi yang sesuai untuk tiap karyawan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh dari motivasi terhadap kinerja karyawan pastry section di Hotel X, Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitaif dan pengolahan data dengan SPSS 22. Hasil dari penelitian adalah terdapat pengaruh positif dari motivasi terhadap kinerja karyawan. Maka saran yang dapat diberikan adalah agar manajemen hotel dapat memperhatikan lingkungan kerja, kond...
With the industrial revolution 4.0, the use of advanced technology based on artificial intelligen... more With the industrial revolution 4.0, the use of advanced technology based on artificial intelligence has begun to be implemented by business people in the tourism industry, especially in the hotel sector. Although it has many advantages, the use of Robots, AI, Service Automation (RAISA) also impacts employees, one of which is the fear of losing opportunities and job opportunities. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between awareness of the use of RAISA and perceptions of future career opportunities. This research focuses on Vocational High School (SMK) students because they are potential workers in this industry in the future. This study uses quantitative methods. 247 SMK students participated in this research by filling out a survey questionnaire that was distributed to them. This study found a positive and significant relationship between awareness of RAISA and perceptions of future career opportunities. The study results are expected to contribute to the literature in...
The Corona virus, which began to emerge at the end of 2019 in China, has so far spread widely thr... more The Corona virus, which began to emerge at the end of 2019 in China, has so far spread widely throughout the world including Indonesia, where this greatly affects various aspects of human life. Many MSME businesses must close because of the current economic situation. Therefore, MSME owners during the COVID-19 pandemic must start rethinking their business strategy. Because only with innovation, micro, small and medium business owners will be able to survive and continue to be sustainable. One of the innovations is to use technology, namely cloud kitchens that are attached to the use of online applications. During the COVID-19 epidemic, this study looks at the possibility of MSME business owners to adopt Cloud-based technology platforms as their new business model. The data for this study were obtained from 100 MSME owners engaged in the food and beverage sector using quantitative techniques. Data processing using SPSS 22.0 program and path analysis. The research findings reveal that...
This research aimed to determine the influence of personality traits towards cyberloafing activit... more This research aimed to determine the influence of personality traits towards cyberloafing activities of room division employee at Hotel XYZ. The quantitative method is used by collecting data through a questionnaire using mini-IPIP 20 Personality Traits theory. Population is 48 people who work as rooms division employee at Hotel XYZ. Statistic descriptive, correlation, regression, and hypothesis are analysis methods used in this research. The results define five personality traits which are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, intellect, and two cyberloafing activities; e-mail activity and browsing activity. Findings revealed that the majority of room division employees, either male or female, either in Guest Service or Housekeeping Department showed conscientiousness personality traits, followed by intellect and agreeableness. This research also shows that e-mail activities became the major cyberloafing dimension complied by the employee. Personality traits ...
Indonesia is a country that is very rich in culture and tradition. And a lot of traditional foods... more Indonesia is a country that is very rich in culture and tradition. And a lot of traditional foods and drinks are closely related to culture, or it can be said that they have been closely attached to an area. Kawa Daun is one of them, a traditional drink from the Minangkabau realm. It has become a culture for the people of West Sumatra to consume Kawa Daun, a drink derived from dried coffee leaves. The purpose of this study is to explore the history of Kawa Daun in terms of gastronomy and want to know whether tiramisu using Kawa daun can be liked. The research was conducted by searching for references as much as possible and drawing conclusions from existing references. The result is that Kawa daun is well known from the colonial era and until now it is still widely consumed and the way of making and serving that has not changed from time to time and Kawa daun can replace coffee in making tiramisu.
2021 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech), 2021
Several studies have examined the potential impact of service robots, artificial intelligence, an... more Several studies have examined the potential impact of service robots, artificial intelligence, and service automation on hospitality employees. However, very limited studies have examined the perception of hospitality students who will be the future employees in the hospitality industry. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the currently enrolled hospitality student’s awareness of Robot, AI, and Service Automation (RAISA) implementation and its correlation with their career competencies and future career opportunities. This study adopted a quantitative approach, and data were collected from a survey of 195 hospitality students, using a convenient sample method. Multiple regression was used to analyze the data. The study found that there was a significant positive relationship between the variables. Also, RAISA awareness, together with career competencies, is found to have influenced the level of students' perceived future career opportunities.
This study aims to examine the effect of brand storytelling on value perceptions and its impact o... more This study aims to examine the effect of brand storytelling on value perceptions and its impact on Visit Intention on tourism destinations in Jakarta (Survey on YouTube Channel of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah). The survey was conducted on 100 subscribers of the YouTube Channel of TMII Official. With purposive sampling technique and Path analysis technique to analyze this study, the results show that 1) Brand storytelling has a significant effect of 0.680 or 68,0% on value perceptions; 2) Value perceptions significantly influence 0,477 or 47,7% to visit intention; 3) Brand storytelling directly affects significantly 0,438 or 43,8%, to Visit intention, while its influence indirectly equal to 0,324 or 32,4% through value perceptions, with total influence 0,762 or 76,2%. The findings in this study indicate that Brand storytelling is one of the effective strategies in forming value perceptions so that it can influence visit intention.
Informasi adalah sekumpulan data yang dapat berguna bagi pengambilan keputusan dan saat ini menja... more Informasi adalah sekumpulan data yang dapat berguna bagi pengambilan keputusan dan saat ini menjadi sebuah bahan atau komoditas yang penting bagi semua golongan masyarakat, termasuk wisatawan. Accessible informationadalah informasi yang dapat dibaca atau diterima dan dipahami oleh individu atau kelompok, termasuk salah satunya adalah pengunjung restoran. Restoran adalah bagian dari sektor pendukung dalam pariwisata dan salah satu jenis restoran yang cukup banyak dikunjungi adalah casual Italian restaurant yang menyajikan makanan Italia dengan harga terjangkau. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi penerapan kriteriaaccessible informationberdasarkan UNWTO pada 10casual Italian restaurant dari 5 brandyang berbeda di Jakarta.Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif dengan pendekatan eksploratif. Objek penelitian dipilih berdasarkan situs web Zomato yang diambil pada bulan Januari 2018. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan pengamatan langsung pada 10 casual Italian restaurant yang terbagi dalam 5 brand yang berbeda di Jakarta, yaitu; Domino"s Pizza, Pizza Hut, Pizza Marzano, Popolamama dan The Kitchen by Pizza Hut. Data dianalisis dengan mengatur data, mendeskripsikannya ke dalam unit, mensintesis dan menyusun pola dari daftar pengamatan. Temuan menunjukkan penerapan accessible information dibagi berdasarkan tujuh kriteria;printed material, digital document, audiovisual content, website, mobile-apps, self service terminals-mobile devices dansignage. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kriteria printed material dan signage telahbanyak diterapkan oleh mayoritascasual Italian restaurant, sementaraself-service terminals-mobile devicesbelum diterapkan. Implikasi studi bermanfaat dalam memberikan rekomendasi bagi casual Italian restaurantsupaya dapat memaksimalkan penerapan accessible information di restorannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhanberagam para tamu yang datang ke restoran mereka sehingga dapat memberikan kesempatan pada restoran tersebut untuk mempertahankan eksistensi dan mengembangkan usahanya.
ABSTRACT: Since long time ago, Indonesia is well-known as one of the most spices-producing countr... more ABSTRACT: Since long time ago, Indonesia is well-known as one of the most spices-producing countries. Indonesian special spices come from tree bark, fruit, flowers, leaves, roots and many more. One of the spices that can be found in many areas is Kecombrang. Kecombrang is one of the plants that grow in the tropics so besides of Indonesia it can also be found in Malaysia or Thailand. In Indonesia, kecombrang is used as an additional ingredient in traditional cuisine in several regions such as North Sumatra, Java and Bali. Part of kecombrang that is used in cooking is the flower that has not bloomed and the inside of the stem. The taste of kecombrang itself is rather acidic with a strong special aroma. Because of its strong aroma and sour taste, kecombrang is widely used for fish or seafood-based dishes. Kecombrang is also widely used for soup and addition to traditional sambal. With the development of food processing, some have started to process kecombrang into syrup. The purpose o...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Accessibility, sustainability and equitable participation by all makeup what is known as Tourism ... more Accessibility, sustainability and equitable participation by all makeup what is known as Tourism for All. Tourism product must be designed for all people despite the age, gender and ability as one of the requirements to comply the accessible tourism concept. Museum as one of the elements of tourism chain must adhere to accessible tourism concept thus able to be enjoyed for everyone regardless of one's abilities. The aim of this study is to identify the implementation of accessible tourism concept at the museum in Jakarta and to provide practical accessibility- improvement measures for the museum in Jakarta towards accessible tourism concept. This research is qualitative- explorative research. Jakarta Tourism Board website was used as the main reference to obtain which museum that was selected. Primary data collect from direct field observations and interview. The results outline museum implementation of accessible tourism that classified into five criteria; information, transport, common requirements, universal design, and accessibility. The implication of this study provides recommendations to enhance museums' accessibility performance expected to be in line with accessible tourism concept.
Papers by Nurul Lestari