Papers by Mohammad Nurul Alam

PSU Research Review, 2020
Purpose This study aims to examine the causal relationship between tourism and overall well-being... more Purpose This study aims to examine the causal relationship between tourism and overall well-being. The main objective of this research is to inform the policymakers that tourism can play a vital role in shaping the overall well-being in the developing economies. Design/methodology/approach This investigation used several time series techniques and procedures that include bounds test and autoregressive distributed lag mechanism to analyze the relationship between tourism and overall well-being in Pakistan by using time series data for the period 1980-2016. Findings The findings suggest a significant positive relationship between tourism and overall well-being both in the short and long run. The authors find that tourism and overall well-being affect each other positively. Practical implications This research indicates that policymakers and government can improve the overall well-being through tourism development. However, tourism policies and long-term planning should be focused on s...

Asian Journal of Economic Modelling, 2018
This paper investigates the major determinants of CPI inflation in Bangladesh by employing Johans... more This paper investigates the major determinants of CPI inflation in Bangladesh by employing Johansen's Cointegration technique and the associated Vector Error Correction Model using the annual data series from 1980 to 2016. The study examines a wide range of variables covering all major sectors, such as money supply, exchange rate (monetary sector), GDP (real sector), exports, imports (external sector), government expenditure, government revenue (fiscal sector) to find the major determinants of CPI inflation. The paper finds that GDP and imports are the two major sources of CPI inflation while government revenue and money supply have a moderate effect on CPI inflation in the long run. The study also reveals that exports, government expenditure, and exchange rate do not cause CPI inflation rather negatively affect CPI inflation in Bangladesh. In the short run, the previous year's CPI inflation has a strong influence, while the previous year's imports has a moderate influence on the current year's CPI inflation in Bangladesh. Contribution/ Originality: The study considers a wide range of macroeconomic variables (both supply side and demand side) that effects CPI inflation in the long run by using a robust econometric technique. It will help monetary and fiscal authorities to adopt appropriate policy measures to maintain stable inflation and output growth in Bangladesh.

The study aimed to examine the mediating role of environment management practices between green i... more The study aimed to examine the mediating role of environment management practices between green intellectual capital and green human resource management. A positivism philosophy, explanatory research design and quantitative research methodology was employed for collecting data from 125 ready-made garment manufacturing firms in Bangladesh. Smart-PLS 3.2.9 was used to observe the proposed relationship. The results indicated that environment management practice has a significant influence in the relationship between green human capital and green human resource management, and green relational capital and green human resource management. Surprisingly, environment management practice does not play any significant mediating role in between green structural capital and green human resource management. In addition, green human capital and green relational capital has a significant direct influence on green human resource management. However, green structural capital does not have any signif...

The purpose of the study is to explore the challenges faced by Human Resources personnel in ensur... more The purpose of the study is to explore the challenges faced by Human Resources personnel in ensuring compliance in Ready Made Garments industry in Bangladesh. This is a descriptive study based on survey. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire from HR personnel responsible for looking after the compliance issues in the workplace. The study reveals that the HR personnel faces the least challenge in eliminating child labor from the workplace followed by welfare facilities, safety provision, workplace condition, health provision, etc. Freedom of Association, Occupational Health and Safety training, Harassment and abuse, longer working hours are found to be most challenging to the HR personnel to handle within the factory premises. It also reveals that the most prominent challenge for the HR people in their way to implement compliance is the lack of top management support, followed by lack of awareness of the workers about their rights, lack of government intervention and...

The primary purpose of this study is to observe the relationship between important social complia... more The primary purpose of this study is to observe the relationship between important social compliance variables (wages & benefits, discrimination, harassment & abuse, leave & holidays, welfare facilities) and employee motivation. The present study was conducted through positivism philosophy, and by employing Herzberg Two Factor Theory for framing the hypotheses. Furthermore, the study also employed a deductive approach, explanatory research design, and a quantitative methodology. In all, 500 samples were collected from Bangladesh ready-made garment industry through self-administrated scheduled questionnaire method. In addition, the used of Smart-PLS and SPSS was used in analysing and developing the model of the present study. As such, the outcome of the analysis revealed that all five hypotheses were supported. Based on this, it is hoped that this finding will assist the policymakers, government of Bangladesh, factory owners, managers, as well as other stakeholders to formulate the s...
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 2020
International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 2020
We develop a method to bound the dynamic asymptotic dimension of isometric group actions Γ X in t... more We develop a method to bound the dynamic asymptotic dimension of isometric group actions Γ X in terms of the asymptotic dimension of a space of graphs similar to a box space of Γ (which also determines finite-dimensionality), and a geometric property of X related to the doubling dimension. We apply this method to describe the DAD of translation actions by finitely generated subgroups of compact Lie groups, characterize finite dimensionality of such actions, and consequently bound the nuclear dimension of C * -algebras arising from such actions by amenable groups.

Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2020
Abstract Due to overconsumption, there is no significant urgency than the climate emergency for t... more Abstract Due to overconsumption, there is no significant urgency than the climate emergency for the publicity of green products that may conceivably led to reducing environmental impact. Considering the limited studies as a means of comparing green behaviour and its determinant in developing nations, this study focused on environmental awareness, attitude and perceived behavioural control (PBC) by applying the measurement of impacts on green behaviour. It further examined the role of green culture as a contributor. A total of 280 responses from Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia and 267 responses from Abuja, Nigeria were obtained via questionnaire distribution among citizens (age 18–32). SmartPLS3.0 and SPSS v22.0 were applied for statistical analyses. To request responses that we could not have anticipated, we utilized an open-ended format, accompanied by closed-ended format so we could compare the responses of the two sets samples. In both sets, we found 13% and 8% purchases organic food and energy-saving products in Malaysia while 24% and 8% purchases the same categories of products in Nigeria. We also found 40% of consumers in Malaysia purchased green products because of environmental benefit while 54% of consumers in Nigeria purchased green products because of health benefits. The path analyses result shows that attitude and green culture had a higher influenced on green behaviour in both nations. However, the propensity of green behaviour does not depend on economic development, for the reason that Nigeria had a higher mean value than Malaysia. PBC was found to be a contributor to Nigerian citizens with the least important for Malaysian citizens. Awareness interaction between green behaviour and green culture was insignificant for both country citizens. The study suggested that environmental education is important among citizens. Policy implications for these findings are further considered in the study.

Environmental and Climate Technologies, 2020
As the environment continues to aggravate, it has become a purposeful public concern in developed... more As the environment continues to aggravate, it has become a purposeful public concern in developed countries and has recently stirred developing countries to join the green movement. Hence, this study examines green environmental awareness, green product value and environmental attitude by applying the measurement of effects on green culture. The study applied a quantitative research approach where a cross-sectional survey designed with 267 respondents’ green consumer who lived in the urban area of Abuja and employed partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) using SmartPLS3 to examine the developed path model. The results indicated that all constructs were empirically supported showing significant impact on green culture while examining direct relationships. The resulting (Q2) value is larger than zero (0) in the path model, this specifies that exogenous constructs have a good index for predictive relevance on the endogenous construct being investigated. Among the...

International Journal of Business Excellence, 2019
Streszczenie: Badacze cenzury w Polsce Ludowej wielokrotnie analizowali relacje zachodzące pomięd... more Streszczenie: Badacze cenzury w Polsce Ludowej wielokrotnie analizowali relacje zachodzące pomiędzy organami cenzury a twórcami i wydawcami, rzadziej natomiast powiązania władz polityczno-państwowych z Głównym Urzędem Kontroli Prasy, Publikacji i Widowisk (później Głównym Urzędem Kontroli Publikacji i Widowisk). Autor artykułu zastanawia się nad siłą kontrolnego oddziaływania władzy na cenzurę, dochodząc do wniosku, że wpływ partii komunistycznej i państwa na decyzje cenzury mógł być mniejszy niż zwykło się uważać. Jego zdaniem cenzura była w pewnym stopniu niezależna. Stanowiło to rezultat niedostatecznych powiązań kadrowo-organizacyjnych pomiędzy partią a cenzurą oraz wadliwych przepisów prawnych regulujących działalność cenzury. Dlatego, pomimo że cenzura była integralną częścią totalitarnego państwa, prawdopodobnie nie zawsze jej decyzje wspierały to państwo, mimo usilnych starań partii, aby tak było. dzięki temu, w Polsce ukazało się wiele publikacji, które nie ujrzałyby światła dziennego w innych krajach tzw. demokracji ludowej.

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018
Accessing in senior positions of organisations is always challenging for women especially in deve... more Accessing in senior positions of organisations is always challenging for women especially in developing countries. Although several studies in the past have helped explain the impact of some significant variables for women access to senior positions, not many studies examined the effects of certain factors such as empowerment, flexibility and trust on women's access to senior positions in the Ready Made Garments (RMG) industry. Thus, the aim of the study is to examine the impact of empowerment, flexibility and trust in the RMG industry where more than 90% of workers are women. This study employed a convenience sampling method to select 200 female respondents working in different positions RMG industry in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The finding reveals that empowerment and trust have the significant impact on women's access to the senior positions in RMG organizations in Bangladesh. However, findings shows that flexibility has no significant impact on women' access to senior positions in RMG organizations in Bangladesh. Future researches can be conducted to include more variables and respondents.

Australasian Business, Accounting & Finance Journal, 2020
Purpose- Garment employee productivity in Bangladesh is the lowest compared to its competitors su... more Purpose- Garment employee productivity in Bangladesh is the lowest compared to its competitors such as China, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The Bangladeshi Ready-Made Garment (RMG) industry will find it a challenge to survive in the global market unless they improve employee productivity. Therefore, the primary purpose of this study was to observe the relationship among wages and benefits, welfare facilities, employee work motivation and employee productivity. Design/Methodology/Approach- The study was conducted under the positivism philosophy for which Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory was used for framing the hypotheses. A deductive approach, explanatory research design and a quantitative methodology was followed in order to conduct the study. Through a questionnaire survey, twenty-five items were taken from existing literature to measure the variables. By a systematic probability sampling technique, 500 samples were collected from the target population. Thereafter, SPSS and SEM...

Although many investigations carried out on employee turnover more than one century, still invest... more Although many investigations carried out on employee turnover more than one century, still investigations and reviews reveal that the problem of turnover remains unresolved and increasing within Generation Y employee. Excessive turnover counts great loss to any organization of the world. This comprehensive study included from the birth of turnover research up to till date. Also, by this approach, authors find the necessities of conceptualizing the integrated employee retention strategies, problems and gaps of failures. It is observed that at present the young employees from Generation Y (Millennial) are not contented with their profession and have a tendency of leaving the job with and without valid reasons. Most of the employees from Generation Y directly or indirectly opted for voluntary resignation for better opportunities or self-employment. It is also found that there are essences of frustration about Generation Y from employees and employers’ perspectives. Considering the demo...

A research project or thesis will take at least two semesters to complete. Prior to starting a re... more A research project or thesis will take at least two semesters to complete. Prior to starting a research, i.e. enrolling in the first semester research course, students must go through the proposal stage, during which students will develop their proposal and have it reviewed by his/her research advisor. This means that students need months of planning and background research work before the start of the first semester research. Students are not allowed to enroll in a research course without an approved proposal. For students planning to start their research in the fall semester, the deadline for the proposal submission (to your advisor) is July 15. For those who plan to start in the spring semester, the proposal deadline is December 1. During the proposal stage, students should discuss their research interests with CM faculty members, identify a research topic, conduct preliminary literature review and develop a project proposal. The proposal should discuss problem statement, objectives, research methodology, research activities, and a time schedule in about 3-5 pages. A sample proposal is attached here for your reference.
Papers by Mohammad Nurul Alam