The issue of consumer rights protection is of the most complex and actual problems of ... more ABSTRACT The issue of consumer rights protection is of the most complex and actual problems of tourism in the modern world. Unfortunately, today this issue also possess the urgency in our country and misunderstandings between tourism companies and customers, violation of consumers' rights during vacation which is considered the most undersireable experience for consumers appear in various forms. Therefore, tourism companies need to pay adequate consideration and care to this subject as well as become aware of the significance of consumer protection in obtaining customer satisfaction. Appropriately in the research part of master thesis, through descriptive quantitative research that based on structured questionnaries, satisfaction level of local touristic consumers from local tourism companies, their awareness regarding consumer rights and the current situation of consumer rights provision in tourism sectot in our country are revealed properly. The outcome of the answers related to the customer satisfaction level of local customers from Azerbaijan tourism enterprises signifies that, in spite of the tourism sector started to develop in our country, still there are various complications. In our Republic, the uncertainty of the boundaries of tourism product retailers' responsibilities accross consumers in case of contract terms' violation especially in package tours makes the issue of consumer rights protection more complicated. Meanwhile, like in all other fields the consumers of the tourism products do not have sufficient information on their consumer rights. However, such a result could not be considered acceptable for the country which has a rich nature, favourable geographic position, national traditions, tangible and intangible resources. The result of this study conducted on consumer rights protection in tourism sector demonstrated that both in terms of development of tourism and consumer rights protection tourism companies should take various liabilities such as provision of clear and true information to consumers about products and services, implemention of marketing activities through considering consumers' interests and rights, strengthening of relationships with partners and customers, clear identfying of the wants and needs of customers and regulating activities in this direction, as VII well as not allowing the violation of the customers' rights by the companies they cooperate, not deviating from the responsibility to restore consumers’ rights, applying the contract clearly describing commitments and responsibilities of tourism enterprises, developing of short time roads to solve consumer complaints. In this issue government in its term should take measures on supplementing a constant control by a sufficient number of qualified employees over tourism product retailers, regulating the punishment of one-sided and misleading contracts, ensuring of favorable condition for consumers' use of right to be heard and etc. Due to the assessment of the issue of consumer rights protection in tourism sector considering the situation of this issue in our country the recommendations such as estimation of laws related to the consumer rights protection, interpreting together with the applied Consumer Protection Law, Law on Tourism and other laws and elimination of intersection and confusions, precise determining of responsibilities and obligations of tourism products retailers especially regarding package tours, ensuring the awareness of tourism companies about the violation of consumer rights as well as about the applied penalties in case of failure in ensuring consumers' rights, providing new lisence to the tourism enterprises with the expired license due to their ability to solve consumer complaints properly, carrying out the awareness activities among consumers by the interested bodies, accelerating of adaptation works to European Union in terms of protection of touristic consumers might be given.
Customer satisfaction is considered the cornerstone of modern marketing concept. Companie... more SUMMARY Customer satisfaction is considered the cornerstone of modern marketing concept. Companies take as mission for themselves to satisfycustomers’ wishes and needs. In considering the factors shape customer satisfaction it is possible to see the factors like price, quality, packaging, labels and so on. However, in a globalized competitive environment there are also other important factors lead companies to success or failure in the international markets and the protection of consumer rights is considered the most important among these factors. As all products and services in the market, there are various rights of consumers use the touristic products. The purpose of this study emphasizing the importance of protection consumer rights in obtaining customer satisfaction in tourism enterprises is to attract attention of businesses operating in the tourism sector to the importance of consumer protection and to provide different solutions in order to take the necessary measures. In the first chapter of the dissertation the concept of consumer rights, history of consumer movement, the role of consumer protection on the way to customer satisfaction are investigated, information on the factors highlighting consumer protection are given. In the second chapter, customer satisfaction formation in the tourism industry, major customer complaints, consumer rights protection in tourism, consumer rightsadopted by the European Union and the international organizations are mentioned, the scientific studies on this issue are briefly summarized. In the third chapter of the thesis, the current condition of the customer satisfaction, the current state of the consumer rights protection in the Azerbaijan tourism industry, regulations of organizations operating in this field, legal framework for the protection of consumers' rights in Azerbaijan tourism are interpreted and the importance of learning and application of international experience is stressed out.
РЕЗЮМЕ Удовлетворение потребностей клиентов считаетсяфундаментным камнем современной концепции маркетинга. Удовлетворения желаний и потребностей клиентов принимаются в качестве миссии компании.При рассмотрении факторовформ удовлетворенности клиентов можно увидеть такие факторы как цена, качество, упаковка, этикетки и так далее.Тем не менее, в условиях глобализации конкурентной среды есть и другие важные факторы приводяшие компании к успеху или неудаче на международных рынках и защита прав потребителей считается наиболее важным среди этих факторов. Как и все продукты и услуги на рынке, существуют различные права потребителей в использовании туристических продуктов.Целью данного исследования является подчеркивание важности защиты прав потребителей в получении удовлетворенности клиентов в туристических предприятиях, привлечение внимания предприятий работающих в сфере туризма на важность защиты прав потребителей и обеспечения различных решений впринятии необходимых мер. В первой главе диссертации расследуются концепции прав потребителей, история потребительского движения, роль защиты прав потребителей на пути к удовлетворенности клиентов идается информация о факторах возникающих в следствии защиты прав потребителей. Во второй главе коротко изложены формирование удовлетворенности клиентов в индустрии туризма, основные жалобы клиентов, защита прав потребителей в сфере туризма, защиты прав потребителейпринятые Европейским Союзом и международными организацияминаучные исследования по этому вопросу. В третьей главе диссертации акцентировалось текущее состояние удовлетворенности клиентов, текущее состояние защиты прав потребителей в сфере туризма Азербайджана, правила организаций работающих в этой области и правовая база для защиты прав потребителей туризма в Азербайджане. Также интерпретируется и важность обучения и применения международного опыта.
Customer satisfaction issue have started to have an significant position in business app... more Abstract Customer satisfaction issue have started to have an significant position in business applications due to the benefits provided on issues such as; improving mutual and strong relationships with customers, preventing conditions which result in dissatisfaction on the products and service deficiencies. Companies do not want to experience negative experiences with their customersneed to care about the customers' complaints and to do their best in order to satisfy them. Doubtless, to define the level of satisfaction is very important in order to learn to what extent companiescould satisfy their customers. Based on these points, in this article we are going to analyze the dimensions and the components of customer satisfaction; customer satisfaction measurement strategies, methods and data analyses in hospitality and tourism enterprises.
Xülasə : Müasir marketinqin məqsədi, müştəri məmnuniyyətinin təmin edilməsdir. Müştəri məmnuniyyə... more Xülasə : Müasir marketinqin məqsədi, müştəri məmnuniyyətinin təmin edilməsdir. Müştəri məmnuniyyətinin təmin edilməsi; istehlakçı istək və tələbatlarının öyrənilməsi və bu istək və tələbatlara uyğun məhsul və xidmətlərin bazara təqdim edilməsi ilə mümkündür. Ancaq, müəssisələr istehlakçıların istək və ehtiyaclarının tam və doğru olaraq təsbit edərkən istehlakçıların olduqca mürəkkəb davranış formalarına rast gəlirlər. İnkişaf edən texnologiya ilə birgə artan istehlakçı ehtiyacları və istehsaldakı çeşidlənmə, kompleksləşmə, istehlakçını ehtiyac duyduğu məhsul alternativləri arasında seçim etmə, büdcəsinə ən uyğun olanı seçməyə məcbur edir. Təbii ki, istehlakçı müxtəlif problemlərlə qarşılaşmaqda və təbii olaraq qorunmaya möhtac olmaqdadır. Резюме: Целью современного маркетинга является обеспечение удовлетворения потребителей. Обеспечение удовлетворения потребителей можно осуществлять способом изучения потребности и спроса и предоставлением рынку товара соответствующих этим потребностям и спросам. Не смотря на то что производители точно определяют спрос и потребности клиентов иногда сталкиваются с трудным поведением с их стороны. С развитием технологии также развивается потребительский спрос, сортировка и комплексация которые вынуждают потребителя заменить нужный товар самыми доступными его бюджету альтернативными продуктами. Конечно, в этом случае потребители столкнуться с различными проблемами и нуждаются в защите.
The issue of consumer rights protection is of the most complex and actual problems of ... more ABSTRACT The issue of consumer rights protection is of the most complex and actual problems of tourism in the modern world. Unfortunately, today this issue also possess the urgency in our country and misunderstandings between tourism companies and customers, violation of consumers' rights during vacation which is considered the most undersireable experience for consumers appear in various forms. Therefore, tourism companies need to pay adequate consideration and care to this subject as well as become aware of the significance of consumer protection in obtaining customer satisfaction. Appropriately in the research part of master thesis, through descriptive quantitative research that based on structured questionnaries, satisfaction level of local touristic consumers from local tourism companies, their awareness regarding consumer rights and the current situation of consumer rights provision in tourism sectot in our country are revealed properly. The outcome of the answers related to the customer satisfaction level of local customers from Azerbaijan tourism enterprises signifies that, in spite of the tourism sector started to develop in our country, still there are various complications. In our Republic, the uncertainty of the boundaries of tourism product retailers' responsibilities accross consumers in case of contract terms' violation especially in package tours makes the issue of consumer rights protection more complicated. Meanwhile, like in all other fields the consumers of the tourism products do not have sufficient information on their consumer rights. However, such a result could not be considered acceptable for the country which has a rich nature, favourable geographic position, national traditions, tangible and intangible resources. The result of this study conducted on consumer rights protection in tourism sector demonstrated that both in terms of development of tourism and consumer rights protection tourism companies should take various liabilities such as provision of clear and true information to consumers about products and services, implemention of marketing activities through considering consumers' interests and rights, strengthening of relationships with partners and customers, clear identfying of the wants and needs of customers and regulating activities in this direction, as VII well as not allowing the violation of the customers' rights by the companies they cooperate, not deviating from the responsibility to restore consumers’ rights, applying the contract clearly describing commitments and responsibilities of tourism enterprises, developing of short time roads to solve consumer complaints. In this issue government in its term should take measures on supplementing a constant control by a sufficient number of qualified employees over tourism product retailers, regulating the punishment of one-sided and misleading contracts, ensuring of favorable condition for consumers' use of right to be heard and etc. Due to the assessment of the issue of consumer rights protection in tourism sector considering the situation of this issue in our country the recommendations such as estimation of laws related to the consumer rights protection, interpreting together with the applied Consumer Protection Law, Law on Tourism and other laws and elimination of intersection and confusions, precise determining of responsibilities and obligations of tourism products retailers especially regarding package tours, ensuring the awareness of tourism companies about the violation of consumer rights as well as about the applied penalties in case of failure in ensuring consumers' rights, providing new lisence to the tourism enterprises with the expired license due to their ability to solve consumer complaints properly, carrying out the awareness activities among consumers by the interested bodies, accelerating of adaptation works to European Union in terms of protection of touristic consumers might be given.
Customer satisfaction is considered the cornerstone of modern marketing concept. Companie... more SUMMARY Customer satisfaction is considered the cornerstone of modern marketing concept. Companies take as mission for themselves to satisfycustomers’ wishes and needs. In considering the factors shape customer satisfaction it is possible to see the factors like price, quality, packaging, labels and so on. However, in a globalized competitive environment there are also other important factors lead companies to success or failure in the international markets and the protection of consumer rights is considered the most important among these factors. As all products and services in the market, there are various rights of consumers use the touristic products. The purpose of this study emphasizing the importance of protection consumer rights in obtaining customer satisfaction in tourism enterprises is to attract attention of businesses operating in the tourism sector to the importance of consumer protection and to provide different solutions in order to take the necessary measures. In the first chapter of the dissertation the concept of consumer rights, history of consumer movement, the role of consumer protection on the way to customer satisfaction are investigated, information on the factors highlighting consumer protection are given. In the second chapter, customer satisfaction formation in the tourism industry, major customer complaints, consumer rights protection in tourism, consumer rightsadopted by the European Union and the international organizations are mentioned, the scientific studies on this issue are briefly summarized. In the third chapter of the thesis, the current condition of the customer satisfaction, the current state of the consumer rights protection in the Azerbaijan tourism industry, regulations of organizations operating in this field, legal framework for the protection of consumers' rights in Azerbaijan tourism are interpreted and the importance of learning and application of international experience is stressed out.
РЕЗЮМЕ Удовлетворение потребностей клиентов считаетсяфундаментным камнем современной концепции маркетинга. Удовлетворения желаний и потребностей клиентов принимаются в качестве миссии компании.При рассмотрении факторовформ удовлетворенности клиентов можно увидеть такие факторы как цена, качество, упаковка, этикетки и так далее.Тем не менее, в условиях глобализации конкурентной среды есть и другие важные факторы приводяшие компании к успеху или неудаче на международных рынках и защита прав потребителей считается наиболее важным среди этих факторов. Как и все продукты и услуги на рынке, существуют различные права потребителей в использовании туристических продуктов.Целью данного исследования является подчеркивание важности защиты прав потребителей в получении удовлетворенности клиентов в туристических предприятиях, привлечение внимания предприятий работающих в сфере туризма на важность защиты прав потребителей и обеспечения различных решений впринятии необходимых мер. В первой главе диссертации расследуются концепции прав потребителей, история потребительского движения, роль защиты прав потребителей на пути к удовлетворенности клиентов идается информация о факторах возникающих в следствии защиты прав потребителей. Во второй главе коротко изложены формирование удовлетворенности клиентов в индустрии туризма, основные жалобы клиентов, защита прав потребителей в сфере туризма, защиты прав потребителейпринятые Европейским Союзом и международными организацияминаучные исследования по этому вопросу. В третьей главе диссертации акцентировалось текущее состояние удовлетворенности клиентов, текущее состояние защиты прав потребителей в сфере туризма Азербайджана, правила организаций работающих в этой области и правовая база для защиты прав потребителей туризма в Азербайджане. Также интерпретируется и важность обучения и применения международного опыта.
Customer satisfaction issue have started to have an significant position in business app... more Abstract Customer satisfaction issue have started to have an significant position in business applications due to the benefits provided on issues such as; improving mutual and strong relationships with customers, preventing conditions which result in dissatisfaction on the products and service deficiencies. Companies do not want to experience negative experiences with their customersneed to care about the customers' complaints and to do their best in order to satisfy them. Doubtless, to define the level of satisfaction is very important in order to learn to what extent companiescould satisfy their customers. Based on these points, in this article we are going to analyze the dimensions and the components of customer satisfaction; customer satisfaction measurement strategies, methods and data analyses in hospitality and tourism enterprises.
Xülasə : Müasir marketinqin məqsədi, müştəri məmnuniyyətinin təmin edilməsdir. Müştəri məmnuniyyə... more Xülasə : Müasir marketinqin məqsədi, müştəri məmnuniyyətinin təmin edilməsdir. Müştəri məmnuniyyətinin təmin edilməsi; istehlakçı istək və tələbatlarının öyrənilməsi və bu istək və tələbatlara uyğun məhsul və xidmətlərin bazara təqdim edilməsi ilə mümkündür. Ancaq, müəssisələr istehlakçıların istək və ehtiyaclarının tam və doğru olaraq təsbit edərkən istehlakçıların olduqca mürəkkəb davranış formalarına rast gəlirlər. İnkişaf edən texnologiya ilə birgə artan istehlakçı ehtiyacları və istehsaldakı çeşidlənmə, kompleksləşmə, istehlakçını ehtiyac duyduğu məhsul alternativləri arasında seçim etmə, büdcəsinə ən uyğun olanı seçməyə məcbur edir. Təbii ki, istehlakçı müxtəlif problemlərlə qarşılaşmaqda və təbii olaraq qorunmaya möhtac olmaqdadır. Резюме: Целью современного маркетинга является обеспечение удовлетворения потребителей. Обеспечение удовлетворения потребителей можно осуществлять способом изучения потребности и спроса и предоставлением рынку товара соответствующих этим потребностям и спросам. Не смотря на то что производители точно определяют спрос и потребности клиентов иногда сталкиваются с трудным поведением с их стороны. С развитием технологии также развивается потребительский спрос, сортировка и комплексация которые вынуждают потребителя заменить нужный товар самыми доступными его бюджету альтернативными продуктами. Конечно, в этом случае потребители столкнуться с различными проблемами и нуждаются в защите.
Papers by Nurana Agayeva
The issue of consumer rights protection is of the most complex and actual problems of tourism in the modern world. Unfortunately, today this issue also possess the urgency in our country and misunderstandings between tourism companies and customers, violation of consumers' rights during vacation which is considered the most undersireable experience for consumers appear in various forms. Therefore, tourism companies need to pay adequate consideration and care to this subject as well as become aware of the significance of consumer protection in obtaining customer satisfaction.
Appropriately in the research part of master thesis, through descriptive quantitative research that based on structured questionnaries, satisfaction level of local touristic consumers from local tourism companies, their awareness regarding consumer rights and the current situation of consumer rights provision in tourism sectot in our country are revealed properly.
The outcome of the answers related to the customer satisfaction level of local customers from Azerbaijan tourism enterprises signifies that, in spite of the tourism sector started to develop in our country, still there are various complications. In our Republic, the uncertainty of the boundaries of tourism product retailers' responsibilities accross consumers in case of contract terms' violation especially in package tours makes the issue of consumer rights protection more complicated. Meanwhile, like in all other fields the consumers of the tourism products do not have sufficient information on their consumer rights. However, such a result could not be considered acceptable for the country which has a rich nature, favourable geographic position, national traditions, tangible and intangible resources.
The result of this study conducted on consumer rights protection in tourism sector demonstrated that both in terms of development of tourism and consumer rights protection tourism companies should take various liabilities such as provision of clear and true information to consumers about products and services, implemention of marketing activities through considering consumers' interests and rights, strengthening of relationships with partners and customers, clear identfying of the wants and needs of customers and regulating activities in this direction, as
well as not allowing the violation of the customers' rights by the companies they cooperate, not deviating from the responsibility to restore consumers’ rights, applying the contract clearly describing commitments and responsibilities of tourism enterprises, developing of short time roads to solve consumer complaints. In this issue government in its term should take measures on supplementing a constant control by a sufficient number of qualified employees over tourism product retailers, regulating the punishment of one-sided and misleading contracts, ensuring of favorable condition for consumers' use of right to be heard and etc.
Due to the assessment of the issue of consumer rights protection in tourism sector considering the situation of this issue in our country the recommendations such as estimation of laws related to the consumer rights protection, interpreting together with the applied Consumer Protection Law, Law on Tourism and other laws and elimination of intersection and confusions, precise determining of responsibilities and obligations of tourism products retailers especially regarding package tours, ensuring the awareness of tourism companies about the violation of consumer rights as well as about the applied penalties in case of failure in ensuring consumers' rights, providing new lisence to the tourism enterprises with the expired license due to their ability to solve consumer complaints properly, carrying out the awareness activities among consumers by the interested bodies, accelerating of adaptation works to European Union in terms of protection of touristic consumers might be given.
Customer satisfaction is considered the cornerstone of modern marketing concept. Companies take as mission for themselves to satisfycustomers’ wishes and needs. In considering the factors shape customer satisfaction it is possible to see the factors like price, quality, packaging, labels and so on. However, in a globalized competitive environment there are also other important factors lead companies to success or failure in the international markets and the protection of consumer rights is considered the most important among these factors.
As all products and services in the market, there are various rights of consumers use the touristic products. The purpose of this study emphasizing the importance of protection consumer rights in obtaining customer satisfaction in tourism enterprises is to attract attention of businesses operating in the tourism sector to the importance of consumer protection and to provide different solutions in order to take the necessary measures.
In the first chapter of the dissertation the concept of consumer rights, history of consumer movement, the role of consumer protection on the way to customer satisfaction are investigated, information on the factors highlighting consumer protection are given.
In the second chapter, customer satisfaction formation in the tourism industry, major customer complaints, consumer rights protection in tourism, consumer rightsadopted by the European Union and the international organizations are mentioned, the scientific studies on this issue are briefly summarized.
In the third chapter of the thesis, the current condition of the customer satisfaction, the current state of the consumer rights protection in the Azerbaijan tourism industry, regulations of organizations operating in this field, legal framework for the protection of consumers' rights in Azerbaijan tourism are interpreted and the importance of learning and application of international experience is stressed out.
Удовлетворение потребностей клиентов считаетсяфундаментным камнем современной концепции маркетинга. Удовлетворения желаний и потребностей клиентов принимаются в качестве миссии компании.При рассмотрении факторовформ удовлетворенности клиентов можно увидеть такие факторы как цена, качество, упаковка, этикетки и так далее.Тем не менее, в условиях глобализации конкурентной среды есть и другие важные факторы приводяшие компании к успеху или неудаче на международных рынках и защита прав потребителей считается наиболее важным среди этих факторов.
Как и все продукты и услуги на рынке, существуют различные права потребителей в использовании туристических продуктов.Целью данного исследования является подчеркивание важности защиты прав потребителей в получении удовлетворенности клиентов в туристических предприятиях, привлечение внимания предприятий работающих в сфере туризма на важность защиты прав потребителей и обеспечения различных решений впринятии необходимых мер.
В первой главе диссертации расследуются концепции прав потребителей, история потребительского движения, роль защиты прав потребителей на пути к удовлетворенности клиентов идается информация о факторах возникающих в следствии защиты прав потребителей.
Во второй главе коротко изложены формирование удовлетворенности клиентов в индустрии туризма, основные жалобы клиентов, защита прав потребителей в сфере туризма, защиты прав потребителейпринятые Европейским Союзом и международными организацияминаучные исследования по этому вопросу.
В третьей главе диссертации акцентировалось текущее состояние удовлетворенности клиентов, текущее состояние защиты прав потребителей в сфере туризма Азербайджана, правила организаций работающих в этой области и правовая база для защиты прав потребителей туризма в Азербайджане. Также интерпретируется и важность обучения и применения международного опыта.
Customer satisfaction issue have started to have an significant position in business applications due to the benefits provided on issues such as; improving mutual and strong relationships with customers, preventing conditions which result in dissatisfaction on the products and service deficiencies. Companies do not want to experience negative experiences with their customersneed to care about the customers' complaints and to do their best in order to satisfy them. Doubtless, to define the level of satisfaction is very important in order to learn to what extent companiescould satisfy their customers. Based on these points, in this article we are going to analyze the dimensions and the components of customer satisfaction; customer satisfaction measurement strategies, methods and data analyses in hospitality and tourism enterprises.
Резюме: Целью современного маркетинга является обеспечение удовлетворения потребителей. Обеспечение удовлетворения потребителей можно осуществлять способом изучения потребности и спроса и предоставлением рынку товара соответствующих этим потребностям и спросам. Не смотря на то что производители точно определяют спрос и потребности клиентов иногда сталкиваются с трудным поведением с их стороны. С развитием технологии также развивается потребительский спрос, сортировка и комплексация которые вынуждают потребителя заменить нужный товар самыми доступными его бюджету альтернативными продуктами. Конечно, в этом случае потребители столкнуться с различными проблемами и нуждаются в защите.
The issue of consumer rights protection is of the most complex and actual problems of tourism in the modern world. Unfortunately, today this issue also possess the urgency in our country and misunderstandings between tourism companies and customers, violation of consumers' rights during vacation which is considered the most undersireable experience for consumers appear in various forms. Therefore, tourism companies need to pay adequate consideration and care to this subject as well as become aware of the significance of consumer protection in obtaining customer satisfaction.
Appropriately in the research part of master thesis, through descriptive quantitative research that based on structured questionnaries, satisfaction level of local touristic consumers from local tourism companies, their awareness regarding consumer rights and the current situation of consumer rights provision in tourism sectot in our country are revealed properly.
The outcome of the answers related to the customer satisfaction level of local customers from Azerbaijan tourism enterprises signifies that, in spite of the tourism sector started to develop in our country, still there are various complications. In our Republic, the uncertainty of the boundaries of tourism product retailers' responsibilities accross consumers in case of contract terms' violation especially in package tours makes the issue of consumer rights protection more complicated. Meanwhile, like in all other fields the consumers of the tourism products do not have sufficient information on their consumer rights. However, such a result could not be considered acceptable for the country which has a rich nature, favourable geographic position, national traditions, tangible and intangible resources.
The result of this study conducted on consumer rights protection in tourism sector demonstrated that both in terms of development of tourism and consumer rights protection tourism companies should take various liabilities such as provision of clear and true information to consumers about products and services, implemention of marketing activities through considering consumers' interests and rights, strengthening of relationships with partners and customers, clear identfying of the wants and needs of customers and regulating activities in this direction, as
well as not allowing the violation of the customers' rights by the companies they cooperate, not deviating from the responsibility to restore consumers’ rights, applying the contract clearly describing commitments and responsibilities of tourism enterprises, developing of short time roads to solve consumer complaints. In this issue government in its term should take measures on supplementing a constant control by a sufficient number of qualified employees over tourism product retailers, regulating the punishment of one-sided and misleading contracts, ensuring of favorable condition for consumers' use of right to be heard and etc.
Due to the assessment of the issue of consumer rights protection in tourism sector considering the situation of this issue in our country the recommendations such as estimation of laws related to the consumer rights protection, interpreting together with the applied Consumer Protection Law, Law on Tourism and other laws and elimination of intersection and confusions, precise determining of responsibilities and obligations of tourism products retailers especially regarding package tours, ensuring the awareness of tourism companies about the violation of consumer rights as well as about the applied penalties in case of failure in ensuring consumers' rights, providing new lisence to the tourism enterprises with the expired license due to their ability to solve consumer complaints properly, carrying out the awareness activities among consumers by the interested bodies, accelerating of adaptation works to European Union in terms of protection of touristic consumers might be given.
Customer satisfaction is considered the cornerstone of modern marketing concept. Companies take as mission for themselves to satisfycustomers’ wishes and needs. In considering the factors shape customer satisfaction it is possible to see the factors like price, quality, packaging, labels and so on. However, in a globalized competitive environment there are also other important factors lead companies to success or failure in the international markets and the protection of consumer rights is considered the most important among these factors.
As all products and services in the market, there are various rights of consumers use the touristic products. The purpose of this study emphasizing the importance of protection consumer rights in obtaining customer satisfaction in tourism enterprises is to attract attention of businesses operating in the tourism sector to the importance of consumer protection and to provide different solutions in order to take the necessary measures.
In the first chapter of the dissertation the concept of consumer rights, history of consumer movement, the role of consumer protection on the way to customer satisfaction are investigated, information on the factors highlighting consumer protection are given.
In the second chapter, customer satisfaction formation in the tourism industry, major customer complaints, consumer rights protection in tourism, consumer rightsadopted by the European Union and the international organizations are mentioned, the scientific studies on this issue are briefly summarized.
In the third chapter of the thesis, the current condition of the customer satisfaction, the current state of the consumer rights protection in the Azerbaijan tourism industry, regulations of organizations operating in this field, legal framework for the protection of consumers' rights in Azerbaijan tourism are interpreted and the importance of learning and application of international experience is stressed out.
Удовлетворение потребностей клиентов считаетсяфундаментным камнем современной концепции маркетинга. Удовлетворения желаний и потребностей клиентов принимаются в качестве миссии компании.При рассмотрении факторовформ удовлетворенности клиентов можно увидеть такие факторы как цена, качество, упаковка, этикетки и так далее.Тем не менее, в условиях глобализации конкурентной среды есть и другие важные факторы приводяшие компании к успеху или неудаче на международных рынках и защита прав потребителей считается наиболее важным среди этих факторов.
Как и все продукты и услуги на рынке, существуют различные права потребителей в использовании туристических продуктов.Целью данного исследования является подчеркивание важности защиты прав потребителей в получении удовлетворенности клиентов в туристических предприятиях, привлечение внимания предприятий работающих в сфере туризма на важность защиты прав потребителей и обеспечения различных решений впринятии необходимых мер.
В первой главе диссертации расследуются концепции прав потребителей, история потребительского движения, роль защиты прав потребителей на пути к удовлетворенности клиентов идается информация о факторах возникающих в следствии защиты прав потребителей.
Во второй главе коротко изложены формирование удовлетворенности клиентов в индустрии туризма, основные жалобы клиентов, защита прав потребителей в сфере туризма, защиты прав потребителейпринятые Европейским Союзом и международными организацияминаучные исследования по этому вопросу.
В третьей главе диссертации акцентировалось текущее состояние удовлетворенности клиентов, текущее состояние защиты прав потребителей в сфере туризма Азербайджана, правила организаций работающих в этой области и правовая база для защиты прав потребителей туризма в Азербайджане. Также интерпретируется и важность обучения и применения международного опыта.
Customer satisfaction issue have started to have an significant position in business applications due to the benefits provided on issues such as; improving mutual and strong relationships with customers, preventing conditions which result in dissatisfaction on the products and service deficiencies. Companies do not want to experience negative experiences with their customersneed to care about the customers' complaints and to do their best in order to satisfy them. Doubtless, to define the level of satisfaction is very important in order to learn to what extent companiescould satisfy their customers. Based on these points, in this article we are going to analyze the dimensions and the components of customer satisfaction; customer satisfaction measurement strategies, methods and data analyses in hospitality and tourism enterprises.
Резюме: Целью современного маркетинга является обеспечение удовлетворения потребителей. Обеспечение удовлетворения потребителей можно осуществлять способом изучения потребности и спроса и предоставлением рынку товара соответствующих этим потребностям и спросам. Не смотря на то что производители точно определяют спрос и потребности клиентов иногда сталкиваются с трудным поведением с их стороны. С развитием технологии также развивается потребительский спрос, сортировка и комплексация которые вынуждают потребителя заменить нужный товар самыми доступными его бюджету альтернативными продуктами. Конечно, в этом случае потребители столкнуться с различными проблемами и нуждаются в защите.