Traditional market traders as entrepreneurs with micro and small categories in commercial busines... more Traditional market traders as entrepreneurs with micro and small categories in commercial business, have their own creativity in making financial records fpr transactions conducted. Style financial records that they employ has a hidden meaning. Accounting art they are is different accounting with what we understand. This research aims to look at the various phenomena and hidden traditional market traders on financial records that they do. This research type is qualitative research with the phenomenologhy approach to knowing the opinions of the traditional market traders of the phenomenom of financial records that accounting has a lot of sense.not only for the media to find benefits, , but also the meaning behind it. This research is finding the accounting form of traditional market traders in the form of written and unwritten recording and the meaning of each recording. Keywords : Traders, Traditional Market, Recording, Meaning of Accounting
Accounting and Finance Review (AFR) Vol.2(1) Jan-Mar 2017, 2017
Objective - This research is expected to improve the weaknesses in the research conducted by Tarj... more Objective - This research is expected to improve the weaknesses in the research conducted by Tarjo and Herawati (2015). The objective of this study was to analyse two data mining methods in detecting financial fraud based on Beneish m-score model. Methodology/Technique - The research data were companies who committed fraud based Database Case Sanctions Issuers and Public Companies which was released by the Financial Services Authority in the period 2001-2014. For comparison, researchers also used data from companies that did not commit fraud. Companies were selected based on the same industry group of companies committing fraud for the purposes of classification. Findings - The results show that data mining methods can be used to detect financial fraud based on Beneish m-score model. However, there are differences in the classification. In the logit regression, the results are only limited to the accuracy of classification and weak. While the K-Nearest Neighbor model, in addition, i...
This research was aim to disclose and understand awareness small micro businessman regarding arra... more This research was aim to disclose and understand awareness small micro businessman regarding arranging financial report along with role of financial report UMK for Cooperation Government and UMK County Sampang as people which having authority to give funding credit fund roll over. This research used qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Informant in this research are five. They are owned of UD Prahu Layar (categoty micro busniness) and as customer of credit fund roll over that exist since 2013; owned of restaurant “Nasi Bebek Jaya Antika” (category small business) exist since 2005; owned of klontong store “warna-warni” (category micro business) exist since 2008; owned’s son of UD Sinar Jaya (category small business) as customer credit fund roll over exist since 1997; Head of Section establishment and development UMKM Region Sampang exist since 2009. Result of this research indicates that fact in field is simple note has enough for businessman UMK with each foundation. And ...
International Journal of Governance and Financial Intermediation, 2021
This study examines the impact of female's presence on the board of directors on corporate ta... more This study examines the impact of female's presence on the board of directors on corporate tax aggressiveness. The sample is manufacturing companies and trade, service, and investment companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (ISE) over the 2013-2015 periods. Listed companies on the ISE follow a two-tier board structure consisting of the board of directors and the board of commissioners. This study focuses on the presence of female on the board of directors as the management functions of the company. Based on a sample of 360 company-year observations, our multiple regression results show that a negative and statistically significant association between the presence of female on the board of directors and tax aggressiveness. This result supports previous empirical evidence conducted in Western countries. This finding suggests that the presence of female directors on the board of directors is effective in their tax reporting compliance.
Comprehensive exam is compulsory for every student of accounting in order to be graduated from th... more Comprehensive exam is compulsory for every student of accounting in order to be graduated from the school. From the academic data of 2007 to 2009, the number of student that failed from the comprehensive exam was increasing. This fact becomes the main reason for taking this study, hence, the main purpose of this study is to interpret comprehensive exam based on the understanding of the lecturers, alumni, and students of Trunojoyo University. Informants on this study consist of lecturers, alumni, and students. There are 8 informants that is used in this study, in which 3 of them are lecturers, 2 of them are students, and the other 3 are alumni. Furthermore, this study incorporates qualitative methodology with interpretive paradigm and also use phenomenology approach. The result of this study shows that all of the academic members have the same understanding on comprehensive exam. According to their understanding, comprehensive exam is a final exam which is based on the subjects of ac...
Interpretation of Accounting Students Ethical Behaviour based on Gender. The aim of this study is... more Interpretation of Accounting Students Ethical Behaviour based on Gender. The aim of this study is to unearth the understanding of accounting student about ethics, both male and female. This study uses qualitative approach through hermeneutics. Data collection techniques used are interview, observation, and documentation. The analysis is based on data from 6 informants Result of the study shows that the interpretation of ethical behavior is similar between male and female accounting student. However, the understanding in ethics application in behavior is not the same between male and female accounting students. In general, female student has a better interpretation than that of male student. Abstrak: Tafsir Perilaku Etis Menurut mahasiswa akuntansi Berbasis Gender. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tafsir perilaku etis menurut mahasiswa dan mahasiswi akuntansi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan hermeneutika. Teknik pengumpulan data dil...
The aims of this research is to examine and analyze the effect of socialization and the Professio... more The aims of this research is to examine and analyze the effect of socialization and the Professional Commitment to whistleblowing intentions. The population in this research is tax official in tax service office of Pratama (Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama) of North Gresik of 67 respondents. The questionnaires in this research were distributed to tax official with census. Data analysis used the multiple linear regression. The result of this reseach show that: 1) the socialization influence on whistleblowing intentions; 2) the professional Commitment has influence on whistleblowing intentions.
This study aims to provide an overview of the development of tax avoidance research in Indonesia ... more This study aims to provide an overview of the development of tax avoidance research in Indonesia from 12 accredited national journals ranking 1 & 2. The study sample included 27 articles that researched tax avoidance in Indonesia over the 2012 – 2018 observation period. Mapping was done by classifying articles based on research topics (antecedents and consequences), population and research samples, tax avoidance proxies, and citation analysis ( Hesford, Lee, Stede, & Young, 2007) . The mapping results show that the publication of the most tax avoidance research in Jurnal Akuntansi (22%). The antecedents topic dominates tax avoidance research and there are 28 antecedent variables from 23 articles. The most widely studied antecedent variable is corporate governance. The consequence topics are 4 articles with 5 variables. The dominating research sample was manufacturing companies (41%) and 63% of articles used a number of samples above 100. The most widely used tax avoidance proxies we...
Penelitian ini bertujuan meninjau perkembangan penelitian perpajakan dalam akuntansi di Indonesia... more Penelitian ini bertujuan meninjau perkembangan penelitian perpajakan dalam akuntansi di Indonesia selama 20 tahun. Tinjauan penelitian didasarkan pada 83 artikel perpajakan di 7 jurnal terakreditasi nasional dengan periode amatan 1997-2016. Pendekatan pertama, pemetaan area mencakup seleksi artikel; klasifikasi artikel berdasarkan topik, metode dan disiplin ilmu; karakteristik jurnal; dan karakteristik artikel. Penelitian ini juga memisahkan periode 20 tahun ke dalam dua dekade. Pendekatan kedua, analisis komunitas ilmuwan perpajakan di area akuntansi melalui jumlah sitasi di Google Scholar. Pemetaan area menunjukkan market share artikel perpajakan sebesar 17% dari penelitian akuntansi, journal share artikel perpajakan mengalami peningkatan selama dua dekade dan journal share tertinggi ada di Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan dan EKUITAS Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan. Topik penelitian perpajakan berkisar pada akuntansi keuangan, keperilakuan, dan evaluasi kebijakan. Metode penelitian kuantitatif merupakan yang dominan dalam penelitian perpajakan. Metode archival, survei dan kajian pustaka merupakan tiga metode penelitian yang paling dominan. Semua jurnal didominasi oleh disiplin sumber ekonomi. Analisis sitasi menunjukkan terdapat 49% artikel yang mendapatkan jumlah sitasi antara 41 sampai 1. Jurnal yang paling banyak mendapatkan sitasi adalah Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan. Analisi sitasi menunjukkan hampir setengah penelitian perpajakan sudah memiliki kontribusi bagi ilmu perpajakan dalam akuntansi.
This article aims to examine research related to macroeconomic variables that affect stock return... more This article aims to examine research related to macroeconomic variables that affect stock returns in Indonesia. The study was mapped from 25 research articles published in 20 nationally accredited scientific journals over a 18-year period. The research method used "charting the field" and "analyzing the community-citation." The field mapping results showed 4 classifications of macroeconomic variables: A. general economic conditions (economic growth, industrial production index, output, gross domestic product, and foreign exchange reserves); B. interest rates and monetary policy (interest rate, amount of money supply, government bond yield, and SBI discount rate); C. price level (inflation, world oil prices, changes in gold and silver prices); and D. international activities (exchange rate, global financial crisis, and federal fund rate). The dominating macroeconomic variables are exchange rate (76%), inflation (72%), interest rate (64%), world oil prices (20%), and money supply (16%). The results of the community mapping showed that 55% of the journals have received citations and there are 52% of the writing teams who have received citations.
The purpose of this study to search, explore, unravel the reality and the awareness of the busine... more The purpose of this study to search, explore, unravel the reality and the awareness of the business tax payer home park in Sidoarjo. The research approach used qualitative research method of phenomenology. Qualitative method was chosen since this study need intensive effort to explore the reality. The informant of this research consist of the tax authorities and business owners. The results of this study indicate that business owners whose a resident parking as Perda No. 8 Tahun 2011 about parking didn’t know well that the bussines is the object of the parking tax and have obligation to pay such taxes. Beside it, the tax authorities which are extension agents and tax inspectors will also underestimate the bussines from this sector looked have not worked optimally regarding socialization.
Tax Collection and Cutting Malpractice by Government Chamberlain. This study aims to investigate ... more Tax Collection and Cutting Malpractice by Government Chamberlain. This study aims to investigate the implementation and collection of tax cuts by the Government Chamberlain-as one of the potential sources of the increase in tax revenue. This study used descriptive qualitative approach. The object of research was the Government Chamberlain Education Department of Kabupaten Bangkalan. Tax regulations that were used to analyze in this study are tax regulations for that year. Data was obtained by unstructured interview, observation and documentation study. The results showed that the implementation of cuts and tax collections made by the Chamberlain at the Department of Education Bangkalan was still not optimal and did not comply with tax regulations. Abstrak. Malpraktek Pemotongan dan Pemungutan Pajak oleh Bendaharawan Pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pelaksanaan pemotongan dan pemungutan pajak oleh Bendaharawan Pemerintah-sebagai salah satu sumber potensial dalam peningkatan penerimaan pajak. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Objek penelitiannya adalah Bendaharawan Pemerintah Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bangkalan. Ketentuan perpajakan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah ketentuan perpajakan yang berlaku pada tahun tersebut. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah wawancara tidak terstruktur, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pemotongan dan pemungutan pajak yang dilakukan oleh Bendaharawan pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bangkalan masih belum optimal dan tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan perpajakan yang berlaku.
Interpretation of Accounting Students Ethical Behaviour based on Gender. The aim of this study is... more Interpretation of Accounting Students Ethical Behaviour based on Gender. The aim of this study is to unearth the understanding of accounting student about ethics, both male and female. This study uses qualitative approach through hermeneutics. Data collection techniques used are interview, observation, and documentation. The analysis is based on data from 6 informants Result of the study shows that the interpretation of ethical behavior is similar between male and female accounting student. However, the understanding in ethics application in behavior is not the same between male and female accounting students. In general, female student has a better interpretation than that of male student. Abstrak: Tafsir Perilaku Etis Menurut mahasiswa akuntansi Berbasis Gender. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tafsir perilaku etis menurut mahasiswa dan mahasiswi akuntansi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan hermeneutika. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Informan yang digunakan sebanyak 6 orang. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa dan mahasiswi akuntansi mempunyai penafsiran yang serupa atas konsep etika. Ditemukan pula bahwa mahasiswi akuntansi memiliki penafsiran yang berbeda dan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa akuntansi terhadap etika.
This study aims to determine the meaning of "accounting" version of UMKM Batik Tanjung ... more This study aims to determine the meaning of "accounting" version of UMKM Batik Tanjung Bumi. This research is part of the effort to photograph the practice of "accounting" which actually happened at Batik Tanjung Bumi UMKM by photographing the cultural side where the existence of UMKM. The main highlight is the culture of Tanjung Bumi people who have been embedded such as mindset (lifestyle), lifestyle, daily habits, and beliefs that are adopted. This research uses ethnographic method conducted in Tanjung Bumi Subdistrict Bangkalan Madura. The results show first, the accounting practices of entrepreneurs style of SMEs is "accounting outside the head." philosophy influenced by religious culture that "sustenance is not a mathematical thing to be reckoned with"; and accounting is interpreted in the form of "mutual trust". Second, the model of "accounting" ala UMKM Batik Tanjung Bumi is "simple accounting" which is in...
This research aims to review the development of tax research in Indonesia. It examines 166 articl... more This research aims to review the development of tax research in Indonesia. It examines 166 articles presented in Simposium Nasional Akuntansi/SNA (National Accounting Symposium) over a 20 year period. The findings show a relatively small portion of tax research presented in SNA (around 8%). Based on the topic classification, 52.4% of tax research related to tax planning topics, 24.1% related to tax compliance topics, and 23.4% related to tax policy. It was also found that 48.1% of tax research related to corporate decision-making topics, 33.3% related to tax avoidance topics, 16.7% related to the role of income tax income information for financial accounting topics, and 1.9% related to tax and asset pricing topics. The research methods that dominate tax research are the archival method (59%), the survey method (28%) and experimental method (4%). The dominance of the author's institutional affiliation is the state university and the minimal participation of tax researcher comes from tax practitioner. These research findings demonstrate the need of further research in taxation, especially qualitative based methods and the involvement of tax practitioners as the researchers in the tax research. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perkembangan penelitian pajak di Indonesia. Penulis meneliti 166 artikel yang disajikan dalam Simposium Nasional Akuntansi (SNA) selama 20 tahun. Temuan menunjukkan masih sedikit penelitian pajak yang disajikan dalam SNA (sekitar 8%). Berdasarkan klasifikasi topik, 52,4% penelitian pajak terkait dengan topik perencanaan pajak, 24,1% terkait dengan topik kepatuhan pajak, dan 23,4% terkait dengan kebijakan pajak. Ditemukan juga bahwa 48,1% penelitian pajak terkait dengan topik pengambilan keputusan perusahaan, 33,3% terkait dengan topik penghindaran pajak, 16,7% terkait dengan peran informasi pajak penghasilan, informasi keuangan untuk topik akuntansi keuangan, dan 1,9% terkait dengan pajak dan aset topik penetapan harga. Metode penelitian yang mendominasi penelitian pajak adalah metode arsip (59%), metode survei (28%) dan metode eksperimental (4%). Dominasi afiliasi institusional penulis adalah universitas negeri dan ditemukan juga partisipasi yang rendah para praktisi pajak dalam penelitian perpajakan. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut dalam perpajakan, khususnya penggunaan metode berbasis kualitatif dan keterlibatan praktisi pajak sebagai peneliti dalam penelitian pajak.
The aims of this research were to know : (1) The influence of CSR variables (employee, environmen... more The aims of this research were to know : (1) The influence of CSR variables (employee, environment, community) as independent varables either partially or simultaneously towards Return on Assets (2) The influence of CSR variables(employee, environment, community) as independent varables either partially or simultaneously towards Tobin’s Q. The method of this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The research sample were taken from Corporate’s data on IDX through annual report and financial information from financial reports for manufacturers, developers, and miners (just typically pure trading corporates were not included) in the period 2010 to 2012 with the purposive sampling method. There were 95 of the companies that met the criteria and were accumulated for three years, so total of samples became 285 samples. The result of research showed that all of CSR variables gave positive significant influence simultaneously towards the dependent variables of ROA and Tobin’s Q....
This research aims to give empirical evidence concerning earnings management in firms violating d... more This research aims to give empirical evidence concerning earnings management in firms violating debt covenant and to test whether earnings management in those firms are larger than that in control firms. Research population is manufacturing company listed at Bursa Efek Indonesia. The sample includes 17 firms violating debt covenant and 22 firms complying debt covenant as control firms. The sampling method is purposive sampling. Method of statistics used is t-test. The statistic test of first hypothesis shows that mean of discretionary accruals at a year before violation is significantly larger than that at the year debt covenant violation. This result supports debt covenant hypothesis. But, mean difference at the year of violation and at a year after violation does not provide the support for the hypothesis. The statistic test of second hypothesis shows that mean of discretionary accruals of firms violating debt covenant at a year before and at the year violation of debt covenant is...
This study aims to examine the influence of individual factors (perception of the importance of e... more This study aims to examine the influence of individual factors (perception of the importance of ethical and social responsibility; machiavellianism; ethical reasoning) toward ethical decision making of tax consultants. This study used 50 tax consultants as the study samples in Tax Consultant Office in Surabaya. The method of data analysis using regression analysis. This study reveals perception of the importance of ethical and social responsibility have positive influence toward ethical decision making by tax consultant, machiavellianism have negative influence toward ethical decision making by tax consultant and ethical reasoning have positive imfluence toward ethical decision making. The implication of this study is a person who has a high perception of the importance of ethical and responsibility supporting that person to conduct ethical decision making. The General Director of Taxation or the official which is delegated in issuing tax practical license needed to conduct a machiavellianism trait test from tax consultant itself. Besides, it also takes to be ensured that the tax consultant who have had the licence is an individual who has a high moral maturity (post conventional stage), so that the possibilities will be less to approve the non-ethical act and more independent in decision making which is related to ethical dilemma.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa akuntansi tentang praktik creative a... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa akuntansi tentang praktik creative accounting ditinjau dari teori etika bisnis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan 5 mahasiswa akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Trunojoyo Madura sebagai informan kunci. Hasil wawancara tentang creative accounting kemudian dianalisis dengan teori etika bisnis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa creative accounting tidak dapat diterima dari teori etika deontologi, teori etika utilitarianisme, dan teori etika egoisme etis. Mahasiswa juga menganggap bahwa creative accounting adalah perbuatan yang tidak etis.
Traditional market traders as entrepreneurs with micro and small categories in commercial busines... more Traditional market traders as entrepreneurs with micro and small categories in commercial business, have their own creativity in making financial records fpr transactions conducted. Style financial records that they employ has a hidden meaning. Accounting art they are is different accounting with what we understand. This research aims to look at the various phenomena and hidden traditional market traders on financial records that they do. This research type is qualitative research with the phenomenologhy approach to knowing the opinions of the traditional market traders of the phenomenom of financial records that accounting has a lot of sense.not only for the media to find benefits, , but also the meaning behind it. This research is finding the accounting form of traditional market traders in the form of written and unwritten recording and the meaning of each recording. Keywords : Traders, Traditional Market, Recording, Meaning of Accounting
Accounting and Finance Review (AFR) Vol.2(1) Jan-Mar 2017, 2017
Objective - This research is expected to improve the weaknesses in the research conducted by Tarj... more Objective - This research is expected to improve the weaknesses in the research conducted by Tarjo and Herawati (2015). The objective of this study was to analyse two data mining methods in detecting financial fraud based on Beneish m-score model. Methodology/Technique - The research data were companies who committed fraud based Database Case Sanctions Issuers and Public Companies which was released by the Financial Services Authority in the period 2001-2014. For comparison, researchers also used data from companies that did not commit fraud. Companies were selected based on the same industry group of companies committing fraud for the purposes of classification. Findings - The results show that data mining methods can be used to detect financial fraud based on Beneish m-score model. However, there are differences in the classification. In the logit regression, the results are only limited to the accuracy of classification and weak. While the K-Nearest Neighbor model, in addition, i...
This research was aim to disclose and understand awareness small micro businessman regarding arra... more This research was aim to disclose and understand awareness small micro businessman regarding arranging financial report along with role of financial report UMK for Cooperation Government and UMK County Sampang as people which having authority to give funding credit fund roll over. This research used qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Informant in this research are five. They are owned of UD Prahu Layar (categoty micro busniness) and as customer of credit fund roll over that exist since 2013; owned of restaurant “Nasi Bebek Jaya Antika” (category small business) exist since 2005; owned of klontong store “warna-warni” (category micro business) exist since 2008; owned’s son of UD Sinar Jaya (category small business) as customer credit fund roll over exist since 1997; Head of Section establishment and development UMKM Region Sampang exist since 2009. Result of this research indicates that fact in field is simple note has enough for businessman UMK with each foundation. And ...
International Journal of Governance and Financial Intermediation, 2021
This study examines the impact of female's presence on the board of directors on corporate ta... more This study examines the impact of female's presence on the board of directors on corporate tax aggressiveness. The sample is manufacturing companies and trade, service, and investment companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (ISE) over the 2013-2015 periods. Listed companies on the ISE follow a two-tier board structure consisting of the board of directors and the board of commissioners. This study focuses on the presence of female on the board of directors as the management functions of the company. Based on a sample of 360 company-year observations, our multiple regression results show that a negative and statistically significant association between the presence of female on the board of directors and tax aggressiveness. This result supports previous empirical evidence conducted in Western countries. This finding suggests that the presence of female directors on the board of directors is effective in their tax reporting compliance.
Comprehensive exam is compulsory for every student of accounting in order to be graduated from th... more Comprehensive exam is compulsory for every student of accounting in order to be graduated from the school. From the academic data of 2007 to 2009, the number of student that failed from the comprehensive exam was increasing. This fact becomes the main reason for taking this study, hence, the main purpose of this study is to interpret comprehensive exam based on the understanding of the lecturers, alumni, and students of Trunojoyo University. Informants on this study consist of lecturers, alumni, and students. There are 8 informants that is used in this study, in which 3 of them are lecturers, 2 of them are students, and the other 3 are alumni. Furthermore, this study incorporates qualitative methodology with interpretive paradigm and also use phenomenology approach. The result of this study shows that all of the academic members have the same understanding on comprehensive exam. According to their understanding, comprehensive exam is a final exam which is based on the subjects of ac...
Interpretation of Accounting Students Ethical Behaviour based on Gender. The aim of this study is... more Interpretation of Accounting Students Ethical Behaviour based on Gender. The aim of this study is to unearth the understanding of accounting student about ethics, both male and female. This study uses qualitative approach through hermeneutics. Data collection techniques used are interview, observation, and documentation. The analysis is based on data from 6 informants Result of the study shows that the interpretation of ethical behavior is similar between male and female accounting student. However, the understanding in ethics application in behavior is not the same between male and female accounting students. In general, female student has a better interpretation than that of male student. Abstrak: Tafsir Perilaku Etis Menurut mahasiswa akuntansi Berbasis Gender. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tafsir perilaku etis menurut mahasiswa dan mahasiswi akuntansi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan hermeneutika. Teknik pengumpulan data dil...
The aims of this research is to examine and analyze the effect of socialization and the Professio... more The aims of this research is to examine and analyze the effect of socialization and the Professional Commitment to whistleblowing intentions. The population in this research is tax official in tax service office of Pratama (Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama) of North Gresik of 67 respondents. The questionnaires in this research were distributed to tax official with census. Data analysis used the multiple linear regression. The result of this reseach show that: 1) the socialization influence on whistleblowing intentions; 2) the professional Commitment has influence on whistleblowing intentions.
This study aims to provide an overview of the development of tax avoidance research in Indonesia ... more This study aims to provide an overview of the development of tax avoidance research in Indonesia from 12 accredited national journals ranking 1 & 2. The study sample included 27 articles that researched tax avoidance in Indonesia over the 2012 – 2018 observation period. Mapping was done by classifying articles based on research topics (antecedents and consequences), population and research samples, tax avoidance proxies, and citation analysis ( Hesford, Lee, Stede, & Young, 2007) . The mapping results show that the publication of the most tax avoidance research in Jurnal Akuntansi (22%). The antecedents topic dominates tax avoidance research and there are 28 antecedent variables from 23 articles. The most widely studied antecedent variable is corporate governance. The consequence topics are 4 articles with 5 variables. The dominating research sample was manufacturing companies (41%) and 63% of articles used a number of samples above 100. The most widely used tax avoidance proxies we...
Penelitian ini bertujuan meninjau perkembangan penelitian perpajakan dalam akuntansi di Indonesia... more Penelitian ini bertujuan meninjau perkembangan penelitian perpajakan dalam akuntansi di Indonesia selama 20 tahun. Tinjauan penelitian didasarkan pada 83 artikel perpajakan di 7 jurnal terakreditasi nasional dengan periode amatan 1997-2016. Pendekatan pertama, pemetaan area mencakup seleksi artikel; klasifikasi artikel berdasarkan topik, metode dan disiplin ilmu; karakteristik jurnal; dan karakteristik artikel. Penelitian ini juga memisahkan periode 20 tahun ke dalam dua dekade. Pendekatan kedua, analisis komunitas ilmuwan perpajakan di area akuntansi melalui jumlah sitasi di Google Scholar. Pemetaan area menunjukkan market share artikel perpajakan sebesar 17% dari penelitian akuntansi, journal share artikel perpajakan mengalami peningkatan selama dua dekade dan journal share tertinggi ada di Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan dan EKUITAS Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan. Topik penelitian perpajakan berkisar pada akuntansi keuangan, keperilakuan, dan evaluasi kebijakan. Metode penelitian kuantitatif merupakan yang dominan dalam penelitian perpajakan. Metode archival, survei dan kajian pustaka merupakan tiga metode penelitian yang paling dominan. Semua jurnal didominasi oleh disiplin sumber ekonomi. Analisis sitasi menunjukkan terdapat 49% artikel yang mendapatkan jumlah sitasi antara 41 sampai 1. Jurnal yang paling banyak mendapatkan sitasi adalah Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan. Analisi sitasi menunjukkan hampir setengah penelitian perpajakan sudah memiliki kontribusi bagi ilmu perpajakan dalam akuntansi.
This article aims to examine research related to macroeconomic variables that affect stock return... more This article aims to examine research related to macroeconomic variables that affect stock returns in Indonesia. The study was mapped from 25 research articles published in 20 nationally accredited scientific journals over a 18-year period. The research method used "charting the field" and "analyzing the community-citation." The field mapping results showed 4 classifications of macroeconomic variables: A. general economic conditions (economic growth, industrial production index, output, gross domestic product, and foreign exchange reserves); B. interest rates and monetary policy (interest rate, amount of money supply, government bond yield, and SBI discount rate); C. price level (inflation, world oil prices, changes in gold and silver prices); and D. international activities (exchange rate, global financial crisis, and federal fund rate). The dominating macroeconomic variables are exchange rate (76%), inflation (72%), interest rate (64%), world oil prices (20%), and money supply (16%). The results of the community mapping showed that 55% of the journals have received citations and there are 52% of the writing teams who have received citations.
The purpose of this study to search, explore, unravel the reality and the awareness of the busine... more The purpose of this study to search, explore, unravel the reality and the awareness of the business tax payer home park in Sidoarjo. The research approach used qualitative research method of phenomenology. Qualitative method was chosen since this study need intensive effort to explore the reality. The informant of this research consist of the tax authorities and business owners. The results of this study indicate that business owners whose a resident parking as Perda No. 8 Tahun 2011 about parking didn’t know well that the bussines is the object of the parking tax and have obligation to pay such taxes. Beside it, the tax authorities which are extension agents and tax inspectors will also underestimate the bussines from this sector looked have not worked optimally regarding socialization.
Tax Collection and Cutting Malpractice by Government Chamberlain. This study aims to investigate ... more Tax Collection and Cutting Malpractice by Government Chamberlain. This study aims to investigate the implementation and collection of tax cuts by the Government Chamberlain-as one of the potential sources of the increase in tax revenue. This study used descriptive qualitative approach. The object of research was the Government Chamberlain Education Department of Kabupaten Bangkalan. Tax regulations that were used to analyze in this study are tax regulations for that year. Data was obtained by unstructured interview, observation and documentation study. The results showed that the implementation of cuts and tax collections made by the Chamberlain at the Department of Education Bangkalan was still not optimal and did not comply with tax regulations. Abstrak. Malpraktek Pemotongan dan Pemungutan Pajak oleh Bendaharawan Pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pelaksanaan pemotongan dan pemungutan pajak oleh Bendaharawan Pemerintah-sebagai salah satu sumber potensial dalam peningkatan penerimaan pajak. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Objek penelitiannya adalah Bendaharawan Pemerintah Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bangkalan. Ketentuan perpajakan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah ketentuan perpajakan yang berlaku pada tahun tersebut. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah wawancara tidak terstruktur, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pemotongan dan pemungutan pajak yang dilakukan oleh Bendaharawan pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bangkalan masih belum optimal dan tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan perpajakan yang berlaku.
Interpretation of Accounting Students Ethical Behaviour based on Gender. The aim of this study is... more Interpretation of Accounting Students Ethical Behaviour based on Gender. The aim of this study is to unearth the understanding of accounting student about ethics, both male and female. This study uses qualitative approach through hermeneutics. Data collection techniques used are interview, observation, and documentation. The analysis is based on data from 6 informants Result of the study shows that the interpretation of ethical behavior is similar between male and female accounting student. However, the understanding in ethics application in behavior is not the same between male and female accounting students. In general, female student has a better interpretation than that of male student. Abstrak: Tafsir Perilaku Etis Menurut mahasiswa akuntansi Berbasis Gender. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tafsir perilaku etis menurut mahasiswa dan mahasiswi akuntansi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan hermeneutika. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Informan yang digunakan sebanyak 6 orang. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa dan mahasiswi akuntansi mempunyai penafsiran yang serupa atas konsep etika. Ditemukan pula bahwa mahasiswi akuntansi memiliki penafsiran yang berbeda dan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa akuntansi terhadap etika.
This study aims to determine the meaning of "accounting" version of UMKM Batik Tanjung ... more This study aims to determine the meaning of "accounting" version of UMKM Batik Tanjung Bumi. This research is part of the effort to photograph the practice of "accounting" which actually happened at Batik Tanjung Bumi UMKM by photographing the cultural side where the existence of UMKM. The main highlight is the culture of Tanjung Bumi people who have been embedded such as mindset (lifestyle), lifestyle, daily habits, and beliefs that are adopted. This research uses ethnographic method conducted in Tanjung Bumi Subdistrict Bangkalan Madura. The results show first, the accounting practices of entrepreneurs style of SMEs is "accounting outside the head." philosophy influenced by religious culture that "sustenance is not a mathematical thing to be reckoned with"; and accounting is interpreted in the form of "mutual trust". Second, the model of "accounting" ala UMKM Batik Tanjung Bumi is "simple accounting" which is in...
This research aims to review the development of tax research in Indonesia. It examines 166 articl... more This research aims to review the development of tax research in Indonesia. It examines 166 articles presented in Simposium Nasional Akuntansi/SNA (National Accounting Symposium) over a 20 year period. The findings show a relatively small portion of tax research presented in SNA (around 8%). Based on the topic classification, 52.4% of tax research related to tax planning topics, 24.1% related to tax compliance topics, and 23.4% related to tax policy. It was also found that 48.1% of tax research related to corporate decision-making topics, 33.3% related to tax avoidance topics, 16.7% related to the role of income tax income information for financial accounting topics, and 1.9% related to tax and asset pricing topics. The research methods that dominate tax research are the archival method (59%), the survey method (28%) and experimental method (4%). The dominance of the author's institutional affiliation is the state university and the minimal participation of tax researcher comes from tax practitioner. These research findings demonstrate the need of further research in taxation, especially qualitative based methods and the involvement of tax practitioners as the researchers in the tax research. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perkembangan penelitian pajak di Indonesia. Penulis meneliti 166 artikel yang disajikan dalam Simposium Nasional Akuntansi (SNA) selama 20 tahun. Temuan menunjukkan masih sedikit penelitian pajak yang disajikan dalam SNA (sekitar 8%). Berdasarkan klasifikasi topik, 52,4% penelitian pajak terkait dengan topik perencanaan pajak, 24,1% terkait dengan topik kepatuhan pajak, dan 23,4% terkait dengan kebijakan pajak. Ditemukan juga bahwa 48,1% penelitian pajak terkait dengan topik pengambilan keputusan perusahaan, 33,3% terkait dengan topik penghindaran pajak, 16,7% terkait dengan peran informasi pajak penghasilan, informasi keuangan untuk topik akuntansi keuangan, dan 1,9% terkait dengan pajak dan aset topik penetapan harga. Metode penelitian yang mendominasi penelitian pajak adalah metode arsip (59%), metode survei (28%) dan metode eksperimental (4%). Dominasi afiliasi institusional penulis adalah universitas negeri dan ditemukan juga partisipasi yang rendah para praktisi pajak dalam penelitian perpajakan. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut dalam perpajakan, khususnya penggunaan metode berbasis kualitatif dan keterlibatan praktisi pajak sebagai peneliti dalam penelitian pajak.
The aims of this research were to know : (1) The influence of CSR variables (employee, environmen... more The aims of this research were to know : (1) The influence of CSR variables (employee, environment, community) as independent varables either partially or simultaneously towards Return on Assets (2) The influence of CSR variables(employee, environment, community) as independent varables either partially or simultaneously towards Tobin’s Q. The method of this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The research sample were taken from Corporate’s data on IDX through annual report and financial information from financial reports for manufacturers, developers, and miners (just typically pure trading corporates were not included) in the period 2010 to 2012 with the purposive sampling method. There were 95 of the companies that met the criteria and were accumulated for three years, so total of samples became 285 samples. The result of research showed that all of CSR variables gave positive significant influence simultaneously towards the dependent variables of ROA and Tobin’s Q....
This research aims to give empirical evidence concerning earnings management in firms violating d... more This research aims to give empirical evidence concerning earnings management in firms violating debt covenant and to test whether earnings management in those firms are larger than that in control firms. Research population is manufacturing company listed at Bursa Efek Indonesia. The sample includes 17 firms violating debt covenant and 22 firms complying debt covenant as control firms. The sampling method is purposive sampling. Method of statistics used is t-test. The statistic test of first hypothesis shows that mean of discretionary accruals at a year before violation is significantly larger than that at the year debt covenant violation. This result supports debt covenant hypothesis. But, mean difference at the year of violation and at a year after violation does not provide the support for the hypothesis. The statistic test of second hypothesis shows that mean of discretionary accruals of firms violating debt covenant at a year before and at the year violation of debt covenant is...
This study aims to examine the influence of individual factors (perception of the importance of e... more This study aims to examine the influence of individual factors (perception of the importance of ethical and social responsibility; machiavellianism; ethical reasoning) toward ethical decision making of tax consultants. This study used 50 tax consultants as the study samples in Tax Consultant Office in Surabaya. The method of data analysis using regression analysis. This study reveals perception of the importance of ethical and social responsibility have positive influence toward ethical decision making by tax consultant, machiavellianism have negative influence toward ethical decision making by tax consultant and ethical reasoning have positive imfluence toward ethical decision making. The implication of this study is a person who has a high perception of the importance of ethical and responsibility supporting that person to conduct ethical decision making. The General Director of Taxation or the official which is delegated in issuing tax practical license needed to conduct a machiavellianism trait test from tax consultant itself. Besides, it also takes to be ensured that the tax consultant who have had the licence is an individual who has a high moral maturity (post conventional stage), so that the possibilities will be less to approve the non-ethical act and more independent in decision making which is related to ethical dilemma.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa akuntansi tentang praktik creative a... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa akuntansi tentang praktik creative accounting ditinjau dari teori etika bisnis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan 5 mahasiswa akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Trunojoyo Madura sebagai informan kunci. Hasil wawancara tentang creative accounting kemudian dianalisis dengan teori etika bisnis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa creative accounting tidak dapat diterima dari teori etika deontologi, teori etika utilitarianisme, dan teori etika egoisme etis. Mahasiswa juga menganggap bahwa creative accounting adalah perbuatan yang tidak etis.
Papers by Nurul Herawati